Image with sparse and continuous coordinates in ITK - c++

I have a raw data image which is potentially sparse and has continuous coordinates (e.g. 1000 pixels which are positioned on a spiral, the coordinates are floats). What is the best way to load this data into ITK for further processing and the ability to save the image in physical coordinates?
My research so far: There is itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage which I could inherit to override TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(…) and TransformPhysicalPointToIndex(…). I do not know the position and pixel number before reading the hole data stream. So for a minimal amount of speed I will need to resort the data "manually". Isn't there a better way?

I am more familiar with vtk than itk, so propably what comes into my mind is a bit biased. You could:
load the raw data into a vtk unstructured grid (see for example the function ReadFinancialData in;a=blob;f=Examples/Modelling/Cxx/finance.cxx )
then voxelize it to an image. For example. see (I've never used it, I dont' know if it is compatible with the last versions) or


Data processing and video generation with OpenGL/CL

Goal: compensate and visualize a stream of 14-bit data (2D video).
Existing solution: Each sample needs to be compensated for a gain and offset, so it requires one multiplication and one addition. Then I assign a colour to the sample by a look-up table and output a stream of "colours" directly to the display. Everything is done on CPU.
Requirements: I need to be able to dynamically set a look-up table (palette).
It seems obvious to use GPU for such an operation, but I couldn't find any info about how to move from data domain to picture domain with OpenGL. I've thought about using OpenCL for data compensation and image generation and then moving to OpenGL for displaying (or in general: for manipulating picture).
Can you recommend me a good approach for this? Can this all be efficiently achieved just with the OpenGL? How?
Yes, it can be done using only OpenGL.
I would suggest a workflow like the following:
For each frame:
Upload frame from stream to texture memory
Draw a full-screen quad, with texture coordinates from 0,0 to 1,1
In a fragment shader apply for each pixel the appropriate transformation. The lookup table can also be stored in a texture, so you only have to perform a lookup on the appropriate location.
In general: This question is at the moment a little bit too broad to be answered in more detail. For example a stream of 14-bit data could be a lot of things. I assumed for this answer you meant a (2D) video stream.

Fastest way of plotting a point on screen in MFC C++ app

I have an application that contains many millions of 3d rgb points that form an image when plotted. What is the fastest way of getting them to screen in a MFC application? I've tried CDC.SetPixelV in conjunction with a bitmap, which seems quite slow, and am looking towards a Direct3D or OpenGL window in my MFC view class. Any other good places to look?
Double buffering is your solution. There are many examples on codeproject. Check this one for example
Sounds like a point cloud. You might find some good information searching on that term.
3D hardware is the fastest way to take 3D points and get them into a 2D display, so either Direct3D or OpenGL seem like the obvious choices.
If the number of points is much greater than the number of pixels in your display, then you'll probably first want to cull points that are trivially outside the view. You put all your points in some sort of spatial partitioning structure (like an octree) and omit the points inside any node that's completely outside the viewing frustrum. This reduces the amount of data you have to push from system memory to GPU memory, which will likely be the bottleneck. (If your point cloud is static, and you're just building a fly through, and if your GPU has enough memory, you could skip the culling, send all the data at once, and then just update the transforms for each frame.)
If you don't want to use the GPU and instead write a software renderer, you'll want to render to a bitmap that's in the same pixel format as your display (to eliminate the chance of the blit need to do any pixels formatting as it blasts the bitmap to the display). For reasonable window sizes, blitting at 30 frames per second is feasible, but it might not leave much time for the CPU to do the rendering.

Reading Depth map using OpenGL

I have extracted the depth map of 2 images and stored them as .tif file
now I would like to use openGL to join these two images depending on their depth
so I want to read the depth for each image from the .tif file and then use that depth to draw the pixel with the higher depth
to make it more clear the depth map are two images like this
so say I have the pervious image and I want to join it with this image
my question is how to read this depth from the .tif file
Ok, I'll have a go ;-)
I see the images are just grayscale, so if the "depth" information is just the intensity of the pixel, "joining" them may be just a matter of adding the pixels. This is generally referred to as "blending", but I don't know what else you could mean.
So, you need to;
Read the 2 images into memory
For each pixel (assuming both images the same size):
read the intensity from image A[row,col]
read the intensity from image B[row,col]
write max(A[row,col],B[row,col]) to C[row,col]
Save image C - this is your new "joined" image.
Now OpenGL doesn't have any built-in support for loading/saving images, so you'll need to find a 3rd party library, like FreeImage or similar.
So, that's a lot of work. I wonder if you really want an OpenGL solution or are just assuming OpenGL would be good for graphics work. If the algorithm above is really what you want, you could do it in something like C# in a matter of minutes. It has built-in support for loading (some formats) of image file, and accessing pixels using the Bitmap class. And since your created this images yourself, you may not be bound the the TIFF format.

How can I process an image?

I'm building a program to convert an image file (whatever file type would be easiest) to G-Code for use on a rep-rap with a pen plotter attachment.
I'm wondering if i wanted to process the image pixel by pixel and check things like pixel color, how could I do this with C++?
I would really like to know how I can process a bitmap image, pixel by pixel, to check the color of the pixel.
The best way is to use a library, like for example Magick++.
When you load an image, you can access it's pixels data with Blob
You will probably want to use an existing library that has been tested.
But for fun/practice/etc, this would be a good exercise and wouldn't be impossible to do. The Bitmap Format is (relatively) simple compared with other image formats. The Wikipedia page has some tons of info, including some C++ code. It looks like once you've gotten past the header information, you get to a pixel array that shouldn't be difficult to parse.
Good luck.
Most image formats consist of a header and the actual raw image data. A bimpap image is no different. If you don't want to use one of the existing libraries, or if you are not allowed to, you should read about bitmap format :
Once you understand this you could create appropriate structs/classes to store the information you want from the header such as x,y size, bpp etc. And also have a pointer to the raw image data. You could then simpy iterate through every pixel and do whatever you want with it :)
Once you decipher the image file, I suggest you place the pixels into a matrix, for the first pass. (Future revisions can use other methods to access the pixels).
You can apply transformations to the pixels by using matrix multiplication. You can also access the pixels individually by using array indexing.
Search the web and SO for "introduction to graphics c++".

Large JPEG/PNG Image Sequence Looping

I have been working on my project about remotely sensed image processing, and image sequence looping. Each resulting image (in JPEG or PNG format) has approximately 8000 * 4000 pixels. Our users usually want to loop an image sequence (more than 50 images) on the basis of region of interest at a time. Thus, I have to extract the required viewing area from the each image according to user's visualization client size. For example, if user's current client view is 640 * 480, I'll have to find a size of 640 * 480 data block from each original image based on the current x (columns) and y (rows) coordinates, and remap to the client view. When user pans to another viewing area by mouse dragging, our program must accordingly re-load regional data out of each original image as soon as possible.
I know neither JPEG library nor PNG library has some built-in data block read routines, such as
long ReadRectangle (long x0, long y0, long x1, long y1, char* RectData);
long ReadInaRectangle (long x0, long y0, short width, short height, char* RectData);
The built-in JPEG decompressor lacks this kind of functionality. I know that JPEG2000 format has provisions for decompressing a specific area of the image. I'm not entirely sure about JEPG.
Someone suggest that I use CreateFileMapping, MapViewOfFile, and CreateDIBSection to commit the number of bytes of a file mapping to map to the view. Unlike the simple flat binary image formats such *.raw, *.img, and *.bmp, JPEG's Blob will contain not only the image data but also the complicated JPG header. So it's not easy to map a block of data view out of the JPEG file.
Someone recommend that I use image tiling or image pyramid technology to generate sub-images, just like mnay popular, image visualization (Google Earth, and etc.), and GIS applications (WebGIS, and etc.) do.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for your help.
Golden Lee
If you're OK with region co-ordinates being multiples of 8, the JPEG library from ijg may be able to help you load partial JPEG images.
You'd want to:
Get all DCT coefficients for the entire image. Here's an example of how to do this. Yes, this will involve entropy decoding of the entire image, but this is the less expensive step of JPEG decoding (IDCT is the most expensive one, and we're avoiding it).
Throw away the blocks that you don't need (each block consists of 8x8) coefficients. You'll have to do this by hand, but since the layout is quite simple (the blocks are in scanline order) it shouldn't be that hard.
Apply block inverse DCT to each of the frames. You can probably get IJG to do that for you. If you can't, then you'll have to do your own IDCT and color transform back to [0, 255] because intensities are in [-127, 128] in the world of JPEG.
If all goes well, you'll get your decoded JPEG image. Because of chroma subsampling, the luma and chroma channels may be of different dimensions, and you will have to compensate for this yourself by scaling.
The first two steps are pretty much covered by the links. The fourth one is quite trivial (you can get the type of chroma subsampling using the IJG interface, and scaling -- essentially upsampling -- is easily achieved by using something like OpenCV or rolling your own code). The third one is something I haven't tried yet, but it sounds like it would be possible.
It's easy with the gd library. LibGD is an open source code library for the dynamic creation of images on the fly by programmers.