Eclipse CDT cannot debug using gdb on Mac - c++

I have a C++ project imported to Eclipse CDT. I can build and run the project using Makefile and argument settings. However, when I tried to add a debug point and run "debug as local c/c++ application", it throws me an error of "Launching projectName" has encountered a problem. Error with command gdb --version
By expanding the Details, it gives: Error with command: gdb --version
Cannot run program "gdb": Unknown reason
I installed the gdb by Macports before. If I enter command ggdb it returns the version info. If I type which ggdb, it gives /opt/local/bin/ggdb. I tried to add "PATH" to debug configuration -> environment variables and give the path value to it, but it did not work. How should I set the path and link the path please? And what should the variable name be.
The gdb version on my machine is GNU gdb (GDB) 7.7.1
Added: I looked up which ggdb and used the link James provided to change gdb debugger to browse to that path. But it did not work still.

It looks like Eclipse is using the default gdb that was on the system before you installed ggdb from macports. This link shows how to change the debugger settings, change it to ggdb which is the name Macport uses.
After installing ggdb from Macports you will have to sign it with a certificate so it will be allowed to control other processes, take a look at "Certifying GDB" here. After creating the certificate, make sure you select the correct name when signing:
$ codesign -s gdb-cert $(which ggdb) /// 'ggdb'


C++ Why is MSYS2 MINGW UCRT x64 gdb command not found

So I tried to check Mingw-w64 tools are correctly installed and gcc, g++ were correctly installed but gdb wasn't. I'm planning to usE Visual studio code in windows 10.
In the, it said to match PATH entry but when I went to C:\msys64\mingw64\bin directory, the file was empty. Did I miss something or how do I know the correct path to put in the environment variable?
I tried C:\msys64\mingw64\bin as both user variable & system variable path but it won't work. and it said command not found.
This is what it said.
$ gdb --version
bash: gdb: command not found
Try installing GDB by running this in your Bash shell:

Netbeans "Resolve missing debugger command" C++

Whenever I try to debug any program (i.e. a welcome message), I get this prompt. Any ideas how to run the debugger for C++ program?
I am using Macbook Pro OS X El Capitan (10.11.3)
For Mac OSX 10.5 and above,
Install Homebrew (if you don't have it already)
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install GDB
brew install gdb
Go to and follow the instructions to code sign the gdb binary.
If you're on Sierra, run the following command in your terminal
echo "set startup-with-shell off" >> ~/.gdbinit
Finally, run the following comamnd in your terminal
which gdb
Copy the output path from that command, (mine was /usr/local/bin/gdb) into the Debugger Command box in Netbeans and start debugging!
On Linux systems derived from debian, you have to install gdb
sudo apt-get install gdb
Then in debbuger command type
More information of gdb can be found in GDB: The GNU Project Debugger
Make sure gdb is installed in your machine. you can do this by following
C:\cygwin64>setup-x86_64.exe -q -P gdb
after this, select gdb as a debugger in netbeans
gdb location
Use Synaptic to install gdb. This debugger is required for Netbeans.
On a Mac, I installed HomeBrew first, then followed this exactly on the Sierra OS. Worked perfectly. After Homebrew is installed, you have to create then sign your gdb certificate. Then select it in your IDE debugger section.
The instructions show how to select gdb in Eclipse, but I got it working in NetBeans by pushing the debugger button and typing in the file path in the popup (as mentioned in this document).

C++ debugger "gdb.exe --version" error in Eclipse Mars+MinGW

When debugging a C++ project in Eclipse I get the following error:
'Launching Project.exe' has encountered a problem.
Could not determine GDB version using command:
D:\Programme\MinGW\bin\gdb.exe --version
Some Posts on Stackoverflow suggested linking MinGW\bin\gdb.exe directly in the C++/GDB settings solves the problem, but as you can see it didn't for me.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Tried mingw-get.exe install gdb in MinGW\bin, got an error that said the latest version is already installed.
I found the solution for my --version error:
When I ran $ gdb --version from the MinGW shell I got an error message saying zlib1.dll was not found.
I copied zlib1.dll from the \Debug folder of my C++ project into MinGW\bin and now it's working.
If gdb --version works in cmd, then try change path in eclipse - run - debug configurations - debugger - GDB debugger to C:\MinGW\gdb64\bin\gdb.exe, the default one in C:\MinGW\bin could be 32-bit.

Mac C++/eclipse cannot debug: Error while launching command: gdb --version

I am using c++/eclipse kepler on mac, and I cannot debug any project. The error is "Error while launching command: gdb --version" Besides that, I can build and run my code using other libraries.
I searched a site that is similar to my problem: Debugger for C++ eclipse gives the following error. 'Launching program name' has encountered a ... Error while launching command: gdb --version
But what should I change if I am using a mac?
You can fix this by specifying the full path to gdb. You can do this separately for each debug configuration, and you can also set the default gdb location in the preferences under C/C++ > GDB. For example, if you installed gdb via Homebrew, then it's probably located under /usr/local/bin:
And here's a screenshot of the Preferences:
I still don't know why Eclipse can't find GDB even though it is on my path. I guess it doesn't use my .bash_profile or my .bashrc? You could try symlinking gdb into /usr/bin. Maybe Eclipse will look there.
Edit: I tried the symbolic link idea and now Eclipse can debug, but it crashes inexplicably while doing so! So, I guess... don't do that?
This guide from a UC Irvine Computer Science professor's page is a very well-written, detailed, and Mac-specfic description of all the steps involved in installing GDB, creating a certificate, signing GDB using that certificate, and finally configuring Eclipse. I was found this very helpful as someone unfamiliar with each of these steps.
GDB Installation on Mac OS X
I had the same problem. I solved it by:
Install a gdb - ( I used 7.8.1) - compile and install it. It got installed in usr/local/bin
Codesigning certificate
Open eclipse executable using sudo. Otherwise I still get the error.
I am on OS X.
Hope this helps.
I had this error too now, and spent more than an hour looking for it.
In my case, the path was correct, and eclipse seemed to fail to start "any" executable as debugger. (I tested with gksudo cat, but it clearly never got to effectively running it).
The final reason was that I had put in my eclipse.ini -Xms1G and -Xmx1G. It seemed to already use the full memory for the indexer, and trying to allocate some more memory to start the debugger failed with an "unkown" error. Removing the memory limitations fixed the issue.
Hope this helps someone
I had many difficulties making GDB to work on Eclipse. I tried LLDB instead and it worked like a charm:
This can be a more convenient alternative for Mac users.
Mac OS Sierra 10.13.6 gdb 8.0.1
had the same error as topic-starter.
first, I set the path as Neil Traft (here in the answers) explains to usr/local/bin/gdb;
But it didn't work.
I found these instructions:
and I discovered that I already had gdbcert1 in my System. So I followed everything from 7. Works!

How do I make Qt Creator's debugger show the contents of C++ vectors in OS X?

I'm writing a program that makes extensive use of vectors and am developing with Qt Creator 2.0.1 on Mac OS X 10.6.6 for the first time.
As I am debugging, I can see literals and arrays just fine in the Locals and Watchers window, but as soon as I go to expand a vector, in this case of type Student, I get this tree:
The other person I am working with on this is using the same version of Qt Creator on Ubuntu and can see the contents of the vectors just fine. What am I doing wrong?
This is his debugger:
QtCreator 2.6 has support for Mac FSF GDB (7.5) support. FSF GDB supports python which allows qtcreator to properly display QVector, QSet, QList, QString, etc. It can be download from macports.
Download and Install macports (download it from here
To install FSF GDB 7.5:
sudo port install gdb
Give FSF GDB permission to debug applications:
sudo codesign -s gdb-cert /opt/local/bin/ggdb
If gdb-cert isn't found, create a gdb-cert by clicking on the link below, and follow the directions for "Creating a certificate":
If you don't give permission to ggdb, you'll get a:
Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 28885: (os/kern) failure (0x5).
(please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8))
Change the kit debugger in QtCreator
Change the path from /usr/bin/gdb to /opt/local/bin/ggdb
By default FSF GDB fails to handle breakpoints correctly because mac clang++ doesn't export debug symbols. To export the debugging symbols, dsymutil needs to be run manually. Luckly, dysmutil command can be run automatically after link the program using qmake. Add the following lines in your .pro file:
macx {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
QMAKE_POST_LINK = dsymutil \"\"
You need to build the debugging helper. Should be under Tools -> Options ...
Once the debugging helper is built, you can visualize std::string, QString and containers as well.
There should be a rebuild button in same the place as where you choose which version of Qt to use.
The two answers are sort of right: one cannot use the python based debugging helpers on mac, still there is a C++ version of it that works with Apple's gdb.