Debug a program with equal memory address locations over multiple runs? - c++

I have a program that I'm debugging in Visual Studio 2010. I have a reproducible error that occurs in the program and I am printing some diagnostic information. The error leaves the program in a bad state so I have to constantly restart the program. Each time I run the program the addresses for my structs are different. There are many of them and it would be much easier to debug if the addresses would stay the same each time I run the program.
The addresses look almost similar but are different. For example one struct has an address of 0x003F5540 one time, 0x003E5540 the next time, 0x00605540 and 0x004F5540 the next time.
The code executes exactly the same every time so I don't know why I see the slightly different addresses. I have turned off ASLR and DEP. What can I do to get the same addresses every time I run the program?
Edit- It may not be possible to disable heap and stack randomization:
1st call to "new" always returns different addresses. How do I get it to return the same address?

There's no "may" about it, address randomization has been the core of every OS since 16 bit protected mode ones. Otherwise you couldn't run the same process twice. Or two processes that chose overlapping virtual base addresses.
Use symbol names instead of pointer values, that's what debug symbols are for!


debugger wont show the pointed variable

I am debugging a code and there are 2 issues.
the debugger showed me the inner fields of each pointer, but suddenly it just wont, I dont know what changed or what did i click, but when i try to acsses the inner fields (like writing something into the pointed variable) it indeed shows me the correct variable, so it is saved there.
As you can see last clearly points to something, but it doesnt show the inner variable that the pointer is pointing to.
10 minutes ago it showed them though.
for some reason my program runs on debugging mode but encounter some sort of an unkown infinite loop when i run it regularly. Howcome?
im using the mingw debugger (i think its called GDB) on the IDE CLion.
I have no idea about the first part of the question, but for the second part:
for some reason my program runs on debugging mode but encounter some sort of an unkown infinite loop when i run it regularly. Howcome?
This is very common.
In 99.999% of instances this happens because your program exercises undefined behavior of some sort, such as using unitialized data, accessing array out of bounds, accessing memory after it has been deallocated, etc. etc.
In the remaining 0.001% of the cases it's due to a compiler bug.
On non-Widows OSes there are tools which help find such problems quickly, such as Address and Memory Sanitizers. Looks like Address Sanitizer is also available on Windows, but only under MSVC.
what can i usually do in order to find those memory bugs that the debugger wont pickup on?
The usual techniques are:
Leave no variable uninitialized.
Add assert()ions to verify that indices are in bounds, etc.
Have a very clear model of what dynamically allocated memory is owned by which object, so it's clear that no memory is accessed after it has been deleted, etc.
if my code is lets say 1500 lines long,
That is a very small program. Learning how to debug such programs will serve you well.

Reading a crash report first time

Using Steam Crash reporting service and we have an error that is
Win32 StructuredException at 00C6A290 : Attempt to read from virtual
address 5467 without appropriate access rights.
I think I understand the second part (the program read memory from an area that it should not have). But the first part I don't understand. Is 00C6A290 the same each time the program is executed (and does I can backtrace it somehow) or is it assigned by the program at runtime.
It looks like 00C6A290 is an address in memory (within the executable of your program or some code called from it). To my understanding this address is the address of the instruction which caused the exception. In general it may be different each time you run your program since it can be loaded to different memory regions by the OS.
Run your program in a debugger to see backtrace. Do you have the source code?

How do I find out what writes to an address using C++?

I have an address that get's writen to 1000x per second by 300 different instructions. How can I use c++ to find out the last instruction to write to an address?
I already have made it so it alerts me the instance a specific value is written to an address, but how can I make it print the last instruction address that wrote that specific value?
I would do this in a debugger but all of the debuggers I've found cannot handle doing a conditional breakpoint on an address that changes 1000x per second without freezing the program.
If I can't do this in C++, what are other ways that I can do this? I need to find what address instruction writes a specific value to a memory address that receives over 1000 writes per second from different addresses.
I am using Windows 7 x32 for those wondering.
Take a look at pin. Briefly, pin allows you to instrument your code at the x86 instruction level, allowing you to track reads and/or writes as you please. I've used it myself to model cache performance and found it fairly fast.
already have made it so it alerts me the instance a specific value is written to an address, but how can I make it print the last instruction address that wrote that specific value?
If it's just for one-off debugging, have the code that alerts system/popen pstack ( or similar - some external program that dumps your call stack. Exactly which program to use is highly OS dependent, and you've said nothing of your environment. (This is a common technique for generating call stacks from signal handlers after invalid memory accesses etc.)

Visual Studio c++ - program fails without debugger, works fine with debugger

my program executes exactly as desired when i run the debugger even with no breakpoints
when i run without debugging, i get a debug error
"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way."
At one point, I call a function that sets a variable called currCode (an integer)
currCode = function();
//this throws debug error
If i add a cout of the variable currCode between this line and the next line, the program works fine with or without the debugger.
currCode = function();
cout << currCode; //this works!
Might try turning off optimization and see if you still get the problem.
There are many likely reasons for errors appearing in a program run directly from executable and one run by the debugger. Here are a few common ones:
Uninitialized Variables
DLL Hell
Heap or Stack Management
Again, the above are the most common.
Uninitialized Variables
Many debuggers will inadvertantly initialize your variables for you. A program run directly from an executable may not initialize the variable area, the way you expect. In the embedded systems world, this usually means not at all. So, get in the habit of initializing all variables, preferably when you declare them.
DLL Hell
Debuggers are nice and want to provide you with a nice experience, so they load a number of shared or dynamically linked libraries before your program is executed. Some of these libraries you will have to explicitly load.
Usually not common, but programs executing without a debugger run at different rates than those run a full speed with a debugger. This can make delay loops (spin loops) be have differently. Data buffers can have longer time to fill when using a debugger. When in doubt, use print statements in the release version to help narrow the location of the issue.
Heap or Stack Management
Debuggers usually provide code to protect your program from overrunning the stack, heap and other areas of memory. This comes with the feature to detect wild pointers and accessing data from invalid addresses. Also, debuggers want to protect what little memory the OS gives to them (they have to share memory with your program). A program running without a debugger can mess up stacks and heaps without any detections or generating faults.

What exactly does a debugger do?

I've stumbled onto a very interesting issue where a function (has to deal with the Windows clipboard) in my app only works properly when a breakpoint is hit inside the function. This got me wondering, what exactly does the debugger do (VS2008, C++) when it hits a breakpoint?
Without directly answering your question (since I suspect the debugger's internal workings may not really be the problem), I'll offer two possible reasons this might occur that I've seen before:
First, your program does pause when it hits a breakpoint, and often that delay is enough time for something to happen (perhaps in another thread or another process) that has to happen before your function will work. One easy way to verify this is to add a pause for a few seconds beforehand and run the program normally. If that works, you'll have to look for a more reliable way of finding the problem.
Second, Visual Studio has historically (I'm not certain about 2008) over-allocated memory when running in debug mode. So, for example, if you have an array of int[10] allocated, it should, by rights, get 40 bytes of memory, but Visual Studio might give it 44 or more, presumably in case you have an out-of-bounds error. Of course, if you DO have an out-of-bounds error, this over-allocation might make it appear to be working anyway.
Typically, for software breakpoints, the debugger places an interrupt instruction at the location you set the breakpoint at. This transfers control of the program to the debugger's interrupt handler, and from there you're in a world where the debugger can decide what to do (present you with a command prompt, print the stack and continue, what have you.)
On a related note, "This works in the debugger but not when I run without a breakpoint" suggests to me that you have a race condition. So if your app is multithreaded, consider examining your locking discipline.
It might be a timing / thread synchronization issue. Do you do any multimedia or multithreading stuff in your program?
The reason your app only works properly when a breakpoint is hit might be that you have some watches with side effects still in your watch list from previous debugging sessions. When you hit the break point, the watch is executed and your program behaves differently.
A debugger essentially allows you to step through your source code and examine how the code is working. If you set a breakpoint, and run in debug mode, your code will pause at that break point and allow you to step into the code. This has some distinct advantages. First, you can see what the status of your variables are in memory. Second, it allows you to make sure your code is doing what you expect it to do without having to do a whole ton of print statements. And, third, it let's you make sure the logic is working the way you expect it to work.
Edit: A debugger is one of the more valuable tools in my development toolbox, and I'd recommend that you learn and understand how to use the tool to improve your development process.
I'd recommend reading the Wikipedia article for more information.
The debugger just halts execution of your program when it hits a breakpoint. If your program is working okay when it hits the breakpoint, but doesn't work without the breakpoint, that would indicate to me that you have a race condition or another threading issue in your code. The breakpoint is stopping the execution of your code, perhaps allowing another process to complete normally?
It stops the program counter for your process (the one you are debugging), and shows the current value of your variables, and uses the value of your variables at the moment to calculate expressions.
You must take into account, that if you edit some variable value when you hit a breakpoint, you are altering your process state, so it may behave differently.
Debugging is possible because the compiler inserts debugging information (such as function names, variable names, etc) into your executable. Its possible not to include this information.
Debuggers sometimes change the way the program behaves in order to work properly.
I'm not sure about Visual Studio but in Eclipse for example. Java classes are not loaded the same when ran inside the IDE and when ran outside of it.
You may also be having a race condition and the debugger stops one of the threads so when you continue the program flow it's at the right conditions.
More info on the program might help.
On Windows there is another difference caused by the debugger. When your program is launched by the debugger, Windows will use a different memory manager (heap manager to be exact) for your program. Instead of the default heap manager your program will now get the debug heap manager, which differs in the following points:
it initializes allocated memory to a pattern (0xCDCDCDCD comes to mind but I could be wrong)
it fills freed memory with another pattern
it overallocates heap allocations (like a previous answer mentioned)
All in all it changes the memory use patterns of your program so if you have a memory thrashing bug somewhere its behavior might change.
Two useful tricks:
Use PageHeap to catch memory accesses beyond the end of allocated blocks
Build using the /RTCsu (older Visual C++ compilers: /GX) switch. This will initialize the memory for all your local variables to a nonzero bit pattern and will also throw a runtime error when an unitialized local variable is accessed.