Loosely coupled web services - web-services

I am trying to find out what does it actually mean when we refer to web services as being loosely coupled ?
An old article I found implies loosely coupled to be related to asynchronous messaging.
Wikipedia's definition of loose coupling indicates the components have minimal inter-dependency.
Can some one please tell a concrete explanation of loose coupling in context of web services ?

In short, web Services are referred to as being loosely coupled if:
The state of the web service does not depend on the state of the web service consumer, and vice-versa. In other words, the web service is not concerned with the internal workings or a specific state of the consumer, and vice-versa.
The communication between the web service consumer and the web service is performed via a well-defined set of interfaces, and the response is always checked to ensure that the web service has completed successfully. The web service consumer does not trust that the web service performed its job correctly by any means other than the validation of the response against what it was requested to do.
How can a web service become tightly coupled with the consumer?
For example, if a web service modifies the same back-end data store that is also subsequently queried by the consumer. In this case, the failure in the internal execution of the web service could have an effect on the execution of the consumer. The common state (in this case the data store) is being shared by the consumer and the web service.
Please see the following link for further discussion: Tight-coupling Web services


Stateless request in restfull webservices

In restful web service I read something like below ,
"The constraint to the client-server interaction is that communication must be stateless. The server should not be relied upon to maintain application state by storing session objects."
so does it mean in SOAP web services the server saves the session with them ? I have used soap user interface tool for testing the soap services in which i will be sending the request XML with all the parameters and will be getting the response, In which way restful web services differed in terms of statelessness from Soap ?
No it does not mean SOAP is stateful in all cases. Typically you design all services as stateless. Having stateful services either in SOAP or REST introduces complexity which creates all sort of problems.
However some people implement both SOAP/REST services with state and they normally aren't very successful. Maintaining state requires both the server and client to be aware of and track the current state.
So in short the principle remains never store state in a service. When calling an operation it should either return a success or failed code, it should not remember that the last operation for this client did not succeed.
Also while REST says services should be stateless you can implement it in a stateful method. Never ever go stateful it creates a lot of confusion for service consumers i.e. the client. Think about it this way if an operation is stateless you can call it and get repeatable results however if it is stateful an operation might change the results based on the state.
Also stateful operations limits scalability as it has to remember more.

Can a web service talk to another web service?

I learned about service oriented architecture yesterday, and I have a question about it.
in order to talk to web service provider the initial communication has to be started by a service consumer. Then does it mean that a web service provider cannot talk to another web service directly (because it is not a consumer)?
I do not have enough information to grasp a full scope of what you're getting at exactly. However, I can say that this statement:
Then does it mean that a web service provider cannot talk to another web service directly (because it is not a consumer)
Isn't really true. A program can (programmatically) access data provided by a web service. The web service has no real awareness as to what a 'consumer' is. It only sees (programmatically) the data provided by the client (typically browser data, cookies, cache, etc..). But that doesn't stop anyone from opening a bash shell and curling the website.
This will retrieve any data statically provided by the server. Note that the data may obfuscated using JavaScript as to take measures to prevent any programs outside of a browser environment to access their critical data.
So the answer to that question, is yes and no.
You should ask this question on https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/ as it is more relevant to questions regarding programming concepts.
Both from technical and architectural points of view service of course can call another one. Simply, it is changing its role to behave as a consumer for the second service. Just be aware that things may become messy if both services are calling each other both ways to finish their task for a single client request. Though there are often valid scenarios for such behaviour, if both services are managed by the same entity, its worth looking if tasks shouldn't be moved or services merged as this may be a sign of a bad design decisions.
Any piece of software can talk to a web service as long as it can reach it.

Invocation Listener for EJB 3 / web service?

We have a system using EJB 3 Stateless bean which is also exposed as web service.
There's a integration request from other team that want our system to fire a notification to other system after invocation (by web services or other means). Since this is not totally related to our system I would prefer to have this feature loosely coupled with our own system instead of hard coding these features in to our system code.
Is there any feature on EJB or web services that can achieve what I desire? We would require a method level invocation listener so that when the EJB method/ web service get invoked, it can trigger a callback/message so we can do something according to it. I would expect it to be some kind of annotation/configuration for setting up JMS or something.
We are using JBoss as the application server. If there's any JBoss specific solution it's also welcomed.
I would suggest two options:
use JMS. When you mentioned loose coupling, JMS first crossed my mind - you can put a message on some queue/topic after method invocation and let the listener to perform futher actions. JMS messages can carry various kinds of objects - the only request is that class implements Serializable (ObjectMessage#setObject); other advantage is that you can (un)deploy your Stateless bean and other system independently. They can be on different JVMs.
use Interceptors. Technically, they would be invoked before your methods runs, but of course there is always some nice workaround :-) Here is the official documentation about Interceptors, but since you mentioned that you're using JBoss, there can be also found some interesting material on JBoss pages.

Asynchronous vs. synchronous Web Services practices?

I venture that most but not all web services today are synchronous. A fundamental design decision existing if to implement asynchronous processing.
Is there value in implementing a processing queue system for asynchronous web services? It is a MOM/infrastructure decision with which I am toying. Instead of going system-to-system implement a middleware which will broker said transactions. The ease of management and tracking/troubleshooting of a spider web of services seems to make the most sense.
How best have you implemented asynchronous web services?
It is interesting I stumble into this question. I have exactly the same concern with the current project I am developing.
Our web services are develop using TIBCO technology, and they are also synchronous by default. We are considering creating a queue mechanism to process these requests asynchronously; the reason being: the back-end storage technology we have to interface with is notoriously slow (it is an imposed technology, and we have to deal with it)
Personally I am considering creating a 2nd WSDL definition for the asynchronous replies (which can occur from a few seconds to a few hours later than the request, depending on the load on the mentioned back-end storage.) Clients calling our Web Services will have to in turn implement a web service using this "2nd WSDL" to which we act as clients.
I'd be interested in knowing the directions you are exploring.

Stateful Web Services

I'm building a java/spring application, and i may need to incorporate a stateful web service call.
Any opinions if i should totally run away from a stateful services call, or it can be done and is enterprise ready?
Statefulness runs counter to the basic architecture of HTTP (ask Roy Fielding), and reduces scalability.
Stateful web services are a pain to maintain. The mechanism I have seen for them is to have the first call return an id (basically a transaction id) that is used in subsequent calls. A problem with that is that the web service isn't really stateful so it has to load all the information that it needs from some other data store for each call.