Fail to create shader resource view from file - c++

I'm trying to write some code to read a list of file names from a config file named "TextureList.txt" and then use those files to create a shader resource view for each texture. The listing below shows what I currently have:
std::ifstream texturesToLoad;"TextureList.txt");
int numberOfTextures = 0;
std::string textureName;
std::getline(texturesToLoad, textureName);
textures[numberOfTextures] = textureName.c_str();
char debugMsg[100];
sprintf(debugMsg, "numberOfTextures = %d\n", numberOfTextures);
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfTextures; i++)
d3dResult = D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromFile( d3dDevice_,
textures[i], 0, 0, &colorMap_[i], 0 );
if( FAILED( d3dResult ) )
DXTRACE_MSG( "Failed to load the texture image!" );
return false;
The debugs at the bottom of the while loop show that the file is being read correctly, it obtains all of the file names and calculates the correct number of textures; however it fails when it tries to create the first resource view.
Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
I don't know if it helps but it works if I replace everything above the for loop with hard coded file names using the following line:
const LPCSTR textures[3] = {"", "", ""};


Overlap hundreds of histograms macro question

I have a directory trial which contains hundreds of histograms in it and a macro. Each is called in a way hists09876_blinded.root or hists12365_blinded.root. The order, however, is not like that. There are some missig histograms like hists10467_blinded.root hists10468_blinded.root hists10470_blinded.root. The ultimate goal is to get one histogram on a canvas which represents all of those combined together. The tricky thing is that each hists*****_blinded.root has around 15 1D histos in it, I need to pull out just one from each called sc*****.
I have 2 ideas, but I guess I should combine them together to get the final result.
First idea was to open histo by histo, but since there are some missed histos in the order, that does not work well.
void overlap()
TCanvas *time = new TCanvas("c1", "overlap", 0, 0, 800, 600);
const char* histoname = "sc";
const int NFiles = 256;
for (int fileNumber = 09675; fileNumber < NFiles; fileNumber++)
TFile* myFile = TFile::Open(Form("hists%i_blinded.root", fileNumber));
if (!myFile)
printf("Nope, no such file!\n");
TH1* h1 = (TH1*)myFile->Get(histoname);
if (!h1)
printf("Nope, no such histogram!\n");
After having read multiple posts on the pretty much the same question (1, 2, and this one) I have figured out what was wrong with my answer here: I did not know the file name may contain a zero if the number in its name is < 10000. Also, I failed to understand that the asterisks in the histogram name, which you refer to as sc*****, actually hide the same number as in the file name! I thought this was something completely different. So in that case I suggest you construct the file name and the histogram name you should be after in the same loop:
void overlap_v2()
TCanvas *time = new TCanvas("c1", "overlap", 0, 0, 800, 600);
const int firstNumber = 9675;
const int NFiles = 100000;
for (int fileNumber = firstNumber; fileNumber < firstNumber+NFiles; fileNumber++)
const char* filename = Form("trial/hists%05i_blinded.root", fileNumber);
TFile* myFile = TFile::Open(filename);
if (!myFile)
printf("Can not find a file named \"%s\"!\n", filename);
const char* histoname = Form("sc%05i", fileNumber);
TH1* h1 = (TH1*)myFile->Get(histoname);
if (!h1)
printf("Can not find a histogram named \"%s\" in the file named \"%s\"!\n", histoname, filename);
Since it is expected that some files are "missing", I suggest not to try to guess the names of the files that actually exist. Instead, use a function that lists all files in a given directory and from that list filter out those files that match the pattern of files you want to read. See for example these links for how to read the content of a directory in C++:
How can I get the list of files in a directory using C or C++?

I need to sum up thousands of histograms from one directory

I have a directory Processed_Data with thousands of hists*****_blinded.root files. Each hists*****_blinded.root contains around 15 graphs and histograms in it. My goal is just to overlap 1 specific histogram sc***** from each file to get the final histogram finalhists_blinded.root which will represent all of those overlapped together.
I have tried the following macro:
void final()
TCanvas *time = new TCanvas("c1","overlap" ,600,1000);
time ->Divide(1,1);
time ->cd(1);
TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","time" ,4096,0,4096);
ifstream in;
Float_t t;
Int_t nlines= 0;"Processed_Data", ios::in);
while (1) {
in >> t;
if (!in.good()) break;
But I get the blank canvas at the end. The idea is to run each hists file through the code and add each one by one.
As a result, I want to see all those sc***** histograms overlapping so that the spikes in each of them will create a pattern in a finalhists_blinded.root file.
Shouldn't be that complicated, try this:
void overlap()
TCanvas *time = new TCanvas("c1", "overlap", 0, 0, 800, 600);
const char* histoname = "sc";
const int NFiles = 100000;
for (int fileNumber = 0; fileNumber < NFiles; fileNumber++)
TFile* myFile = TFile::Open(Form("Processed_Data/hists%i_blinded.root", fileNumber));
if (!myFile)
printf("Nope, no such file!\n");
TH1* h1 = (TH1*)myFile->Get(histoname);
if (!h1)
printf("Nope, no such histogram!\n");
It loops over all Processed_Data/histsXXXXXi_blinded.root files (given their names are Processed_Data/hists0_blinded.root, Processed_Data/hists1_blinded.root, Processed_Data/hists2_blinded.root, ..., Processed_Data/hists99998_blinded.root, Processed_Data/hists99999_blinded.root), opens each of them, grabs a 1D sc histogram, adds it to the canvas, closes the file and moves to the next file.

Specific filepath to store Screen Record using CGDisplayStream in OSX

I have been working on a c++ command line tool to record screen. After some searching I have come up with this following code. Looks like screen is being recorded when I compile and run the code. I am looking for functions where I can provide the specific filepath where the screen record is to be stored. Also I would like to append the timestamp along with filename. If anybody has better approach or method to this problem please suggest here. Any leads are appreciated. Thanks
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
CGRect mainMonitor = CGDisplayBounds(CGMainDisplayID());
CGFloat monitorHeight = CGRectGetHeight(mainMonitor);
CGFloat monitorWidth = CGRectGetWidth(mainMonitor);
const void *keys[1] = { kCGDisplayStreamSourceRect };
const void *values[1] = { CGRectCreateDictionaryRepresentation(CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)) };
CFDictionaryRef properties = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys, values, 1, NULL, NULL);
CGDisplayStreamRef stream = CGDisplayStreamCreate(CGMainDisplayID(), monitorWidth, monitorHeight, '420f' , properties, ^(CGDisplayStreamFrameStatus status, uint64_t displayTime, IOSurfaceRef frameSurface, CGDisplayStreamUpdateRef updateRef){});
CGDirectDisplayID displayID = CGMainDisplayID();
CGImageRef image_create = CGDisplayCreateImage(displayID);
CFRunLoopSourceRef runLoop = CGDisplayStreamGetRunLoopSource(stream);
// CFRunLoopAddSource(<#CFRunLoopRef rl#>, runLoop, <#CFRunLoopMode mode#>);
CGError err = CGDisplayStreamStart(stream);
if (err == CGDisplayNoErr) {
} else {
std::cout<<"Error: "<<err<<std::endl;
//std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";
return 0;
You should do that in the callback which you provide in CGDisplayStreamCreate. You can access the pixels via IOSurfaceGetBaseAddress (see other IOSurface functions). If you don't want to do the pixel twiddling yourself, you could create a CVPixelBuffer with CVPixelBufferCreateWithBytes from the IOSurface and then create a CIImage with [CIImage imageWithCVImageBuffer] and save that to file as seen here.

Failed to load model with assimp, access violation

I got a problem when I want to import a simple model using assimp, whenever I compile the code it throws:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000.
I know this is something about a null pointer but I just can't find it, the code goes as follows:
Model::Model(GLchar* path)
void Model::loadModel(std::string path)
Assimp::Importer import;
const aiScene* scene = import.ReadFile(
aiProcess_Triangulate |
if (!scene || scene->mFlags == AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE || !scene->mRootNode){
std::cout << "ERROR::ASSIMP::" << import.GetErrorString() << std::endl;
directory = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of('/'));
aiNode* node = scene->mRootNode;
for (GLuint i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++){
aiMesh* mesh = scene->mMeshes[node->mMeshes[i]];
meshes.push_back(processMesh(mesh, scene));
for (GLuint i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++){
processNode(node->mChildren[i], scene);
I use this Model class as a global variable:
//include stuff
//other global variable
Model mymodel("D:/Project/xxx/xxx.obj");
int main(){
return 0;
The thing is that the error happens just between the line directory = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of('/')); and the line aiNode* node = scene->mRootNode; so I don't know how to debug it, could anyone tell me how to fix this? I use Visual Studio 2013-64 and assimp-3.1.1.
Thank you very much.
I think the problem could be in this part of the code:
Model::Model(GLchar* path)
loadModel(path); // path is declared a string in loadModel function - type conversion might not be happening as expected.
Check, if you are getting a correct/valid value in the path variable on the line:
directory = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of('/'));
This link might be helpful:
GLchar could not be resolved
Note: I am not familiar with OpenGL, but looking at the error you are getting this is the first place I would check.

OpenGL showing blank screen. Maybe due to shaders?

My OpenGL ES application isn't working. I'm using SDL for windowing management, and it holds the context. After looking around, I noticed that the vertex shader and the fragment shader showed up as 0 on the debugger. Even the program was 0. Could this be a reason? I followed my shader compiling and linking code to a template that was previously made.
If it is, what is wrong? Here is the code:
GLuint ShaderHelper::compileShader(GLenum type, std::string fileName) {
std::string fileContents;
std::ifstream fin;
std::string path;
// Getting the necessary path...
// These are abstractions for getting file contents
// from the main bundle.
if (type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) {
FileOpener opener;
path = opener.retriveFileFromBundle(fileName, "vsh");
} else if (type == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) {
FileOpener opener;
path = opener.retriveFileFromBundle(fileName, "fsh");
} else {
std::cout << "ERROR: Invalid shader type at filename " << fileName << std::endl;
if (!fin.is_open()) {
std::cout << "ERROR: Failed to open file " << fileName << std::endl;
// Retrieving the string from the file...
while (!fin.eof()) {
char CLine[255];
fin.getline(CLine, 255);
std::string line = CLine;
fileContents = fileContents + line;
fileContents = fileContents + " \n";
// I'm creating these variables because a pointer is needed for
// glShaderSource
GLuint shaderHandle = glCreateShader(type);
const GLint shaderStringLength = (GLint)fileContents.size();
const GLchar *shaderCString = fileContents.c_str();
glShaderSource(shaderHandle, 1, &shaderCString, &shaderStringLength);
return shaderHandle;
void ShaderHelper::linkProgram(std::vector<GLuint *> shaderArray) {
program = glCreateProgram();
for (int i = 0; i < shaderArray.size(); i++) {
glAttachShader(program, *shaderArray[i]);
void ShaderHelper::addUniform(uniform_t uniform) {
std::string name =;
uniforms[name] = uniform;
// With that step done, we need to assign the location...
uniforms[name].location = glGetUniformLocation(program, uniforms[name].name.c_str());
EDIT: After suggestions, I ran my code through glError(). I fixed an error, but I still got a blank screen. I'm no longer getting 0 as my shader values. I set glClearColor to a white image, and it's just appearing pure white. I adjusted numbers in the MV matrix and projection matrix, but there's still nothing at all. I disabled face culling, but still nothing. Also, shaders are compiling and linking fine. So now what?
The dreaded blank screen can be caused by a variety of problems:
Your context is not created correctly or you're not presenting your scene properly. Does changing your clear color to something else than black show anything?
Your transformation matrix is wrong. How are you setting up the position of the "camera"? Are you using something like GLM to set up a matrix? If so, have a look at glm::perspective() and glm:::lookAt(). Make sure you're passing the matrix to the shader and that you're using it to set gl_Position in your vertex shader.
The geometry you're trying to display is facing away from the viewer. Try glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE). If it works, reverse the order of your vertices.
An OpenGL call is failing somewhere. Make sure you check glGetError() after every call. I usually have something like the following:
struct gl_checker
const auto e = glGetError();
assert(e == GL_NO_ERROR);
template <class F>
inline auto gl_call(F f) -> decltype(f())
gl_checker gc;
return f();
which can be used like this:
gl_call([]{ glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); });
Your shaders fail to compile or link. Have a look at glGetShaderiv() with GL_COMPILE_STATUS and glGetProgramiv() with GL_LINK_STATUS. If they report an error, have a look at glGetShaderInfoLog() and glGetProgramInfoLog().
As for the partial code you provided, I see nothing strictly wrong with it. Providing the shaders and a smaller, complete program might help with finding the problem.