What are some of the most appropriate ways for serving a large scale django app on Google Compute Engine? - django

I am working on a project that will presumably have a lot of user uploaded content and also a fairly large user base. I am now looking for deploying this app to the Google Compute Engine.
I have looked up for the possible options and nginx+gunicorn seems to be a good option. In the beginning I am going to be using a single ns-1 instance with 100 GB persistent hard drive and google cloud sql for serving my database.
But I want to make things scalable so that I can add more instances and disk storage without any hustle in the future. But I am very confused how to do that. So the main concern is.
I want such setup so that I can extend my disk space and no. of Google Compute Instances whenever I want.

In order to have a fully scalable architecture, a good approach is to separate computation / serving, from file storage, and both from data storage. Going part by part:
file storage - Google Cloud Storage - by storing common service files in a GCS bucket, you get a central repository that is both highly-redundant, and scalable;
data storage - Google Cloud SQL - gives you a highly reliable, scalable MySQL-like database back-end, which can be resized at will to accommodate increasing database usage;
front-ends - GCE instance group - template-generated web / computation front-ends, setting up a resource pool into which a forwarding rule (load balancer) distributes incoming connections.
In a nutshell, this is one of the most adaptable set-ups I can think of, while you keep control over every aspect of the service and underlying infrastructure.

A simple approach would be to run a Python app on Google App Engine, which will auto-scale your instances (both up and down) and it supports Django, as mentioned by #spirulence in the comments.
Here are some starting points:
Django and Cloud SQL support on App Engine
Running Pure Django Projects on Google App Engine
Third-party Libraries in Python 2.7
The last link shows which versions of Django are currently supported.


Deploying NLP model to AWS for beginners

I have the task of optimizing search on the website. The search should be for pictures and for text by text query. I have already developed, trained, tested and selected a machine learning model that transforms images and text into a feature vector (Python, based on OpenAI CLIP). This feature vector will be transferred to Elastic Search. Elastic Search will be configured by another specialist.
The model will be used first to determine the feature vector on all existing images and texts, and then be used whenever new content is added or existing content is changed.
There is a lot of existing content (approximately several tens of millions of pictures and texts together). About 100-500 pieces of content are added and changed per day.
I haven't worked much with AWS, but in this case the model needs to be deployed to AWS somehow. Of course, I have the model and the entire project locally, I can write an API app and make a Docker container.
The question is, what is the best method to deploy this application on AWS? The best in terms of speed and ease of implementation (for me as an AWS beginner), as well as cost optimization, taking into account the number of requests for the application.
I've seen different possibilities, from simply deploying the application on EC2 (probably the easiest option) to using SageMaker. Also Kubernetes and ECS...
I'd recommend using SageMaker Hosting endpoint if you need to be able to run vectorization in near-real time any time of the day, or in a SageMaker Training job if you can run vectorization batched, for example once every few hour.
For both systems you can use pre-defined Framework containers and SDK to which you pass a Python code and optionally requirements.txt, or you can create your own image.

Manually install every thing in GCP VM module

I am new to cloud and still learning GCP, I exhausted almost all my free credit for GCP within 2 months while learning different modules.
GCP is great and provides a lot of things to ease the development and maintenance process.
But I realized using different modules cost me a lot.
So I was wondering if I could have a big VM box, install MySQL, Docker, and Java and React required components by myself, I can achieve pretty much what I want without using extra modules.
Am I right?
Can I use the same VM to host multiple sites by changing ports of API, or do I need to have different boxes for that?
Your question is out of GCP domain but about IT architecture. You can create a big VM with all installed on it. But you have to manage it by yourselves and the scalability is hard.
You can also have 1 VM per website, but the management cost is higher (patching and updgrade)! However you can scale with a better granularity (per website).
The standard pattern today is to explode your monolith server into dedicated services. The database on a specific server, the docker and Java in another one, and the react in a static component (like Google Cloud Platform).
If you want to use VM, you can use GKE and you containerize your application. It's far more easier to maintain your VM with an automatic tool like K8S.
The ultimate step, is to use serverless and/or full managed solution. Cloud SQL for your database, GCS for your static content, and App Engine or Cloud Run for your backend. Like this, you pay as you use and if you website is not very used, you won't be charged on it (except for the database).

Object Detection Django Rest API Deployment on Google Cloud Platform or Google ML Engine

I have developed Django API which accepts images from livefeed camera using in the form of base64 as request. Then, In API this image is converted into numpy arrays to pass to machine learning model i.e object detection using tensorflow object API. Response is simple text of detected objects.
I need GPU based cloud instance where i can deploy this application for fast processing to achieve real time results. I have searched a lot but no such resource found. I believe google cloud console (instances) can be connected to live API but I am not sure how exactly.
I assume that you're using GPU locally or wherever your Django application is hosted.
First thing is to make sure that you are using tensorflow-gpu and all the necessary setup for Cuda is done.
You can start your GPU instance easily on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). There are multiple ways to do this.
Quick option
Search for notebooks and start a new instance with the required GPU and
Instead of the notebook instance, you can set up the instance separately if you need some specific OS and more flexibility on choosing the machine.
To access the instance with ssh simply add your ssh public key
to Metadata which can be seen when you open the instance details.
Setup Django as you would do on the server. To test it simply just debug run it on host 0 or and preferred port.
You can access the APIs with the external IP of the machine which can be found out in the instance details page.
Some suggestions
While the first option is quick and dirty, it's not recommended to use that in production.
It is better to use some deployment services such as tensorflow-serving along with Kubeflow.
If you think that you're handling the inference properly itself, then make sure that you load balance the server properly. Use NGINX or any other good server along with gunicorn/uwsgi.
You can use redis for queue management. When someone calls the API, it is not necessary that GPU is available for the inference. It is fine not to use this when you have very less number of hits on the API per second. But when we think of scaling up, think of 50 requests per second which a single GPU can't handle at a time, we can use a queue system.
All the requests should directly go to redis first and the GPU takes the jobs required to be done from the queue. If required, you can always scale the GPU.
Google Cloud actually offers Cloud GPUs. If you are looking to perform higher level computations with your applications that require real-time capabilities I would suggest your look into the following link for more information.
Compute Engine also provides GPUs that can be added to your virtual machine instances. Use GPUs to accelerate specific workloads on your instances such as Machine Learning and data processing.
However, if your application requires a lot of resources you’ll need to increase your quota to ensure you have enough GPUs available in your project. Make sure to pick a zone where GPUs are available. If this requires much more computing power you would need to submit a request for an increase of your quota. https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/add-gpus#create-new-gpu-instance
Since you would be using the Tensorflow API for your application on ML Engine I would advise you to take a look at this link below. It provides instructions for creating a Deep Learning VM instance with TensorFlow and other tools pre-installed.

Design service on GCP

In google cloud platform i want to write one application that will take http request , hit apis in chain and then show a template based on the response received from the api and populate them with data received from apis . There are many templates .
What is the best way to design on GCP considering the below.
1. The application will received huge traffic.
2. Some apis will return dynamic urls that template needs.
I was thinking of wrinting in java and putting that on Kubernetes , that will manage the traffic . But what should be the choice of database to be used ?
The data is mostly key value pairs and should be highly available , in case it is down some backup should be there
Yes, Kubernetes is one option, something else that you may want to consider to handle huge app traffic is Google App Engine (GAE), since you mentioned Java development you can use the GAE Standard environment which is easy to build, deploy and runs reliably even under heavy load (fully managed).
You may want to consider using Cloud Datastore since based on your description, it is the best fit for the application needs (NoSQL database and automatically handles sharding and replication). You can also use the diagram to choose the best storage option.

Cloud hosting - shared storage with direct access

We have an application deployed across AWS with using EC2, EBS services.
The infrastructure dropped by layers (independent instances):
application (with load balancer)
database (master-slave standard schema)
media server (streaming)
background processing (redis, delayed_job)
Application and Database instance use number of EBS block storage devices (root, data), which help us to attach/detach them and do EBS snapshots to S3. It's pretty default way how AWS works.
But EBS should be located in a specific zone and can be attached to one instance only in the same time.
Media server is one of bottlenecks, so we'd like to scale them with master/slave schema. So for the media server storage we'd like to try distributed file systems can be attached to multiple servers. What do you advice?
If you're not Facebook or Amazon, then you have no real reason to use something as elaborate as Hadoop or Cassandra. When you reach that level of growth, you'll be able to afford engineers who can choose/design the perfect solution to your problems.
In the meantime, I would strongly recommend GlusterFS for distributed storage. It's extremely easy to install, configure and get up and running. Also, if you're currently streaming files from local storage, you'll appreciate that GlusterFS also acts as local storage while remaining accessible by multiple servers. In other words, no changes to your application are required.
I can't tell you the exact configuration options for your specific application, but there are many available such as distributed, replicated, striped data. You can also play with cache settings to avoid hitting disks on every request, etc.
One thing to note, since GlusterFS is a layer above the other storage layers (particularly with Amazon), you might not get impressive disk performance. Actually it might be much worst than what you have now, for the sake of scalability... basically you could be better-off designing your application to serve streaming media from a CDN who already has the correct infrastructure for your type of application. It's something to think about.
Good same question (if I understand correctly):
Lustre, Gluster or MogileFS?? for video storage, encoding and streaming
There are many distributed file systems, just find the one you need.
The above are just part which I personally know (haven't tested them).