How can I avoid this ugly nested class c++ code - c++

I write games in C++ with SDL. I wrote games in C for more than a year and now I've been writing in C++ for the last 7 months. I'm trying to avoid almost all global variables and move to a system of ownership, where every object is owned by something else. This way I can just manage the life of classes who have shared_ptr members and almost never worry about freeing pointers.
For example, my game is a class with its subsystems.
class Game
void runFrame();
std::shared_ptr<Display> display;
std::shared_ptr<Audio> audio;
std::shared_ptr<Save> save;
But I run into messy looking nested classes, like my audio class below.
class Audio
Audio(Game& parent);
struct MusicFiles;
struct SfxFiles;
std::shared_ptr<MusicFiles> musicFiles;
std::shared_ptr<SfxFiles> sfxFiles;
class Music
class File
File(Music& parent, std::string fileAddr);
void play();
void fadeIn();
void stop();
Music& _parent;
std::string addr;
Mix_Music* chunk;
Music(Audio& parent);
void setVolume();
Audio& _parent;
bool _enabled;
int _volume;
class Sfx
class File
File(Sfx& parent, std::string fileAddr);
void play();
void stop();
Sfx& _parent;
std::string addr;
Mix_Chunk* chunk;
int channel;
Sfx(Audio& parent);
void setVolume();
Audio& _parent;
bool _enabled;
int _volume;
Game& _parent;
Music _music;
Sfx _sfx;
I have nested classes because I dislike having to write "Music" or "Sfx" in every function name, like setMusicVolume(), setSfxVolume(), setMusicHook(), setSfxHook(), etc. etc.
I can pull the nested classes out but Music and Sfx only need to exist within the Audio class. I'd rather reorganize everything and have a better design.
Do you have any better design suggestions?

Organize your various classes into a namespace to group them, instead of a single class. This thing will become very hard to maintain once it grows. You want to use your classes to encapsulate functionality and provide a simple and comprehensive interface to the 'outside world'. Typically, each class will get its own header file (.h or .hpp) and compilation unit (.cpp).
Accept that there are many good reasons for using getter and setter functions - they are fundamental for good encapsulation. If you really have to, you can always use friend class Audio in your nested classes to make private and protected members visible to Audio, but not to all other classes in your project that may (at some time in the future, maybe) include these classes.
You say that you dislike writing audio.setMusicVolume(0.8f) instead of Some may say that audio.getMusic().setVolume(0.8f) would be a good compromise, but Demeter disagrees. By using wrapper functions like setMusicVolume, every other class only needs to know about and communicate with Audio while Music is strictly internal and only known by Audio itself. If you use function chaining, you lose this advantage and expose Music and Sfx to the world - which is not necessarily a bad thing. If you want to stick to your syntax, my suggestion would be to keep the public interfaces very small and use friend to expose more functionality to Audio, if you need to.

FYI, in addition to using namespaces, nested types can be placed out of line, just like member functions, by using their qualified name. So you can do:
class Audio
Audio(Game& parent);
struct MusicFiles;
struct SfxFiles;
std::shared_ptr<MusicFiles> musicFiles;
std::shared_ptr<SfxFiles> sfxFiles;
class Music;
in another file
#include "Audio.h"
class Audio::Music
class File;
Music(Audio& parent);
void setVolume();
Audio& _parent;
bool _enabled;
int _volume;


How to declare a class member that may be one of two classes

I am working with a project that is largely not of my creation, but am tasked with adding in some functionality to it. Currently, there is a device class that has a member variable that is responsible for storing information about a storage location, setup like this:
class device {
// Stuff
// Stuff
StorageInfo storage_info_;
// Even more stuff
class StorageInfo {
void initializeStorage();
void updateStorageInfo();
int popLocation();
int peakLocation();
uint16_t totalSize();
uint16_t remainingSize();
// More declarations here
//Even more stuff here
I am tasked with implementing a different storage option so that the two can be switched between. The information functions that this new storage option has would be the same as the initial storage option, but the implementation in retrieving that information is vastly different. In order to keep things clean and make it easier to maintain this application for years to come, they really need to be defined in two different files. However, this creates an issue inside of device.cpp, and in every single other file that calls the StorageInfo class. If I create two separate member variables, one for each type of storage, then not only will I need to insert a million different ifelse statements, but I have the potential to run into initialization issues in the constructors. What I would instead like to do is have one member variable that has the potential to hold either storage option class. Something like this:
class StorageInfoA: StorageInfo {
void initializeStorage();
void updateStorageInfo();
int popLocation();
int peakLocation();
uint16_t totalSize();
uint16_t remainingSize();
// More declarations here
//Even more stuff here
class StorageInfoB: StorageInfo {
void initializeStorage();
void updateStorageInfo();
int popLocation();
int peakLocation();
uint16_t totalSize();
uint16_t remainingSize();
// More declarations here
//Even more stuff here
class device {
// Stuff
// Stuff
StorageInfo storage_info_;
// Even more stuff
//Somewhere in the constructor of device.cpp
storage_info_ = StorageInfoA();
} else {
storage_info_ = StorageInfoB();
// Then, these types of calls would return the correct implementation without further ifelse calls
However, I know that cpp absolutely hates anything with dynamic typing, so I don't really know how to implement this. Is this kind of thing even possible? If not, does anyone know of a similar way to implement this that does work with cpp's typing rules?
You are on the right track, but you have to learn how to use polymorphism. In your example, you need the following fixes:
In the base class, make all functions virtual, and add a virtual
class StorageInfo {
virtual ~StorageInfo(){}
virtual void initializeStorage();
Make your inheritance public:
class StorageInfoA: public StorageInfo {
Instead of holding StorageInfo by value, hold it in a smart pointer:
class device {
std::unique_ptr<StorageInfo> storage_info_;
device constructor will look like
//Somewhere in the constructor of device.cpp
storage_info_ = std::make_unique<StorageInfoA>();
} else {
storage_info_ = std::make_unique<StorageInfoB>();
Finally, you will use it like an ordinary pointer:

How to create a loose coupling between parts of a project?

I come from a mechanical engineering background, but took a class in embedded software programming (on a lovely little robot) with the intention of improving some skills I had in programming already. However, the class was largely unsatisfactory in what I hoped to achieve (basically, it taught the basics of c++ with some very superficial composition patterns).
Question We were told to make our code somewhat object oriented by defining classes for various parts of the code. Since all the parts were very dependent of each other, the general structure looked as follows (basically, a Drive, Sensors and WorldModel class with some dependencies, and a Director class trying to make our robot solve the task at hand)
class Drive{
void update();
Drive(Sensors & sensors);
Sensors & sensors
class Sensors{
void update();
class WorldModel {
void update();
WorldModel(Sensors & sensors, Drive & drive);
Sensors & sensors;
Drive & drive;
class Director {
void update();
Director(Sensors & sensors, Drive & drive, WorldModel & worldmodel);
Sensors & sensors;
Drive & drive;
WorldModel & worldmodel;
This is actually an extremely condensed version. It seems to me however that this is not really object oriented code as much as Clumsily Split-Up Codeā„¢. In particular, it seemed almost impossible to make e.g. the Sensors class get data from the Drive class without some fudging around in the Director class (i.e., first perform a function in the Drive class to get the velocity setpoint, and then provide that to the update() method in the Sensors class to do some Kalman filtering).
How does one create a project in c++ with various parts being very dependent on each other, without this becoming a problem? I read an SO answer on interfaces but I'm not sure how to apply that to this problem - is that even the way to go here? Is there a design pattern (not necessarily an object oriented one) that is suitable for projects such as this one?
No, there's not a design pattern for projects "like this".
Design patterns are not the goal.
So, let me put a few guesses straight:
you want light weight code (because otherwise you'd be using Java, right)
you want maintainable code (because otherwise, spaghetti would be fine)
you want idiomatic code
Here's what I'd do:
declare classes in separate headers
use forward defines to reduce header coupling
move implementations in the corresponding source files
keep unwanted implementation dependencies out of the header file. Optionally use the Pimpl Idiom here.
e.g. if you use library X to implement Y::frobnicate don't include libX.h in your Y.h. Instead, include it in Y.cpp only.
If you find that you need class member declaration that would require libX.h in the header, use the Pimpl Idiom.
I don't know what else you could want here :)
Maybe, if you need "interfaces" consider using template composition. Policy, strategy, state patterns. E.g. Instead of
#include <set>
struct ISensors {
virtual int get(int id) const = 0;
virtual int set(int id, int newval) const = 0;
virtual std::set<int> sensors() const = 0;
class Drive {
void update();
Drive(ISensors &sensors);
ISensors &sensors;
You could consider
template <typename Sensors>
class Drive {
void update();
Drive(Sensors &sensors);
Sensors &sensors;
Which leaves you free to implement Sensors in any which way that statically compiles. The "limitation" is that the injection of dependencies needs to be statically defined/typed. The benefit is ultimate flexibility and zero-overhead: e.g. you couldn't have virtual member function templates, but you can use this as a Sensors policy:
struct TestSensors {
int get(int) { return 9; }
int set(int, int) { return -9; }
template<typename OutputIterator>
OutputIterator sensors(OutputIterator out) const {
int available[] = { 7, 8, 13, 21 };
return std::copy(std::begin(available), std::end(available), out);
using TestDrive = Drive<TestSensors>;

How to allow global functions access to private members

How do I allow global functions to have access to private members?
The constraints are that you are not allowed to directly friend the global function in the class declaration. The reason is because I do not want the users to have to see all of these global functions in the header file. The functions themselves are defined in implementation files, and I'd like to keep them hidden there as best as possible.
Now you're probably wondering why I have so many of these global functions. To keep it simple, I'm registering various WNDPROC functions with windows as callbacks, and they must be global. Furthermore, they must be able to update information that is otherwise private to various classes.
I have come up with 2 solutions, but both are a bit sticky.
Solution 1. Make all of the members that need back doors protected rather than private. In the implementation file, declare a class changer that inherits from the original class but provides public getters to protected members. When you need protected members, you can simply cast to the changer class:
class Device{
std::map<int,int> somethingPrivate;
DeviceChanger : public Device{
DeviceChanger(){} //these are not allowed to actually be constructed
inline std::map<int,int>& getMap(){ return somethingPrivate; }
void foo(Device* pDevice){ ((DeviceChanger*)pDevice)->getMap(); }
Of course, users that inherit this class now have access to the protected variables, but it allows me to at least hide most of the important private variables because they can stay private.
This works because DeviceChanger instances have the exact same memory structure as Device, so there aren't any segfaults. Of course, this is creeping into undefined C++ domain since that assumption is compiler dependent, but all compilers that I care about (MSVC and GCC) will not change the memory footprint of each instance unless a new member variable has been added.
Solution 2. In the header file, declare a friend changer class. In the implementation file, define that friend class and use it to grab private members via static functions.
class DeviceChanger;
class Device{
friend DeviceChanger;
std::map<int,int> somethingPrivate;
class DeviceChanger{
static inline std::map<int,int>& getMap(Device* pDevice){ return pDevice->somethingPrivate; }
void foo(Device* pDevice){ DeviceChanger::getMap(pDevice); }
While this does add a friend to all my classes (which is annoying), it is only one friend which can then forward the information to any global functions that need it. Of course, the users could simply define their own DeviceChanger class and freely change any of the private variables themselves now.
Is there a more accepted way to achieve what I want? I realize I'm trying to sneak around C++ class protections, but I really do not want to friend every global function in every class that needs its private members accessed; it is ugly in the header files and not easy enough to add/remove more functions.
EDIT: Using a mixture of Lake and Joel's answers, I came up with an idea that does exactly what I wanted, however it makes the implementations very dirty. Basically, you define a class with various public/private interfaces, but it's actual data is stored as a pointer to a struct. The struct is defined in the cpp file, and therefore all of it's members are public to anything in that cpp file. Even if users define their own version, only the version in the implementation files will be used.
struct _DeviceData;
class Device {
_DeviceData* dd;
//there are ways around needing this function, however including
//this makes the example far more simple.
//Users can't do anything with this because they don't know what a _DeviceData is.
_DeviceData& _getdd(){ return *dd; }
void api();
struct _DeviceData* { bool member; };
void foo(Device* pDevice){ pDevice->_getdd().member = true; }
This basically means that each instance of Device is completely empty except for a pointer to some data block, but it lays an interface over accessing the data that the user can use. Of course, the interface is completely implemented in the cpp files.
Additionally, this makes the data so private that not even the user can see the member names and types, but you can still use them in the implementation file freely. Finally, you can inherit from Device and get all of the functionality because the constructor in the implementation file will create a _DeviceData and assign it to the pointer, which gives you all of the api() power. You do have to be more careful about move/copy operations, as well as memory leaks though.
Lake gave me the base of the idea, so I give him credit. Thank you sir!
I usually solve this problem by extracting the application programmer interface in the form of abstract classes, which is the set of types and operations that the application programmer (i.e. the user of your library) will be able to use.
Then, in my implementation, I declare public all methods and types that will be used within my package by other classes.
For example:
API: IDevice.h
Internal: Device.h Device.cpp
I define the API classes in a way similar to:
class IDevice {
// What the api user can do with the device
virtual void useMe() = 0;
Then, in my library (not exposed to user interface):
class Device : public IDevice {
void useMe(); // Implementation
void hiddenToUser(); // Method to use from other classes, but hidden to the user
Then, for every header(interface) that is part of the API, i will use the IDevice type instead of the Device type, and when internally i will have to use the Device class, i will just cast the pointer down to Device.
Let's say you need a Screen class that uses the class Device, but is completely hidden to the user (and won't therefore have any API abstract class to implement):
#include "Device.h"
class Screen {
void doSomethingWithADevice( Device* device );
// Screen.cpp
void Screen::doSomethingWithADevice( Device* device ){
This way, you don't have to make something private just because you don't want the user to see/use it. You obtain a further layer of abstraction (1 above public) which I call API. You will have:
API // Method/Type visible to the application programmer
public // Method/Type visible to your whole library package, but NOT to the api user
protected // Method/Type visible only to subclasses of the class where it is defined
private // Method/Type local to the defining class
Therefore, you can declare public methods you need to register as callback method, without the user seeing them.
Finally, I deliver the content of API to the user together with the binary, so that the user will have access exactly to what i explicitly defined in the API and nothing else.
You may be asking a specific coding question, but I'd like to take a step back and examine the reason why you'd want to do this, and the solutions to that.
Breaking abstraction
Are you making a decision based on private state?
class Kettle {
int temperatureC;
void SwitchOff();
void SwitchOffKettleIfBoiling(Kettle& k) {
if (k.temperatureC > 100) { // need to examine Kettle private state
This is relatively bad because the abstraction of Kettle now leaks outside into the SwitchOffKettleIfBoiling function, in the form of coupling to the private temperatureC. This is a bit better:
class Kettle {
int temperatureC;
void SwitchOffIfBoiling() {
if (temperatureC > 100) {
void SwitchOffKettleIfBoiling(Kettle& k) {
This practice is called Tell, don't Ask.
Multiple responsibilities
Sometimes you have data that is clearly related but used in different roles. Look at this example:
class Car {
int statusFactor;
void Drive();
void DriveSomewhere(Car& c) {
// ...
void ShowOffSomething(const Car &c) {
// How can we access statusFactor, without also exposing it to DriveSomewhere?
One way to deal with this is to use interfaces which represent those responsibilities.
class IVehicle {
virtual void Drive() = 0;
class IStatusSymbol {
virtual int GetStatusFactor() const = 0;
class Car : public IVehicle, public IStatusSymbol {
// ...
void DriveSomewhere(IVehicle& v) {
// ...
void ShowOffSomething(const IStatusSymbol &s) {
int status = s.GetStatusFactor();
// ...
This pattern is called the Facade pattern. It's useful for maintaining good abstraction without limiting your implementation.
Here's a (very) rough example of pimpl.
class DeviceImpl;
class Device {
std::unique_ptr<DeviceImpl> pimpl;
class DeviceImpl {
std::map<int,int> somethingPrivate;
: pimpl(new DeviceImpl)
DeviceImpl* pimpl = reinterpret_cast<DeviceImpl*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA));
// omitting the SetWindowLongPtr that you have to do before calling GetWindowLongPtr,
// but the concept is the same - you'd probably do it in WM_CREATE
Now you're probably wondering why I have so many of these global
functions. To keep it simple, I'm registering various WNDPROC
functions with windows as callbacks, and they must be global.
Furthermore, they must be able to update information that is otherwise
private to various classes.
You can use static member functions to do this instead of global functions. Then you can get at the private members just fine. The code would look a bit like this.
class MyClass {
std::string some_data;
static void onEvent( void * user_data );
void MyClass::onEvent( void * user_data ) {
MyClass* obj = (MyClass*)(user_data);
register_callback( &MyClass::onEvent, &myClassInstance);
The only issue is then the exposing of the onEvent function name. The solution to that is to extract an interface so that none of your private data or functions are exposed (as IMO leaking the private implementation is about as bad as leaking the names of private functions.)
// Header File.
class IMyClass {
// public stuff goes here
// Implementation file.
class MyClass : public IMyClass {
std::string some_data;
static void onEvent( void * user_data );
void MyClass::onEvent( void * user_data ) {
MyClass* obj = (MyClass*)(user_data);
register_callback( &MyClass::onEvent, &myClassInstance);
EDIT: Based on some of the responses to other answers it looks like a viable solution would look more like this.
// IUSBDeviceBackend.h (private)
class IUSBDeviceBackend {
virtual void update(USBUpdateData data)=0;
virtual bool resondsTo(USBUpdateCode code)=0
virtual ~IUSBDeviveBackend() {}
// IUSBDeviceUI.h (public)
class IUSBDeviceUI {
virtual void showit()=0;
// MyDevice.h & MyDevice.cpp (both private)
class MyDevice : public IUSBDeviceBackend, public IUSBDeviceUI {
void update(USBUpdateData data) { dataMap[data.key]=data.value; }
bool resondsTo(USBUpdateCode code) { return code==7; }
void showit(){ ... }
// main.cpp
main() {
std::vector<IUSBDeviceBackedn*> registry;
MyDevice dev;
// ...
void mycallback(void* user_daya) {
std::vector<IUSBDeviceBackedn>* devices = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<IUSBDeviceBackedn>*>(user_data);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<devices->size(); ++i) {
if( (*devices)[i]->resondsTo( data.code ) ) { (*devices)[i]->update(data); }
Why not use factory methods to return an interface to your internal class, but still give the globals access to those internal classes? Example:
// IDriver.h public interface:
class IDriver {
virtual int getFoo() = 0;
// ... other public interface methods.
// The implementation of this method will contain code to return a Driver:
static IDriver* getDriver();
// Driver.h internal interface (available to WNDPROC functions):
class Driver : public IDriver {
int getFoo(); // Must provide this in the real Driver.
void setFoo(int aFoo); // Provide internal methods that are not in the public interface,
// but still available to your WNDPROC functions
// In
IDriver* IDriver::getDriver() { return new Driver(); }
Using this approach, IDriver.h would be a well-known public header, but you would only use Driver.h internally in your own code. This approach is well known and used my many existing C+ libraries (such as Java's JNI) to allow access to native low-level bits of your classes, without exposing it to users.

Hiding private members of c++ library

I have written a library (doesn't matter what it does), which obviously has its header file. Now, I want to hide private elements of that header file, so if I provide my library to somebody, he/she should only see public members (preferably no class definition, nothing other than function definitions). One way would be creating C-style header, which will contain some kind of "init" method which will be used to create an instance of the actual class of library and the user will have to pass a pointer of that object to every function to do the job.
Is it a good practice?
Are there any other publicly accepted ways of doing something like that?
Thanks in advance.
In addition to the Factory pattern (which, in my opinion, can become unwieldy), you can also hide your private members behind a PIMPL (Pointer to IMPLementation):
// Interface.hpp
class Implementation;
class Interface {
Interface() : pimpl(new Implementation()) {}
void publicMethod();
std::unique_ptr<Implementation> pimpl;
// Interface.cpp
class Implementation {
void PrivateMember();
void Interface::publicMethod() { pimpl->PrivateMember(); }
This has the advantage of hiding implementation, at the cost of a single pointer indirection, not much different from the typical inheritance-based Factory pattern.
This can also be ABI stable. Changes to your implementation won't affect linkage, since no changes will ever be visible to the rest of the program. This is a good pattern to use when implementing shared objects, for example.
It's also a common C++ idiom, so other C++ programmers will recognize it without question.
In the case of a class which will follow the Singleton pattern, you can avoid exposing the PIMPL at all, and simply write the entire implementation in an anonymous namespace in your .cpp file, where you can put as much state and private functions as you wish, without even hinting at it in your interface.
You can create a publicly-visible interface. Create an abstract class with the functions you want to expose, then have your implementation extend it.
For example, an interface:
class Interface {
virtual void publicMethod() = 0;
And the implementation:
class Implementation : Interface {
virtual void publicMethod();
int hiddenMethod();
Then you only export the symbols for Interface. Now, in order for the user of the library to get instances of Interface which are actually Implementations, you need to provide a factory:
class Factory {
//can create and return an Implementation pointer, but caller will get an Interface pointer
std::shared_ptr<Interface> getImplementationInstance();
Base on Eric Finn's answer, you can just declare an interface class to hold all your public methods which considered to be your API, and hide all implementations and private members/methods in implementation class which inherits interface class, here's the example:
Your header file: my_api.h
// your API in header file
// my_api.h
class interface {
static interface* CreateInstance();
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual void set(int) = 0;
your implementation(shared library): my_api.cpp (users won't see this when you make it a shared library)
So you can hide all your implementation and private methods/members here
#include "my_api.h"
// implementation -> in .cc file
class implementation : public interface {
int private_int_;
void ReportValue_();
void draw();
void set(int new_int);
implementation::implementation() {
// your actual constructor goes here
void implementation::draw() {
cout << "Implementation class draws something" << endl;
void implementation::ReportValue_() {
cout << "Private value is: " << private_int_ << endl;
void implementation::set(int new_int) {
private_int_ = new_int;
interface* interface::CreateInstance() {
return new implementation;
How user uses your API:
#include <iostream>
#include "my_api.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
using namespace std;
interface* a; interface* b;
a = interface::CreateInstance();
b = interface::CreateInstance();
return 0;
Implementation class draws
Private int is: 2
Implementation class draws
Private int is: 1
In this pattern, your api is just an abstract class which works like a factory, you can also implement the virtual method in different classes and specify which instance you would like to call.
I think you need to create Dynamic Link Library (dll).
Please take a quick look at this link:
You might want to take a look at the envelope/letter idiom, bridge design pattern, or proxy pattern. Basically, you would create an outer (public) class that would just forward your public method calls to the inner (private) class. Your InnerClass.h header only needs to be visible/known to your OuterClass.cpp and InnerClass.cpp source files.
Each of these patterns provides a mechanism of separating the implementation from the interface so that the caller is not coupled to the implementation. Sometimes this is desired to reduce compiler dependencies on large C++ projects. Another common reason for wanting to do this is just when you want to hide the implementation details so that the caller only sees a single opaque pointer.
======= OuterClass.h =====
class InnerClass; // forward declaration is all that's needed
class OuterClass {
InnerClass *pInner;
bool doSomething();
======= OuterClass.cpp ======
#include "OuterClass.h"
#include "InnerClass.h"
OuterClass::OuterClass() :
pInner(new InnerClass())
bool OuterClass::doSomething()
return pInner->doSomething();
There actually is a way to do this without having to use classes. I had the same issue and here is a very simple solution:
Just put your private things into the .cpp file. Your header file will look something like this:
// These will be visible to everyone using this library
void function();
int someNumber = 2;
and your .cpp file:
void function() {
// whatever this function does
// This will be only visible to the library itself
static void secretFunction() {
static int PIN = 1234;
// Okay, if you write this Number into your library and expect it to be safe,
// then screw you, but at least no one will be able to access it with code
When calling the "public" functions from outside you now don't need any instance of that class anymore: Just place the library in the correct directory and include it, but you probably have already taken care of that) and call the functions by their names in the Lib.h file. In the instance of this example it would look something like this:
#include "Lib.h"
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
return 0;
Thanks to Edgar Bonet for helping me find this solution on the Arduino Stackexchange!

Why we need a "friend" here? (C++)

The qml viewer (for 4.8 and 5.0) is implemented like that:
In the .h(eader) we have:
class QtQuick2ApplicationViewer : public QQuickView
class QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate *d;
Then in the .CPP file:
class QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate
QString mainQmlFile;
friend class QtQuick2ApplicationViewer;
static QString adjustPath(const QString &path);
QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(QWindow *parent)
: QQuickView(parent)
, d(new QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate())
connect(engine(), SIGNAL(quit()), SLOT(close()));
Why is using friend necessary here? I don't see any reason why would anybody use a friend class. Is there any real use for friend classes (except for exotics that anybody could live without)?
class QtQuick2ApplicationViewer : public QQuickView
explicit QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(QWindow *parent = 0);
virtual ~QtQuick2ApplicationViewer();
void setMainQmlFile(const QString &file);
void addImportPath(const QString &path);
void showExpanded();
class QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate *d;
#include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDir>
#include <QtQml/QQmlEngine>
class QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate
QString mainQmlFile;
friend class QtQuick2ApplicationViewer;
static QString adjustPath(const QString &path);
QString QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate::adjustPath(const QString &path)
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
if (!QDir::isAbsolutePath(path))
return QString::fromLatin1("%1/../Resources/%2")
.arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), path);
#elif !defined(Q_OS_ANDROID)
const QString pathInInstallDir =
QString::fromLatin1("%1/../%2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), path);
if (QFileInfo(pathInInstallDir).exists())
return pathInInstallDir;
return path;
QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::QtQuick2ApplicationViewer(QWindow *parent)
: QQuickView(parent)
, d(new QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate())
connect(engine(), SIGNAL(quit()), SLOT(close()));
delete d;
void QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::setMainQmlFile(const QString &file)
d->mainQmlFile = QtQuick2ApplicationViewerPrivate::adjustPath(file);
void QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::addImportPath(const QString &path)
void QtQuick2ApplicationViewer::showExpanded()
#if defined(Q_WS_SIMULATOR)
Friends examine friends' privates. You sure can do without access restrictions at all, but once you use it, being friendly helps in intimate situations.
class Me;
class You {
friend class Me;
Home _home;
Car _car;
void bar(Me my);
class Me {
Stuff _stuff;
foo(You you) {
//If you consider me a friend
you._home.enter(); //I can enter your `private _home`; //I can drive your `private _car`.
void You::bar(Me my) {
my.stuff //this is an error because I don't consider you a friend so you can't touch my `private _stuff`.
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure. That's what friends are for.
But I guess you're asking about friend classes in C++.
The whole point of "scope" is to define exactly who can see what in another class. You don't "need friends" any more than you need "protected" or "private", in the sense that you could make everything in all your classes public, and your program would successfullly compile and run. But the idea is to establish -- and document -- exactly what is the public interface of a class, and thus cannot be changed without considering the impact on other classes, and what is an internal implementation, which can be freely re-worked or re-organized without fear of impacting other classes.
So the point of a "friend" is to say: Hey, I have this class X, and this other class Y. And in general other classes don't need to know how X goes about doing it's job. But Y interacts with some low-level thing in X, so it needs to see it. Thus I make Y a friend of X. Like, I have an Investor class that has a function that (presumably among other things) has a function to calculate the total amount of a customer's investments. In general, other classes shouldn't care how I do that calculation: they just want the total. But now I have a TaxReporting class that needs to know how much of that balance is in taxable securities and how much is in non-taxable securities. Maybe I don't want to make these functions public because the information is confidential and I want to limit access for real-world privacy reasons. More often, I don't want to make it public because the calculation is tricky or subject to frequent change, and I want to keep tight control on what classes access it to limit the problems caused when things change. So I make TaxReporting a friend so it can access some functions that make the distinction, without opening these to the world.
In practice, when I was doing C++ I rarely used friends. But "rarely" is not "never". If you find yourself saying, "Oh, I have to make this public just so this one other class can see it", then maybe instead of making it public you should make a friend.
"friend" is super useful and something you want to use all the time.
Typical use cases are:
You have a class that uses subclasses where the subclass is allowed to use private functions of the class that owns the subclasses:
class ManagedObject
void doStuff() { mMgr->updateManager(); }
Manager* mMgr;
class Manager
friend ManagedObject;
ManagedObject* createManagedObject();
void updateManager() { }
So in this case you have a class that creates and deals with "managedObject". Whenever this object is manipulated it needs to update the object that created it. You want users of your class to know that they don't ever need to call "updateManager" and in fact wat to generate a compile time error if they do.
Another common case is when you have a function which acts like a class member but cannot for some reason be a class member. An example is operator<<. If you write your own io stream class, or if you want to create a serialization system that users operator<<:
class serializedObject
friend Serializer& operator<< ( Serializer& s, const serializedObject& obj );
u32 mSecretMember;
Serializer& operator<<( Serializer& s, serializedObject& obj )
serializer << obj.mSecretMember;
return s;
In this case the serialization function cannot be a member of serializedObject, but needs to look at the internals of serializedObject to serialize it. You will see similar patterns of you create other operators ( like addition ) where the RHS of the operator is not the same class as the LHS
In Qt, there is something called a 'guarantee of binary compatibility', which means that your app can run against Qt4.8, 4.8.1, and 4.8.2 and so forth without recompiling.
In order to achieve this the vtable for objects cannot change. So, Qt classes are written using the "PIMPL" (pointer to implementation) idiom.
The "Private" class is the PRIVATE implementation of the public class - it is an implementation detail of QtQuick2ApplicationViewer. No one in the whole world knows about the private class except the public class. These two classes are deeply intertwined by design. In fact, they are really different aspects of a single object that has been partitioned c++ wise in order to achieve the binary compatibility guarantee.
It is reasonable in this context that the private class can access the public class.
2) In this context quit is not QApplication::quit(), that is slot of cause, but some internal signal of engine().