Overwrite pixel per pixel in an openGL 2d texture - c++

I want to create an openGL 2D texture and set the RGBA values of every pixel by its own. Can someone give me an explanation for my problem? I didn't find one in the internet.

If you're just looking to write the pixels of a 2D texture, you can simply use glTexImage2D, which takes a buffer specifying the pixel data you wish to upload to the texture (https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glTexImage2D.xhtml). Alternatively, you can use glTexSubImage2D to write a portion of the texture's pixels (https://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glTexSubImage2D.xml). If you're instead looking to do the analogous thing with the framebuffer, you can use glDrawPixels (https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDrawPixels.xml).
If the target is the backbuffer, attempting to draw to a exact pixel values to a texture by binding it as a framebuffer, and then rendering a textured quad completely covering it is possible. However, this process is subject to blending and potentially pixel-center issues, whereas glDrawPixels is not.

I did something like this some time ago, when playing around with OpenGL.
Have a look at the code here, on GitHub.
You can find it in main.cpp.
Basically, my idea was to create an array of floats, set the values, copy to GPU with glBufferData and draw with glDrawElements.
As I remember it, doing it often was very bad in terms of performance, so it's probably not the best direction.
Please also note that this code is just my sandbox, and may not be the best possible example to be copied.


how to update a certain channel of a texture

I am now using FFMPEG to read a high resolution video (6480*1920) and use opengl to show it
after decoding, I get 3 pointer that point to the Y,U,V.
At first, I use swsscale to convert it rgb and show it, but I find it's too slow. So I directly deal with YUV. My second try is generate 3 one channel texture and convert it to rgb in fragment shader. It is faster, but still cannot achieve 60fps
I find the bottleneck is this function : texture(texy, tex_coord.xy). When the texture is large, it cost a lot of time. So instead of call it 3 times, my idea is to put the YUV in one single texture since a texture can have 4 channel. But I wonder that how can I update a certain channel of a texture.
I try the following code, but it seems do not work. Instead of update a channel, glTexSubImage2D changes the whole texture:
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, frame->width, frame->height,0, GL_RED, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Y);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0,0,frame->width, frame->height, GL_GREEN,U);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0,0,frame->width, frame->height, GL_BLUE,V);
So how can I use one texture to pass the YUV data ? I also try that gather the YUV data into one array then generate the texture. But it does not help since it need a lot of time to generate that array.
Any good idea?
You're approaching this from the wrong angle, since you don't actually understand what is causing the poor performance in the first place. Yes, texture access is a rather expensive operation. But it is not that expensive; I mean, just think about of the amount of texture data that gets pushed around in modern games at very high frame rates.
The problem is not the channel format of the texture, and it is also not the call of GLSL texture.
Your problem is this:
(…) high resolution video (6480*1920)
Plain and simple the dimensions of the frame are outside the range of what the GPU is comfortable working with. Try breaking down the picture into a set of smaller textures. Using glPixelStorei paramters GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS and GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS you can select the rectangle inside your source picture to copy.
You don't have to make several draw calls BTW, just select the texture inside the shader based on the target fragment position or texture coordinate.
Unfortunately OpenGL doesn't offer a convenient function to determine the sweet spot, for most GPUs these days the maximum size in either direction for dense textures is 2048. Go above it and in my experience the performance tanks for dense textures.
Sparse textures are an entirely different chapter, and irrelevant for this problem.
And just for the sake of completeness: I take it, that you don't reinitialize the texture for each and every frame with a call to glTexImage2D. Do that only once at the start of the video, then just update the texture(s).

Displaying a framebuffer in OpenGL

I've been learning a bit of OpenGL lately, and I just got to the Framebuffers.
So by my current understanding, if you have a framebuffer of your own, and you want to draw the color buffer onto the window, you'll need to first draw a quad, and then wrap the texture over it? Is that right? Or is there something like glDrawArrays(), glDrawElements() version for framebuffers?
It seems a bit... Odd (clunky? Hackish?) to me that you have to wrap a texture over a quad in order to draw the framebuffer. This doesn't have to be done with the default framebuffer. Or is that done behind your back?
Well. The main point of framebuffer objects is to render scenes to buffers that will not get displayed but rather reused somewhere, as a source of data for some other operation (shadow maps, High dynamic range processing, reflections, portals...).
If you want to display it, why do you use a custom framebuffer in the first place?
Now, as #CoffeeandCode comments, there is indeed a glBlitFramebuffer call to allow transfering pixels from one framebuffer to another. But before you go ahead and use that call, ask yourself why you need that extra step. It's not a free operation...

On OpenGL, is there any way to tell glTexSubImage2d not to overwrite transparent pixels?

On OpenGL, I'm using glTexSubImage2d to overwrite specific parts of a 2D texture with rectangular sprites. Those sprites have, though, some transparent pixels (0x00000000) that I want to be ignored - that is, I don't want those pixels to overwrite whatever is on their positions on the target texture. Is there any way to tell OpenGL not to overwrite those pixels?
This must be compatible with OpenGL versions as low as possible.
No, the glTexSubImage2d will copy the data to the texture directly no matter what the source or the target is.
I can only suggest you to create another texture with the data you are trying to push using glTexSubImage2d and then draw this texture to your target texture. This will lead to a pretty standard drawing pipeline so you can do whatever you want using blend functions or shaders.

OpenGL: How to update subimage of a rectangular texture?

I am trying to update a small square section in a large rectangular texture.
I've tried using glTexSubImage2D with the target set to GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, but I'm running into issues. It may just be that I don't know how to use glTexSubImage2D correctly though. The issues may be due to the fact that I'm trying not to load the whole texture into main memory using glTexImage2D before updating the subimage?
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to update a subimage of a rectangular texture without having to read the entire texture into main memory? I see glTexCopyTexSubImage2D... Still wondering if these methods work with rectangular textures though.
I'm quite sure you have to at least upload full-size texture even once with glTexImage2D. You can even use a blank array if you don't have any access to whole image at the beginning.
glCopyTexSubImage2D is not really like what you want. It copies a specific portion from "frame buffer" to a texture. But, you want to upload from main memory, right?
I don't see any reason why rectangular textures cannot be supported by those methods unless there is a broken driver.
Consider that rectangular textures do not use texture coordinates in [0..1] range like the other textures. Instead they use [0..Width] and [0..Height] range.

Using a buffer for selectioning objects: accuracy problems

in each frame (as in frames per second) I render, I make a smaller version of it with just the objects that the user can select (and any selection-obstructing objects). In that buffer I render each object in a different color.
When the user has mouseX and mouseY, I then look into that buffer what color corresponds with that position, and find the corresponding objects.
I can't work with FBO so I just render this buffer to a texture, and rescale the texture orthogonally to the screen, and use glReadPixels to read a "hot area" around mouse cursor.. I know, not the most efficient but performance is ok for now.
Now I have the problem that this buffer with "colored objects" has some accuracy problems. Of course I disable all lighting and frame shaders, but somehow I still get artifacts. Obviously I really need clean sheets of color without any variances.
Note that here I put all the color information in an unsigned byte in GL_RED. (assumiong for now I maximally have 255 selectable objects).
Are these caused by rescaling the texture? (I could replace this by looking up scaled coordinates int he small texture.), or do I need to disable some other flag to really get the colors that I want.
Can this technique even be used reliably?
It looks like you're using GL_LINEAR for your GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER. Use GL_NEAREST instead if you don't want interpolated colors.
I could replace this by looking up scaled coordinates int he small texture.
You should. Rescaling is more expensive than converting the coordinates for sure.
That said, scaling a uniform texture should not introduce artifacts if you keep an integer ratio (like upscale 2x), with no fancy filtering. It looks blurry on the polygon edges, so I'm assuming that's not what you use.
Also, the rescaling should introduce variations only at the polygon boundaries. Did you check that there are no variations in the un-scaled texture ? That would confirm whether it's the scaling that introduces your "artifacts".
What exactly do you mean by "variance"? Please explain in more detail.
Now some suggestion: In case your rendering doesn't depend on stencil buffer operations, you could put the object ID into the stencil buffer in the render pass to the window itself, don't use the detour over a separate texture. On current hardware you usually get 8 bits of stencil. Of course the best solution, if you want to use a index buffer approach, is using multiple render targets and render the object ID into an index buffer together with color and the other stuff in one pass. See http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/draw_buffers.txt