#InjectMocks isnt actually injecting mocks - unit-testing

So i have a class that needs to be tested. Lets call it ClassToTest. It has a couple of Dao objects as fields.
Public class ClassToTest {
MyDao dao;
void methodToTest() {
As you can see ClassToTest does not contain any constructor or setter and I am using spring to autowire the fields.
Now, I have a base test class with all the dependencies that classToTest requires:
public abstract BaseTest {
MyDao dao;
And the testClass extends this BaseTest class :
public class TestClass extends BaseTest {
ClassToTest classToTest = new ClassToTest();
public void setup() {
public void test() {
This results in a null pointer exception when the save happens. However, if i change setup method to this :
public void setup() {
classToTest.dao = dao;
the test passes.
My understanding was that when a class does not have a constructor or a setter, InjectMocks would inject the mocks by using field injection. Why is that not happening here?

Figured out that this is a bug in the 1.8.5 version that i was using : https://code.google.com/p/mockito/issues/detail?id=229.
Upgrading 1.10 fixed the issue.


Why is #Inject object(Optional) coming null while running unit test?

I have a class Room, where I inject Optional Person object, this is coming null while running testSuccess. My understanding is it should come non null, since I am setting this to new Person() at the start of the test. Why is it coming null?
public class Room{
private Optional<Person> person1
//this is coming null when running test
My unit test
public class RoomTest {
#Inject Mocks
private Room testRoom
//Other mocks
private Optional<Person> testPerson
//Not able to mock this since its optional, hence directly setting value in unit test.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testSuccess() {
testPerson = Optional.of(new Person());
As the name implies, #InjectMocks only injects #Mocks. The testPerson is not a mock. Why not just add an #Inject-ing constructor to the Room class that would accept a person? This way you could just instantiate a testRoom in your test method and your dependency injection will still work.
public class Room{
private Optional<Person> person;
public Room(Optional<Person> person) {
this.person = person;
public class RoomTest {
public void testSuccess() {
Optional<Person> testPerson = Optional.of(new Person());
Room room = new Room(testPerson);
That said, if you absolutely want to use the annotations and adding the constructor is not an option for you then you can use PowerMock runner to mock the Optional. Conceptually, it can look like the code below. But usually, if you have to use PowerMock there might be something wrong with the code :)
public class Room{
private Optional<Person> person;
// This is for JUnit4. Using Powermock with JUnit5 will be more involved
#PrepareForTest(Optional.class) // to mock the final class
public class RoomTest {
private Room testRoom;
private Optional<Person> testPerson;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
public void testSuccess() {

Mock object is not being returned

There is a Adapter class which calls another legacyService and legacyService calls legacyDao and I want to mock the Legacy service calls.
In the below code SomeBean is returned as null instead of one the one that i created and passed in thenReturn. What could be the issue here?Please help I am new to mocking framework.
public class AdapterImpl implements Adpater{
//Injected through setter or constructor injection
private LegacyService legacy;
public SomeBean myMethod(){
return legacy.legacyService();
public class LegacyServiceImpl implements LegacyService{
//Injected through setter or constructor injection
private LegacyDAO ldao;//LegacyDAO is an interface
public SomeBean legacyService(){
return ldao.legacyDAO();
Test class
public class AdapterImplTest{
#Mock private LegacyServiceImpl legacyService;
private LegacyDAO legacyDAO;
public void before(){
public void myMethodTest(){
legacyDAO = PowerMockito.mock(LegacyDAO.class);
SomeBean bean = new SomeBean(sometring1,somestring2);
PowerMockito.when(legacyDAO.legacyDAO().thenReturn(bean);//I am mocking interface method implementation
PowerMockito.when(legacyService.legacyService().thenReturn(bean);//same bean as above
AdapterImpl impl = new AdapterImpl();
//Below method call is not returning the bean that I constructed above it is being returned as null
The original code posted in the question has many typos like missing parentheses and semi-colons. When I correct them, and fill in some of the methods like AdapterImpl.setLegacyService(), the test passes.
Then, as suggested in my comment, I removed the mocking of LegacyDAO. That mock object should not be needed if LegacyServiceImpl.legacyService() is properly mocked. When I rerun the test, it again passes.
All of which leads me to believe that there is an issue with the injection of the mock LegacyService object into AdapterImpl
FYI here is my passing test code, showing my typo fixes and assumptions about methods not shown in the original question. Hope this helps!
#PrepareForTest({ AdapterImplTest.CommonUtils.class })
public class AdapterImplTest {
private LegacyServiceImpl legacyService;
// private LegacyDAO legacyDAO; // removed, no need to mock
public void before() {
public void myMethodTest() {
// legacyDAO = PowerMockito.mock(LegacyDAO.class);
SomeBean bean = new SomeBean("sometring1", "somestring2");
// I am mocking interface method implementation
// PowerMockito.when(legacyDAO.legacyDAO()).thenReturn(bean);
// legacyService.setLegacyDAO(legacyDAO);
// same bean as above
AdapterImpl impl = new AdapterImpl();
// Below method call is not returning the bean that I constructed above
// it is being returned as null
private String someString() {
return "hello";
public class SomeBean {
public SomeBean(String string, String string2) {
public interface LegacyService {
public SomeBean legacyService();
public interface Adpater {
public class AdapterImpl implements Adpater {
// Injected through setter or constructor injection
private LegacyService legacy;
public SomeBean myMethod() {
return legacy.legacyService();
public void setLegacyService(LegacyServiceImpl legacyService) {
legacy = legacyService;
public class LegacyServiceImpl implements LegacyService {
// Injected through setter or constructor injection
private LegacyDAO ldao;// LegacyDAO is an interface
public SomeBean legacyService() {
return ldao.legacyDAO();
public void setLegacyDAO(LegacyDAO legacyDAO) {
ldao = legacyDAO;
public class LegacyDAO {
public SomeBean legacyDAO() {
return null;
public static class CommonUtils {
public static String someStaticMethod() {
return "in CommonUtils.someStaticMethod()";

How to inject mock in parent class with Mockito?

I'm using mockito to mock my services..
How can I inject mocks in parent class?
public abstract class Parent(){
Message message;
public class MyTest() extends Parent{
MyService myService //MyService has an instance of Message
//When I put #Mock Message here it works
When I run my tests the message in Parent stay null
Two ways to solve this:
1) You need to use MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this) in the #Before method in your parent class.
The following works for me:
public abstract class Parent {
Message message;
public void initMocks() {
public class MyTest extends Parent {
MyService myService = new MyService(); //MyService has an instance of Message
2) If want to use the #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) above the class definition, then this must be done in the Parent class:
public class Parent {
Note that declaring the #Mock in both the Parent and MyTest class will cause the injected object to be null. So you will have to pick where you want to declare this.

Unit testing callback based on Consumer functional interface

I'm trying to unit test code that runs as callback in a Consumer functional interface.
class SomeClass {
private SomeInteface toBeMockedDependency;
public method() {
toBeMockedDependency.doSomething(message -> {
// Logic under test goes here
// (implements java.util.function.Consumer interface)
public class SomeClassTest {
private SomeClass someClass;
private SomeInteface toBeMockedDependency;
public void testMethod() {
Essentially I want to provide the tested code some tested "message" via "toBeMockedDependency".
How can the "toBeMockedDependency" be mocked to provide a predefined message?
Is it the right approach?
Don't try to make toBeMockedDependency automatically call your functional interface. Instead, use a #Captor to capture the anonymous functional interface, and then use your test to manually call it.
public class SomeClassTest {
private SomeClass someClass;
private SomeInteface toBeMockedDependency;
private ArgumentCaptor<Consumer<Message>> messageConsumerCaptor;
public void testMethod() {
Consumer<Message> messageConsumer = messageConsumerCaptor.getValue();
// Now you have your message consumer, so you can test it all you want.
messageConsumer.accept(new Message(...));

Uses of Mockit.reset() on a mock object

Is it right to use Mockito.reset() in #Before method for mock objects which is being used in more than test method in the same test Class as shown below.
public class SampleTest {
private CustomRepository customRepo;
public void setUp() {
public void test1(){
public void test2(){
You don't have to reset the mock because JUnit/Mockito creates a new instance of SampleTest and the mock object for each test.