Convert Array of Bitset to vector<bool> - c++

I have set of zeroes and ones as my input like below, I need to do some pairwise Boolean operation (and, or, Xor, not) between them (consider each line as).
The code for reading and storing each line is:
int lineCounter = 0;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
myinput[lineCounter] = bitset<LEN> (std::string(line));
Right now I am using array of bitset to store each line bitset<LEN> myinput[NUMBER]; that LEN is size of each line and NUMBER is number of lines in my input file. But the problem is I don't want to specify LEN and NUMBER during compile time since I have to work with different input. having said that I want user give the LEN and NUMBER as an input argument when running the program. Since I can not do dynamic allocation for bitset I want to use vector but don't know how should I use it to fulfill my job!
can you please tell how can read and store my input and do pairwise boolean operation with help of vector or anything else that can handle dynamic allocation.

You can read the input like this:
vector< vector<bool> > set;
int lineCounter = 0;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
string input = string(line)
vector<bool> line;
As far as pairwise boolean operations, iterating over the two vectors and performing the appropriate bitwise opperation should suffice.


Reading file into two arrays

I'm trying to write my own vocabulary with a test for my little brother, but I have a problem when I want to read data from file into two arrays - first with English words, and second with Polish words. File looks alike
black - czarny
red - czerwony etc.
And my function:
void VOC::readout()
fstream file;
VOC *arr = new VOC;
string line;"slowka.txt");
int i=0;
getline(file, line);
size_t pos = line.find(" - ");
int position = static_cast<int>(pos);
I thought it could be a good idea to insert a line into first array until the function finds " - ", and after that insert the rest of line into second array, but I have some problems with that. Could someone help me? I know I can solve it by using std::vector but I care to do that by using arrays.
If you insist on using plain arrays, you'll first have to count the number of lines in your file and then allocate enough memory. Arrays -- unlike std::vector objects -- won't grow automatically but have a fixed size.
That being said, note that using !file.eof() is not the best way to read a stream until the end is reached. You can use the simpler
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
// ...
idiom instead, which also takes care of error conditions. See this question (and corresponding answers) for more information on that.

Reading integers from file in separate arrays, one digit at a time, in C++

I have a text file that contains several lines, each line containing two very large integers.
I need to read the first integer on the line, store each one of its digits in an int array, read the second integer on the line, store each one of its digits in another int array. Then I should perform some operations (adding them, multiplying them etc), then repeat the procedure for the second line in the text file and so on.
I don't know how to read the integers this way. I would be able to read one integer only as an array of digits, but I don't know how to differentiate between the integers separated by space, much less how to tell the compiler when to switch the line.
The reason why I can't read the integers as int variables is, as I said, that they are too large for common numeric operations, so I must do them the same way I would by hand. I've written functions to replicate the process, but they need arrays of digits.
I tried to use fscanf or getline , but anything similar will read both integers on the line in one single array. Also, anything that reads until a space is encountered will read ALL of my numbers, not only the ones on the line I'm at.
The ideal would be two arrays, each containing the digits of one integer, that I keep reinitialising every time I switch the line.
Any suggestions on how to do this (or ideas that follow a different approach to do the same) would be appreciated.
Using boost library (algorithm for string split function, and lexical cast for conversion), you may take a look at this code snippets - (without validation)
typedef std::vector<int> intarray;
intarray da[2];
std::string s;
std::fstream f(filename,std::ios::in);
while(!f.eof() && !
std::getline(f, s );
std::vector<std::string> v;
boost::algorithm::split(v, s, boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" "));
for(int j = 0; j<1; ++j)
std::string fs =;
for(int i = 0; i<fs.size(); ++i)
int d = boost::lexical_cast<int>(;
catch(bad_lexical_cast& e)
std::cout << "caught exception.\n";

C++ Reading from a text file into a const char array

I want to read in lines from a text file into a 2-d char array but without the newline character.
Example of .txt:
So far, I have:
ifstream infile;"../barcode information.txt");
string samp;
BARCLGTH = samp.length();
infile.close(); //I read the file the first time to determine how many sequences
//there are in total and the length of each sequence to determine
//the dimensions of my array. Not sure if there is a better way?
ifstream file2;"../barcode information.txt");
char store[NUMSUBJ][BARCLGTH+1];
for(int i=0;i<NUMSUBJ;i++)
for(int j=0;j<BARCLGTH+1;j++)
store[i][j] = file2.get();
However, I do not know how to ignore the newline character. I want the array to be indexed so that I can access a sequence with the first index and then a specific char within that sequence with the second index; i.e. store[0][0] would give me 'T', but I do not want store[0][5] to give me '\n'.
Also, as an aside, store[0][6], which I think should be out of bounds since BARCLGTH is 5, returns 'G',store[0][7] returns 'T',store[0][8] returns 'A', etc. These are the chars from the next line. Alternatively, store[1][0],store[1][1], and store[1][2] also return the same values. Why does the first set return values, shouldn't they be out of bounds?
As you're coding in C++, you could do like this instead:
std::vector<std::string> barcodes;
std::ifstream infile("../barcode information.txt");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
After this the vector barcodes contains all the contents from the file. No need for arrays, and no need to count the number of lines.
And as both vectors and strings can be indexed like arrays, you can use syntax such as barcodes[2][0] to get the first character of the third entry.

How to read in a data file of unknown dimensions in C/C++

I have a data file which contains data in row/colum form. I would like a way to read this data in to a 2D array in C or C++ (whichever is easier) but I don't know how many rows or columns the file might have before I start reading it in.
At the top of the file is a commented line giving a series of numbers relating to what each column holds. Each row is holding the data for each number at a point in time, so an example data file (a small one - the ones i'm using are much bigger!) could be like:
# 1 4 6 28
21.2 492.1 58201.5 586.2
182.4 1284.2 12059. 28195.2
I am currently using Python to read in the data using numpy.loadtxt which conveniently splits the data in row/column form whatever the data array size, but this is getting quite slow. I want to be able to do this reliably in C or C++.
I can see some options:
Add a header tag with the dimensions from my extraction program
# 1 4 6 28
# xdim, ydim
21.2 492.1 58201.5 586.2
182.4 1284.2 12059. 28195.2
but this requires rewriting my extraction programs and programs which use the extracted data, which is quite intensive.
Store the data in a database file eg. MySQL, SQLite etc. Then the data could be extracted on demand. This might be a requirement further along in the development process so it might be good to look into anyway.
Use Python to read in the data and wrap C code for the analysis. This might be easiest in the short run.
Use wc on linux to find the number of lines and number of words in the header to find the dimensions.
echo $((`cat FILE | wc -l` - 1)) # get number of rows (-1 for header line)
echo $((`cat FILE | head -n 1 | wc -w` - 1)) # get number of columns (-1 for '#' character)
Use C/C++ code
This question is mostly related to point 5 - if there is an easy and reliable way to do this in C/C++. Otherwise any other suggestions would be welcome
Create table as vector of vectors:
std::vector<std::vector<double> > table;
Inside infinite (while(true)) loop:
Read line:
std::string line;
std::getline(ifs, line);
If something went wrong (probably EOF), exit the loop:
Skip that line if it's a comment:
if(line[0] == '#')
Read row contents into vector:
std::vector<double> row;
Add row to table;
At the time you're out of the loop, "table" contains the data:
table.size() is the number of rows
table[i] is row i
table[i].size() is the number of cols. in row i
table[i][j] is the element at the j-th col. of row i
How about:
Load the file.
Count the number of rows and columns.
Close the file.
Allocate the memory needed.
Load the file again.
Fill the array with data.
Every .obj (3D model file) loader I've seen uses this method. :)
Figured out a way to do this. Thanks go mostly to Manuel as it was the most informative answer.
std::vector< std::vector<double> > readIn2dData(const char* filename)
/* Function takes a char* filename argument and returns a
* 2d dynamic array containing the data
std::vector< std::vector<double> > table;
std::fstream ifs;
/* open file */;
while (true)
std::string line;
double buf;
getline(ifs, line);
std::stringstream ss(line, std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary);
if (!ifs)
// mainly catch EOF
if (line[0] == '#' || line.empty())
// catch empty lines or comment lines
std::vector<double> row;
while (ss >> buf)
return table;
Basically create a vector of vectors. The only difficulty was splitting by whitespace which is taken care of with the stringstream object. This may not be the most effective way of doing it but it certainly works in the short term!
Also I'm looking for a replacement for the deprecated atof function, but nevermind. Just needs some memory leak checking (it shouldn't have any since most of the objects are std objects) and I'm done.
Thanks for all your help
Do you need a square or a ragged matrix? If the latter, create a structure like this:
std:vector < std::vector <double> > data;
Now read each line at a time into a:
vector <double> d;
and add the vector to the ragged matrix:
data.push_back( d );
All data structures involved are dynamic, and will grow as required.
I've seen your answer, and while it's not bad, I don't think it's ideal either. At least as I understand your original question, the first comment basically specifies how many columns you'll have in each of the remaining rows. e.g. the one you've given ("1 4 6 28") contains four numbers, which can be interpreted as saying each succeeding line will contain 4 numbers.
Assuming that's correct, I'd use that data to optimize reading the data. In particular, after that, (again, as I understand it) the file just contains row after row of numbers. That being the case, I'd put all the numbers together into a single vector, and use the number of columns from the header to index into the rest:
class matrix {
std::vector<double> data;
int columns;
// a matrix is 2D, with fixed number of columns, and arbitrary number of rows.
matrix(int cols) : columns(cols) {}
// just read raw data from stream into vector:
std::istream &read(std::istream &stream) {
return stream;
// Do 2D addressing by converting rows/columns to a linear address
// If you want to check subscripts, use instead of vector[x].
double operator()(size_t row, size_t col) {
return data[row*columns+col];
This is all pretty straightfoward -- the matrix knows how many columns it has, so you can do x,y indexing into the matrix, even though it stores all its data in a single vector. Reading the data from the stream just means copying that data from the stream into the vector. To deal with the header, and simplify creating a matrix from the data in a stream, we can use a simple function like this:
matrix read_data(std::string name) {
// read one line from the stream.
std::ifstream in(name.c_str());
std::string line;
std::getline(in, line);
// break that up into space-separated groups:
std::istringstream temp(line);
std::vector<std::string> counter;
// the number of columns is the number of groups, -1 for the leading '#'.
matrix m(counter.size()-1);
// Read the remaining data into the matrix.;
return m;
As it's written right now, this depends on your compiler implementing the "Named Return Value Optimization" (NRVO). Without that, the compiler will copy the entire matrix (probably a couple of times) when it's returned from the function. With the optimization, the compiler pre-allocates space for a matrix, and has read_data() generate the matrix in place.

read matrix from a file in C C++

Just wonder, for a matrix stored in a file as what it is, i.e. each line in the file being a row of the matrix where elements are separated by space(s), how can I predetermine the size of the matrix, then create an array of the same size and read it into the array in C and C++? If you have some code example, that would be appreciated!
Thanks and regards!
Something like this. You need to include vector, sstream and string.
There is no need to find out the size of the vector in advance.
std::vector<int> readRow(std::string row) {
std::vector<int> retval;
std::istringstream is(row);
int num;
while (is >> num) retval.push_back(num);
return retval;
std::vector<std::vector<int> > readVector(std::istream &is) {
std::string line;
std::vector<std::vector<int> > retval;
while (std::getline(is, line))
return retval;
In C you might use fgets to read one line at a time, and strtok or similar to process the lines and atof or sscanf to read the numbers. The first line can be processed to determine the matrix width and allocate memory, then re-processed to insert the first row. If the height may be different then you would either need to dynamically allocate the memory, or read the whole file counting lines then reprocess it.
Read the first row, count the fields and then use fseek() to go back to the start of the file.