I'd like to use test.check to generate sorted time series data of the form
[ [timestamp value] [timestamp value] ..]
where the timestamp, value -pairs are in ascending order by the timestamp.
I can easily generate such data in random order with
(gen/tuple timestamp gen/int) where timestamp is e.g. (gen/choose 1412664660 1423419720)
How should I go about generating sorted data?
So it came to me while brushing my teeth..
When I asked the question I was thinking "one level too low" about the data I want to generate.
(gen/tuple timestamp gen/int) generates individual tuples and my attempts of doing (gen/fmap sort .. ) on them didn't work because it just sorted the contents of the tuples. What I need to generate is vectors of those tuples.. and fmap sort on those of course works:
(def entry (gen/tuple timestamp gen/int))
(def timeseries (gen/fmap sort (gen/vector entry)))
Are there any reasons not to use a wildcard pull?
(defn pull-wild
"Pulls all attributes of a single entity."
[db ent-id]
(d/pull db '[*] ent-id))
It's much more convenient than explicitly stating the attributes.
It depends on which attributes you need to have in your application and if it's data intensive or whether you want to pull lots of entities.
In case you use the client-library, you might want to minimize the data that needs to be send over the wire.
I guess there are lots of other thoughts about that.
But as long as it's fast enough I would pull the wildcard.
You may also be interested in the entity-map function from Tupelo Datomic. Given an EID (or a Lookup Ref) it will return the full record as a regular Clojure map:
(let [
; Retrieve James' attr-val pairs as a map. An entity can be referenced either by EID or by a
; LookupRef, which is a unique attribute-value pair expressed as a vector.
james-map (td/entity-map (live-db) james-eid) ; lookup by EID
james-map2 (td/entity-map (live-db) [:person/name "James Bond"] ) ; lookup by LookupRef
(is (= james-map james-map2
{:person/name "James Bond" :location "London" :weapon/type #{:weapon/wit :weapon/gun} } ))
I'm stuck trying to process a list of lists in netlogo. Briefly, I'm working on a multi-species plant dispersal model. Each species has several parameters, the values of which can be changed during the simulation. I am trying to write a reporter that will iterate through a list of lists and assign the values to a given species. For example, here is the list of lists
[["Hi" 52] ["C" 0] ["Hc" 60] ["Hd" 1]]
Each species has an Hi, C, Hc, and Hd as part of their attributes, but the numbers vary. I cannot figure out how to iterate through the list of lists to do this.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
All you need is a foreach loop as below. I use run to set the variable's values.
let some-list [["Hi" 52] ["C" 0] ["Hc" 60] ["Hd" 1]]
foreach some-list
let variable (first ?)
let value (second ?)
run (word "set " variable " " value)
I'm trying to find a good way to hash a string. This method is working fine, but the results are not consistent with this website:
(defn hash-string
"Use java interop to flexibly hash strings"
[string algo base]
(let [hashed
(doto (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance algo)
(.update (.getBytes string)))]
(.toString (new java.math.BigInteger 1 (.digest hashed)) base))
(defn hash-md5
"Generate a md5 checksum for the given string"
(hash-string string "MD5" 16)
When I use this, I do indeed get hashes. The problem is I'm trying a programming exercise at advent of code and it has its own examples of string hashes which offer a 3rd result different from the above 2!
How can one do an md5 in the "standard" way that is always expected?
Your MD5 operations are correct; you're just not displaying them properly.
Since an MD5 is 32 hexadecimal characters long, you need to format the string to pad it out correctly.
In other words, simply change this expression:
(.toString (new java.math.BigInteger 1 (.digest hashed)) base))
to one that uses format:
(format "%032x" (new java.math.BigInteger 1 (.digest hashed)))))
My data structure was original a big Map. But I read that we should not use too big maps, to not run out of atoms. So my new data structure looks like that.
countries = [[{'name', 'Germany'}, {'code', 'DE'}], [{'name', 'Austria'}, {'code', 'AT'}]]
I want to make a filter_by/3 method, to filter this nested list for the country list by attributes name or code
Should I transform the Tuples to Maps or is there another way to filter this?
You could use a list of maps. Maps are very performant when retrieving elements, especially when the keys in a map are very few.
In your example:
countries = [%{name: "Germany", code: "DE"},
%{name: "Austria", code: "AT"}]
Note that even if you'll use thousands of such maps in a list, you'll never run out of atoms since :name and :code will always be the only two allocated atoms (since each atom is exactly is value, so writing :a and :a is like writing 3 and 3).
Once you have a similar list in place, you can filter it with a function like:
def filter_by(countries, key, value) do
Enum.filter(countries, fn(country) -> country[key] == value end)
filter_by(countries, :code, "AT")
I have a clojure list
("mykey:1" "mykey:2" "mykey:3")
I want to use redis mget to fetch values of all keys
(mget mykey:1 mykey:2 mykey:3)
I'm using the wonderful Carmine library.. I don't have any problem with it at all but when I try to use the list in a function
(defn get-keys
(mget k))
The key k actually includes the brackets too, since it's a list. Doing:
(mget (map #(%) k))
gets me nowhere either.
How do I now split them into individual keys so I can pass it to mget? is that possible?
When you have a collection that contains values you want to use as the arguments to a function, you should use apply.
(def args '("mykey:1" "mykey:2" "mykey:3"))
(apply mget args)
; is equivalent to the call
(mget "mykey:1" "mykey:2" "mykey:3")