How to add opencv compiler to dev c++ 5.6.2? - c++

I am trying to add OpenCV to Dev C++ for developing a project that uses image processing. But I am unable to find the exact steps for installing OpenCV on the current version of Dev C++ (5.6.2).
Any leads as to how to integrate it with Visual Studio 2013 will also be appreciated.


what is the general method to add opencv in visual studio for all programs?

I am trying to setting up opencv for my project in visual studio and for this I have seen so many blogs and forums but still I didn't find any way to add openCv in generalized way so every time I make new project, it should be added automatically. Is there any way to add openCv in visual studio so every time when I will make new project it should be added automatically, please share your answers. I want to save my time
Vcpkg is a package manager which helps you to manage C and C++ libraries on Windows, Linux and MacOS, available on GitHub.
Use vcpkg in the PowerShell command prompt .\vcpkg install opencv to install opencv and issue command .\vcpkg integrate install to integrate installed packages into your Visual Studio projects.

How to configure and build Tesseract OCR C++ using Visual Studio 2015 x64 on Windows 10

I am trying to run the VS2015_Tesseract example in Tesseract OCR Library.
I always get the following error when I try to open the file:
Could not find a part of the path
Currently I am working with Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10 (64 bit).
Please provide the full information on how I can configure the Tesseract OCR C++ library on Visual Studio 2015 Windows 10 (64 bit).
You also can provide any reference tutorial links.
You have to download the vs2015_Tesseract or simply run the following git command in working directory:
git clone
Run the build_tesseract.bat file.
Activate tesseract as the startup project.

Gstreamer SDK on Windows

I am new to Gstreamer and I have some problems by installing the sdk.
I followed what is wrote here:
And this is what I done:
I installed Visual Studio Community Edition 2015, and I created a new Empty C project. In this way I downloaded and installed Microsoft's C/C++ compiler and linker's stuffs.
I went here and I downloaded Gstreamer Runtime and Gstreamer Sdk installers. (gstreamer-1.0-x86_64-1.6.1.msi and gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86_64-1.6.1.msi). I am on a 64bit platform.
After I installed all this, I found the folder C:\gstreamer that contains the Runtime stuffs.. I also have the environment variable GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86_64 pointing to C:\gstreamer\1.0\x86_64\
By following the linked guide, I would find also the environment variable GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT_X86_64 and the C:\gstreamer-sdk folder, but I haven't them in my computer. So what am I forgetting?
I am using Windows 7 64 bit with VS 2015.
Thank you for your patience, I searched a lot in the network before without any results.

Qt and opencv in a Visual Studio 2013 Console Application

I'm trying to use Qt and OpenCV in Visual Studio 2013. OpenCV is working fine; however, when I try to link to Qt libraries, I get the error:
OpenCV Error: The function/feature is not implemented (The library is compiled without QT support) in cv::fontQt, file ....
I have installed the Visual Studio Add-in. What else do I need to do to get this working. I've looked on the Internet for how to do this, but most pages I find seem to require using QtCreator, or making a QtProject inside Visual Studio. I need to have a console application in Visual Studio that links to Qt. I am a complete beginner with Qt, and a beginner with C++ and Opencv.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Make sure that you have included the library folder into the Project Properties->Linker->Additional Library Directories location.

How can I compile the vlfeat and mexopencv libraries in MATLAB using the Visual c++ compiler?

I am working on a computer vision project, and I need to use the vlfeat and mexopencv libraries,
I am working with MATLAB R2008a and I cannot change the MATLAB compiler to compile and setup the libraries.
I have installed Microsoft Visual C++ Express, but I don't know how to compile the libraries using the Visual C++ compiler in MATLAB.
The reason why you can't find the compiler is because you are using MATLAB R2008a. The C++ compiler you have downloaded is probably too new for MATLAB to use. My guess is that you are using Express 2013. See the following link on what compilers R2008a can support for MEX here:
Specifically, for the Express edition of the Visual C++ compiler, it can only support up to Version 8.0. You are most likely using an Express edition that is newer than 8.0. As such, the only way for you to use the Visual C++ compiler with R2008a is if you download the 8.0 Express edition and install it.
You can find that compiler here:
Once you install the Visual C++ compiler, you also need to install the SDK. You can find that here:
After you do this, you need to define the MSSdk environment variable. To do this,
go to Control Panel -> System then Advanced and Environment Variables. After, create a new variable with the name MSSdk and the value being the path of where you installed the SDK. For example: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003.
Good luck!