Unzip zip files in folders and subfolders with python 2.7.8 - python-2.7

Continusly to Unzip zip files in folders and subfolders with python this code work with python 3:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import unpack_archive
zip_files = Path(r"C:\Project\layers").rglob("*.zip")
while True:
path = next(zip_files)
except StopIteration:
break # no more files
except PermissionError:
logging.exception("permission error")
extract_dir = path.with_name(path.stem)
unpack_archive(str(path), str(extract_dir), 'zip')
i work with python 2.7.8 and can't change the version of python because it affect other important programs. When i run the code i get an error:
ImportError: No module named pathlib
How can i change the code so it will work?


Python 2.7 cannot find module in its search path

I wanted to test the relative import model of Python 2.X
Directory tree:
import sys
print 'in dir1/dir2/mod.py'
path = [name for name in sys.path if 'Frameworks' not in name].
print 'Module search path of mod is:\n' + str(path)
import dir3.mod2
print 'in dir1/dir2/dir3/mod2.py'
import mod3
print 'in dir1/dir2/dir3/mod3.py by relative import'
'mod' would import 'mod2' from 'dir3', which would then import 'mod3'. In Python 3.X, this would fail because the path to 'mod3' is not provided; in Python 2.X, the interpreter searches the same directory containing 'mod2' before searching the rest of the path starting from the top level directory of 'mod'.
This is the error message I get:
MacBook-Pro-9 exercises % python dir1/dir2/mod.py
in dir1/dir2/mod.py
Module search path of mod is:
['Users/arthur/Desktop/learning_python/exercises/dir1/dir2', '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Desktop/learning_python/exercises/dir1/dir2/mod.py", line 8, in <module>
import dir3.mod2
ImportError: No module named dir3.mod2
I know 'dir2' contains 'dir3/mod2', but for some reason, Python can't find it. I'm pretty sure that the syntax for the import statement is correct.
I modified the print statements and changed 'mod2.py' code to read from . import mod3. I edited nothing else, and it ran just fine in Python 3.8 There was no problem finding 'dir3.mod2'
You have to add an empty file inside dir3 named init.py for python to be able to recognize the directory as a Python package directory. If you have these files
You can now import the code in mod2.py and mod3.py as
import dir3.mod2
import dir3.mod3
from dir3 import mod2
from dir3 import mod3
If you remove the init.py file, Python will no longer look for submodules inside that directory, so attempts to import the module will fail.
Here is the a link.

Python is not fetching username from my .env file in windows

1) !pip install python-dotenv
2) from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
3) # find .env automatically by walking up directories until it's found
dotenv_path = find_dotenv()
# load up the entries as environment variables
4) import os
Output: None
Expected output is:
what is the issue here?
I recently faced this issue.
Problem was i was running this inside a virtual environment and the dotenv package fails to locate the .env file using find_dotenv() command. To overcome this use
dotenv_path = find_dotenv(usecwd=True)
Hopefully this will work.

ImportError with nltk_train

I am trying to get my ways around with nltk-trainer (https://github.com/japerk/nltk-trainer). I managed to train Dutch taggers and chunkers with the commands (directly in Anaconda console):
python train_tagger.py conll2002 --fileids ned.train --classifier IIS --filename ~/nltk_data/taggers/conll2002_ned_IIS.pickle
python train_chunker.py conll2002 --fileids ned.train --classifier NaiveBayes --filename ~/nltk_data/chunkers/conll2002_ned_NaiveBayes.pickle
Then I run a little script to test the tagger and the chunker:
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import conll2002
# Loading training pickles
tokenizer = nltk.data.load('tokenizers/punkt/dutch.pickle')
tagger = nltk.data.load('taggers/conll2002_ned_IIS.pickle')
chunker = nltk.data.load('chunkers/conll2002_ned_NaiveBayes.pickle')
# Testing
test_sents = conll2002.tagged_sents(fileids="ned.testb")[0:1000]
print "tagger accuracy on test-set: " + str(tagger.evaluate(test_sents))
test_sents = conll2002.chunked_sents(fileids="ned.testb")[0:1000]
print "tagger accuracy on test-set: " + str(chunker.evaluate(test_sents))
This works fine from the nltk-trainer-master folder, but when I move the script elsewhere, I get an import error:
ImportError: No module named nltk_trainer.chunking.chunkers
How can I make this work outside the nltk-trainer-master folder, without copying the nltk_trainer folder?
(Python 2.7, nltk 3.2.1)

difficulties with cx_freeze setup for kivy with Python 2.7

I am trying to build a package for just a simple Python 2.7 + kivy 1.9.1 script using cx_freeze. Unfortunately I get the following error when executing the DoScroll.exe file:
File "C:\Utils\Pyhton27\lib\site-packages\kivy\lang.py", line 1829, in load_file
with open(filename, 'r') as fd:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\Projects\Testing\build\exe.win32-2.7\library.zip\kivy\data\style.kv'
The zip file does not contain the kivy\data folder. So my idea was to add the kivy package explicitly to the setup.py file. But this does not help.
How could I resolve this issue?
The setup.py file I am using:
import sys
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
base = None
if sys.platform == "win32":
base = "Win32GUI"
options = {
'build_exe': {
'packages': ['kivy']
executables = [
Executable('DoScroll.py', base=base)
description='demo scroller',
executables = executables,

How do I import files from other directory in python 2.7

I have been experimenting with python by creating some programs .The thing is, I have no idea how to import something OUT of the default python directory.
So I did some heavy research and the conclusion is
if u want to access a file saved at different location
f = open('E:/somedir/somefile.txt', 'r')
r = f.read()
NOTE: Dont use '\' that were I went wrong.Our system addresses uses '\' So be careful
If you need to just read in a file and not import a module the documentation covers this extensively.
Specifically for Windows file systems you will need to do one of the following:
1.) Use forwardslashes vs backslashes. This should work with most OSes.
f = open("c:/somedir/somefile.txt", "r")
2.) Use a raw string.
f = open(r"c:\somedir\somefile.txt", "r")
3.) Escape the backslashes.
f = open("c:\\somedir\\somefile.txt", "r")
If you need to import a module to use in your program from outside your programs directory you can use the below information.
Python looks in the sys.path to see if the module exists there and if so does the import. If the path where you files/modules are located is not in the sys.path, Python will raise an ImportError. You can update the path programmatically by using the sys module.
import sys
dir = "path to mymodule"
if dir not in sys.path:
import mymodule
You can check the current sys.path by using:
>>> print(sys.path)
['', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python34.zip', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/plat-darwin', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages']
>>> sys.path.append("/Users/ddrummond/pymodules")
>>> print(sys.path)
['', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python34.zip', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/plat-darwin', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/lib-dynload', '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/lib/python3.4/site-packages', '/Users/ddrummond/pymodules']
You can see that sys.path now contains '/Users/ddrummond/pymodules'.