C++ only 2 loop iterations - c++

I'm studying at university and we started programming in C++. I had some basic concepts about Java (variables, loops and more easy things) and I tried to practice on my own with Microsoft Visual Studio, but I had a problem, this is my code, is a program that tries to guess the number you are thinking of.
void main(){
int number=1+rand()%100;
int highLow;
bool a;
a = true;
cout << "Think a number between 1 and 100 and I will guess it" << endl;
cout << "\nIs it ";
cout << number;
cout << "?" << endl;
cout << "If the number is lower press 1, higher 2 and correct 3" << endl;
cin >> highLow;
while (a)
if (highLow == 1)
number = 1 + rand() % number;
cout << "\nIs it ";
cout << number;
cout << "?" << endl;
cin >> highLow;
else if (highLow == 2)
number = rand() % (100 - number+1)+number;
cout << "\nIs it ";
cout << number;
cout << "?" << endl;
cin >> highLow;
else if (highLow == 3)
cout << "I win this time" << endl;
a = false;}
The problem is that it should ask the user as many times as needed to guess the number, but it only does 2 times, then stops. Can you help me please?

If only you had indented your code properly…
The last a = false; statement executes no matter what, because it's outside the scope of the last else if statement. Basically, this:
else if (highLow == 3)
cout << "I win this time" << endl;
a = false;
means the following:
else if (highLow == 3) {
cout << "I win this time" << endl;
a = false;
You need to add some curly braces where appropriate.


Why does the if statement is always the else part even if the if is true?

I'm having a problem with the if statement at the end.
**if the sum of the cubs of the number a user inputs, is equal to the number itself, say "....". Else, say "....." **
The problem is that it always jumps the if part to the else.
Its a task from the uni, no homework or nothing, just training. IF you have suggestions on how to better I would appreciate that too.
Thank you!
int n;
cout << "Write a number different from 0 -> ";
cin >> n;
while (n == 0)
cout << "Choose another number -> ";
cin >> n;
cout << "Good number " << n << " is!" << "\n";
cout << "lets separate each digit:" << "\n" << " -----------------------------------" << endl;
vector<int> vecN;
while (n != 0)
int digit = n % 10;
n /= 10;
cout << n << endl;
cout << "Digit: " << digit << endl;
cout << "There you go!" << endl;
cout << "Next stage, let's find the cubes for each one of the digits!" << endl;
vector<int> sums;
for (auto i = vecN.begin(); i != vecN.end(); i++)
int Cubes = pow(*i, 3);
cout << Cubes << endl;
cout << "Now let's sum the cubs and see if the number is an Armstrong Number" << endl;
int armSum = accumulate(sums.begin(), sums.end(), 0);
if ( armSum == n )
cout << "Sum: " << armSum << endl;
cout << "That's an Armstrong Number!" << "\n"
"The sum of the cubs of each digit in the number is equal to that same number!" << endl;
cout << "Sum: " << armSum << endl;
cout << "That's not an Armstrong Number!" << endl;
return 0;
} ```
When the if-part is entered, the else-part won't be entered any more. Note that your if/else is not surrounded by a loop. So when control passes by once, e.g. when having entered n==0, then it has passed by and won't step into neither the if nor the else-part a second time.
Try something like
while (n==0) {
cout << "Choose another number -> ";
cin >> n;
// continue here; n is != 0

How create a guessing game with letters. For example I need to guess a letter from the word fallout. Which functions are useful

I am creating a guessing game. I need to ask the user to input a letter from a word like fallout. The have that letter they had inputted be correct or incorrect. I am using functions like srand(time(NULL)), rand(), psw.length. once the user inputs a letter and if they are wrong a life is deducted live--.
If they get it right they can move on to the next question with a full 5 lives. I don't know what functions I am missing if I need an array etc.
I have tried applying the rand() && psw.length together in order to at least try to randomize the letter choice so that the user might have a chance to guess the random letter from the word "fallout" but to no avail.
I have made some progress I started with the numerical portion of the code instead of focusing on the whole thing at once. Then now I have to start on the alphabetical portion of the code itself I am organizing my thoughts to simpler terms.
Now onto the alphabetical functions of the code....I now need to randomize letters for the user to answer with the correct letter of the word using functions.
I am trying to make the second answer2 = rand() % word2.length function work could anyone help me here it automatically runs the code giving a positive score to the user....
include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int lives = 3;
int guess;
int guess2;
int answer = 0;
int answer2 = 0;
int i;
int score = 0;
char letter, letter2;
string word = "fallout";
string word2 = "psw";
int main()
cout << "Welcome to the guessing game!" << endl;
cout << "*****************************" << endl;
answer = rand() % 2 + 1;
lives = 3;
do {
cout << "What is a number between 1 and 2? Can you guess it in\n" << endl << lives << endl << "tries?" << endl;
cin >> guess;
if (guess == answer)
cout << "You won!!" << endl;
else if (lives == 0)
cout << "Your score" << endl << score;
return 0;
cout << "Incorrect try again!" << endl;
} while (guess != answer);
cout << "You won your score is" << score << endl;
answer = rand() % 3 + 1;
lives = 3;
do {
cout << "What is a number between 1 and 3? Can you guess it in" << endl << lives << "tries?" << endl;
cin >> guess;
if (guess == answer)
cout << "You won!!" << endl;
else if (lives == 0)
cout << "Your score" << endl << score;
return 0;
cout << "Incorrect try again!" << endl;
} while (guess != answer);
cout << "You won your score is" << score << endl;
answer = rand() % 5 + 1;
lives = 3;
do {
cout << "What is a number between 1 and 5? Can you guess it in\n" << endl << lives << "tries?" << endl;
cin >> guess;
if (guess == answer)
cout << "You won!!" << endl;
else if (lives == 0)
cout << "Your score" << endl << score;
return 0;
cout << "Incorrect try again!" << endl;
} while (guess != answer);
cout << "You won your score is " << score << endl;
answer = rand() % word.length();
lives = 3;
cout << "Select the correct letter in the word '" << word << "': ";
cin >> guess;
if (guess == letter)
cout << "You Won!" << endl;
else if (lives == 0)
cout << "The correct answer is:" << endl;
cout << word[answer];
cout << "Incorrect Try Again" <<
} while (guess != letter);
cout << "You won your score is " << score << endl;
How can I make this code run well can anybody help me I just need advice on this function here... It keep giving the user a score++ automatically. Is their a simple fix for this. I am a rookie so if there is a basic trick here it would help!
answer2 = rand() % word2.length();
lives = 3;
cout << "Select the correct letter in the word '" << word2 << "': ";
cin >> guess2;
if (guess2 == letter2)
cout << "You Won!" << endl;
else if (lives == 0)
cout << "The correct answer is:" << endl;
cout << word2[answer2];
cout << "Incorrect Try Again" <<
} while (guess2 != letter2);
cout << "You won your score is " << score << endl;
First of all, in C++ you have some different ways to randomize a value. rand() highly not recommended.
From cppreference:
There are no guarantees as to the quality of the random sequence produced. In the past, some implementations of rand() have had serious shortcomings in the randomness, distribution and period of the sequence produced (in one well-known example, the low-order bit simply alternated between 1 and 0 between calls). rand() is not recommended for serious random-number generation needs, like cryptography.
Instead, you can use:
#include <random>
int main() {
// Seed with a real random value, if available
std::random_device r;
// Choose a random mean between 1 and 6
std::default_random_engine e1(r());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(1, 7);
answer = uniform_dist(e1);
return 0;
Read more about random: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/random
For loop - Condition problem: for (int i = 0; i < guess; i++) - The condition here seems wrong. Why does this loop runs until i is bigger then the user guess? I think a better way for your target is to use while loop, until the user have no lives:
int lives = 5;
size_t guess_number = 1;
while (lives) {
cout << "Guess" << guess_number++ << endl;
Stop the loop: Whenever the user successfully guess the letter (or the letter's place in the word), you might considering random a new letter, a new word, or just stop the game and exit the loop (with break).
The word FALLOUT: Currently, in your code, the word fallout ia a variable name, and not a variable content. start with replacing this name to something like word_to_guess, and put the value fallout into it.
string fallout;
string word_to_guess = "fallout";
Now that you have done it, you can make you code more generic to another words, by choosing a random number between 1 to word_to_guess.size():
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_dist(1, word_to_guess.size());
Now you want to convert user's guess and computer's guess to letters:
* guess >= 1 - The user have to guess a letter from the beginning of the word (and not before it).
* guess <= word_to_guess.size() - The user can't guess a letter that not exists in the word.
* word_to_guess[guess - 1] == word_to_guess[answer - 1] - Compare the user's letter to the computer's letter
* word_to_guess[answer - 1] - You might consider to replace this with word_to_guess[answer], and just random
* a number from 0 to word_to_guess.size() - 1
if (guess >= 1 && guess <= word_to_guess.size() && word_to_guess[guess - 1] == word_to_guess[answer - 1]) {
cout << "You Won" << endl;
break; // Or random new letter/word etc...

Guess the random number game

I am making a number guessing game and I do not know how to incorporate a certain number of guesses the users has to get the correct answer. I want the user to have only 3 guesses to guess the number but after 3 guesses, they lose if they do NOT get it correct. Here is my code below:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main()
srand ( time(NULL) );
cout << "Select a difficulty: 1) Easy, 2) Medium, 3) Hard " << endl;
int userlevel;
int userinput;
int randomNumber;
cin >> userlevel;
if (userlevel==1)
cout << "You chose Easy: 3 chances to guess correctly" << endl;
cout << "Pick a number between 1 and 10: " << endl;
cin >> userinput;
randomNumber = rand() % 10 + 1;
if (randomNumber==userinput)
cout << "You, guessed correctly! You win!" << endl;
cout << "I'm sorry, that is not correct. You lose." << endl;
if (userlevel==2)
cout << "You chose Medium: 4 chanaces to guess correctly" << endl;
cout << "Pick a number between 1 and 50: " << endl;
cin >> userinput;
randomNumber = rand() % 50 + 1;
if (randomNumber==userinput)
cout << "You, guessed correctly! You win!" << endl;
cout << "I'm sorry, that is not correct. You lose." << endl;
if (userlevel==3)
cout << "You chose Hard: 5 chances to guess correctly" << endl;
cout << "Pick a number between 1 and 100: " << endl;
cin >> userinput;
randomNumber = rand() % 100 + 1;
if (randomNumber==userinput)
cout << "You, guessed correctly! You win!" << endl;
cout << "I'm sorry, that is not correct. You lose." << endl;
return 0;
You should look into while-loops. It would be used like this:
int main() {
//...everything above this in yours is good
int Number_to_guess = (rand() % 10 + 1);
int NChances = userlevel + 2;
cout << "You have " << NChances << " chances to guess right.\n";
while (NChances != 0)
cout << "Guess: ";
cin >> userinput;
if (userinput == Number_to_Guess) {
cout << "You win! Congrats!\n";
break; // this will break out of the while-loop
NChances--; // this will count down the chances left
if (NChances == 0) {
cout << "Sorry, you lose. Try again next time!\n";
return 0;
The main think you're missing here is a loop around the guess limit. So after you figure out what level they are, you can say something like the following pseudocode:
While (counter <= 3)
*Your If Statements*
counter = counter +1
Make sure that in the if statement where they guessed the number right, you break them out of the loop early.
Finally, it might make more sense to guess a number before you enter the loop. So, something like they pick the difficulty, the random number is picked depending on what they say, and then the loop begins. The way it is now, a new random number will be created each time through the loop. I'm not sure if that's intended.

How do you make a counter to count the number of even and odd numbers entered by user?

I have this code so far that is supposed to keep asking the user for a number until they type 0. Then the program will tell the user how many odds and evens they typed. I cannot get the latter function to work correctly. Any tips? I am a beginner, so please no advanced ways to solve this :D
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int n;
int myCounter1, myCounter2;
cout << "Odds and Evens\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Please enter an integer: ";
cin >> n;
myCounter1 = 0;
myCounter2 = 0;
if (n%2 == 0)
while (n!=0);
cout << "You entered " << myCounter1 << " even numbers, and " << myCounter2 << "odd numbers " << endl;
return 0;
A couple things:
Code indentation (or lack thereof) makes this really hard to read. Indentation is not only cosmetic, but can help in understanding code.
You are setting the counter variables to zero each time the loop runs. Declare them outside of the loop so they retain their values.
The else clause of the if statement has erroneous syntax. Use a simple else instead, as there are only two cases for the parity of n.
When the user types 0 to exit the loop, it too is counted as an even integer. Add a condition in the if statement to account for this.
Applying these changes yields this code:
int n;
int myCounter1 = 0, myCounter2 = 0;
cout << "Odds and Evens\n\n" << endl;
do {
cout << "Please enter an integer: ";
cin >> n;
if (n%2 == 0 && n != 0)
} while (n!=0);
cout << "You entered " << myCounter1 << " even numbers, and " << myCounter2 << "odd numbers " << endl;
else n == 0
should be
Honestly, I don't even know why it didn't grab your attention, since it can't compile.
Also, you shouldn't set the counters to zero in the loop. So
int myCounter1, myCounter2;
cout << "Odds and Evens\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Please enter an integer: ";
cin >> n;
myCounter1 = 0;
myCounter2 = 0;
should be
int myCounter1=0, myCounter2=0;
cout << "Odds and Evens\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Please enter an integer: ";
cin >> n;
And, finally, since you probably shouldn't count the 0 as one of the integers entered...
cout << "You entered " << myCounter1-1 << " even numbers, and " << myCounter2 << " odd numbers " << endl;
You have 2 bugs and 1 syntax error.
line:else n == 0 should be simply else
The 2 bugs are related to your counters:
1) You have to exclude the 0 input from the counters.
2) Every time you are reading a number your are setting them (the counters) to zero, which means that you will always ending with zero and one.
Here it is for anyone interested:
using namespace std;
int main ()
int n;
int myCounter1 = 0;
int myCounter2 = 0;
cout << "Odds and Evens\n\n" << endl;
cout << "Please enter an integer: ";
cin >> n;
if (n%2 == 0)
while (n!=0);
cout << "You entered " << myCounter2 << " odd numbers, and " << myCounter1-1 << " even numbers " << endl;
return 0;

Ending a loop once the user is wrong twice?

I am doing a quiz and testing the user. If the user is wrong he is allowed a second chance or skip, if he chooses 2nd chance and is wrong again, the game is over. How do I break out of this loop to end the game? I tried a do while loop,
do { stuff} while (wrong<2) while counting ++wrong;
every time he's wrong, but didnt work.
I have labeled the ++wrong with // statements below
void player_try (string questions[][5], char answers[])
char user_guess;
int m = 0;
int x;
int choice;
int wrong =0;
for (m=0; m<7; m++)
x = (rand() % 7);
cout << user_name << ": Here is question number " << m+1 << endl;
cout << m+1 << ". " << questions[x][0]<< endl;
cout << "A. " << questions[x][1]<< endl;
cout << "B. " << questions[x][2]<< endl;
cout << "C. " << questions[x][3]<< endl;
cout << "D. " << questions[x][4]<< endl;
cin >> user_guess;
user_guess = toupper(user_guess);
while (!(user_guess >= 'A' && user_guess <= 'D'))
cout << "Please choose a valid answer.";
cin>> user_guess;
if (user_guess != answers[x])
cout <<"Wrong!" <<endl;
cout << "Skip this question or take a chance at greatness?" << endl;
cout << "Press 1 to skip, press 2 to take a chance at greatness" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == '1')
cout << "we shall skip this question." << endl;
cout << "I applaud your bravery." << endl;
cout << user_name << ": Here is question number " << m+1 << endl;
cout << m+1 << ". " << questions[x][0]<< endl;
cout << "A. " << questions[x][1]<< endl;
cout << "B. " << questions[x][2]<< endl;
cout << "C. " << questions[x][3]<< endl;
cout << "D. " << questions[x][4]<< endl;
cin >> user_guess;
user_guess = toupper(user_guess);
while (!(user_guess >= 'A' && user_guess <= 'D'))
cout << "Please choose a valid answer.";
cin>> user_guess;
if (toupper(user_guess) != answers[x])
cout <<"Wrong!" <<endl;
cout << "correct!" << endl;
cout << "correct!" << endl;
while(wrong < 2);
Change your function return type to an integer. That simply means changing "void" to "int."
Then, inside the function place a return 0; at the point you want your function to terminate. Be sure you include another return 1; for the case that the user wins too.
This is how the main() function works. Consider:
int main()
string tester = "some string";
if(tester == "some string")
return 1;
cout << "Hey!"
return 0;
In the above case, main() terminates at the "return 1;" because the if statement was TRUE. Note that "Hey!" is never printed. It'll work the same way for your function.
As a plus, you can use that return value to let OTHER functions (such as main()) know if the function terminated because the user won (it returned 1), or lost (it returned 0).
Yes, a break statement is also a valid way to terminate the loop, but I submit that this method is the safer, cleaner way to go about it. In general, we like to know whether a function or program was successful or not.
You can use a break; statement if the person has gotten the answer wrong twice.
As per comments. You can shed the do while loop in favour of one for loop. Just put a break at the bottom if the wrong guesses are 2
There are several great suggestions for refactoring the code to remove the duplication of effort here, but to get the program functioning immediately, you've got to break out of the for loop surrounding the do { } while(wrong < 2) loop.
A simple way to do this is to modify the for loop to test the wrong variable also. The added benefit is, if I'm reading everything correctly, you'll no longer need the do{ } while(); loop.
for (m=0; m<7 && wrong < 2; m++)