Clojure condition-map parameter provided as metadata of the arglist - clojure

In the the special forms Clojure documentation (
The condition-map parameter is described as below:
The condition-map parameter may be used to specify pre- and
postconditions for a function. It is of the following form:
{:pre [pre-expr*] :post [post-expr*]}
where either key is optional. The condition map may also be provided
as metadata of the arglist.
I can add the condition-map as a block to a (defn [x ] {:pre [] :post []}...) just fine, but I don't quite understand the comment about being able to provide the condition-map as metadata of the arglist.
I'm very new to Clojure, and have only just started learning about metadata. Can someone give an example of how this would be done?

(defn foo ^{:pre [(even? x)] :post [(pos? %)]} [x]
;; <-- metadata attached to arglist --> \ /
;; |
;; arglist -----/
(inc x))
Calling the above the REPL:
user=> (foo 0)
user=> (foo -2)
AssertionError Assert failed: (pos? %) user/foo (NO_SOURCE_FILE:2)
user=> (foo 1)
AssertionError Assert failed: (even? x) user/foo (NO_SOURCE_FILE:2)


How do you use an existing vector of predicates with :post conditions in Clojure?

Given that :post takes a form that gets evaluated later (e.g. {:post [(= 10 %)]}). How could one dynamically pass a 'pre-made' vector of functions to :post?
For example:
(def my-post-validator
[prediate1 predicate2 predicate3])
(defn foo [x]
{:post my-post-validator}
this throws a syntax error
Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Symbol
With my fuzzy understanding, it's because defn is a macro, and the thing that allows the % syntax in :post is that it's quoted internally..?
I thought maybe I then use a macro to pass a 'literal' of what I wanted evaluated
(defmacro my-post-cond [spec]
'[(assert spec %) (predicate2 %) (predicate n)])
(defn foo [x]
{:post (my-post-cond :what/ever)}
However, this attempt gives the error:
Can't take value of a macro
Is there a way to pass a vector of things to :post rather than having to define it inline?
You can't pass a vector of predefined predicates, but you can combine multiple predicates under a single name and use that name in :post:
(defn my-post-cond [spec val]
;; Not sure if this is exactly what you want,
;; given that `val` becomes an assert message.
(assert spec val)
(predicate2 val)
;; You used `n` - I assume it was supposed to be `%`.
(predicate val)))
(defn foo [x]
{:post [(my-post-cond :what/ever %)]}
I started off as a fan of pre- and post-conditions, but I've changed over the years.
For simple things, I prefer to use Plumatic Schema to not only test inputs & outputs, but to document them as well.
For more complicated tests & verifications, I just put in an explicit assert or similar. I also wrote a helper function in the Tupelo library to reduce repetition, etc when debugging or verifying return values:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(defn oddly
"Transforms its input. Throws if result is not odd"
(let [answer (-> x (* 3) (+ 2))]
(with-result answer
(println :given x)
(assert (odd? answer))
(println :returning answer))))
(is= 5 (oddly 1))
(throws? (oddly 2)))
with result
Clojure 1.10.3 Java 11.0.11
Testing tst.demo.core
:given 1
:returning 5
:given 2
Ran 2 tests containing 2 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Passed all tests
So with either the println or assert, the returned value is easy to see. If it fails the assert, an Exception is thrown as normal.

How to catch "= already refers to: #'clojure.core/= in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/= " in Clojure?

In my app I'm providing some interface to users that they can provide code and app evaluates that code within sandbox(so eval fn not allowed).The thing is I need to catch if user overrides some built-in function such as =
Any ideas how to catch and prevent that thing?(The idea is they should not be able to do that)
(defn =
//some code)
WARNING: = already refers to: #'clojure.core/= in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/=
One solution might be:
I was trying to get the warning message as String but with-out-str function did not work.
(defn = []))
;=> ""
Also wrote that with-err-str(changed with-out-str little bit) did not work as well.
(defmacro with-err-str
[& body]
`(let [s# (new]
(binding [*err* s#]
(str s#))))
(defn = []))
;=> ""
Need: "WARNING: = already refers to: #'clojure.core/= in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/="
It does work when you use eval:
user=> (with-err-str (eval '(defn - [] 11)))
"WARNING: - already refers to: #'clojure.core/- in namespace: user, being replaced by: #'user/-\n"
user=> (re-seq #"WARNING" (with-err-str (eval '(defn / [] 11))))
Or you could redefine the defn macro in user's code, but nothing prevents them to use other clojure tools to redefine a var:
user=> (defmacro defn-safe
#_=> [nam & decls]
#_=> (if (resolve (symbol "clojure.core" (name nam)))
#_=> (print "Whoops")
#_=> (list* `defn (with-meta nam (assoc (meta nam) :private true)) decls)))
user=> (defn-safe foo [x] (+ x 2))
user=> (foo 22)
user=> (defn-safe = [a b] (- a b))
Another option, and probably your best bet is using
clojail handles this (and many other things as well). If you're looking to sandbox Clojure, I'd recommend taking a look.
One solution might be like this:
(def before (set (vals (ns-map *ns*))))
(defn = [])
(def after (set (vals (ns-map *ns*))))
(clojure.set/difference before after)
;=> #{#'clojure.core/=}

Getting a function's name in its body or :test body

In clojure, can one idiomatically obtain a function's name inside of its body, hopefully accomplishing so without introducing a new wrapper for the function's definition? can one also access the function's name inside of the body of the function's :test attribute as well?
For motivation, this can be helpful for certain logging situations, as well as for keeping the body of :test oblivious to changes to the name of the function which it is supplied for.
A short elucidation of the closest that meta gets follows; there's no this notion to supply to meta, as far as I know, in clojure.
(defn a [] (:name (meta (var a))))
Obviously it is easy to accomplish with a wrapper macro.
Edit: luckily no one so far mentioned lambda combinators.
There are 2 ways to approach your question. However, I suspect that to fully automate what you want to do, you would need to define your own custom defn replacement/wrapper.
The first thing to realize is that all functions are anonymous. When we type:
(defn hello [] (println "hi"))
we are really typing:
(def hello (fn [] (println "hi"))
we are creating a symbol hello that points to an anonymous var which in turn points to an anonymous function. However, we can give the function an "internal name" like so:
(def hello (fn fn-hello [] (println "hi")))
So now we can access the function from the outside via hello or from the inside using either hello of fn-hello symbols (please don't ever use hello in both locations or you create a lot of confusion...even though it is legal).
I frequently use the fn-hello method in (otherwise) anonymous functions since any exceptions thrown will include the fn-hello symbol which makes tracking down the source of the problem much easier (the line number of the error is often missing from the stack trace). For example when using Instaparse we need a map of anonymous transform functions like:
:identifier fn-identifier
:string fn-string
:integer (fn fn-integer [arg] [:integer (java.lang.Integer. arg)])
:boolean (fn fn-boolean [arg] [:boolean (java.lang.Boolean. arg)])
:namespace (fn fn-namespace [arg] [:namespace arg])
:prefix (fn fn-prefix [arg] [:prefix arg])
:organization (fn fn-organization [arg] [:organization arg])
:contact (fn fn-contact [arg] [:contact arg])
:description (fn fn-description [arg] [:description arg])
:presence (fn fn-presence [arg] [:presence arg])
:revision (fn fn-revision [& args] (prepend :revision args))
:iso-date (fn fn-iso-date [& args] [:iso-date (str/join args)])
:reference (fn fn-reference [arg] [:reference arg])
:identity (fn fn-identity [& args] (prepend :identity args))
:typedef (fn fn-typedef [& args] (prepend :typedef args))
:container (fn fn-container [& args] (prepend :container args))
:rpc (fn fn-rpc [& args] (prepend :rpc args))
:input (fn fn-input [& args] (prepend :input args))
and giving each function the "internal name" makes debugging much, much easier. Perhaps this would be unnecessary if Clojure had better error messages, but that is a longstanding (& so far unfullfilled) wish.
You can find more details here:
If you read closely, it claims that (defn foo [x] ...) expands into
(def foo (fn foo [x] ...))
although you may need to experiment to see if this has already solved the use-case you are seeking. It works either way as seen in this example where we explicitly avoid the inner fn-fact name:
(def fact (fn [x] ; fn-fact omitted here
(if (zero? x)
(* x (fact (dec x))))))
(fact 4) => 24
This version also works:
(def fact (fn fn-fact [x]
(if (zero? x)
(* x (fn-fact (dec x))))))
(fact 4) => 24
(fn-fact 4) => Unable to resolve symbol: fn-fact
So we see that the "internal name" fn-fact is hidden inside the function and is invisible from the outside.
A 2nd approach, if using a macro, is to use the &form global data to access the line number from the source code. In the Tupelo library this technique is used to improve error messages for the
(defmacro dotest [& body] ; #todo README & tests
(let [test-name-sym (symbol (str "test-line-" (:line (meta &form))))]
`(clojure.test/deftest ~test-name-sym ~#body)))
This convenience macro allows the use of unit tests like:
(is (= 3 (inc 2))))
which evalutes to
(deftest test-line-123 ; assuming this is on line 123 in source file
(is (= 3 (inc 2))))
instead of manually typing
(deftest t-addition
(is (= 3 (inc 2))))
You can access (:line (meta &form)) and other information in any macro which can make your error messages and/or Exceptions much more informative to the poor reader trying to debug a problem.
Besides the above macro wrapper example, another (more involved) example of the same technique can be seen in the Plumatic Schema library, where they wrap clojure.core/defn with an extended version.
You may also wish to view this question for clarification on how Clojure uses the "anonymous" var as an intermediary between a symbol and a function: When to use a Var instead of a function?

How can I elegantly combine resource and exception handling?

I'm writing a Clojure wrapper for an object-oriented API that heavily involves resource handling. For instance, for the Foo object, I've written three basic functions: foo?, which returns true iff something is a Foo; create-foo, which attempts to obtain the resources to create a Foo, then returns a map containing a return code and (if the construction succeeded) the newly created Foo; and destroy-foo, which takes a Foo and releases its resources. Here are some stubs for those three functions:
(def foo? (comp boolean #{:placeholder}))
(defn create-foo []
(let [result (rand-nth [::success ::bar-too-full ::baz-not-available])]
(merge {::result result}
(when (= ::success result)
{::foo :placeholder}))))
(defn destroy-foo [foo] {:pre [(foo? foo)]} nil)
Obviously, every time create-foo is called and succeeds, destroy-foo must be called with the returned Foo. Here's a simple example that doesn't use any custom macros:
(let [{:keys [::result ::foo]} (create-foo)]
(if (= ::success result)
(println "Got a Foo:")
(prn foo)
(destroy-foo foo)))
(println "Got an error:")
(prn result))))
There's a lot of boilerplate here: the try-finally-destroy-foo construct must be present to ensure that all Foo resources are released, and the (= ::success result) test must be present to ensure that nothing gets run assuming a Foo when there is no Foo.
Some of that boilerplate can be eliminated by a with-foo macro, similar to the with-open macro in clojure.core:
(defmacro with-foo [bindings & body]
{:pre [(vector? bindings)
(= 2 (count bindings))
(symbol? (bindings 0))]}
`(let ~bindings
(destroy-foo ~(bindings 0))))))
While this does help somewhat, it doesn't do anything about the (= ::success result) boilerplate, and now two separate binding forms are required to achieve the desired result:
(let [{:keys [::result] :as m} (create-foo)]
(if (= ::success result)
(with-foo [foo (::foo m)]
(println "Got a Foo:")
(prn foo))
(println "Got an error:")
(prn result))))
I simply can't figure out a good way to handle this. I mean, I could complect the behaviors of if-let and with-foo into some sort of if-with-foo macro:
(defmacro if-with-foo [bindings then else]
{:pre [(vector? bindings)
(= 2 (count bindings))]}
`(let [{result# ::result foo# ::foo :as m#} ~(bindings 1)
~(bindings 0) m#]
(if (= ::success result#)
(destroy-foo foo#)))
This does eliminate even more boilerplate:
(if-with-foo [{:keys [::result ::foo]} (create-foo)]
(println "Got a Foo:")
(prn foo))
(println "Got a result:")
(prn result)))
However, I don't like this if-with-foo macro for several reasons:
it's very tightly coupled to the specific structure of the map returned by create-foo
unlike if-let, it causes all bindings to be in scope in both branches
its ugly name reflects its ugly complexity
Are these macros the best I can do here? Or is there a more elegant way to handle resource handling with possible resource obtainment failure? Perhaps this is a job for monads; I don't have enough experience with monads to know whether they would be useful tool here.
I'd add an error-handler to with-foo. This way the macro has a focus on what should be done. However, this simplifies the code only when all error-cases are treated by a handful of error handlers. If you have to define a custom error-handler every time you call with-foo this solution makes readability worse than an if-else construct.
I added copy-to-map. copy-to-map should copy all relevant information from the object to a map. This way the user of the macro doesn't by accident return the foo-object, since it gets destroyed inside the macro
(defn foo? [foo]
(= ::success (:result foo)))
(defn create-foo [param-one param-two]
(rand-nth (map #(merge {:obj :foo-obj :result %} {:params [param-one param-two]})
[::success ::bar-too-full ::baz-not-available])))
(defn destroy-foo [foo]
(defn err-handler [foo]
[:error foo])
(defn copy-to-map [foo]
;; pseudo code here
(into {} foo))
(defmacro with-foo [[f-sym foo-params & {:keys [on-error]}] & body]
`(let [foo# (apply ~create-foo [~#foo-params])
~f-sym (copy-to-map foo#)]
(if (foo? foo#)
(try ~#body
(finally (destroy-foo foo#)))
(when ~on-error
(apply ~on-error [~f-sym])))))
Now you call it
(with-foo [f [:param-one :param-two] :on-error err-handler]
[:success (str "i made it: " f)])
Building from #murphy's excellent idea to put the error handler into with-foo's bindings to keep the focus on the normal case, I've ended up with a solution that I like quite a lot:
(defmacro with-foo [bindings & body]
{:pre [(vector? bindings)
(even? (count bindings))]}
(if-let [[sym init temp error] (not-empty bindings)]
(let [error? (= :error temp)]
`(let [{result# ::result foo# ::foo :as m#} ~init]
(if (contains? m# ::foo)
(let [~sym foo#]
(with-foo ~(subvec bindings (if error? 4 2))
(destroy-foo foo#)))
(let [f# ~(if error? error `(constantly nil))]
(f# result#)))))
like my if-with-foo macro in the question, this with-foo macro is still tied to the structure returned by create-foo; unlike my if-with-foo macro and #murphy's with-foo macro, it eliminates the need for the user to manually take apart that structure
all names are properly scoped; the user's sym is only bound in the main body, not in the :error handler, and conversely, the ::result is only bound in the :error handler, not in the main body
like #murphy's solution, this macro has a nice, fitting name, instead of something ugly like if-with-foo
unlike #murphy's with-foo macro, this with-foo macro allows the user to provide any init value, rather than forcing a call to create-foo, and doesn't transform the returned value
The most basic use case simply binds a symbol to a Foo returned by create-foo in some body, returning nil if the construction fails:
(with-foo [foo (create-foo)]
["Got a Foo!" foo])
To handle the exceptional case, an :error handler can be added to the binding:
(with-foo [foo (create-foo)
:error (partial vector "Got an error!")]
["Got a Foo!" foo])
Any number of Foo bindings can be used:
(with-foo [foo1 (create-foo)
foo2 (create-foo)]
["Got some Foos!" foo1 foo2])
Each binding can have its own :error handler; any missing error handlers are replaced with (constantly nil):
(with-foo [foo1 (create-foo)
:error (partial vector "Got an error!")
foo2 (create-foo)]
["Got some Foos!" foo1 foo2])

Using with-redefs inside a doseq

I have a Ring handler which uses several functions to build the response. If any of these functions throw an exception, it should be caught so a custom response body can be written before returning a 500.
I'm writing the unit test for the handler, and I want to ensure that an exception thrown by any of these functions will be handled as described above. My instinct was to use with-redefs inside a doseq:
(doseq [f [ns1/fn1 ns1/fn2 ns2/fn1]]
(with-redefs [f (fn [& args] (throw (RuntimeException. "fail!"))]
(let [resp (app (request :get "/foo")))))]
(is (= (:status resp) 500))
(is (= (:body resp) "Something went wrong")))))
Of course, given that with-redefs wants to change the root bindings of vars, it is treating f as a symbol. Is there any way to get it to rebind the var referred to by f? I suspect that I'm going to need a macro to accomplish this, but I'm hoping that someone can come up with a clever solution.
with-redefs is just sugar over repeated calls to alter-var-root, so you can just write the desugared form yourself, something like:
(doseq [v [#'ns1/fn1 #'ns1/fn2 #'ns2/fn1]]
(let [old #v]
(alter-var-root v (constantly (fn [& args]
(throw (RuntimeException. "fail!")))))
(let [resp (app (request :get "/foo")))
(is (= (:status resp) 500))
(is (= (:body resp) "Something went wrong")))
(finally (alter-var-root v (constantly old))))))
Following on from amalloy's great answer, here's a utility function that I wrote to use in my tests:
(defn with-mocks
"Iterates through a list of functions to-mock, rebinding each to mock-fn, and calls
test-fn with the optional test-args.
(defn foobar [a b]
(try (+ (foo a) (bar b))
(catch Exception _ 1)))
(deftest test-foobar
(testing \"Exceptions are handled\"
[#'foo #'bar]
(fn [& _] (throw (RuntimeException. \"\")))
(fn [a b] (is (= 1 (foobar a b)))) 1 2)))"
[to-mock mock-fn test-fn & test-args]
(doseq [f to-mock]
(let [real-fn #f]
(alter-var-root f (constantly mock-fn))
(apply test-fn test-args)
(alter-var-root f (constantly real-fn)))))))