How can I run a .exe file on any Windows computer? - c++

My friend wanted me to make him this program and he is not very tech savvy. How can I make the .exe run without making him download anything extra? It was coded in C++ on Visual Studio.

If your program uses anything from the standard library, it will need the Visual C++ runtime library, which is typically loaded from the library DLLs (something like msvcr110.dll).
However you can instruct the compiler (the linker, rather) to include (I do not mean #include-ing the header file) the library as part of your executable (exe file). (I guess you thought of ISO because an archive file would include all the necessary DLLs) According to, use the /MT compiler option will cause the "multithreaded, static version" of the Visual C++ runtime library (which is the library in pre-compiled code) to be included in your program during linking (in contrast to the default /MD option, which only causes code that helps your program link to the main library DLL to be included).
Correction: The program will be larger, but since the linker does not actually add everything to the output program, the size of the output file depends on what the program uses. Microsoft Visual Studio ~ C/C++ Runtime Library ~ Static/dynamic linking This might be helpful. (If you are interested, look into Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\lib (don't forget to replace the version number).)
Go to project settings -> configuration properties -> C/C++ -> code generation and set runtime library to Multi-threaded (MT).
Correction: it seems directly setting the compiler flag will work even with the default /MD or /MDd flag left in the command line.
EDIT: be sure to clean the solution (build -> clean solution) after applying these settings. Otherwise the linker may still try to use the old files.


Use Library Dependency Inputs as a cl compiler option/flag msvc++

So I am building my c++ project from the command line (just quicker for me to develop in) by doing "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" and then using the cl compiler. So with my project, I need to link in a static library to my project that has static global initializers in it (that have side effects). I found that I can use -WHOLEARCHIVE:libname.lib to get it to work however this bloats the .exe file. When doing my research I found in the properties settings of any c++ project in the linker setting there is a Use Library Dependency Inputs option which you can set to true (which if I understand right actually understands the dependency chain on global constructors and doesn't just dump every single thing from the library into the .exe).
So what cl compiler option/flag is equivalent to the linker option Use Library Dependency Inputs?

Visual Studio (C++) is automatically linking against an unwanted version of lib file

I am trying to create a C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 that has CGAL and Boost (and a couple of other libraries) as dependencies. I preferably like to link to these libraries dynamically. Also, I'd like to link to the "Release" versions of these libraries for performance reasons (not the "Debug" versions).
Starting from an empty C++ project, I added the path to header files of the aforementioned libraries as shown in the image below:
Inside the linker options, I then added the directories that contain the DLL and lib files of the external libraries. (CGAL directory contains CGAL's compiled DLL files along with lib files).
At this point, I have not added a single "lib" file "Additional Dependencies" dialog:
Now something weird is going on and I cannot explain why. If I try to build the project as-is (under the "Debug" configuration), I get a LNK1104 error about the linker not being able to find CGAL-vc120-mt-gd-4.7.lib. I know that the error means I should add the lib file in "Additional Dependencies" dialog...
But wait... WHAT...?!!
How does Visual Studio know how to automatically link against this lib file?! Worse yet, how does it know it needs the "debug" version of the library? (With the gd suffix). Also, how does it know I compiled CGAL with VS2013!!??
At first, I though the project was inheriting properties from some preset property sheets somewhere in my system. But I am certain that's not the case as this behavior shows even with a project created from scratch.
My main question is, how would you force Visual Studio to link against the "Release" version of this library? (eg. CGAL-vc120-mt-4.7.lib)
Side question but related: Am I even linking against the DLL files? How can I be certain that I am in deed doing dynamic linking and not static linking?
This is probably happening due to the #pragma comment(lib) mechanism - eg see What does "#pragma comment" mean?
This is a way of the compiler emitting instructions for the linker so that it can decide between multiple versions of a library depending on the compiler version. In this case it means that it can automatically pick up the correct version of the library (debug vs release, vs2013 vs vs2015, MT vs MD, etc). When you added the explicit reference to the library in Additional Dependencies then it is now trying to look for two files.
So, to fix the problem, remove it from Additional Dependencies and let VS pick the right library. If you are getting the LNK1104 error then it suggests that either the link library path isn't set up correctly, or you don't have the CGAL library file it's looking for. You can increase the verbosity settings for the linker in the Project Options to get more detail about what's happening.

I can't make SDL + OpenGL work in Visual Studio 2012

I just started a tutorial to learn C++ OpenGL using SDL. The steps shown in the videotutorial were done by using the IDE called Code Blocks, but I thought it was going to work also for Visual Studio 2012.
I downloaded the SDL2 developer which is for Windows x64 (my Windows 7 is 64 bits, but the Visual Studio 2012 I have is an x86 version)
To install the SDL2 in Visual Studio 2012, I put:
the .h files in the include folder (D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\SDL).
the .lib files in the lib folder (D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\lib\SDL).
the .dll file in C:/Windows/system folder.
After that, I opened the IDE, made a new project and while I was writting the code, autocompletion popped up for specific SDL features, meaning success... until I tried to run it.
This is the code I wrote according to the videotutorial:
#include "SDL.h"
int main(int argc, char* args[]){
return 0;
When I click on "Start Debugging" or "Start without debugging", after pressing yes to build it, the output comes with errors.
Here's a screenshot of the code I wrote, plus the output:
After that, I tried an older version of the SDL the tutorial was already using, which was the 1.2 (I overwrote few files of the newer version) but still no good results.
How do I fix it so I can practice with OpenGL + SDL features?
When you use a library in your project,
Compiling needs header filenames (#include <*.h>) and include directories containing them
Linking needs lib filenames (*.lib, what you're missing) and library directories containing them
Running needs dynamic libraries (*.dll), commonly using the same name as the .lib in the current or system directory (VS has binary directories too but I've never needed to know what they're for exactly)
When you compile code and add #include <SDL.h>, the compiler runs through a list of possible directories its been given to find that file. There are some default directories already set up, but so you don't have a mess of all your libraries in one place it's possible to add more. For example, Setting Global C++ Include Paths in Visual Studio 2012 (and 2011, and 2010). If your SDL.h is in a subdirectory in an include directory it won't be found - eg. just check this shouldn't be <SDL/SDL.h> or something similar.
With the include path set and the correct #include your code can compile. Now it's the linking stage. You've got some code that says I need the these functions and the linker has to either find the actual code for those functions and link them statically (all the code can be found in the .lib) or set up the program to link at runtime, dynamically (in which case the program needs to be able to find the .dll, and I think on windows you need a .lib file that goes with it).
So in addition to the include directory you need a library directory. Also, just like you said to the compiler #include <SDL.h> you need to tell the linker to look for the code for those functions defined in SDL.h in SDL.lib (which may end up actually providing the code at runtime when loading SDL.dll). I think specifying libraries could even be done through #pragma calls, but it's more common to see the library files specified as arguments to the linker program. As #ScottMcP-MVP said, append SDL.lib to the Project Properties->Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies list. If it still says unresolved external that generally means the linker still can't find the file, so check for typos and double check the directories. Worst case is a mismatch between SDL.h and SDL.lib or SDL.lib was compiled with different options or a different compiler.
The error you're receiving is the linker saying the compiler says I need an "external" function, SDL_Init, to make your code work but I haven't found/resolved-the-reference-to one in the list of libraries I've been given.
Just as an example/recap all these GUI options end up going to the compiler/linker. So for example a full compile line might look like this:
./compiler -I/path/to/my/includes -L/path/to/my/lib -lmylibrary.lib mycode.cpp -o myexecutable.exe
Where mycode.cpp contains #include <mylibrary.h>. Note that here the ./compiler is operating as both compiler and linker. The process could be split into:
./compiler -I/path/to/my/includes mycode.cpp -o mycompiledcode.o
./linker -L/path/to/my/lib -lmylibrary.lib mycompiledcode.o -o myexecutable.exe
Once you have your executable it needs to be able to find SDL.dll when you run it. Exactly as you've done, the executable should search the windows system directory. It should also search its current directory. On linux you can set an rpath (not sure on windows). If you keep getting application configuration incorrect and the dll is definitely there it's time to grab dependency walker and see what dll name the program is actually trying to load. Worst case is the application finds a different version of the dll or something else with the same name before the desired one.
Good luck. OpenGL is great fun!!
You can use either x32 or x64 lib files, but all your code must be the same. It'll probably be easier to start with x32, and if you need fast double computation and more ram then change. OpenGL doesn't have great support for x64 yet so it probably won't make much difference to you.
Additional Dependencies is where you put just "SDL.lib". This file then needs to exist in one of visual studio's library directories. If you don't get unresolved externals from SDL anymore then that part is fixed.
Your _main error is probably to do with a disgusting hack *spit* SDL uses. Straight after #include <SDL.h> put #undef main (may want to surround in #ifdefs in case it changes):
#include <SDL.h> //my include is <SDL2/SDL.h>, as I have both an SDL and SDL2 dir in my include path
#ifdef main
#undef main //remove SDL's main() hook if it exists
An important thing to note: generally use </> to include external libraries and "/" to include headers within your project - What is the difference between #include <filename> and #include "filename"?
You have to link the lib file into your exe. See Project, Properties, Link, Additional Dependencies. Put the name of the lib file there.

Build C++ project to include ALL msvc dlls

I have a simple C++ program. I want to just build the exe and give it to a person on another complete non-development box. Is there a way to build such a simple, single-source file to an executable in Visual Studio without needing all the crap ? I have changed the program to compile in MT mode, instead of MTD which statically linked the msvcr.dll file, but now it is looking for msvcp.dll file. How can I compile so that my executable either 1) doesnt include all this junk or 2) statically links it all so that I have exactly one file to transfer to another Windows PC to run
If compiling with /MT is requiring msvcr100.dll, something included in your application is probably trying to link with it, possibly a third party component. I would check any third party libraries and related.
MSVCP100.DLL is the C++ standard library. You might want to double check that it's not looking for MSVCP100D.DLL, which is the debug version; mixing release and debug mode libraries could cause this.
MSVCRT100.DLL is the C run-time library, and MSVCP100.DLL is the C++ standard library. Both should go away if you build with /MT, in that case static versions of these libraries should have been used.
My guess is that you either did not fully rebuild your app after switching to /MT, or that one or more files in your project have custom settings that include /MD. You may want to open the properties dialog box on the page that shows the /MT and then click on all your source files one by one to verify that none of them still show /MD.

C++ executable - MSVCR100.dll not found error

I've downloaded and compiled an open-source C++ application, Frhed.
When I run the version I've compiled, it demands MSVCR100 and few other dll files (part of Visual C++ redistributable). However, when I run the original precompiled Frhed executable, it runs without any C++ redistributable package installed.
Do I have to modify any compilation options in order to unlink the program from the C++ redistributable libraries?
The original program is probably statically linked, whereas you are trying to dynamically link your executable, which results in a smaller file, but a dependency on functions inside MSVCR100.dll (v10 of the Microsoft C Runtime Library), which would have been included inside the executable if you were statically linking.
To statically link DLLs, go into your project properties and change the build mode from MD to MT. In Visual Studio 2010/2012, that project property is C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library.
The short answer is yes, the longer answer is, well, longer.
The library msvcr100.dll is the 10.0 version (i.e., Visual Studio 2010 version) of the DLL implementation of the C run-time which you probably requested by using the /MD compile option. To avoid using the dynamically linked version of the run-time you can use the /MT option instead and statically link the run-time.
Alternatively, you can redistribute msvcr100.dll (and other files) along with your program.