NSubstitute conditions for throwing exception other than parameters - unit-testing

I'm using NSubstitute to mock a class that my method under test uses. This mocked class may throw a particular exception under certain conditions.
The method that I'm testing has some "retry" logic that it executes when it catches this exception. I'm trying to test this retry logic. So, I need a particular method of this mocked class to throw the exception sometimes, but not other times. Unfortunately, the method that throws this exception has no parameters, so I can't base the throw logic on parameters.
How can I make the mocked object's method throw the exception either:
A) ...the first N times it's called
B) ...based on the parameters some other method that's called before it
C) ...under any other condition other than the parameters passed in
To give you a clearer picture of what I'm trying to do, my code is something like:
IDataSender myDataSender = GetDataSender();
int ID = GetNextAvailableID();
bool sendSuccess = false;
while (!sendSuccess)
sendSuccess = true;
catch (IDCollisionException)
So, I need to test my retry logic, and I need to simulate that IDCollisionException. However, I can't have the SendData() throwing the exception every single time, or the retry loop will never succeed.
What can I do here?

If I understand the question correctly, you can use When..Do and close over a local variable to get this behaviour.
const int throwUntil = 3;
var callsToSendData = 0;
var dataSender = Substitute.For<IDataSender>();
.When(x => x.SendData())
.Do(x =>
if (callsToSendData < throwUntil)
throw new DbCollisionException();
Similarly, you can also use callbacks to locally capture parameters passed to other methods, and access them within the Do block (rather than just using a counter).


Mock Ktor's http client with MockK

I want to mock requests with ktor's http client using MockK. The problem is all the methods related to making requests with the client are inline, so I cannot use coEvery on those methods. The next thing I tried was to go through the called methods until I found a method that wasn't inline and then mock that. After stepping through some functions, the HttpClient.request() function instantiates an HttpStatement and then calls execute() on it.
public suspend inline fun HttpClient.request(
builder: HttpRequestBuilder = HttpRequestBuilder()
): HttpResponse = HttpStatement(builder, this).execute()
If I can mock the constructor and .execute() functions, I can intercept the call and return my canned response. I can then check that the builder's params are correct inside of a verify function.
coEvery { anyConstructed<HttpStatement>().execute() } returns mockk {
coEvery { status } returns HttpStatusCode.OK
coEvery { body<RefreshToken>() } returns RefreshToken()
This code takes care of intercepting the execute call. The next step would be to verify the constructor params of HttpStatement. This code to verify execute was called works:
coVerify { anyConstructed<HttpStatement>().execute() }
Next thing is to verify the constructor params. This pull request in the MockK repo describes how to verify constructors:
coVerify { constructedWith<HttpStatement>(/* Matchers here */).execute() }
Note that I have to add the .execute() or else MockK tells me I'm not verifying anything.
Missing calls inside verify { ... } block.
io.mockk.MockKException: Missing calls inside verify { ... } block.
at app//io.mockk.impl.recording.states.VerifyingState.checkMissingCalls(VerifyingState.kt:52)
at app//io.mockk.impl.recording.states.VerifyingState.recordingDone(VerifyingState.kt:21)
Ok, so just add in the matchers. However, no combination of matchers I try works. I've tried doing a bunch of constant matchers for type Any (which should match anything right?)
coVerify { constructedWith<HttpStatement>(ConstantMatcher<Any>(true))}
I've tried a matcher for HttpRequestBuilder and HttpClient
coVerify {
And a whole slew of others. Each time, I get this error:
Verification failed: call 1 of 1: HttpStatement(mockkConstructor<HttpStatement>(any(), any())).execute(any())) was not called
java.lang.AssertionError: Verification failed: call 1 of 1: HttpStatement(mockkConstructor<HttpStatement>(any(), any())).execute(any())) was not called
at io.mockk.impl.recording.states.VerifyingState.failIfNotPassed(VerifyingState.kt:63)
at io.mockk.impl.recording.states.VerifyingState.recordingDone(VerifyingState.kt:42)
Next thing I figured I could try would be to use an answers block earlier on in order to print out the types of the parameters being passed in case I was wrong, but that also runs into the "nothing being done in every block" error.
coEvery { anyConstructed<HttpStatement>() } answers {
args.filterNotNull().map { it::class.qualifiedName }.forEach(::println)
mockk {
coEvery { execute().status } returns HttpStatusCode.OK
coEvery { execute().body<RefreshToken>() } returns RefreshToken(
accessToken = accessToken,
expiresIn = expiresIn,
Is there a solution to mocking the http client? Do I have to mock something even more internal? Or do I just have to stick to using the ktor MockEngine?

Native v8::Promise Result

I'm trying to call a JS-function from C++ using v8/Nan which in turn returns a Promise.
Assuming I have a generic Nan Callback
Nan::Callback fn
I then call this function using the following code
Nan::AsyncResource resource(Nan::New<v8::String>("myresource").ToLocalChecked());
Nan::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> value = resource.runInAsyncScope(Nan::GetCurrentContext()->Global(), fn, 0, 0);
The function is being called correctly, and I receive the promise on the C++ side
v8::Handle<v8::Promise> promiseReturnObject =
v8::Handle<v8::Promise>::Cast ( value.ToLocalChecked() );
I can then check the state of the promise using
v8::Promise::PromiseState promiseState = promiseReturnObject->State();
Of course at the time the promise is still pending, and I can't access it's result. The only way I've found so far to receive the result of that promise is by using the Then method on the promiseReturnObject.
promiseReturnObject->Then(Nan::GetCurrentContext(), callbackFn);
Is there any way to retreive that result synchronously in the scope of the function that calls fn? I've tried using std::promise and passing it to as a data argument to v8::FunctionTemplate of callbackFn, but calling wait or get on the respective std::future blocks the execution and the promise is never fulfilled. Do I need to resort to callbacks?
Any help or idea on how I could set this up would be much appreciated.
I derived an answer from https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/5691
if (result->IsPromise()) {
Local<Promise> promise = result.As<Promise>();
if (promise->HasHandler()) {
while (promise->State() == Promise::kPending) {
if (promise->State() == Promise::kRejected) {
// ... procses promise->Result() ...

C++: How to catch exceptions thrown from constructors?

I have a class, call it A, whose constructor takes some input arguments, and may throw an exception if they are incompatible for constructing that object. In my main code, I construct an object of type A as follows:
A my_obj(arg1,arg2,arg3);
and use it. Obviously if the constructor fails and throws the exception, the execution of the program will be terminated after printing out an 'unhandled exception' message.
I, however, would like to give the user more information in this case and tell him/her why the exception has been thrown. So, I need a way to catch the exception.
To this end, one possibility is to enclose the whole code, starting from the declaration of my_obj till the end of the program in a try block and catch the exception afterwards:
try {
A my_obj(arg1, arg2, arg3);
// ...
// about 100 other lines of code being executed if my_obj is created properly
catch (std::exception& e) {
// print a user-friendly error message and exit
But this looks to me a bit of an 'overkill'. Specifically since no other exceptions are thrown in the remaining 100 lines. Is there any other nicer way to accomplish this?
If the constructor throws, you don't have an object. std::optional<> is a type that means "We might not have an object here".
template <typename T, typename ... Args>
std::optional<T> try_make(Args&& ... args)
{ try {
return make_optional(std::forward(args...));
} catch (...) {
return {};
} }
auto my_obj = try_make<A>(arg1,arg2,arg3);
if (my_obj) {
// about 100 other lines of code being executed if my_obj is created properly
One possibility would be the usage of a pointer (better use a smart pointer such as an unique_ptr as in below code). You would leave the unique_ptr empty, call the constructor in the try block and move the pointer into the unique_ptr. After that your other code executes. Surely you have to check for a valid pointer with the operator bool of unique_ptr in a simple if statement.
To simplify the usage of my_obj a reference is taken: A& my_obj_ref = *my_obj;.
std::unique_ptr<A> my_obj;
try {
my_obj = std::move(std::unique_ptr<A>(new A(arg1, arg2, arg3));
catch (std::exception& e) {
// print a user-friendly error message and exit
if (my_obj) { // needed if your exception handling doesn't break out of the function
A& my_obj_ref = *my_obj;
// ...
// about 100 other lines of code being executed if my_obj is created properly
Remember that this way would allocate your object on the heap instead of the stack.
You can abstract the object construction into a function that catches the exception:
template<typename... Args>
A make_a(Args&&... args) {
try {
return A(std::forward(args)...);
catch (std::exception& e) {
// print a user-friendly error message and exit
// ... in the actual code:
A my_obj = make_a(arg1, arg2, arg3);
The above makes use of the fact that your program is exiting if construction fails. If the requirement were to continue running, the function could return std::optional<A> (or its boost equivalent if you don't have access to C++17.)
You have several options here, depending on how you want control to continue if the construction fails.
If you want to exit the function by throwing an exception, then you don't need to do anything, you can let the A construction exception propagate up.
If you want to exit by either throwing a different exception, or by performing some actions before letting the A construction exception propagate, then use a factory function (perhaps a lambda) that performs those actions, e.g.:
auto a_factory(T x, U y) -> A // or use perfect forwarding
try { return A(x, y); }
catch(...) {
log("constructing A failed...");
throw other_exception();
// ...
A my_obj = a_factory(x, y);
If you want to exit by returning a value, then you could still use the above method, but wrap the calling function in another function that catches expected exceptions and returns a value.
Or you could use the optional (below) or unique_ptr (as covered by other answers) technique, but executing a return statement from the catch block.
If you want to continue execution without a valid A, then you can do:
std::optional<A> opt_my_obj;
A temp(...args...);
} catch(...)
// handling, you could return from the function here
// At this point you can test `if ( opt_my_obj )` to branch the flow.
// When you're at a point where you have verified the object exists, you
// can enable normal object syntax by writing:
A& my_obj = *opt_my_obj;
If you have several objects in your function that need this consideration, I would tend to suggest the version of having the whole function wrapped in a try...catch that can handle all the different exceptions.
I tend to do it simple: Throw the human readable message. This strategy works well when there is no choice, and usually, there isn't. There is a catch though, you want exception handling to be reasonably robust, so I package the message inside a std::array<char,4096> truncating if necessary and remembering the zero-terminator (I know that this could blow the stack but it should be fine if we are not in a recursive function), and throw that.
Options opts(argv);
SomeResource resource(opts.someParameter());
//...More actions that could throw
catch(const std::array<char,4096>& errmessage) //Or rather some other type that contains the message.
fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n",errmessage.data());
return -1; //Or any non-zero value
return 0;
Quick to implement new constructors for new classes since there is one exception class only, that will works for everything
You will pick up any system messages right from the source
Lack of context: The message will have to say something like "It was not possible to open the file foo: No such file or directory.". Without telling the user what the root cause for the exception. This problem is inherited from the exception model and cannot be solved without treating exceptions as glorified error codes
If you want to branch on exception content, you must parse the message, but I find this rarely needed. Possibly in the context of a compiler, but that would print that message anyway foo:54:1: Error: bar is not a baz.

PHPUnit test code inside catch block

I have a Symfony controller using try...catch.
I use phpunit to test my application. I have searched but havent found a way how to test the code inside a catch exception. How can I force php unit to pretend that something went wrong and enters the catch block and test this as well?
try {
$foo = 1;
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$mail = new Mail();
return new Response();
How can I tell phpunit to throw an \Exception so it will test code inside catch block of above?
Well, under those conditions, it will obviously not throw any exceptions, but consider the function your try/catch lies within. You need to unit test that function, and provide arguments that will cause it to fail, and catch.
For instance:
public function doStuff($argument) {
try {
$parsed = (int)$argument; //but what if $argument is a string with letters
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
//do stuff
To test that an exception is thrown when you mess it up:
public function testDoStuff() {
// get a mock of the class, let's just call it $mock
// do some regular asserts if you want
$mock->doStuff("haha, you can't parse this");
If you really have some complex stuff in your catch block you can move it to separate protected method of the controller and test it separately. You can easily access protected method outside of its class using reflection.

Dispatching exceptions in C++

How should exceptions be dispatched so that error handling and diagnostics can be handled in a centralized, user-friendly manner?
For example:
A DataHW class handles communication with some data acquisition hardware.
The DataHW class may throw exceptions based on a number of possible errors: intermittent signal, no signal, CRC failure, driver error. Each type of error gets its own exception class.
The DataHW class is called by a number of different pieces of code that do different types of acquisition and analysis.
The proper error handling strategy depends on the type of exception and the operation being attempted. (On intermittent signal, retry X times then tell the user; on a driver error, log an error and restart the driver; etc.) How should this error handling strategy be invoked?
Coding error recovery into each exception class: This would result in exception classes that are rather large and contain high-level UI and system management code. This seems bad.
Providing a separate catch block for each type of exception: Since the DataHW class is called from many different places, each catch block would have to be duplicated at each call site. This seems bad.
Using a single catch block that calls some ExceptionDispatch function with a giant RTTI-based switch statement: RTTI and switch usually indicates a failure to apply OO design, but this seems the least bad alternative.
Avoid duplicating the catch blocks at each call site by catching (...) and calling a shared handler function which rethrows and dispatches:
// something
catch (...)
void handle()
catch (const Foo& e)
// handle Foo
catch (const Bar& e)
// handle Bar
// etc
An idea I keep running into is that exceptions should be caught by levels which can handle them. For example, a CRC error might be caught by the function that transmits the data, and upon catching this exception, it might try to retransmit, whereas a "no signal" exception might be caught in a higher level and drop or delay the whole operation.
But my guess is that most of these exceptions will be caught around the same function. It is a good idea to catch and handle them seperately (as in soln #2), but you say this causes a lot of duplicate code (leading to soln #3.)
My question is, if there is a lot of code to duplicate, why not make it into a function?
I'm thinking along the lines of...
void SendData(DataHW* data, Destination *dest)
try {
} catch (CRCError) {
//log error
} catch (UnrecoverableError) {
throw GivingUp;
I guess it would be like your ExceptionDispatch() function, only instead of switching on the exception type, it would wrap the exception-generating call itself and catch the exceptions.
Of course, this function is overly simplified - you might need a whole wrapper class around DataHW; but my point is, it would be a good idea to have a centralized point around which all DataHW exceptions are handled - if the way different users of the class would handle them are similar.
Perhaps you could write a wrapper class for the DataHW class?
The wrapper would offer the same functionality as the DataHW class, but also contained the needed error handling code. Benefit is that you have the error handling code in a single place (DRY principle), and all errors would be handled uniformly. For example you can translate all low level I/O exceptions to higher level exceptions in the wrapper.
Basically preventing low level exceptions being showed to user.
As Butler Lampson said: All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection
There are three ways i see to solve this.
Writing wrapper functions
Write a wrapper function for each function that can throw exceptions which would handle exceptions. That wrapper is then called by all the callers, instead of the original throwing function.
Using function objects
Another solution is to take a more generic approach and write one function that takes a function object and handles all exceptions. Here is some example:
class DataHW {
template<typename Function>
bool executeAndHandle(Function f) {
for(int tries = 0; ; tries++) {
try {
return true;
catch(CrcError & e) {
// handle crc error
catch(IntermittentSignalError & e) {
// handle intermittent signal
if(tries < 3) {
} else {
logError("Signal interruption after 3 tries.");
catch(DriverError & e) {
// restart
return false;
void sendData(char const *data, std::size_t len);
void readData(char *data, std::size_t len);
Now if you want to do something, you can just do it:
void doit() {
char buf[] = "hello world";
hw.executeAndHandle(boost::bind(&DataHW::sendData, _1, buf, sizeof buf));
Since you provide function objects, you can manage state too. Let's say sendData updates len so that it knows how much bytes were read. Then you can write function objects that read and write and maintain a count for how many characters are read so far.
The downside of this second approach is that you can't access result values of the throwing functions, since they are called from the function object wrappers. There is no easy way to get the result type of a function object binder. One workaround is to write a result function object that is called by executeAndHandle after the execution of the function object succeeded. But if we put too much work into this second approach just to make all the housekeeping work, it's not worth the results anymore.
Combining the two
There is a third option too. We can combine the two solutions (wrapper and function objects).
class DataHW {
template<typename R, typename Function>
R executeAndHandle(Function f) {
for(int tries = 0; ; tries++) {
try {
return f(this);
catch(CrcError & e) {
// handle crc error
catch(IntermittentSignalError & e) {
// handle intermittent signal
if(tries < 3) {
} else {
logError("Signal interruption after 3 tries.");
catch(DriverError & e) {
// restart
// return a sensible default. for bool, that's false. for other integer
// types, it's zero.
return R();
T sendData(char const *data, std::size_t len) {
return executeAndHandle<T>(
boost::bind(&DataHW::doSendData, _1, data, len));
// say it returns something for this example
T doSendData(char const *data, std::size_t len);
T doReadData(char *data, std::size_t len);
The trick is the return f(); pattern. We can return even when f returns void. This eventually would be my favorite, since it allows both to keep handle code central at one place, but also allows special handling in the wrapper functions. You can decide whether it's better to split this up and make an own class that has that error handler function and the wrappers. Probably that would be a cleaner solution (i think of Separation of Concerns here. One is the basic DataHW functionality and one is the error handling).