How to train p(category|title) model with word2vec - word2vec

Using word2vec, the goal is to maximize the corpus probability p(word|context), and context comes in the form of words.
Suppose given a corpus Titles and their category(such as sport, food...), how to use word2vec to train a model to predict p(category|title).

You could try to do your own naive compositionality by adding the words in the title together to get a vector that "describes" the whole sentence. Once you have that vector, you can train any classifier on it (SVM, logistic regression, k-nearest neighbors, etc).
This method may be simple enough to work, depending on how long these titles are. word2vec embeddings have been shown to exhibit some compositionality under simple vector addition for short phrases (in the word2vec paper, Mikolov et al show vec("Germany") + vec("capital") gets pretty close to vec("Berlin"). So maybe that'll be good enough for you.
Alternatively, if the titles are more like sentence, you could consider using the sentence-level extension of word2vec from Quoc Le & Tomas Mikolov's paper. Gensim has a pretty straightforward-to-use implementation of it called doc2vec.
Just like the simpler vector addition idea, doc2vec will produce a fixed-length representation of your title, which you can then feed into standard ML libraries for classification.


Document classification: Preprocessing and multiple labels

I have a question about the word representation algorithms:
Which one of the algorithms word2Vec, doc2Vec and Tf-IDF is more suitable for handling text classification tasks ?
The corpus used in my supervised learning classification is composed of a list of multiple sentences, with both short length sentences and long length ones. As discussed in this thread, doc2vec vs word2vec choice is a matter of document length. As for Tf-Idf vs. word embedding, it's more a matter of text representation.
My other question is, what if for the same corpus I had more than one label to link to the sentences in it ? If I create multiple entries/labels for the same sentence, it affects the decision of the final classification algorithm. How can I tell the model that every label counts equal for every sentence of the document ?
Thank you in advance,
You should try multiple methods of turning your sentences into 'feature vectors'. There are no hard-and-fast rules; what works best for your project will depend a lot on your specific data, problem-domains, & classification goals.
(Don't extrapolate guidelines from other answers – such as the one you've linked that's about document-similarity rather than classification – as best practices for your project.)
To get initially underway, you may want to focus on some simple 'binary classification' aspect of your data, first. For example, pick a single label. Train on all the texts, merely trying to predict if that one label applies or not.
When you have that working, so you have a understanding of each step – corpus prep, text processing, feature-vectorization, classification-training, classification-evaluation – then you can try extending/adapting those steps to either single-label classification (where each text should have exactly one unique label) or multi-label classification (where each text might have any number of combined labels).

calculate nearest document using fasttext or word2vec

i have a small system of about 1000 documents.
For each document I would like to show links to the X "most similar" documents.
However, the documents are not labeled in any way, so this would be some kind of unsupervised method.
It feels like fasttext would be a good candidate, but I cant wrap my head around how to do it when its not labeled data.
I can calculate the word vectors, although what I really need is a vector for the whole document.
The Paragraph Vector algorithm, known as Doc2Vec in libraries like Python gensim, can train a model that will give a single vector for a run-of-text, and so could be useful for your need. Note, though, that typical published work uses tens-of-thousands to millions of documents. (Just 1,000 would be a very small training set.)
You can also simply average all the word-vectors of a text together (perhaps in some weighted fashion) to get a simple, crude vector for the full text, that will often somewhat work for this purpose. (You could use word-vectors from classi word2vec or FastText for this purpose.)
Similarly, if you have word-vectors but not full doc-vectors, there's a technique called "Word Mover's Distance" that calculates a word-vector-adjusted "distance" between two texts. It often does well in highlighting near-paraphrases, though it's somewhat expensive to calculate (especially for longer texts).
In some cases, just converting all docs to their "bag of words" representation – a giant vector containing counts of words used – then ranking docs by how many words they share is a good enough similarity measure.
Also, full-text index/search frameworks, like SOLR or ElasticSearch, can sometimes take full documents as queries, giving nicly ranked results. (This often works by picking the example document's most significant words, and using those words as fuzzy full-text queries against the full document set.)

Clear approach for assigning semantic tags to each sentence (or short documents) in python

I am looking for a good approach using python libraries to tackle the following problem:
I have a dataset with a column that has product description. The values in this column can be very messy and would have a lot of other words that are not related to the product. I want to know which rows are about the same product, so I would need to tag each description sentence with its main topics. For example, if I have the following:
"500 units shoe green sport tennis import oversea plastic", I would like the tags to be something like: "shoe", "sport". So I am looking to build an approach for semantic tagging of sentences, not part of speech tagging. Assume I don't have labeled (tagged) data for training.
Any help would be appreciated.
Lack of labeled data means you cannot apply any semantic classification method using word vectors, which would be the optimal solution to your problem. An alternative however could be to construct the document frequencies of your token n-grams and assume importance based on some smoothed variant of idf (i.e. words that tend to appear often in descriptions probably carry some semantic weight). You can then inspect your sorted-by-idf list of words and handpick(/erase) words that you deem important(/unimportant). The results won't be perfect, but it's a clean and simple solution given your lack of training data.

word2vec guesing word embeddings

can word2vec be used for guessing words with just context?
having trained the model with a large data set e.g. Google news how can I use word2vec to predict a similar word with only context e.g. with input ", who dominated chess for more than 15 years, will compete against nine top players in St Louis, Missouri." The output should be Kasparov or maybe Carlsen.
I'ven seen only the similarity apis but I can't make sense how to use them for this? is this not how word2vec was intented to use?
It is not the intended use of word2vec. The word2vec algorithm internally tries to predict exact words, using surrounding words, as a roundabout way to learn useful vectors for those surrounding words.
But even so, it's not forming exact predictions during training. It's just looking at a single narrow training example – context words and target word – and performing a very simple comparison and internal nudge to make its conformance to that one example slightly better. Over time, that self-adjusts towards useful vectors – even if the predictions remain of wildly-varying quality.
Most word2vec libraries don't offer a direct interface for showing ranked predictions, given context words. The Python gensim library, for the last few versions (as of current version 2.2.0 in July 2017), has offered a predict_output_word() method that roughly shows what the model would predict, given context-words, for some training modes. See:
However, considering your fill-in-the-blank query (also called a 'cloze deletion' in related education or machine-learning contexts):
_____, who dominated chess for more than 15 years, will compete against nine top players in St Louis, Missouri
A vanilla word2vec model is unlikely to get that right. It has little sense of the relative importance of words (except when some words are more narrowly predictive of others). It has no sense of grammar/ordering, or or of the compositional-meaning of connected-phrases (like 'dominated chess' as opposed to the separate words 'dominated' and 'chess'). Even though words describing the same sorts of things are usually near each other, it doesn't know categories to be able to determine that the blank must be a 'person' and a 'chess player', and the fuzzy-similarities of word2vec don't guarantee words-of-a-class will necessarily all be nearer-each-other than other words.
There has been a bunch of work to train word/concept vectors (aka 'dense embeddings') to be better at helping at such question-answering tasks. A random example might be "Creating Causal Embeddings for Question Answering with Minimal Supervision" but queries like [word2vec question answering] or [embeddings for question answering] will find lots more. I don't know of easy out-of-the-box libraries for doing this, with or without a core of word2vec, though.

How to get vector for a sentence from the word2vec of tokens in sentence

I have generated the vectors for a list of tokens from a large document using word2vec. Given a sentence, is it possible to get the vector of the sentence from the vector of the tokens in the sentence.
There are differet methods to get the sentence vectors :
Doc2Vec : you can train your dataset using Doc2Vec and then use the sentence vectors.
Average of Word2Vec vectors : You can just take the average of all the word vectors in a sentence. This average vector will represent your sentence vector.
Average of Word2Vec vectors with TF-IDF : this is one of the best approach which I will recommend. Just take the word vectors and multiply it with their TF-IDF scores. Just take the average and it will represent your sentence vector.
There are several ways to get a vector for a sentence. Each approach has advantages and shortcomings. Choosing one depends on the task you want to perform with your vectors.
First, you can simply average the vectors from word2vec. According to Le and Mikolov, this approach performs poorly for sentiment analysis tasks, because it "loses the word order in the same way as the standard bag-of-words models do" and "fail[s] to recognize many sophisticated linguistic phenomena, for instance sarcasm". On the other hand, according to Kenter et al. 2016, "simply averaging word embeddings of all words in a text has proven to be a strong baseline or feature across a multitude of tasks", such as short text similarity tasks. A variant would be to weight word vectors with their TF-IDF to decrease the influence of the most common words.
A more sophisticated approach developed by Socher et al. is to combine word vectors in an order given by a parse tree of a sentence, using matrix-vector operations. This method works for sentences sentiment analysis, because it depends on parsing.
It is possible, but not from word2vec. The composition of word vectors in order to obtain higher-level representations for sentences (and further for paragraphs and documents) is a really active research topic. There is not one best solution to do this, it really depends on to what task you want to apply these vectors. You can try concatenation, simple summation, pointwise multiplication, convolution etc. There are several publications on this that you can learn from, but ultimately you just need to experiment and see what fits you best.
It depends on the usage:
1) If you only want to get sentence vector for some known data. Check out paragraph vector in these papers:
Quoc V. Le and Tomas Mikolov. 2014. Distributed representations of sentences and documents. Eprint Arxiv,4:1188–1196.
A. M. Dai, C. Olah, and Q. V. Le. 2015. DocumentEmbedding with Paragraph Vectors. ArXiv e-prints,July.
2) If you want a model to estimate sentence vector for unknown(test) sentences with unsupervised approach:
You could check out this paper:
Steven Du and Xi Zhang. 2016. Aicyber at SemEval-2016 Task 4: i-vector based sentence representation. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016), San Diego, US
3)Researcher are also looking for the output of certain layer in RNN or LSTM network, recent example is:
4)For the gensim doc2vec, many researchers could not get good results, to overcome this problem, following paper using doc2vec based on pre-trained word vectors.
Jey Han Lau and Timothy Baldwin (2016). An Empirical Evaluation of doc2vec with Practical Insights into Document Embedding Generation. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, 2016.
5) tweet2vec or sent2vec
Facebook has SentEval project for evaluating the quality of sentence vectors.
6) There are more information in the following paper:
Neural Network Models for Paraphrase Identification, Semantic Textual Similarity, Natural Language Inference, and Question Answering
And for now you can use 'BERT':
Google release the source code as well as pretrained models.
And here is an example to run bert as a service:
You can get vector representations of sentences during training phase (join the test and train sentences in a single file and run word2vec code obtained from following link).
Code for sentence2vec has been shared by Tomas Mikolov here.
It assumes first word of a line to be sentence-id.
Compile the code using
gcc word2vec.c -o word2vec -lm -pthread -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops
and run it using
./word2vec -train alldata-id.txt -output vectors.txt -cbow 0 -size 100 -window 10 -negative 5 -hs 0 -sample 1e-4 -threads 40 -binary 0 -iter 20 -min-count 1 -sentence-vectors 1
Gensim (development version) seems to have a method to infer vectors of new sentences. Check out model.infer_vector(NewDocument) method in
I've had good results from:
Summing the word vectors (with tf-idf weighting). This ignores word order, but for many applications is sufficient (especially for short documents)
Google's Universal Sentence Encoder embeddings are an updated solution to this problem. It doesn't use Word2vec but results in a competing solution.
Here is a walk-through with TFHub and Keras.
Deep averaging network (DAN) can provide sentence embeddings in which word bi-grams are averaged and passed through feedforward deep neural network(DNN).
It is found that transfer learning using sentence embeddings tends to outperform word level transfer as it preserves the semantic relationship.
You don't need to start the training from scratch, the pretrained DAN models are available for perusal ( Check Universal Sentence Encoder module in google hub).
let suppose this is current sentence
import gensim
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from gensim import models
model = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('path of your trainig
dataset', binary=True)
strr = 'i am'
strr2 = strr.split()
model[strr2] //this the the sentance embeddings.