Swift: statically "append" to tuple type - templates

I have a templated struct in a Swift library I am writing. This struct has two characteristics:
Every struct "wraps" or "represents" another arbitrary type. A Foo<T> wraps a T
These structs can be "combined" to form a third struct, whose represented type should be a "combination" (read: tuple) of the first two. In another worlds, if fooA: Foo<A> and fooB: Foo<B>, then fooA + fooB should be of type Foo<(A, B)>.
This works well enough when there are only two types to combine, but when you chain this combination operation you start getting nested tuples, which is not what I want. For example, in the following code:
let a = Foo<A>(/* initialize */)
let b = Foo<B>(/* initialize */)
let c = Foo<C>(/* initialize */)
let d = a + b // type is Foo<(A, B)>
let e = d + c // type is Foo<((A, B), C)>
d has type Foo<(A, B)>, which is what we want, but e has type Foo<((A, B), C)>, which is an extra level of unwanted nesting.
I need some way to express that the combination of a Foo<A> and a Foo<B> is not a Foo<(A, B)>, but rather a Foo<A + B>, where + is a hypothetical static operation which means "if the first type is a tuple type, append the second type onto it, yielding a new, non-nested tuple type. If it is not a tuple type, simply make the tuple type (A, B).
This feels like pushing to compiler to (beyond?) its limits, and I suspect that it might not be possible with Swift's current templating capabilities and type system. Still, if anyone can offer a workaround, a redesign that doesn't encounter this problem in the first place, or something conceptually similar but not identical to what I'm trying to do, it would be extremely helpful. As things stand, I'm at an impasse.

I think there is no generic way to do that.
Maybe, you can do something like this:
struct Foo<T> {
let v: T
init(_ v:T) { self.v = v }
func +<A,B>(lhs: Foo<(A)>, rhs:Foo<(B)>) -> Foo<(A,B)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, rhs.v.0) }
func +<A,B,C>(lhs: Foo<(A,B)>, rhs: Foo<(C)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, lhs.v.1, rhs.v.0) }
func +<A,B,C>(lhs: Foo<(A)>, rhs: Foo<(B,C)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, rhs.v.0, rhs.v.1) }
func +<A,B,C,D>(lhs: Foo<(A,B,C)>, rhs: Foo<(D)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C,D)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, lhs.v.1, lhs.v.2, rhs.v.0) }
func +<A,B,C,D>(lhs: Foo<(A,B)>, rhs: Foo<(C,D)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C,D)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, lhs.v.1, rhs.v.0, rhs.v.1) }
func +<A,B,C,D>(lhs: Foo<(A)>, rhs: Foo<(B,C,D)>) -> Foo<(A,B,C,D)> { return Foo(lhs.v.0, rhs.v.0, rhs.v.1, rhs.v.2) }
// ... as many as you want ...
let f1 = Foo<(Int, UInt)>(1, 2) + Foo<String>("string") // -> as Foo<(Int, UInt, String)>


How to compose two calls to Regex::replace_all?

Regex::replace_all has the signature fn (text: &str) -> Cow<str>. How would two calls to this be written, f(g(x)), giving the same signature?
Here's some code I'm trying to write. This has the two calls separated out into two functions, but I couldn't get it working in one function either. Here's my lib.rs in a fresh Cargo project:
/// Plaintext and HTML manipulation.
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use std::borrow::Cow;
lazy_static! {
static ref DOUBLE_QUOTED_TEXT: Regex = Regex::new(r#""(?P<content>[^"]+)""#).unwrap();
static ref SINGLE_QUOTE: Regex = Regex::new(r"'").unwrap();
fn add_typography(text: &str) -> Cow<str> {
add_double_quotes(&add_single_quotes(text)) // Error! "returns a value referencing data owned by the current function"
fn add_double_quotes(text: &str) -> Cow<str> {
DOUBLE_QUOTED_TEXT.replace_all(text, "“$content”")
fn add_single_quotes(text: &str) -> Cow<str> {
SINGLE_QUOTE.replace_all(text, "’")
mod tests {
use crate::{add_typography};
fn converts_to_double_quotes() {
assert_eq!(add_typography(r#""Hello""#), "“Hello”");
fn converts_a_single_quote() {
assert_eq!(add_typography("Today's Menu"), "Today’s Menu");
Here's the best I could come up with, but this will get ugly fast when composing three or four functions:
fn add_typography(input: &str) -> Cow<str> {
match add_single_quotes(input) {
Cow::Owned(output) => add_double_quotes(&output).into_owned().into(),
_ => add_double_quotes(input),
A Cow contains maybe-owned data.
We can infer from what the replace_all function does that it returns borrowed data only if substitutions did not happen, otherwise it has to return new, owned data.
The problem arises when the inner call makes a substitution but the outer one does not. In that case, the outer call will simply pass its input through as Cow::Borrowed, but it borrows from the Cow::Owned value returned by the inner call, whose data now belongs to a Cow temporary that is local to add_typography(). The function would therefore return a Cow::Borrowed, but would borrow from the temporary, and that's obviously not memory-safe.
Basically, this function will only ever return borrowed data when no substitutions were made by either call. What we need is a helper that can propagate owned-ness through the call layers whenever the returned Cow is itself owned.
We can construct a .map() extension method on top of Cow that does exactly this:
use std::borrow::{Borrow, Cow};
trait CowMapExt<'a, B>
where B: 'a + ToOwned + ?Sized
fn map<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: for <'b> FnOnce(&'b B) -> Cow<'b, B>;
impl<'a, B> CowMapExt<'a, B> for Cow<'a, B>
where B: 'a + ToOwned + ?Sized
fn map<F>(self, f: F) -> Self
where F: for <'b> FnOnce(&'b B) -> Cow<'b, B>
match self {
Cow::Borrowed(v) => f(v),
Cow::Owned(v) => Cow::Owned(f(v.borrow()).into_owned()),
Now your call site can stay nice and clean:
fn add_typography(text: &str) -> Cow<str> {

Kotlin reduce has limitations?

I would like to implement the same following code, using the reduce method. I know this is possible in other languages, but I don't know how to achieve it in Kotlin
class A
class B (val a: A?)
fun test(listOfBs: List<B>): List<A> {
return listOfBs.filter { it.a != null }.map { it.a!! }
// TODO return listOfBs.reduce { ??? }
Instead of calling filter and then map, you can use mapNotNull from the Kotlin Standard Library. This function combines the two and you can avoid the Hold My Beer operator (!!).
fun test(listOfBs: List<B>): List<A> =
listOfBs.mapNotNull { it.a }
reduce in Kotlin is not suitable for this. It is declared like this:
inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduce(
operation: (acc: S, T) -> S
): S
Notice how it can only return an S, which is a super type of the element type T. This means that you can't reduce a List<B> to a List<A>.
In "other languages", you can specify an "identity element" when reducing, and you probably also want to do that. In Kotlin, you can do that with fold:
fun test(listOfBs: List<B>): List<A> =
listOfBs.fold(emptyList()) { acc, b ->
if (b.a != null) {
acc + listOf(b.a) // this is very bad code, it creates a bunch of unnecessary lists
} else {
But of course, "mapping only if not null" is a common enough thing to do that it is already built into the Kotlin Standard Library - mapNotNull:
fun test(listOfBs: List<B>): List<A> =
listOfBs.mapNotNull { it.a }
You can have a look at how reduce is implemented in the Kotlin standard library:

How do I 'stop' the spread of generic type definitions when translating C++ interface classes to Rust traits? [duplicate]

I have a configuration struct that looks like this:
struct Conf {
list: Vec<String>,
The implementation was internally populating the list member, but now I have decided that I want to delegate that task to another object. So I have:
trait ListBuilder {
fn build(&self, list: &mut Vec<String>);
struct Conf<T: Sized + ListBuilder> {
list: Vec<String>,
builder: T,
impl<T> Conf<T>
T: Sized + ListBuilder,
fn init(&mut self) {
self.builder.build(&mut self.list);
impl<T> Conf<T>
T: Sized + ListBuilder,
pub fn new(lb: T) -> Self {
let mut c = Conf {
list: vec![],
builder: lb,
That seems to work fine, but now everywhere that I use Conf, I have to change it:
fn do_something(c: &Conf) {
// ...
fn do_something<T>(c: &Conf<T>)
T: ListBuilder,
// ...
Since I have many such functions, this conversion is painful, especially since most usages of the Conf class don't care about the ListBuilder - it's an implementation detail. I'm concerned that if I add another generic type to Conf, now I have to go back and add another generic parameter everywhere. Is there any way to avoid this?
I know that I could use a closure instead for the list builder, but I have the added constraint that my Conf struct needs to be Clone, and the actual builder implementation is more complex and has several functions and some state in the builder, which makes a closure approach unwieldy.
While generic types can seem to "infect" the rest of your code, that's exactly why they are beneficial! The compiler knowledge about how big and specifically what type is used allow it to make better optimization decisions.
That being said, it can be annoying! If you have a small number of types that implement your trait, you can also construct an enum of those types and delegate to the child implementations:
enum MyBuilders {
impl ListBuilder for MyBuilders {
fn build(&self, list: &mut Vec<String>) {
use MyBuilders::*;
match self {
User(u) => u.build(list),
File(f) => f.build(list),
// Support code
trait ListBuilder {
fn build(&self, list: &mut Vec<String>);
struct FromUser;
impl ListBuilder for FromUser {
fn build(&self, list: &mut Vec<String>) {}
struct FromFile;
impl ListBuilder for FromFile {
fn build(&self, list: &mut Vec<String>) {}
Now the concrete type would be Conf<MyBuilders>, which you can use a type alias to hide.
I've used this to good effect when I wanted to be able to inject test implementations into code during testing, but had a fixed set of implementations that were used in the production code.
The enum_dispatch crate helps construct this pattern.
You can use the trait object Box<dyn ListBuilder> to hide the type of the builder. Some of the consequences are dynamic dispatch (calls to the build method will go through a virtual function table), additional memory allocation (boxed trait object), and some restrictions on the trait ListBuilder.
trait ListBuilder {
fn build(&self, list: &mut Vec<String>);
struct Conf {
list: Vec<String>,
builder: Box<dyn ListBuilder>,
impl Conf {
fn init(&mut self) {
self.builder.build(&mut self.list);
impl Conf {
pub fn new<T: ListBuilder + 'static>(lb: T) -> Self {
let mut c = Conf {
list: vec![],
builder: Box::new(lb),

What is concise way of deep-copying a 2D MutableList?

The element already implemented deep copying.
fun <T : DeepCopiable> f(a: MutableList<MutableList<T>>) {
val copied = a.map { it.map { it.deepCopy() }.toMutableList() }.toMutableList()
I am using this kind of code, but it seems verbose.
Due to restrictions in the type system, this problem cannot be generalized to a single functon without bypassing type safety (and due to JVM type erasure you definitely don't want to go that rabbit hole when generics are involved¹).
However, you can write a chain of extension functions implementing a deep-copy pattern, delegating to the previous function for every increase in dimension, in a type safe matter:
private typealias I<E> = Iterable<E>
private typealias Copy<E> = (E) -> E
private inline fun <T, R> I<T>.mapToMutable(transform: (T) -> R): I<R> = mapTo(mutableListOf(), transform)
fun <E> I<E>.deepCopy1(c: Copy<E>) = mapToMutable { c(it) }
fun <E> I<I<E>>.deepCopy2(c: Copy<E>) = mapToMutable { it.deepCopy1(c) }
fun <E> I<I<I<E>>>.deepCopy3(c: Copy<E>) = mapToMutable { it.deepCopy2(c) }
fun <E> I<I<I<I<E>>>>.deepCopy4(c: Copy<E>) = mapToMutable { it.deepCopy3(c) }
fun <E> I<I<I<I<I<E>>>>>.deepCopy5(c: Copy<E>) = mapToMutable { it.deepCopy4(c) }
Due to JVM type erasure, the functions need different names (#JVMName does not help due to type interference ambiguity²). Type aliases are used to prevent horizontal space explosion³, and the function set is uncoupled from the deep-copiable interface via a generic copy function parameter.
Example usage:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
data class IntHolder(var value: Int)
val original = List(3) { a ->
List(3) { b ->
IntHolder(a + b)
val copied = original.deepCopy2 { it.copy() }
original[0][0].value = 18258125
println("copied =$copied")
original=[[IntHolder(value=18258125), IntHolder(value=1), IntHolder(value=2)], [IntHolder(value=1), IntHolder(value=2), IntHolder(value=3)], [IntHolder(value=2), IntHolder(value=3), IntHolder(value=4)]]
copied =[[IntHolder(value=0), IntHolder(value=1), IntHolder(value=2)], [IntHolder(value=1), IntHolder(value=2), IntHolder(value=3)], [IntHolder(value=2), IntHolder(value=3), IntHolder(value=4)]]
[1]: Because generic type casts are performed by the compiler at runtime, a cast from List<Foo> to List<Baz> will always succeed at runtime, but fail later upon access of the casted list. Implementing mentioned magic "single function" is possible, but the slightest of error would result in a returned data structure that fails seemingly "random" upon access with class cast exceptions.
[2]: A value of type Iterable<Iterable<Foo>> satisfies both
fun <T> Iterable<T>.baz() (T = Iterable<Foo>) and
fun <T> Iterable<Iterable<T>.baz() (T = Foo)
Due to this, the compiler would not be able to determine the right method to use if all methods in the chain have the same function name, but different JVM names.
Here is a simple deep copy example by using java.lang.reflect.Array & java.lang.Cloneable.
Noet: the clone method performs a shallow copy of this object, not a deep copy operation, but you can override the clone method to provide a deep copy operation, for example:
val list = mutableListOf(mutableListOf(arrayOf(1)))
val copied = list.deepCopy()
println(copied !== list) //true: not the same
println(copied.map{it.map{it.toList()}} == list.map{it.map{it.toList()}})
// ^---true: content equals
// v--- Array is cloned, since it has implemented Cloneable
println(copied[0][0] !== array[0][0]) // true
typealias NativeArray = java.lang.reflect.Array
fun <T> T.deepCopy(): T {
return when (this) {
is Array<*> -> {
val type = this.javaClass.componentType
NativeArray.newInstance(type, size).also {
this.forEachIndexed { i, item ->
NativeArray.set(it, i, item.deepCopy())
} as T
is MutableList<*> -> this.mapTo(mutableListOf()) { it.deepCopy() } as T
is List<*> -> this.map { it.deepCopy() } as T
is Cloneable -> this.javaClass.getDeclaredMethod("clone").let {
it.isAccessible = true;
it.invoke(this) as T
else -> this

Modifying multiple Lists inside a function and returning it in Scala

I have a List of type [T] and [B] in scala, with an object e of type E.
I want to make a function that accepts those three parameters:
def doSomething(t : List[T], b List[B], e : E) {
... }
However I realise that List is immutable, and anything passed to a function is considered as val (not var). But I need to modify t and b and return the modifications back to the caller of the function. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
I can't go and change the list to array... Because I've been using it everywhere and the file is so big..
You should modify t and b in a functional way using higher order functions like map, filter,... and put the result of them into new vals (e.g. modifiedT, modifiedB). Then you can use a Tuple2 to return 2 values from the method.
def doSomething(t: List[T], b: List[B], e: E) = {
// somehting you want to do
val modifiedT = t.map(...).filter(...)
val modifiedB = b.map(...).filter(...)
(modifiedT, modifiedB) // returns a Tuple2[List[T], List[B]]
In the calling method you can then assign the values this way:
val (t2, b2) = doSomething(t, b, e)
Of course it depends on what you mean with "modify".
If this modification is complicated stuff you should consider using view to make calculation lazy to move the time of calculation to a later point in time.