VirtualBox is able to compact (reduce the size) of .vdi images but it is not possible with .vmdk disk images. But we can compact .vmdk files if we:
convert to .vdi
convert back to .vmdk
attach again to the original vitual machine
So I tried to shrink my VirtualBox image with this script:
VM_PATH=~/VirtualBox\ VMs
cd "$VM_PATH"
VM="$(ls ffnord-example_gc-gw0_* -d -1|head -n 1)"
cd "$VM"
VM_VDMK_NAME="$(ls *.vmdk -1|head -n 1)"
echo reducing size of "$VM_NAME"
ls -lah "$VM_NAME"
set -x
vboxmanage showvminfo "${VM}"
vboxmanage storageattach "${VM}" --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium none
vboxmanage clonehd --format vdi "${VM_NAME}" /tmp/VM-disk.vdi
vboxmanage closemedium disk "${VM_NAME}" --delete
vboxmanage modifyhd /tmp/VM-disk.vdi --compact
vboxmanage clonehd --format vmdk /tmp/VM-disk.vdi "${VM_NAME}"
vboxmanage closemedium disk /tmp/VM-disk.vdi --delete
vboxmanage storageattach "${VM}" --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium 4/VMs/VM-disk1.vmdk
I adapted this script from crysol but it seems this is not working on Ubuntu? The first vboxmanage storageattach starts with an error right away:
VBoxManage: error: Could not find a controller named 'SATA'
If I try "SATA Controller" instead:
vboxmanage storageattach "${VM}" --storagectl "SATA Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium none
I get this error:
VBoxManage: error: No storage device attached to device slot 0 on port 0 of controller 'SATA Controller'
VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component SessionMachine, interface IMachine, callee nsISupports
VBoxManage: error: Context: "DetachDevice(Bstr(pszCtl).raw(), port, device)" at line 381 of file VBoxManageStorageController.cpp
If I comment out those vboxmanage storageattach lines, the script works fine, but the resulting VM is the same size as before and it doesn't boot anymore.
This is the output of vboxmanage showvminfo "${VM}"
I found a solution:
First inside the VM fill all free space with zeros:
cat /dev/zero > zero.fill;sync;sleep 1;sync;rm -f zero.fill
In your Host, install vmware-vdiskmanager from the VMware Knowledge Base:
cd /tmp/
mv 1023856-vmware-vdiskmanager-linux.7.0.1 /usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager
chmod +x /usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager
Take care, that you have enough free disk-space before you start, you need the MV grows to double size during the process.
Then compress it with:
/usr/bin/vmware-vdiskmanager -k ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/<virtual disk.vmdk>
I didn't need to install VMWare nor convert back to VMDK so I used
Inside the host:
sudo yum clean all
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M
sudo rm -f /EMPTY
cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit
Then after the guest is shut down:
$ vboxmanage clonehd --format vdi centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk newdisk.vdi
$ ls -lh
-rwx------+ 1 Chloe None 39G Mar 26 14:52 centos-7-1-1.x86_64.vmdk
-rwx------+ 1 Chloe None 22G Mar 26 15:01 newdisk.vdi
It also allows compaction later
$ vboxmanage modifyhd newdisk.vdi --compact
Inside VirtualBox GUI, I selected 'Choose Virtual Hard Disk File' to select the new file.
I could not get rubo77s solution above vmware-vdiskmanager solution to work, I believe it has dependencies on vmware workstation or vmware player, neither of which I have, I did find the executable and it gave me errors.
I was able to solve this by using his zero command
cat /dev/zero > zero.fill;sync;sleep 1;sync;rm -f zero.fill
then using virtualboxes export to .ova tool.
this will result in the ova stripping/compressing the zeroed space.
then you can re-import it.
as vmware modernized their knowledge base the download link is not valid anymore.
After some searching I found the zip attached with this link
Which is included in the case
Also the binary was failing with a missing library in my Ubuntu but downloading and installing it was helping.
Basically this answer should just be a comment for Shrink a vmdk Virtualbox disk image by rubo77 - but my reputation is too low so here you go.
I got this oooold script which allows you to wipe out all the unnecessary data, inside of Windows on your partition. It's written in VBscript:
`REM This script is published under the BSD Licence
Option Explicit
Const sDefaultDir = "C:\"
Const sDefaultFilename = "overwrite.garbage"
Const lStartBlockSize = 32768
Call Main
Sub Main()
Dim sPath, sFilename
Dim oArgs, oFS, oDrive, oRegExp, oMatches
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If oArgs.Count = 1 Then
If oArgs(0) = "/?" Then
ShowHelp true
End If
End If
If oArgs.Count > 2 Then
ShowMsg "ERROR: Invalid command line parameters (too many parameters specified)", true, true
End If
If oArgs.Count > 0 Then
sPath = oFS.GetAbsolutePathName(oArgs(0))
sPath = ""
End If
If oFS.FolderExists(sPath) Then
WScript.Echo "Checking folder " & Chr(34) & sPath & Chr(34) & ": OK"
If Right(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then
sPath = sPath & "\"
End If
WScript.Echo "Checking folder " & Chr(34) & sPath & Chr(34) & ": FAILED"
sPath = sDefaultDir
WScript.Echo "INFO: Using default folder " & Chr(34) & sPath & Chr(34)
End If
If oArgs.Count = 2 Then
sFilename = oArgs(1)
If sFilename = "" Then
ShowMsg "ERROR: Filename must not be empty", true, true
End If
sFilename = sDefaultFilename
WScript.Echo "INFO: Using default filename " & Chr(34) & sFilename & Chr(34)
End If
Set oRegExp = new RegExp
oRegExp.Pattern = "[\\\/\:\*\?\" & Chr(34) & "\<\>\|]"
Set oMatches = oRegExp.Execute(sFilename)
If oMatches.Count = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Validating filename: OK"
WScript.Echo "Validating filename: FAILED"
ShowMsg "ERROR: Filename must not contain the following characters:"_
& " \ / : * ? " & Chr(34) & " < > |", true, true
End If
If oFS.FileExists(sPath & sFilename) = False Then
WScript.Echo "Ensuring that file " & Chr(34) & sFilename & Chr(34) &_
" does not exist: OK"
WScript.Echo "Ensuring that file " & Chr(34) & sFilename & Chr(34) &_
" does not exist: FAILED"
ShowMsg "ERROR: File " & Chr(34) & sPath & sFilename & Chr(34) & " already exists", true, true
End If
Set oDrive = oFS.GetDrive(oFS.GetDriveName(sPath))
If UCase(oDrive.FileSystem) = "NTFS" Then
WScript.Echo "Checking for NTFS: OK"
WScript.Echo "Checking for NTFS: FAILED"
ShowMsg "ERROR: " & oDrive.FileSystem & " file system not supported", true, true
End If
Select Case oDrive.DriveType
Case 1, 2
WScript.Echo "Checking drive type: OK"
Case Else
WScript.Echo "Checking drive type: FAILED"
Select Case oDrive.DriveType
Case 3
ShowMsg "ERROR: Network drives are not supported", true, true
Case 4
ShowMsg "ERROR: CD-ROM drives are not supported", true, true
Case 5
ShowMsg "ERROR: RAM Disk drives are not supported", true, true
Case Else
ShowMsg "ERROR: Unkown drives are not supported", true, true
End Select
End Select
If oDrive.FreeSpace > 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Checking for free space: OK"
WScript.Echo "Checking for free space: FAILED"
WScript.Echo "INFO: No free space available (no action required)"
ShowMsg "INFO: Exiting Overwrite Script...", false, true
End If
WScript.Echo "Creating garbage file " & Chr(34) & sPath & sFilename & Chr(34) & "..."
CreateGarbageFile sPath & sFilename, oFS
WScript.Echo "Garbage file successfully created!"
WScript.Echo "INFO: " & oDrive.AvailableSpace & " byte(s) remained which could not be overwritten"
WScript.Echo "Deleting garbage file..."
oFS.DeleteFile sPath & sFilename
WScript.Echo "Garbage file successfully deleted!"
WScript.Echo "Exiting Overwrite Script..."
End Sub
Sub CreateGarbageFile(sAbsFilename, oFS)
Dim bSngByteBlock
Dim sBlock
Dim oFile, oDrive
bSngByteBlock = false
Set oDrive = oFS.GetDrive(oFS.GetDriveName(sAbsFilename))
Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(sAbsFilename, false, false)
sBlock = String(lStartBlockSize, 0)
On Error Resume Next
Do While oDrive.FreeSpace > 0
If oDrive.FreeSpace < lStartBlockSize Then
If bSngByteBlock = false Then
WScript.Echo "INFO: Falling back to single byte block"
bSngByteBlock = true
sBlock = String(1, 0)
End If
End If
oFile.Write sBlock
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "WARNING: Error " & Chr(34) & Err.Description & Chr(34) & " ("_
& Err.Number & ") occured while writing garbage file"
Exit Do
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub ShowStartMsg()
WScript.Echo "Overwrite Script 1.0 (2004-09-05)"
WScript.Echo "Copyright (C) 2004 Dennis Dietrich"
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "WARNING: The script is experimental. Use it at your own risk!"
WScript.Echo "To cancel the execution of this script press CTRL + C"
WScript.Echo ""
End Sub
Sub ShowMsg(sMsg, bShowHelpHint, bExit)
WScript.Echo sMsg
If bShowHelpHint = True Then
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "Use " & Chr(34) & "CScript Overwrite.vbs /?" & Chr(34) & " to get help."
End If
If bExit = True Then
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowHelp(bExit)
WScript.Echo "Cleans free disk space from recoverable data by overwriting it with random"
WScript.Echo "information. For a higher level of security execute this script at least three"
WScript.Echo "times. Only NTFS partitions are supported."
WScript.Echo ""
WScript.Echo "CScript Overwrite.vbs [path] [filename]"
If bExit = True Then
End IF
End Sub`
(inspired by
I wrote a little program which, in first case, slices a list of files and directory names so I get a list of files and a list of directories.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set mdproot "****"
set mySource "****"
set myDest "****"
set myDirs {}
set myFiles {}
set i 1
set y 0
lappend myDirs [lindex $argv 0]
foreach variable $argv {
lappend myDirs [lindex $argv $i+1]
lappend myFiles [lindex $argv $y+1]
incr y
incr y
incr i
incr i
set DIRECTORIES [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $myDirs {}]
set FILES [lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $myFiles {}]
#puts " "
#puts " "
#puts $FILES
foreach file $FILES dir $DIRECTORIES {
puts " Fichier : $file et repertoire : $dir"
spawn scp -p "$mySource/$file" "$myDest/$dir"
expect -re "(.*)assword: " {sleep 1; send -- "$mdproot\r" }
expect eof { return}
There are my lists:
$argv :
Actually I have 2 problems (3 in the case we count how trash this code is).
First, when I run my program, I have my % indicator for each file I am copying and except the last one, they all stop before they get to 100%.
Then, I can see that the scp command isn't done on all the files, the program stops pretty much every time at the 4th file.
root#raspberrypi:~# ./
spawn scp -p /root/muonic_data/2017-11-30_15-10-44_P_8294418.33_Q1 marpic#
marpic#'s password:
2017-11-30_15-10-44_P_8294418.33_Q1 15% 68MB 6.9MB/s 00:53
spawn scp -p /root/muonic_data/2017-11-30_15-10-44_R_8294418.33_Q1 marpic#
marpic#'s password:
2017-11-30_15-10-44_R_8294418.33_Q1 41% 69MB 8.5MB/s 00:11
spawn scp -p /root/muonic_data/2018-03-07_09-30-57_R_HOURS_Q1 marpic#
marpic#'s password:
2018-03-07_09-30-57_R_HOURS_Q1 82% 51MB 7.2MB/s 00:01
spawn scp -p /root/muonic_data/2018-04-13_13-23-25_R_HOURS_Q1 marpic#
marpic#'s password:
2018-04-13_13-23-25_R_HOURS_Q1 100% 6940KB 6.8MB/s 00:01
As you can see, there should be 8 files copied with 100% accuracy, but there are no error messages so I don't know where to start my research.
I added the "set timeout -1" in my script, but now the script is copying only my first file with 100% accuracy, then stops. Any answers ?
root#raspberrypi:~# ./
Fichier : 2017-11-30_15-10-44_P_8294418.33_Q1 et repertoire : 2017-11-30
spawn scp -p /root/muonic_data/2017-11-30_15-10-44_P_8294418.33_Q1 marpic#
marpic#'s password:
2017-11-30_15-10-44_P_8294418.33_Q1 100% 437MB 7.5MB/s 00:58
The problem should be in expect eof. By default the timeout is 10 seconds so expect eof would return after 10 seconds though the scp is still running.
You can use a larger timeout.
Option #1:
# set the default `timeout'
set timeout 3600 ; # or -1 for no timeout
Option #2:
expect -timeout 3600 eof
Note that your
expect eof { return }
would exit the whole script so the foreach loop runs for only once, you need just
expect eof
I am trying to use OpenSSL but I am stuck on the step of compiling. The OpenSSL project has very unfriendly (bad) documentation.
Is there any actual help how to build the latest OpenSSL version on Windows with Visual Studio 2017?
I didn't find any helpful information on the official OpenSSL site. Yes, there are a lot of posts on the Internet about OpenSSL compilation, but all of them are obsolete.
I've not used VS2017 but previous versions. I imagine it is much the same. Note the instructions below are for OpenSSL 1.1.0 or above. They do not work for OpenSSL 1.0.2. In brief the steps are:
Install Perl (either ActiveState or Strawberry)
[EDIT, see my (kritzel_sw) comment below: I would strongly recommend to use Strawberry)]
Install NASM
Make sure both Perl and NASM are on your %PATH%
Fire up a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt with administrative privileges (make sure you use the 32-bit one if you are building 32-bit OpenSSL, or the 64-bit one if you are building 64-bit OpenSSL)
From the root of the OpenSSL source directory enter perl Configure VC-WIN32, if you want 32-bit OpenSSL or perl Configure VC-WIN64A if you want 64-bit OpenSSL
Enter nmake
Enter nmake test
Enter nmake install
[EDIT, unless you change the target directory in the configuration, nmake install needs administrator privileges. So the VC command prompt must be started as administrator for this final step]
If anything goes wrong at any stage, check the INSTALL file and the NOTES.WIN file.
Modified version of The Quantum Physicist python script
It can compile OpenSSL 1.0.x or OpenSSL 1.1.x
It can compile with multiple version of Visual Studio 2017/2019 included.
1) Create the file:
import os
import os.path
from subprocess import call
import shutil
import sys
import re
import argparse
# args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-f", "--filename", help="First argument must be the tar.gz file of OpenSSL source", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-a", "--arch", help="Second argument must be x86 or amd64", required=True)
parser.add_argument("-v", "--vs_version", help="Visual Studio version (eg:90, 140, 150)", required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
compile_flags = "-no-asm"
#compile_flags = "-no-asm -no-shared"
openssl_32_flag = "VC-WIN32"
openssl_64_flag = "VC-WIN64A"
working_dir = os.getcwd()
dirname = args.filename.replace(".tar.gz","")
src_32_suffix = "_" + "vs" + args.vs_version + "_32"
src_64_suffix = "_" + "vs" + args.vs_version + "_64"
vs_tools_env_var = "VS" + args.vs_version + "COMNTOOLS"
if args.arch != "x86" and args.arch != "amd64":
print("Second argument must be x86 or amd64")
if not bool(re.match("(openssl-){1}(\d)+(.)(\d)+(.)(\d)+(\w)+(.tar.gz)",args.filename)):
print("The file given doesn't seem to be an openssl source file. It must be in the form:")
call("7z x -y " + args.filename) #extract the .gz file
dirname_src_32 = dirname + src_32_suffix
dirname_src_64 = dirname + src_64_suffix
dirname_bin_32 = dirname + src_32_suffix + "_build"
dirname_bin_64 = dirname + src_64_suffix + "_build"
openssl_tar_file = args.filename[0:-3]
if args.arch == "x86":
#delete previous directories
shutil.rmtree(os.getcwd()+'/'+dirname, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(os.getcwd()+'/'+dirname_src_32, ignore_errors=True)
#extract tar file for 32
call("7z x -y " + openssl_tar_file)
os.rename(dirname, dirname_src_32)
#Compile 32
print("perl Configure " + openssl_32_flag + " --prefix=" + os.path.join(working_dir,dirname_bin_32) + " " + compile_flags)
call("perl Configure " + openssl_32_flag + " --prefix=" + os.path.join(working_dir,dirname_bin_32) + " " + compile_flags,shell=True)
if( os.path.exists("ms/do_ms.bat") ):
call("nmake -f ms/ntdll.mak",shell=True)
call("nmake -f ms/ntdll.mak install",shell=True)
call("nmake test",shell=True)
call("nmake install",shell=True)
print("32-bit compilation complete.")
#Go back to base dir
if args.arch == "amd64":
#delete previous directories
shutil.rmtree(os.getcwd()+'/'+dirname, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(os.getcwd()+'/'+dirname_src_64, ignore_errors=True)
#extract for 64
call("7z x -y " + openssl_tar_file)
os.rename(dirname, dirname_src_64)
#Compile 64
call("perl Configure " + openssl_64_flag + " --prefix=" + os.path.join(working_dir,dirname_bin_64) + " " + compile_flags,shell=True)
if( os.path.exists("ms\do_ms.bat") ):
call("nmake -f ms/ntdll.mak",shell=True)
call("nmake -f ms/ntdll.mak install",shell=True)
call("nmake test",shell=True)
call("nmake install",shell=True)
print("64-bit compilation complete.")
#Go back to base dir
2) Create the file: CompileOpenSSL_vs.cmd
ECHO --------------------------------------
ECHO Require Python, 7Zip, PERL and NASM in PATH
ECHO --------------------------------------
Rem ------------------------------------------------------
Rem TO CONFIGURE -----------------------------------------
Rem ------------------------------------------------------
Rem SET YOUR LOCAL PATHS-----------------------------------------
SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip;C:\Perl64\bin;M:\Backup\Coders\_tools\7-Zip\;%PATH%
Rem SET YOUR OPENSSL ARCHIVE-----------------------------------------
REM SET FILENAME=openssl-1.0.2r.tar.gz
SET FILENAME=openssl-1.1.1b.tar.gz
Rem SET THE VERSION OF YOUR VISUAL STUDIO-----------------------------------------
Rem ------------------------------------------------------
Rem COMPILATION LAUNCH -----------------------------------
Rem ------------------------------------------------------
Rem Pick the good path for Visual Studio-----------------------------------------
Echo DO NOT FORGET TO ADD A SYSTEM VARIABLE %VSCOMNTOOLSNAME% - like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\"
SET VCVARPATH="%%%VSCOMNTOOLSNAME%%%..\..\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"
) ELSE (
SET VCVARPATH="%%%VSCOMNTOOLSNAME%%%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
Rem Set env -----------------------------------------
#pushd "%~dp0"
call %VCVARPATH% %2
Rem ------------------------------------------------------
Rem TEST APP EXIST -----------------------------------
Rem ------------------------------------------------------
where /q 7z.exe
ECHO The application "7z.exe" is missing. Ensure to add/install it to the PATH in beginning of this script, check SET PATH
where /q perl.exe
ECHO The application "perl.exe" is missing. Ensure to add/install it to the PATH in beginning of this script, check SET PATH
where /q nmake.exe
ECHO The application "nmake.exe" is missing. Ensure to add/install it to the PATH in beginning of this script, check SET PATH
where /q py.exe
ECHO The application "py.exe" [shortcut of python] is missing. Ensure to add/install it to the PATH in beginning of this script, check SET PATH
Rem Launch compilation -----------------------------------------
py -f %FILENAME% -a %2 -v %VSVERSION%
3) Launch compilation from command line (Outside Visual Studio)
CompileOpenSSL_vs.cmd 150 x86
CompileOpenSSL_vs.cmd 150 amd64
CompileOpenSSL_vs.cmd 90 x86
For OpenSSL 1.0.2, I wrote a Python script that does the building for me. I have this habit of making these scripts, as I don't like to reinvent the wheel everytime I need to build something.
The script is made for OpenSSL 1.0.2. Probably the changes are minimal for OpenSSL 1.1.0.
Here's the script:
import os
from subprocess import call
import sys
import re
vs_version = "140"
compile_flags = "-no-asm -no-shared"
openssl_32_flag = "VC-WIN32"
openssl_64_flag = "VC-WIN64A"
src_32_suffix = "_" + "vs" + vs_version + "_32"
src_64_suffix = "_" + "vs" + vs_version + "_64"
vs_tools_env_var = "VS" + vs_version + "COMNTOOLS"
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("First argument must be the tar.gz file of OpenSSL source")
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("Second argument must be 32 or 64")
filename = sys.argv[1]
dirname = filename.replace(".tar.gz","")
working_dir = os.getcwd()
arch = sys.argv[2]
if arch != "32" and arch != "64":
print("Second argument must be 32 or 64")
if not bool(re.match("(openssl-){1}(\d)+(.)(\d)+(.)(\d)+(\w)+(.tar.gz)",filename)):
print("The file given doesn't seem to be an openssl source file. It must be in the form:")
call("7z x " + filename) #extract the .gz file
dirname_src_32 = dirname + src_32_suffix
dirname_src_64 = dirname + src_64_suffix
dirname_bin_32 = dirname + src_32_suffix + "_build"
dirname_bin_64 = dirname + src_64_suffix + "_build"
openssl_tar_file = filename[0:-3]
if arch == "32":
#extract tar file for 32
call("7z x " + openssl_tar_file)
os.rename(dirname, dirname_src_32)
#Compile 32
call("perl Configure " + openssl_32_flag + " --prefix=" + os.path.join(working_dir,dirname_bin_32) + " " + compile_flags,shell=True)
call(r"nmake -f ms\nt.mak",shell=True)
call(r"nmake -f ms\nt.mak instalL",shell=True)
print("32-bit compilation complete.")
#Go back to base dir
if arch == "64":
#extract for 64
call("7z x " + openssl_tar_file)
os.rename(dirname, dirname_src_64)
#Compile 64
call("perl Configure " + openssl_64_flag + " --prefix=" + os.path.join(working_dir,dirname_bin_64) + " " + compile_flags,shell=True)
call(r"nmake -f ms\nt.mak",shell=True)
call(r"nmake -f ms\nt.mak instalL",shell=True)
print("64-bit compilation complete.")
#Go back to base dir
Option 1: Save the script to, and download the OpenSSL source file that is expected to have the name format openssl-1.X.Y.tar.gz. Now assuming that 7zip and perl are accessible from the global scope on your command prompt and you have the correct MSVC variables loaded (with e.g. vsvars32.bat, or starting the right terminal), run the following:
python openssl-1.X.Y.tar.gz 32
If you're using MSVC 32-bit, or
python openssl-1.X.Y.tar.gz 64
for MSVC 64-bit.
Option 2: Do what the script does manually. The script simply extracts the archive, configures the sources and runs do_ms.bat then nmake. Follow the source and it'll work.
Good luck!
go into ssl directory using visual studio cmd and add perl and nasm to system path then type:
perl Configure --openssldir=D:OpenSSLdirectory VC-WIN32
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak install
( enjoy. )
I am writing a (batch file or VBScript) to nicely shutdown all the running WebSphere JVMs on a Windows server, but need help with some text handling. I want the script to run and parse the output of the "serverstatus" command to get the names of Application Servers on the box and store the matches (with carriage returns) in a variable for use in the rest of the script.
Sample command output:
C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>serverstatus -all
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the MySrv01 profile
ADMU0503I: Retrieving server status for all servers
ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:
ADMU0506I: Server name: MyCluster_MySrv01
ADMU0506I: Server name: MyCluster_MySrv01_1
ADMU0506I: Server name: MyNextCluster_MySrv04
ADMU0506I: Server name: MyNextCluster_MySrv04_1
ADMU0506I: Server name: nodeagent
ADMU0508I: The Application Server "MyCluster_MySrv01" is STARTED
ADMU0508I: The Application Server "MyCluster_MySrv01_1" is STARTED
ADMU0508I: The Application Server "MyNextCluster_MySrv04" is STARTED
ADMU0509I: The Application Server "MyNextCluster_MySrv04_1" cannot be
reached. It appears to be stopped.
ADMU0508I: The Node Agent "nodeagent" is STARTED
*nodeagent should NOT match. The jury is still out on whether I want to target all app servers or just those with a status of "STARTED".
Here's an alternative to using Regex. It simply reads stdout and processes all started app servers - the app servers are stored in an array called AppServers. Tested on W2K3.
Edit: We have added a way to log output to a file by adding a log write function (don't forget to add the const ForAppending at the start of the script that we have just added to this answer). The log write function takes the format of:
Logwrite "some text to write - delete file if exists", "c:\Path\filename.txt", 1
Logwrite "some text to write - append to file, don't delete", "c:\path\filename.txt", 0
It is a crude function, but does what you ask. I hope that helps. :)
option explicit
Const ForAppending = 8
Dim objShell, objWshScriptExec, objStdOut
Dim objCmdString, strLine, appServers(), maxAppServers
Dim x
' File Path / Location to serverstatus.bat ----
objCmdString = "C:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\serverstatus.bat -all"
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objWshScriptExec = objShell.Exec(objCmdString)
Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut
MaxAppServers = -1
' While we're looping through the response from the serverstatus command, look for started application servers
' and store them in an ever expanding array AppServers.
' The Variable MaxAppServers should always contain the highest number of AppServers (ie: ubound(AppServers))
While Not objStdOut.AtEndOfStream
strLine = objStdOut.ReadLine
If InStr(LCase(strLine), "admu0508i: the application server """) Then
MaxAppServers = MaxAppServers + 1
ReDim Preserve AppServers(MaxAppServers)
AppServers(MaxAppServers) = wedge(strLine, Chr(34))
End If
If MaxAppServers => 0 then
For x = 0 To ubound(AppServers) ' You could just use For x = 1 to MaxAppServers in this case.
' Add your instructions here.........
' ... We are simply echoing out the AppServer name below as an example to a log file as requested below.
Logwrite AppServers(x), "c:\Output.log", 0
End If
Function Wedge(wStr, wOpr)
' This clunky function simply grabs a section of a string the is encapsulated by wOpr.
' NOTE: This function expects wOpr to be a single character (eg; for our purpose, it is pulling data between double quotes).
Dim wFlag, wCount, wFinish
wflag = False
wFinish = False
wCount = 1
Wedge = ""
Do Until wCount > Len(wStr) Or wFinish
If Mid(wStr, wCount, 1) = wOpr Then
If wFlag Then
wFinish = True
wFlag = True
End If
If wFlag Then Wedge = Wedge & Mid(wStr, wCount, 1)
End If
wCount = wCount + 1
End Function
Function logwrite (lstrtxt, lwLogfile, lwflag)
Dim lwObjFSO, lwObjFile, fstr, lwcounter, lwc
fstr = lstrtxt
Set lwObjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If lwflag=1 And lwObjFSO.FileExists(lwLogFile) Then lwObjfso.deletefile(lwLogFile)
If lwObjFSO.FileExists(lwLogFile) then
On Error Resume next
Set lwObjFile = lwObjFSO.OpenTextFile(lwLOgFile, ForAppending)
lwCounter = 20000
Do While Err.number = 70 And lwCounter > 0
wscript.echo "ERROR: Retrying output - Permission denied; File may be in use!"
For lwc = 1 To 1000000
Set lwObjFile = lwObjFSO.OpenTextFile(lwLogFile, ForAppending)
lwCounter = lwCounter-1
If Err.number <> 0 Then
wscript.echo "Error Number: "&Err.number
End If
On Error goto 0
Set lwObjFile = lwObjFSO.CreateTextFile(lwLogFile)
End If
wscript.echo (fstr)
lwObjFile.Write (fstr) & vbcrlf
Set lwObjFSO=Nothing
Set lwObjfile=Nothing
End Function
Use a RegExp that cuts quoted names from your input; add context - Server, Started - to fine tune the result set. In code:
Option Explicit
Function q(s) : q = "'" & s & "'" : End Function
Dim sInp : sInp = Join(Array( _
"ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file C:\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\MySrv01\logs\serverStatus.log" _
, "ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the MySrv01 profile" _
, "ADMU0503I: Retrieving server status for all servers" _
, "ADMU0505I: Servers found in configuration:" _
, "ADMU0506I: Server name: MyCluster_MySrv01" _
, "ADMU0506I: Server name: MyCluster_MySrv01_1" _
, "ADMU0506I: Server name: MyNextCluster_MySrv04" _
, "ADMU0506I: Server name: MyNextCluster_MySrv04_1" _
, "ADMU0506I: Server name: nodeagent" _
, "ADMU0508I: The Application Server ""MyCluster_MySrv01"" is STARTED" _
, "ADMU0508I: The Application Server ""MyCluster_MySrv01_1"" is STARTED" _
, "ADMU0508I: The Application Server ""MyNextCluster_MySrv04"" is STARTED" _
, "ADMU0509I: The Application Server ""MyNextCluster_MySrv04_1"" cannot be reached. It appears to be stopped." _
, "ADMU0508I: The Node Agent ""nodeagent"" is STARTED" _
), vbCrLf)
Dim aRes : aRes = Array( _
Array("all quoted names", """([^""]+)""") _
, Array("all quoted started servers", "Server ""([^""]+)"" is STARTED") _
Dim aRE
For Each aRe In aRes
WScript.Echo "----------------", q(aRe(0)), q(aRe(1))
Dim re : Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = aRe(1)
Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = re.Execute(sInp)
ReDim a(oMTS.Count - 1)
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(a)
a(i) = q(oMTS(i).SubMatches(0))
WScript.Echo " =>", Join(a)
cscript 20984738.vbs
---------------- 'all quoted names' '"([^"]+)"'
=> 'MyCluster_MySrv01' 'MyCluster_MySrv01_1' 'MyNextCluster_MySrv04' 'MyNextCluster_MySrv04_1' 'nodeagent'
---------------- 'all quoted started servers' 'Server "([^"]+)" is STARTED'
=> 'MyCluster_MySrv01' 'MyCluster_MySrv01_1' 'MyNextCluster_MySrv04'
I decided to be foolhardy and write my own Email PDF with GMail PDF service and learn AppleScriptObjC at the same time. I've got everything working, and except for actually being able to accept the file from the print dialog.
Here's what the code looks like so far:
script gmailpdfAppDelegate
property parent : class "NSObject"
property recipientField : missing value
property subjectField : missing value
property fromField : missing value
property passwordField : missing value
property messageField : missing value
property pdfFile : missing value
on ButtonHandlerCancel_(sender)
end ButtonHandlerCancel_
on ButtonHandlerSend_(sender)
set recipient to recipientField's stringValue()
set subject to subjectField's stringValue()
set fromUser to fromField's stringValue()
set pw to passwordField's stringValue()
set message to messageField's stringValue()
set sendEmailScript to (current application's NSBundle's mainBundle()'s pathForResource_ofType_("sendEmail", "")) as string
set emailserverInfo to " -s -xu '" & fromUser & "' -xp '" & pw & "' -m '" & message & "' "
do shell script quoted form of sendEmailScript & " -t " & recipient & " -u " & subject & " -f '" & fromUser & "' " & emailserverInfo
end ButtonHandlerSend_
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
-- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened
set fromField's stringValue to do shell script "defaults read org.ryancollins.GMail-PDF 'fromDefault'"
set passwordField's stringValue to do shell script "security 2>&1 >/dev/null find-generic-password -ga gmailpdf |ruby -e 'print $1 if STDIN.gets =~ /^password: \"(.*)\"$/'"
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
-- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
set fromDefault to fromField's stringValue()
do shell script "defaults write org.ryancollins.GMail-PDF 'fromDefault' '" & fromDefault & "'"
set passwordDefault to passwordField's stringValue()
do shell script "security add-generic-password -a gmailpdf -s email -p '" & passwordDefault & "' -U"
return current application's NSTerminateNow
end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script
When compiled and added to the PDF Services folder I get this error (the app is named GMail PDF:
The document “Google News.pdf” could not be opened. GMail PDF cannot open files in the “Portable Document Format (PDF)” format.
How do I get an AppleScriptObjC application to accept the file?
Looks like you don't have any file-handling capabilities in your app yet, so you'll have to implement application:openFile: from NSApplicationDelegate:
From the NSApplicationDelegate documentation:
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
Which, in AppleScriptObjC, would be:
on application_openFile_(theApplication, filename)
-- your PDF handling code goes here
end application_openFile_
A simple alias of the application in the PDF Services folder should be enough to pass the PDF to the app.
Any script as a PDF Service will be sent 3 arguments: File title, job options, and path to the PDF.
I have a text file containing the results of a zone transfer & need to read each line & split it into an array to output a list of server names & IP addresses. However I'me having some problems splitting the data as my attempt at the whitespace delimiter doesn't seem to be doing what I want it to.
Sample input: 86400 IN A 86400 IN A 86400 IN A 86400 IN A
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("I:\testHarvestIF.txt", ForReading)
Const ForReading = 1
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strNextLine = objFile.Readline
arrServiceList = Split(strNextLine," ",-1,1)
Wscript.Echo "Server name: " & arrServiceList(0) & vbCrLF & _
" - IP Address: " & arrServiceList(2)
Current Output:
Server name:
IP Address: IN A
Server name:
IP Address: IN A
Server name:
IP Address: IN A
Server name:
IP Address: IN A
Desired output:
Server name:
IP Address:
Server name:
IP Address:
Server name:
IP Address:
Server name:
IP Address:
Is there some way I could use a regular expresion to use any length of whitespace as a delimiter? E.g.
arrServiceList = Split(strNextLine,"^\s+",-1,1)
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.
This might not work, depending on the format of your data, but you could try replacing the extra whitespace with a single space character before calling Split:
Dim re : Set re = New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.Pattern = "\s+"
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strNextLine = re.Replace(objFile.Readline, " ")
arrServiceList = Split(strNextLine," ",-1,1)
Wscript.Echo "Server name: " & arrServiceList(0) & vbCrLF & _
" - IP Address: " & arrServiceList(4)
Use the RegExp object (MSDN) to match the required string instead of spliting the string:
set regex = new RegExp
regexp.pattern = "^.*? "
set serverName = regex.execute(inputText).value
regex.pattern = " .*?$"
set ipAddress = regex.execute(inputText).value