Creating constraints for aTransformation Matrix - opengl

In a 3d space I have a 3d object which I am rotating using a transformation matrix. The transformation matrix is 4x4 but I am just using the rotation part of the matrix. I want to add constraints to the rotation for example the object can only rotate in the z direction for 20 degrees. I know the following but when I add manual constraints such as angle cant be larger than 20 i get scaling and skewing in my object.
To summarize my question how can I add constraints to a transformation matrix?

The short answer, you should add constraints to your Euler Angle representation.
If you keep rotation only in matrix form, than convert it to Euler Angle representation, apply constraints and convert Euler Angle to matrix form.
NOTE: Your Rx Ry Rz representation is called "Euler Angels" There is a many ways to combine rotations about orthogonal axes. code for all conversions can be taken from


One Quaternion Camera

Would it be possible to represent a 3D Camera using only a Quaternion? I know that most cameras use an Up vector and a Forward vector to represent it's rotation, but couldn't the same rotation be represented as a single Quaternion with the rotation axis being forward, and the w component being the amount from the Y Axis that the camera was rotated. If there is a way to do this, any resources would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
In general, no, it's not possible to represent a 3D camera using only a quaternion. This is because a 3D camera not only has an orientation in space, but also a position, and a projection. The quaternion only describes an orientation.
If you're actually asking whether the rotation component of the camera object could be represented as a quaternion, then the answer in general is yes. Quaternions can be easily converted into rotation matrices (Convert Quaternion rotation to rotation matrix?), and back, so anywhere a rotation matrix is used, a quaternion could also be used (and converted to a rotation matrix where appropriate).

How to flip only one axis of transformation matrix?

I have a 4x4 transformation matrix. However, after trying out the transformation I noticed that movement and rotation of the Y axis is going the opposite way. The rest is correct.
I got this matrix from some other API so probably it is the difference of coordinate system. So, how can I flip an axis of transformation matrix?
If only translation I can add minus sign on the Y translation, but I have no idea about opposite rotation of only one axis since all the rotation is being represented in the same 3x3 area. I thought there might be some way that even affect both translation and rotation at the same time. (truly flipping the axis)
Edit: I'm pretty sure the operation you're looking for is changing coordinate systems while maintaining Z-up or Y-up. In this case, try setting all the elements of the second column (or row) of your matrix to their inverse.
This question would be better for the Math StackExchange. First, a really helpful read on rotation matrices.
The first problem is the matter of rotation order. I will be assuming the XYZ rotation order. We know the rotation matrices for each axis is as follows:
Given a matrix derived from the same rotation order, the resulting matrix would be as follows, where alpha is the X angle, beta is the Y angle, and gamma is the Z angle:
You can derive the individual components of each axis angle from this matrix. For example, you can derive the Y angle from -sin(beta) using some inverse trig. Given beta, you can derive alpha from cos(beta)sin(alpha). You can also derive gamma from cos(beta)sin(gamma). Note that the same number in the matrix can represent multiple values (e.g. sin(0)=0 and sin(180)=0).
Now that you know alpha, beta, and gamma, you can reverse beta and remake the rotation matrix.
There's a good chance that there's a better way to do this using quaternions, but you should ask the Math StackExchange these kinds of language-agnostic questions.
Much shorter answer: if you are not careful with your frame orientation many things down your pipeline are likely to have a bad hair day. The reason is "parity", a.k.a. "frame orientation", a.k.a. "right-handedness" (or rarely left-handedness). Most 3D geometry tools and libraries that work together normally assume implicitly that all coordinate systems in play are right-handed (or at least consistently-handed). Inverting the orientation of just one axis in a coordinate system changes its orientation from right to left handed or viceversa.
So, suggestion for things to check & try in your problem:
Check that the frame you get from your API is right-handed. You do so
by computing the determinant of the 3x3 rotation part of your 4x4 transform matrix: it must be +1 or very close to it.
If it is -1, then flip one if its axis, i.e. change the sign of one of the columns of the 3x3 rotation.
Note carefully: I said "columns" because I assume that you apply a transform Q to a point x by multiplying as Q * x, x being a 4x1 column vector with the last component equal to one. If you use row vectors left-multiplied by Q you need flip a row.
If that determinant is +1, you have a bug someplace else.

How to constrain 3D rotations (Euler)

What's the correct/best way of constraining a 3D rotation (using Euler angles and/or quaternions)?
It seems like there's something wrong with my way of doing it. I'm applying the rotations to bones in a skeletal hierarchy for animation, and the bones sometimes visibly "jump" into the wrong orientation, and the individual Euler components are wrapping around to the opposite end of their ranges.
I'm using Euler angles to represent the current orientation, converting to quaternions to do rotations, and clamping each Euler angle axis independently. Here's C++ pseudo-code showing basically what I'm doing:
Euler min = ...;
Euler max = ...;
Quat rotation = ...;
Euler eCurrent = ...;
// do rotation
Quat qCurrent = eCurrent.toQuat();
qCurrent = qCurrent * rotation;
eCurrent = qCurrent.toEuler();
// constrain
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
eCurrent[i] = clamp(eCurrent[i], min[i], max[i]);
One problem with Euler angles is that there are multiple ways to represent the same rotation, so you can easily create a sequence of rotations that are smooth, but the angles representing that rotation may jump around. If the angles jump in and out of the constrained range, then you will see effects like you are describing.
Imagine that only the X rotation was involved, and you had constrained the X rotation to be between 0 and 180 degrees. Also imagine that your function that converts the quaternion to Euler angles gave angles from -180 to 180 degrees.
You then have this sequence of rotations:
True rotation After conversion After constraint
179 179 179
180 180 180
181 -179 0
You can see that even though the rotation is changing smoothly, the result will suddenly jump from one side to the other because the conversion function forces the result to be represented in a certain range.
When you are converting the quaternion to Euler angles, find the angles that are closest to the previous result. For example:
eCurrent = closestAngles(qCurrent.toEuler(),eCurrent);
eConstrained = clampAngles(eCurrent,min,max);
remember the eCurrent values for next time, and apply the eConstrained rotations to your skeleton.
The problem here is that the constraints you are applying have no relation to the rotation be applied. From a conceptual point of view this is what you are trying to achieve:
assume a bone is in an unconstrained state.
apply rotation
has bone exceeded constraints? If yes, rotate it to where it is not constrained any more
Your code that clamps the Euler rotations is the part where you rotating the bone back. However this code ignores the original bone rotation so you will see odd behavior, such as the snapping you are seeing.
A simple way to work with this is to do this instead:
assume a bone is in an unconstrained state
apply rotation
test if bone exceeded constraints
if yes, we need to find where the constraint stops movement.
halve the rotation, apply it in reverse
is the bone exceeding constraints? If yes go to 1
If no, halve the rotation, apply it in the forward direction. Goto 2
keep doing that until you are within some tolerance of your constraining angles
Now this will work, but because your rotation quarternions is being applied on all angles, the rotation will stop when any one of those constraints are net, even if there is freedom some where else.
If instead you apply rotations independently of each other, then you will be able to reliable use your clamping or the above technique to honor constraints, and also rotate as closely to your target as you can.

How to know that object has been rotated only in 15 degree chunks in 3D?

I have an 3D object in 3D space oriented in some orientation. How can I know it has been rotated from its initial rotation q (in euler angles: 0, 0, 0) only in arbitrary number of 15 degree rotations in any axis. E.g, rotated in X-axis 4*15 degrees, and in Y-axis 7*15 degrees and in Z-axis 13*15 degrees. How can I detect this?
I have tried to take euler angles from the object's rotation matrix but it seems to detect the situation correctly only if I rotate only in one axis. If I start to mix X,Y and Z axis 15 degree rotations, the euler angles gets messed up.
I am 100% sure that the object has been rotated only in 15 degree chunks.
Rotation matrices can only be decomposed into quaternions, I believe, and cannot be decomposed into per-axis rotations.
I am not sure what math library you are using, but, if provided, you could use quaternions, which will quite straightforward the functionality you want. They can be translated to rotation matrices afterwards.
Rotations are not commutative, therefore describing them with Euler angles is problematic if you don't know the right order. If you know the order, you can set up an equation system with a multiplication of three rotation matrices (parameterized by the rotation angle) on one side and the final rotation matrix on the other side. Gives you three equations and three unknowns. But watch out for singularities in Euler angle representation!
If you can, the dead simplest way is to store both the components (float3 m_Translation, m_Rotation, m_Scale) and a matrix that is updated whenever they change (float4x4 m_Matrix). To get the data out, simply grab the vector for that part and return it. The memory use is small (12-16 floats) and computational overhead is minimal (recalculate the matrix when a part is updated).
However, if that can't be done, Google suggests you can decompose rotation matrices with a bit of work like so. It does take a chunk of math.
As noted in that page, the D3DX libraries also have a function to decompose matrices: D3DXMatrixDecompose.

Translating a Quaternion

(perhaps this is better for a math Stack Exchange?)
I have a chain composed of bones. Each bone has a with a tip and tail. The following code computes where its tip will be, given a rotation, and sets the next link in the chain's position appropriately:
// Quaternion is a hand-rolled class that works correctly (as far as I can tell.)
Quaternion quat = new Quaternion(getRotationAngleDegrees(), getRotation());
// figure out where the tip will be after applying the rotation
Vector3f rotatedTip = quat.applyRotationTo(tip);
// set the next bone's tail to be at this one's tip
This works if the rotation is supposed to occur around the origin of the object's coordinate system. But what if I want the rotation to occur around some other arbitrary point in the object? I'm not sure how to translate the quaternion. What is the best way to do it?
(I'm using JOGL / OpenGL.)
Dual quaternions are useful for expressing rigid spatial transformations (combined rotations and translations.)
Based on dual numbers (one of the Clifford algebras, d = a + e b where a, b are real and e is unequal to zero but e^2 = 0), dual quaternions, U + e V, can represent lines in space with U the unit direction quaternion and V the moment about a reference point. In this way, dual quaternion lines are very much like Pluecker lines.
While the quaternion transform Q V Q* (Q* is the quaternion conjugate of Q) is used to rotate a unit vector quaternion V about a point, a similar dual quaternion form can be used to apply to line a screw transform (the rigid rotation about an axis combined with a translation along the axis.)
Just as any rigid 2D transform can be resolved to a rotation about a point, any rigid 3D transform can be resolved to a screw.
For such power and expressiveness, dual quaternion references are thin, and the Wikipedia article is as good a place as any to start.
A quaternion is used specifically to handle a rotation factor, but does not include a translation at all.
Typically, in this situation, you'll want to apply a rotation to a point based on the "bone's" length, but centered at the origin. You can then translate post-rotation to the proper location in space.
Quaternions are generally used to represent rotations only; they cannot represent translations as well.
You need to convert your quaternion into a rotation matrix, insert it into the appropriate part of your standard OpenGL 4x4 matrix, and combine it with a translation in order to rotate about an arbitrary point.
4x4 rotation matrix:
[ r r r 0 ]
[ r r r 0 ] <- the r's are the 3x3 rotation matrix from the wiki article
[ r r r 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
The Wikipedia page on forward kinematics points to this paper: Introduction to Homogeneous Transformations & Robot Kinematics.
Edit : This answer is wrong. It argues on 4x4 transformation matrices properties, which are not quaternions...
I might have got it wrong but to me (unlike some answers) a quaternion is indeed a tool to handle rotations and translations (and more). It is a 4x4 matrix where the last column represents the translation. Using matrix algebra, replace the 3-vector (x, y, z) by the 4-vector (x, y, z, 1) and compute the transformed vector by the matrix. You will find that values of the last column of the matrix will be added to the coordinates x, y, z of the original vector, as in a translation.
A 3x3 matrix for a 3D space represents a linear transformation (like rotation around the origin). You cannot use a 3x3 matrix for an affine transformation like a translation. So I understand simply the quaternions as a little "trick" to represent more kinds of transformations using matrix algebra. The trick is to add a fourth coordinate equal to 1 and to use 4x4 matrices. Because matrix algebra remains valid, you can combine space transformations by multiplying the matrices, which is indeed powerful.