WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustering with Oracle Coherence - wso2

Halo everybody (maybe Asela? :),
Can anyone guide me how can I implement Oracle Coherence as a Cache provider with WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustered using with WSO2 ELB?
I found some very useful links on that topic, from which I consider this one as a good start: Clustering Identity Server
But I cannot find a way how to find solution for changing Hazelcast cache provider for any other provider.
I also realized, WSO2 is not using javax.caching implementation from JDK (since it was introduced in 1.7 and later), it is using its own based on JSR-107 (from which JSR I suppose Java JDK JCache is originated.
This article shows, that there is a way, how to somehow implement user JSR 107 JCache, but I don't see it configured for whole Identity Server:
WSO2 Multi-tenant Cache: JSR-107 (JCache)
I'm expecting answer which will guide me, what to change or add (for instance to carbon core) and where to setup / configure those changes, to make them global used within WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0.
I hope it is relevant question and since this Carbon based platform is very rich and configurable, I hope this will be possible with some time invested.
Thank you in advance,

Coherence supports the real JCache APIs, so if WSO2 uses JCache, it should be easy to integrate Coherence!


Is multitenancy supported in wso2 identity server v5.11 github releases or do I need a subscription for the same?

I am trying to utilise multitenancy feature in WSO2 by using github releases( I just wanted to understand if there are any limitations for the same between enterprise version downloaded from wso2 site and github releases.
WSO2 doesn't have an Enterprise Version of the product. Everybody uses the same base release and if you have a subscription you will be receiving product updates for bug fixes, improvements, security issues etc. Other than that there are no hidden features or limitations in the Opensource version.(Rarely some features are introduced as updates, in these cases you may not receive them) The subscription is for getting updates and getting support from WSO2.
You can read more about WSO2 subscription from here.
Adding to #YCR answer, yes, multi tenancy is supported in IS 5.11.0 and IS 6.0.0 and it was supported throughout IS 5.x series. Please see Tenant Management on WSO2 documentation.

How to use product of WSO2 correctly?

I have already read many documentations of WSO2, there are some products of WSO2 such as: Enterprise Integration (EI), API Management (APIM), Identity Access Management (IS), Analytics Stream Processing (SP). I can understand the functions of IS and SP.
1. But I dont know what are differences between EI and APIM?
2. When can we use EI? When can we use APIM?
3. Can we merge WSO2 EI and APIM and IS and SP Products to execute all of them on one server?
Sorry for many questions, but I am really confuse in these matters, please give me advice.
WSO2 EI can be used to integrate different systems, orchestrate and then expose as new services/APIs.
WSO2 APIM can be used to manage those services/APIs. You can manage security, rate limiting, CORS, etc. and can see analytics of API usage etc. too. For APIM analytics, there is a customized version of SP which you can download separately.
You can't run all 4 as a single server. Those are 4 runtimes, so you have to start them separately.

WSO2 EMM iOS Server Licensing

We are planning to develop MDM solution based on WSO2 EMM.
Since WSO2 EMM is 100% open source and Apache licensed, I hope there is no cost associated with it provided we host and support it.
For iOS platform configuration, the documentation says CSR file needs to be submitted to WSO2 and then WSO2 will send back the signed CSR, P2 repository for enabling the iOS features.
I have an doubt, what is the criteria WSO2 uses for sending back signed WS02. And is there any hidden cost associated with this process.
Any help will be appreciated.
There is no cost associate with the process. However you will be evaluated before they sending back the signed CSR.

limitations of running WSO2 Carbon 4.x and WSO2 Carbon based products in webapp mode?

WSO2 Carbon is not officially supported in webapp mode (see the selected answer here). However, I have no choice - If I want to run carbon, it must be run in webapp mode.
There are some detailed instructions here for setting up carbon 4.x in webapp mode.
I am concerned is that standalone mode is strongly recommended by WSO2.
My Questions are: What are the limitations:
when running Carbon 4.x in webapp mode?
when running other Carbon based products (e.g. ESB, AS, etc) in webapp mode?
If possible, please provide a detailed list of the limitations.
When you take the ESB, as you might have seen it exposes ports 8280/8243 (HTTP/HTTPS) in addition to 9763/9443 which is exposed through the servlet transport. In the case of ESB you need (and want) to use port 8280/8243 when you're interacting with the ESB because those are the two non-blocking high performant transports. When you deploy ESB on top of another web container, you're limited by the servlet transports provided by the container. So we can't get the desired performance out of the ESB for proxying and other scenarios.
Complexities involving using web container functionalities. Carbon has its own clustering/caching/security etc... infrastructure. When you deploy Carbon as a webapp then we should look at supporting all those functions provided by the container for different containers. Which is complex, not consistent and in some cases sub-optimal
IMHO those were the two most important factors why it's discouraged to deploy Carbon on top of other containers. Going with a standalone deployment approach it has contributed immensely to not include web container specific "hacks" into the platform to get things done and have a much cleaner consistent platform.
One issues with deploying Carbon in web-app mode is that this deployment model is not supported by WSO2. I will add more issues to this answer as I encounter them...
AFAIK, webapp is not supported... Please refer this thread :Running WSO2 Carbon as Web Application in Tomcat

WSO2 Stratos Live Services / APIs

currently I´m evaluating WSO2 Stratos LIVE as a public PaaS. I did much research but there are still some questions:
1.) Does WSO2 Stratos Live offer a "multi-tenancy-api" to make Java web applications multi-tenant-aware (something like the Google App Engine Namespace API)?
2.) Is the cartridge-based architecture available (like in WSO2 Stratos 2)?
3.) Are there official API documentations / code samples for all the cloud services? I just found blog posts and webinars. But an official api documentation and code samples would be very great (for example how to unse Identity Server for authentication in Java web applications).
4.) Based on WSO2 API Manager deployment on Stratos, I assume that the API manager is not available as cloud-service?
5.) Do I have hosting options on Stratos Live (e.g. Java Version, the country / Data Center where my app will be hosted)?
6.) Does exist a logs-api to access application logs from my application?
7.) Are there apis for data handling (for example Map Reduce, execution of cron jobs, CDN)?
8.) Do I have a local test environment? I know that there are IDE plugins for an easy deployment. But is it possible to test my app with all WSO2 Stratos Live cloud services local on my machine without connecting to the real services?
I know this is a lot but it would be more than helpful if the WSO2 professionals would help me to answer those questions. As I said, I did much research but those 8 questions are still open.
Thanks a lot and best regards
See the answers in-line.
1.) Does WSO2 Stratos Live offer a "multi-tenancy-api" to make Java web applications multi-tenant-aware (something like the Google App Engine Namespace API)?
Yes. Your web app can be multi-tenanted.
2.) Is the cartridge-based architecture available (like in WSO2 Stratos 2)?
Not yet. But our plan is to make Stratos2.0 as the foundation of StratosLive. This will be done after the GA release of Stratos2.0 (it is now in beta stage)
3.) Are there official API documentations / code samples for all the cloud services? I just found blog posts and webinars. But an official api documentation and code samples would be very great (for example how to unse Identity Server for authentication in Java web applications).
All the documents and samples available for WSO2 products are valid for StratosLive. Reason is, we have deployed the very same product in the cloud. We are in the process of filling the documentation gap with regards to StratosLive at the moment.
4.) Based on WSO2 API Manager deployment on Stratos, I assume that the API manager is not available as cloud-service?
Not yet. It will be available in the future.
5.) Do I have hosting options on Stratos Live (e.g. Java Version, the country / Data Center where my app will be hosted)?
No. StratosLive uses shared instances to achieve multi-tenantcy (not like some other PaaSes which uses a JVM per tenant). Therefore, hosting options are not available.
6.) Does exist a logs-api to access application logs from my application?
Yes. We allow the tenants to view system logs and application logs. Unfortunately the API for log viewing is not documented yet.
7.) Are there apis for data handling (for example Map Reduce, execution of cron jobs, CDN)?
Map reduce related tasks can be handled using toolboxes which can be deployed in WSO2 BAM ( Please check the WSO2 BAM2 documentation for more info.
8.) Do I have a local test environment? I know that there are IDE plugins for an easy deployment. But is it possible to test my app with all WSO2 Stratos Live cloud services local on my machine without connecting to the real services?
You can download and use the Stratos local setup which can be found at