ActiveX Property Persistance - mfc

I have a question about an ActiveX Control I am developing. I have hashed my way through most problems but I am stuck at a real road block. This ActiveX is being imorted into other software so I have to have a good implementation of the Property Pages. I have managed to get some persistant properties working with one issue. When I make a change in the property page it is updated and persists as long as the application that is development app that is using it is open but it reverts back when I reload the app. I have narrowed this down to the fact that the development app doesnt realize the ActiveX has changed and therfore doesnt save. If i make a unrelated change and save the program all is good and the values persist as expected. I have tried everything and cant seem t get the application that imports my ActiveX to realize when it has changed via the property page. I am wondering if anyone has some work arounds for this type of problem. It seems to me if I could force the DoPropExchange() it would work but I dont know how to call this explicitly.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the input. I did have the SetModifiedFlag() but it wasnt working. After poking at it I solved that problem but now I am redirecting my question. I had removed the property above in question from the idl files dispinterface in order to prevent the application that loads the activex from displaying the property in its "Connection List"(3rd party application specific"). It appears that the app loads all the interface into this list but this is not good as some properties should be persistant and only modifiable through the proppages. I tried all the flags like hidden and local but still were displayed in the list. When I removed it from the dispinterface it was how I wanted it but would not signal the IsModified. My new question is in there another way to define properties for an instance like this or is it possible to have a secondary interface(I have not tested if the application would see this interface because I am not sure how I would go about defining this inteface)or to have a property only between the proppage and control. Or is there another way to signal the dirty. The OnMemberVariable of the control was properly executing I know from testing it just seems SetModifiedFlag() doesnt do anything if the property is not in the dispinterface
Thanks Again

You need to mark your control as "modified", so that its host could detect it and re-save persistent properties. In this case IPersistXxx::IsDirty implemented by your control would indicate dirty state.
MFC based control has COleControl::SetModifiedFlag for this purpose:
Call this function whenever a change occurs that would affect your control's persistent state. For example, if the value of a persistent property changes, call this function with bModified TRUE.
Update: To hide a property from property browser you can use nonbrowsable attribute.
Use the [nonbrowsable] attribute to tag an interface or dispinterface member that should not be displayed in a properties browser.


How to save layout settings of MFC application?

I understand there are functions that can easily write windows registry, however I found out that in new MFC project created with wizard, some information (like split bar position, visibility of controls) gets stored automatically (or at least I found no CWinApp::Write* calls in the project). Since I have also older projects that don't have this behaviour I need to figure out how to make this without help of project wizard. Would anyone please know how does this work?
The MFC control state saving magic happens in the 'New' MFC Feature Pack, specifically in the SaveState methods, for example CMFCToolBar::SaveState.
To take advantage of this you'll therefore need to upgrade your Toolbars and Menus to use the newer controls and upgrade your application to inherit from CWinAppEx. I recommend that you use a New MFC Wizard based app as a guide on how to upgrade your old MFC app.
Most of the information is saved in CPane::SaveState(), thus if you want state of some component saved, you need to use classes derived from CPane. (for more info here is the class hierarchy).
The process of saving window states is initiated through CFrameImpl::OnClosingMainFrame(). This function in turn calls CWinAppEx::SaveState() which saves some application settings and then ALL instances of CMFCToolBar (they add themselves to global list of CMFCToolBars in call to OnCreate). In a similar way all dockable panes are saved but the list belongs to your main frame. Then positioin and size of your main frame is saved.
CViews and CFrameWnds are somewhat less favored, for what I found and tried out, the only information saved was visibility.
I used that loooong time ago. If I correctly reminds it, you should save the informations you want in a overridden CWinApp::ExitInstance() before calling base class method, and you load them in CWinApp::InitInstance. Be sure to allow for default values, because at first run, there will be nothing to load, and do not forget to call (or copy) base class.

ListView in android for dynamic data

how to refresh List View dynamic data content in android?
I tried loading dynamic data for the List View in android application but no luck .Any advice how to accomplish this?
Call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter object once you've modified the data in that adapter.
Some additional specifics on how/when to call notifyDataSetChanged() can be viewed in this Google I/O video.
Or else Look at this may helpful.
Dynamic ListView in Android app
Or else
The right thing to do is to call notifyDataSetChanged() on your Adapter.
If calling notifyDataSetChanged() doesn't work all the layout methods won't help either. Believe me the list view was properly updated. If you fail to find the difference you need to check where the data in your adapter comes from.
If this is just a collection you're keeping in memory check that you actually deleted the item from the collection before calling the notifyDataSetChanged().
If you're working with a database or service backend you'll have to call the method to retrieve the information again (or manipulate the in memory data) before calling the notifyDataSetChanged().
The thing is this notifyDataSetChanged only works if the dataset has changed. So that is the place to look if you don't find changes coming through. Debug if needed.
UI Thread
It is true that this has to be called from the UI thread. Other answers have examples on how to achieve this. However this is only required if you're working on this information from outside the UI thread. That is from a service or a non UI thread. In simple cases you'll be updating your data from a button click or another activity/fragment. So still within the UI thread. No need to always pop that runOnUiTrhead in.
More Information
Another nice post about the power of list Views is found here:

Deleting / Editing ATL COM DLL properties / methods

I have created a COM ATL DLL in VS2012.
Adding events and properties is very easy.
However, I see no easy way to edit or delete an event or a property.
VS2012 automatically creates a lot of code for the event or property when I use the Add Wizard, and I am not sure if I should really delete or change this automatically created code manually when I made a mistake and want to replace or delete something.
Is there a way to edit and delete them in a clean way?
Perhaps there is a property / event manager somewhere in VS2012, but I did not find it.
Thank you!
You edit declaration of the methods/properties of your interest on IDL, and then the project stops building until you respectively fix it by reflecting changes on your C++ implementation - that's it.
IDL changes along with implementation updated respectively builds you updated DLL.
Be aware that applications which are already built against earlier method/property set might be in trouble after the update. Related earlier questions you might be interested in (you might, however be not - which I sense is the case at the moment, if your question is about updates while you are developing, and not updates on released module):
COM: If I change the parent of an Interface do I need to create a new Interface?
Would adding a new function to the existing COM interface break its binary compatibility?
Why is it necessary to add new events to the *end* of an IDL interface?

Why is CMFCMenuBar not utilizing the accelerator table?

In a doc/view project using VS2008, a MFCMenuBar seems to load the correct MENU resource (IDR_MAINFRAME) from the project, since adding and removing menu items is reflected in the menu's UI. It even appends the accelerators to the default menu items (e.g. Ctrl+O to the Open... item). However, the accelerator table (IDR_MAINFRAME) doesn't seem to be connected to the menu. Changing the default Ctrl+O for Open... to something like Ctrl+7 doesn't work. The Ctrl+O is still appended to the Open... menu item, and Ctrl+O still invokes the Open... handler. There is only one accelerator table in the resource file, so I have no idea where the CMFCMenuBar is getting its accelerator information.
At this point, I've been able to get the accelerators to work by manually loading the IDR_MAINFRAME accelerator table and translating messages myself. But the CMFCMenuBar is still appending the default accelerators.
Can anyone explain what is going on here? How can I force the MFCMenuBar to utilize my accelerator table and either not append the accelerators or append the correct accelerators?
Having just spent far too much time wrestling with this problem I thought I'd post the solution that appears to work for me.
I call :
after the MDI framework stuff has been loaded from the registry (I've created a specific function called PostLoadFrame() which I call immediately after calling LoadFrame() which is where the registry seems to get read).
This function call ignores any accelerators loaded from the registry (which is fine for me because I don't allow customisation of them anyway) and uses the accelerators in your resource file instead.
Like I said, it seems to be working for me in my application. If you do allow customisation of the accelerator keys, then it looks like it's possible to merge your resource file and the registry stored values with other functions in CKeyboardManager, but it's a bit more complicated.
I hope that helps somebody somewhere save some of the time I've lost!!
Apparently some CMFCMenuBar settings are persisted to the registry (HKCU I think.) Try clearing your application's registry settings and see if the correct accelerators are shown.
See this MSDN thread for some related CMFCMenuBar troubleshooting.

Is there a way to programmatically hide an carbon application on osx?

I have a carbon C++ application and I would like to programmatically do the equivalent of Command-H (to hide the application) which is available in the Application menu for my app. I have explored the carbon API for TransitionWindow and HideWindow and while these can hide my window, they do not do the equivalent of Command-H. I looked into the AppleEvent reference on the offhand I needed to create an AppleEvent but I didn't see one for hide application. Any thoughts?
Sorry to answer my own question but the ShowHideProcess() API seems to do what I want. If there are better solutions I would love to hear them.
Just a note: hiding a Window is very different to hiding an Application.
You can also send a kHICommandHide ('hide') command event from the Carbon Event Manager (which is what that menu item does, and which calls ShowHideProcess() when processed) if you prefer, for instance if you'd like this action to be materialised by an event.
I looked into the AppleEvent reference on the offhand I needed to create an AppleEvent but I didn't see one for hide application. Any thoughts?
I'm no expert but you can just use AppleEvent to set the visible property of a process to false – at least it works with an AppleScript
tell application "System Events"
set visible of process "xyz" to false
end tell
On the other hand, your API seems to be the most direct way and the above code probably just uses it as well.