Firing an Application on Machine restart - c++

I have an application that checks if a windows service is up and running. This app launches on machine restart and before windows services were instantiated and immediately notifies user saying that the windows service on user machine is not found. but the service starts a bit later.
I am using a C++ MFC application. Is it possible to solve this so that the app will check after all windows services are up and running? and if yes, how


My dll service disappears after restarting the system

I wrote a dll service in c++ with API functions and working properly. I implemented a ServiceMain() function as dllexport in which call RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW() function to handle the incoming signals (e.g. stop, pause, ...) of my service.
Every thing working good and I defined all the necessary functions to run the service :
ServiceMain() is defined and RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW() calls within to register control handler.
Set service status to SERVICE_START_PENDING then to SERVICE_RUNNING to run the service.
I implemented a thread to do stuffs as service jobs and working properly.
And I can start and stop my service.
My service is a dll not exe so I'm using svchost.exe to host it and I did below steps to register in windows registry:
1. I create a new value in registry as a group to introduce my service to svchost.exe as following :
2. I create Parameters subkey And fill a value with my dll (service file) as following :
3. Also I defined a value (ServiceMain) due to introduce my ServiceMain function to svchost.exe as start point.
So far, my service working even in logged off user BUT when I restart my computer, after logon to windows my service disappeared from Windows Service Manager. Actually it is removed from SCM database.
By the way I installed my service with 3 methods. And I'm using svchost.exe as binarypath to install the service (because svchost.exe behave as host for my dll service). For example with sc.exe program I set binarypath to svchost.exe to run my service indirectly with -k groupname as parameters.
My problem is : When I restart my system then my service disappeared (is deleted) after logging in. Please help me to solve this problem.

Windows Service not launching as local session

Am working on Creating windows service and launching an exe application through this,
from this link i have created a windows service Windows Service
But when i create a setup and deployment and then if i install, the exe which am calling from the service is launched as LOCAL SERVICE.
Still i can the xxx.exe in task manager as LOCAL SERVICE.
I cant figure even with this help : Launching GUI from windows service
How can i launch this exe as the local username which i have logged in ?
You have a number of options for creating a process that runs under a different user from the parent process:
CreateProcessAsUser or CreateProcessWithTokenW. These require you to obtain a primary token that represents a user, calling either LogonUser or DuplicateTokenEx.
CreateProcessWithLogonW which allows you to specify the user name and password as parameters.
However, if you want the process that you create to appear on the interactive desktop, you need to do quite a bit of work. This article covers the details: Launching an interactive process from Windows Service in Windows Vista and later.

Windows Service disappears from services.msc list when stopped, c++

I have an issue with a windows service that I am writing in c++ on Windows 7. The service works fine, when I "install" it and is removed when I "uninstall" (from services.msc list), but I am having 2 issues which I was hoping I could get some help with
If I stop the service (via services.msc), the service disappears from services.msc list.
If I stop the service via my program, the startup type of the service changes to disabled and hence does not have the "Start/Stop/Restart" buttons.
The service is stopped successfully.
I was hoping for a pointer in the right direction, I am using MSDN as the guide to writing the service. The service when started works fine.
Thank You

Command line application running as a windows service. Getting error 1053

I have created a c++ command line application. This application sends a revives messages from other computers and logs the results to a file. A simple application. One of the first things the app does is write to the log file the start up time.
Now that I have gotten the application to a good place, I want to install it as a service that runs on my computer (win 7).
I am using the NSIS, Simple_Service_Plugin to install the application and register the service in windows. I can see the service in windows service manager.
When I attempt to start the service, I get the following error message. The log file does not get created.
Windows could not start __THE_APP__ service on Local Computer.
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
When I start the app from explore it starts without any problems and the log file is updated correctly.
When I search this error message on-line I find lots of help for C# and .Net applications and nothing for c++ apps.
My question is:
How do I start a C++ application (not as a service?
A service isn't a regular appliction. It's a program that uses specific system classes and implements certain features that enable the OS to communicate with it.
See here (and the surrounding pages) for more details.

Windows 7 or Windows 2008 how to launch a process in Local System Account or System Context (from desktop aplication)

In C++ I want to launch a process from my Desktop Application in "Local System account" or "System Context". My application executes with admin privileges.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance.
You can do what SysRun does: install a system service and launch the app from the service.