I have one value that is a floating point percentage from 0-100, x, and another value that is a floating point from 0-1, y. As y gets closer to zero, it should reduce the value of x on a logarithmic curve.
So for example, say x = 28.0f and y = 0.8f. Since 0.8f isn't that far from 1.0f it should only reduce the value of x by a small amount, say bringing it down to x = 25.0f or something like that. As y gets closer to zero it should more and more drastically reduce the value of x. The only way I can think of doing this is with a logarithmic curve. I know what I want it to do, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to implement this in C++. What would this algorithm look like in C++?
It sounds like you want this:
new_x = x * ln((e - 1) * y + 1)
I'm assuming you have the natural log function ln and the constant e. The number multiplied by x is a logarithmic function of y which is 0 when y = 0 and 1 when y = 1.
Here's the logic behind that function (this is basically a math problem, not a programming problem). You want something that looks like the ln function, rising steeply at first and then leveling off. But you want it to start at (0, 0) and then pass through (1, 1), and ln starts at (1, 0) and passes through (e, 1). That suggests that before you do the ln, you do a simple linear shift that takes 0 to 1 and 1 to e: ((e - 1) * y + 1.
We can try with the following assumption: we need a function f(y) so that f(0)=0 and f(1)=1 which follows some logarithmic curve, may be something like f(y)=Alog(B+Cy), with A, B and C constants to be determined.
f(0)=0, so B=1
f(1)=1, so A=1/log(1+C)
So now, just need to find a C value so that f(0.8) is roughly equal to 25/28. A few experiment shows that C=4 is rather close. You can find closer if you want.
So one possibility would be: f(y) = log(1.0 + 4.0*y) / log(5.0)
I'm made a program that calculates the line of best fit of a set of data points using gradient descent. I generate a 1000 random points and then it calculates the line of best fit training on these 1000 points. My confusion lies in the theory of my code.
In the part of my code where the training function is, by using the current m and b values for y= mx +b, the function makes a guess of the y values when it goes through the training points x values. This is supervised learning, so I know what the actual y value is, the function calculates the error and using that error adjusts the m and b values. <-- What is happening in the program when adjusting the line of best fit
I get everything above ^. what I'm confused about is the part of the code that calculates how to adjust these m and b values. Here it is:
guess = m * x + b;
error = y - guess;
m = m + (error * x) * learningrate;
b = b + error * learningrate;
Im confused about why we add instead of subtract that delta m (the (error * x) *learningrate)) part. Ignoring the learningrate, the error * x part is the partial derivative of the error with respect to m. But if we took the partial derivative of something with respect to something, wouldn't it give us the direction of the steepest ascent? Shouldn't we go the opposite direction (subtract the delta m) to get the proper m value? Isn't our goal to reduce the error?
Surprisingly to me, the above code works, if you add the delta m, it adjusts the m and b values in the right direction. So basically my question is: Why aren't we subtracting the delta m part (error *x) as it is pointing in the direction of steepest ascent, and we want to get the opposite of that?
I need to find all possible solutions for this equation:
x+2y = N, x<100000 and y<100000.
given N=10, say.
I'm doing it like this in python:
for x in range(1,100000):
for y in range(1,100000):
if x + 2*y == 10:
print x, y
How should I optimize this for speed? What should I do?
Essentially this is a Language-Agnostic question. A C/C++ answer would also help.
if x+2y = N, then y = (N-x)/2 (supposing N-x is even). You don't need to iterate all over range(1,100000)
like this (for a given N)
if (N % 2): x0 = 1
else: x0 = 0
for x in range(x0, min(x,100000), 2):
print x, (N-x)/2
you have to take care that N-x does not turn negative. That's what min is supposed to do
The answer of Leftris is actually better than mine because these special cases are taken care of in an elegant way
we can iterate over the domain of y and calculate x. Also taking into account that x also has a limited range, we further limit the domain of y as [1, N/2] (as anything over N/2 for y will give negative value for x)
for y in range(1,N/2-1):
x = x-2
print x, y
This just loops N/2 times (instead of 50000)
It doesn't even do those expensive multiplications and divisions
This runs in quadratic time. You can reduce it to linear time by rearranging your equation to the form y = .... This allows you to loop over x only, calculate y, and check whether it's an integer.
Lefteris E 's answer is the way to go,
but I do feel y should be in the range [1,N/2] instead of [1,2*N]
x+2*y = N
//replace x with N-2*y
N-2*(y) + 2*y = N
N-2*(N/2) + 2*y = N
2*y = N
//therefore, when x=0, y is maximum, and y = N/2
y = N/2
So now you can do:
for y in range(1,int(N/2)):
x = N - (y<<1)
print x, y
You may try to only examine even numbers for x given N =10;
the reason is that: 2y must be even, therefore, x must be even. This should reduce the total running time to half of examining all x.
If you also require that the answer is natural number, so negative numbers are ruled out. you can then only need to examine numbers that are even between [0,10] for x, since both x and 2y must be not larger than 10 alone.
I updated the code.
What i am trying to do is to hold every lagrange's coefficient values in pointer d.(for example for L1(x) d[0] would be "x-x2/x1-x2" ,d1 would be (x-x2/x1-x2)*(x-x3/x1-x3) etc.
My problem is
1) how to initialize d ( i did d[0]=(z-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i]) but i think it's not right the "d[0]"
2) how to initialize L_coeff. ( i am using L_coeff=new double[0] but am not sure if it's right.
The exercise is:
Find Lagrange's polynomial approximation for y(x)=cos(π x), x ∈−1,1 using 5 points
(x = -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1).
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
// my function
double f(double x){
return (cos(pi*x));
//function to compute lagrange polynomial
double lagrange_polynomial(int N,double *x){
//N = degree of polynomial
double z,y;
double *L_coeff=new double [0];//L_coefficients of every Lagrange L_coefficient
double *d;//hold the polynomials values for every Lagrange coefficient
int k,i;
//computations for finding lagrange polynomial
//double sum=0;
for (k=0;k<N+1;k++){
for ( i=0;i<N+1;i++){
if (i==0) continue;
if (i==k) L_coeff[k]=1.0;
else if (i!=k){
cout <<"\nL("<<k<<") = "<<d[i]<<"\t\t\tf(x)= "<<f(x[k])<<endl;
int main()
double deg,result;
double *x;
cout <<"Give the degree of the polynomial :"<<endl;
cin >>deg;
for (int i=0;i<deg+1;i++){
cout <<"\nGive the points of interpolation : "<<endl;
cin >> x[i];
cout <<"\nThe Lagrange L_coefficients are: "<<endl;
return 0;
Here is an example of lagrange polynomial
As this seems to be homework, I am not going to give you an exhaustive answer, but rather try to send you on the right track.
How do you represent polynomials in a computer software? The intuitive version you want to archive as a symbolic expression like 3x^3+5x^2-4 is very unpractical for further computations.
The polynomial is defined fully by saving (and outputting) it's coefficients.
What you are doing above is hoping that C++ does some algebraic manipulations for you and simplify your product with a symbolic variable. This is nothing C++ can do without quite a lot of effort.
You have two options:
Either use a proper computer algebra system that can do symbolic manipulations (Maple or Mathematica are some examples)
If you are bound to C++ you have to think a bit more how the single coefficients of the polynomial can be computed. You programs output can only be a list of numbers (which you could, of course, format as a nice looking string according to a symbolic expression).
Hope this gives you some ideas how to start.
Edit 1
You still have an undefined expression in your code, as you never set any value to y. This leaves prod*=(y-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i]) as an expression that will not return meaningful data. C++ can only work with numbers, and y is no number for you right now, but you think of it as symbol.
You could evaluate the lagrange approximation at, say the value 1, if you would set y=1 in your code. This would give you the (as far as I can see right now) correct function value, but no description of the function itself.
Maybe you should take a pen and a piece of paper first and try to write down the expression as precise Math. Try to get a real grip on what you want to compute. If you did that, maybe you come back here and tell us your thoughts. This should help you to understand what is going on in there.
And always remember: C++ needs numbers, not symbols. Whenever you have a symbol in an expression on your piece of paper that you do not know the value of you can either find a way how to compute the value out of the known values or you have to eliminate the need to compute using this symbol.
P.S.: It is not considered good style to post identical questions in multiple discussion boards at once...
Edit 2
Now you evaluate the function at point y=0.3. This is the way to go if you want to evaluate the polynomial. However, as you stated, you want all coefficients of the polynomial.
Again, I still feel you did not understand the math behind the problem. Maybe I will give you a small example. I am going to use the notation as it is used in the wikipedia article.
Suppose we had k=2 and x=-1, 1. Furthermore, let my just name your cos-Function f, for simplicity. (The notation will get rather ugly without latex...) Then the lagrangian polynomial is defined as
f(x_0) * l_0(x) + f(x_1)*l_1(x)
where (by doing the simplifications again symbolically)
l_0(x)= (x - x_1)/(x_0 - x_1) = -1/2 * (x-1) = -1/2 *x + 1/2
l_1(x)= (x - x_0)/(x_1 - x_0) = 1/2 * (x+1) = 1/2 * x + 1/2
So, you lagrangian polynomial is
f(x_0) * (-1/2 *x + 1/2) + f(x_1) * 1/2 * x + 1/2
= 1/2 * (f(x_1) - f(x_0)) * x + 1/2 * (f(x_0) + f(x_1))
So, the coefficients you want to compute would be 1/2 * (f(x_1) - f(x_0)) and 1/2 * (f(x_0) + f(x_1)).
Your task is now to find an algorithm that does the simplification I did, but without using symbols. If you know how to compute the coefficients of the l_j, you are basically done, as you then just can add up those multiplied with the corresponding value of f.
So, even further broken down, you have to find a way to multiply the quotients in the l_j with each other on a component-by-component basis. Figure out how this is done and you are a nearly done.
Edit 3
Okay, lets get a little bit less vague.
We first want to compute the L_i(x). Those are just products of linear functions. As said before, we have to represent each polynomial as an array of coefficients. For good style, I will use std::vector instead of this array. Then, we could define the data structure holding the coefficients of L_1(x) like this:
std::vector L1 = std::vector(5);
// Lets assume our polynomial would then have the form
// L1[0] + L2[1]*x^1 + L2[2]*x^2 + L2[3]*x^3 + L2[4]*x^4
Now we want to fill this polynomial with values.
// First we have start with the polynomial 1 (which is of degree 0)
// Therefore set L1 accordingly:
L1[0] = 1;
L1[1] = 0; L1[2] = 0; L1[3] = 0; L1[4] = 0;
// Of course you could do this more elegant (using std::vectors constructor, for example)
for (int i = 0; i < N+1; ++i) {
if (i==0) continue; /// For i=0, there will be no polynomial multiplication
// Otherwise, we have to multiply L1 with the polynomial
// (x - x[i]) / (x[0] - x[i])
// First, note that (x[0] - x[i]) ist just a scalar; we will save it:
double c = (x[0] - x[i]);
// Now we multiply L_1 first with (x-x[1]). How does this multiplication change our
// coefficients? Easy enough: The coefficient of x^1 for example is just
// L1[0] - L1[1] * x[1]. Other coefficients are done similary. Futhermore, we have
// to divide by c, which leaves our coefficient as
// (L1[0] - L1[1] * x[1])/c. Let's apply this to the vector:
L1[4] = (L1[3] - L1[4] * x[1])/c;
L1[3] = (L1[2] - L1[3] * x[1])/c;
L1[2] = (L1[1] - L1[2] * x[1])/c;
L1[1] = (L1[0] - L1[1] * x[1])/c;
L1[0] = ( - L1[0] * x[1])/c;
// There we are, polynomial updated.
This, of course, has to be done for all L_i Afterwards, the L_i have to be added and multiplied with the function. That is for you to figure out. (Note that I made quite a lot of inefficient stuff up there, but I hope this helps you understanding the details better.)
Hopefully this gives you some idea how you could proceed.
The variable y is actually not a variable in your code but represents the variable P(y) of your lagrange approximation.
Thus, you have to understand the calculations prod*=(y-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i]) and sum+=prod*f not directly but symbolically.
You may get around this by defining your approximation by a series
c[0] * y^0 + c[1] * y^1 + ...
represented by an array c[] within the code. Then you can e.g. implement multiplication
d = c * (y-x[i])/(x[k]-x[i])
coefficient-wise like
d[i] = -c[i]*x[i]/(x[k]-x[i]) + c[i-1]/(x[k]-x[i])
The same way you have to implement addition and assignments on a component basis.
The result will then always be the coefficients of your series representation in the variable y.
Just a few comments in addition to the existing responses.
The exercise is: Find Lagrange's polynomial approximation for y(x)=cos(π x), x ∈ [-1,1] using 5 points (x = -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, and 1).
The first thing that your main() does is to ask for the degree of the polynomial. You should not be doing that. The degree of the polynomial is fully specified by the number of control points. In this case you should be constructing the unique fourth-order Lagrange polynomial that passes through the five points (xi, cos(π xi)), where the xi values are those five specified points.
const double pi=3.1415;
This value is not good for a float, let alone a double. You should be using something like const double pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
Or better yet, don't use pi at all. You should know exactly what the y values are that correspond to the given x values. What are cos(-π), cos(-π/2), cos(0), cos(π/2), and cos(π)?
So i'm implementing a heuristic algorithm, and i've come across this function.
I have an array of 1 to n (0 to n-1 on C, w/e). I want to choose a number of elements i'll copy to another array. Given a parameter y, (0 < y <= 1), i want to have a distribution of numbers whose average is (y * n). That means that whenever i call this function, it gives me a number, between 0 and n, and the average of these numbers is y*n.
According to the author, "l" is a random number: 0 < l < n . On my test code its currently generating 0 <= l <= n. And i had the right code, but i'm messing with this for hours now, and i'm lazy to code it back.
So i coded the first part of the function, for y <= 0.5
I set y to 0.2, and n to 100. That means it had to return a number between 0 and 99, with average 20.
And the results aren't between 0 and n, but some floats. And the bigger n is, smaller this float is.
This is the C test code. "x" is the "l" parameter.
//hate how code tag works, it's not even working now
int n = 100;
float y = 0.2;
float n_copy;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++)
float x = (float) (rand()/(float)RAND_MAX); // 0 <= x <= 1
x = x * n; // 0 <= x <= n
float p1 = (1 - y) / (n*y);
float p2 = (1 - ( x / n ));
float exp = (1 - (2*y)) / y;
p2 = pow(p2, exp);
n_copy = p1 * p2;
printf("%.5f\n", n_copy);
And here are some results (5 decimals truncated):
The article is:
pages 6 and 7.
or search "cAS: cunning ant system" on google.
So what am i doing wrong? i don't believe the author is wrong, because there are more than 5 papers describing this same function.
all my internets to whoever helps me. This is important to my work.
Thanks :)
You may misunderstand what is expected of you.
Given a (properly normalized) PDF, and wanting to throw a random distribution consistent with it, you form the Cumulative Probability Distribution (CDF) by integrating the PDF, then invert the CDF, and use a uniform random predicate as the argument of the inverted function.
A little more detail.
f_s(l) is the PDF, and has been normalized on [0,n).
Now you integrate it to form the CDF
g_s(l') = \int_0^{l'} dl f_s(l)
Note that this is a definite integral to an unspecified endpoint which I have called l'. The CDF is accordingly a function of l'. Assuming we have the normalization right, g_s(N) = 1.0. If this is not so we apply a simple coefficient to fix it.
Next invert the CDF and call the result G^{-1}(x). For this you'll probably want to choose a particular value of gamma.
Then throw uniform random number on [0,n), and use those as the argument, x, to G^{-1}. The result should lie between [0,1), and should be distributed according to f_s.
Like Justin said, you can use a computer algebra system for the math.
dmckee is actually correct, but I thought that I would elaborate more and try to explain away some of the confusion here. I could definitely fail. f_s(l), the function you have in your pretty formula above, is the probability distribution function. It tells you, for a given input l between 0 and n, the probability that l is the segment length. The sum (integral) for all values between 0 and n should be equal to 1.
The graph at the top of page 7 confuses this point. It plots l vs. f_s(l), but you have to watch out for the stray factors it puts on the side. You notice that the values on the bottom go from 0 to 1, but there is a factor of x n on the side, which means that the l values actually go from 0 to n. Also, on the y-axis there is a x 1/n which means these values don't actually go up to about 3, they go to 3/n.
So what do you do now? Well, you need to solve for the cumulative distribution function by integrating the probability distribution function over l which actually turns out to be not too bad (I did it with the Wolfram Mathematica Online Integrator by using x for l and using only the equation for y <= .5). That however was using an indefinite integral and you are really integration along x from 0 to l. If we set the resulting equation equal to some variable (z for instance), the goal now is to solve for l as a function of z. z here is a random number between 0 and 1. You can try using a symbolic solver for this part if you would like (I would). Then you have not only achieved your goal of being able to pick random ls from this distribution, you have also achieved nirvana.
A little more work done
I'll help a little bit more. I tried doing what I said about for y <= .5, but the symbolic algebra system I was using wasn't able to do the inversion (some other system might be able to). However, then I decided to try using the equation for .5 < y <= 1. This turns out to be much easier. If I change l to x in f_s(l) I get
y / n / (1 - y) * (x / n)^((2 * y - 1) / (1 - y))
Integrating this over x from 0 to l I got (using Mathematica's Online Integrator):
(l / n)^(y / (1 - y))
It doesn't get much nicer than that with this sort of thing. If I set this equal to z and solve for l I get:
l = n * z^(1 / y - 1) for .5 < y <= 1
One quick check is for y = 1. In this case, we get l = n no matter what z is. So far so good. Now, you just generate z (a random number between 0 and 1) and you get an l that is distributed as you desired for .5 < y <= 1. But wait, looking at the graph on page 7 you notice that the probability distribution function is symmetric. That means that we can use the above result to find the value for 0 < y <= .5. We just change l -> n-l and y -> 1-y and get
n - l = n * z^(1 / (1 - y) - 1)
l = n * (1 - z^(1 / (1 - y) - 1)) for 0 < y <= .5
Anyway, that should solve your problem unless I made some error somewhere. Good luck.
Given that for any values l, y, n as described, the terms you call p1 and p2 are both in [0,1) and exp is in [1,..) making pow(p2, exp) also in [0,1) thus I don't see how you'd ever get an output with the range [0,n)
Is there a way to do a quick and dirty 3D distance check where the results are rough, but it is very very fast? I need to do depth sorting. I use STL sort like this:
bool sortfunc(CBox* a, CBox* b)
return a->Get3dDistance(Player.center,a->center) <
float CBox::Get3dDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 )
float dx = c2.x - c1.x;
float dy = c2.y - c1.y;
float dz = c2.z - c1.z;
return sqrt((float)(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));
Is there possibly a way to do it without a square root or possibly without multiplication?
You can leave out the square root because for all positive (or really, non-negative) numbers x and y, if sqrt(x) < sqrt(y) then x < y. Since you're summing squares of real numbers, the square of every real number is non-negative, and the sum of any positive numbers is positive, the square root condition holds.
You cannot eliminate the multiplication, however, without changing the algorithm. Here's a counterexample: if x is (3, 1, 1) and y is (4, 0, 0), |x| < |y| because sqrt(1*1+1*1+3*3) < sqrt(4*4+0*0+0*0) and 1*1+1*1+3*3 < 4*4+0*0+0*0, but 1+1+3 > 4+0+0.
Since modern CPUs can compute a dot product faster than they can actually load the operands from memory, it's unlikely that you would have anything to gain by eliminating the multiply anyway (I think the newest CPUs have a special instruction that can compute a dot product every 3 cycles!).
I would not consider changing the algorithm without doing some profiling first. Your choice of algorithm will heavily depend on the size of your dataset (does it fit in cache?), how often you have to run it, and what you do with the results (collision detection? proximity? occlusion?).
What I usually do is first filter by Manhattan distance
float CBox::Within3DManhattanDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2, float distance )
float dx = abs(c2.x - c1.x);
float dy = abs(c2.y - c1.y);
float dz = abs(c2.z - c1.z);
if (dx > distance) return 0; // too far in x direction
if (dy > distance) return 0; // too far in y direction
if (dz > distance) return 0; // too far in z direction
return 1; // we're within the cube
Actually you can optimize this further if you know more about your environment. For example, in an environment where there is a ground like a flight simulator or a first person shooter game, the horizontal axis is very much larger than the vertical axis. In such an environment, if two objects are far apart they are very likely separated more by the x and y axis rather than the z axis (in a first person shooter most objects share the same z axis). So if you first compare x and y you can return early from the function and avoid doing extra calculations:
float CBox::Within3DManhattanDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2, float distance )
float dx = abs(c2.x - c1.x);
if (dx > distance) return 0; // too far in x direction
float dy = abs(c2.y - c1.y);
if (dy > distance) return 0; // too far in y direction
// since x and y distance are likely to be larger than
// z distance most of the time we don't need to execute
// the code below:
float dz = abs(c2.z - c1.z);
if (dz > distance) return 0; // too far in z direction
return 1; // we're within the cube
Sorry, I didn't realize the function is used for sorting. You can still use Manhattan distance to get a very rough first sort:
float CBox::ManhattanDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 )
float dx = abs(c2.x - c1.x);
float dy = abs(c2.y - c1.y);
float dz = abs(c2.z - c1.z);
return dx+dy+dz;
After the rough first sort you can then take the topmost results, say the top 10 closest players, and re-sort using proper distance calculations.
Here's an equation that might help you get rid of both sqrt and multiply:
max(|dx|, |dy|, |dz|) <= distance(dx,dy,dz) <= |dx| + |dy| + |dz|
This gets you a range estimate for the distance which pins it down to within a factor of 3 (the upper and lower bounds can differ by at most 3x). You can then sort on, say, the lower number. You then need to process the array until you reach an object which is 3x farther away than the first obscuring object. You are then guaranteed to not find any object that is closer later in the array.
By the way, sorting is overkill here. A more efficient way would be to make a series of buckets with different distance estimates, say [1-3], [3-9], [9-27], .... Then put each element in a bucket. Process the buckets from smallest to largest until you reach an obscuring object. Process 1 additional bucket just to be sure.
By the way, floating point multiply is pretty fast nowadays. I'm not sure you gain much by converting it to absolute value.
I'm disappointed that the great old mathematical tricks seem to be getting lost. Here is the answer you're asking for. Source is Paul Hsieh's excellent web site: http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/sqroot.html . Note that you don't care about distance; you will do fine for your sort with square of distance, which will be much faster.
In 2D, we can get a crude approximation of the distance metric without a square root with the formula:
distanceapprox (x, y) =
which will deviate from the true answer by at most about 8%. A similar derivation for 3 dimensions leads to:
distanceapprox (x, y, z) =
with a maximum error of about 16%.
However, something that should be pointed out, is that often the distance is only required for comparison purposes. For example, in the classical mandelbrot set (z←z2+c) calculation, the magnitude of a complex number is typically compared to a boundary radius length of 2. In these cases, one can simply drop the square root, by essentially squaring both sides of the comparison (since distances are always non-negative). That is to say:
√(Δx2+Δy2) < d is equivalent to Δx2+Δy2 < d2, if d ≥ 0
I should also mention that Chapter 13.2 of Richard G. Lyons's "Understanding Digital Signal Processing" has an incredible collection of 2D distance algorithms (a.k.a complex number magnitude approximations). As one example:
Max = x > y ? x : y;
Min = x < y ? x : y;
if ( Min < 0.04142135Max )
|V| = 0.99 * Max + 0.197 * Min;
|V| = 0.84 * Max + 0.561 * Min;
which has a maximum error of 1.0% from the actual distance. The penalty of course is that you're doing a couple branches; but even the "most accepted" answer to this question has at least three branches in it.
If you're serious about doing a super fast distance estimate to a specific precision, you could do so by writing your own simplified fsqrt() estimate using the same basic method as the compiler vendors do, but at a lower precision, by doing a fixed number of iterations. For example, you can eliminate the special case handling for extremely small or large numbers, and/or also reduce the number of Newton-Rapheson iterations. This was the key strategy underlying the so-called "Quake 3" fast inverse square root implementation -- it's the classic Newton algorithm with exactly one iteration.
Do not assume that your fsqrt() implementation is slow without benchmarking it and/or reading the sources. Most modern fsqrt() library implementations are branchless and really damned fast. Here for example is an old IBM floating point fsqrt implementation. Premature optimization is, and always will be, the root of all evil.
Note that for 2 (non-negative) distances A and B, if sqrt(A) < sqrt(B), then A < B. Create a specialized version of Get3DDistance() (GetSqrOf3DDistance()) that does not call sqrt() that would be used only for the sortfunc().
If you worry about performance, you should also take care of the way you send your arguments:
float Get3dDistance( Vec3 c1, Vec3 c2 );
implies two copies of Vec3 structure. Use references instead:
float Get3dDistance( Vec3 const & c1, Vec3 const & c2 );
You could compare squares of distances instead of the actual distances, since d2 = (x1-x2)2 + (y1-y2)2+ (z1-z2)2. It doesn't get rid of the multiplication, but it does eliminate the square root operation.
How often are the input vectors updated and how often are they sorted? Depending on your design, it might be quite efficient to extend the "Vec3" class with a pre-calculated distance and sort on that instead. Especially relevant if your implementation allows you to use vectorized operations.
Other than that, see the flipcode.com article on approximating distance functions for a discussion on yet another approach.
Depending slightly on the number of points that you are being used to compare with, what is below is pretty much guaranteed to be the get the list of points in approximate order assuming all points change at all iteration.
1) Rewrite the array into a single list of Manhattan distances with
out[ i ] = abs( posn[ i ].x - player.x ) + abs( posn[ i ].y - player.y ) + abs( posn[ i ].z - player.z );
2) Now you can use radix sort on floating point numbers to order them.
Note that in practice this is going to be a lot faster than sorting the list of 3d positions because it significantly reduces the memory bandwidth requirements in the sort operation which all of the time is going to be spend and in which unpredictable accesses and writes are going to occur. This will run on O(N) time.
If many of the points are stationary at each direction there are far faster algorithms like using KD-Trees, although implementation is quite a bit more complex and it is much harder to get good memory access patterns.
If this is simply a value for sorting, then you can swap the sqrt() for a abs(). If you need to compare distances against set values, get the square of that value.
E.g. instead of checking sqrt(...) against a, you can compare abs(...) against a*a.
You may want to consider caching the distance between the player and the object as you calculate it, and then use that in your sortfunc. This would depend upon how many times your sort function looks at each object, so you might have to profile to be sure.
What I'm getting at is that your sort function might do something like this:
and you would calculate the distance between the player and 'a' every time.
As others have mentioned, you can leave out the sqrt in this case.
If you could center your coordinates around the player, use spherical coordinates? Then you could sort by the radius.
That's a big if, though.
If your operation happens a lot, it might be worth to put it into some 3D data structure. You probably need the distance sorting to decide which object is visible, or some similar task. In order of complexity you can use:
Uniform (cubic) subdivision
Divide the used space into cells, and assign the objects to the cells. Fast access to element, neighbours are trivial, but empty cells take up a lot of space.
Given a threshold, divide used space recursively into four quads until less then threshold number of object is inside. Logarithmic access element if objects don't stack upon each other, neighbours are not hard to find, space efficient solution.
Same as Quadtree, but divides into 8, optimal even if objects are above each other.
Kd tree
Given some heuristic cost function, and a threshold, split space into two halves with a plane where the cost function is minimal. (Eg.: same amount of objects at each side.) Repeat recursively until threshold reached. Always logarithmic, neighbours are harder to get, space efficient (and works in all dimensions).
Using any of the above data structures, you can start from a position, and go from neighbour to neighbour to list the objects in increasing distance. You can stop at desired cut distance. You can also skip cells that cannot be seen from the camera.
For the distance check, you can do one of the above mentioned routines, but ultimately they wont scale well with increasing number of objects. These can be used to display data that takes hundreds of gigabytes of hard disc space.