Does clang support "-fprofile-generate" and "-fprofile-use"? - c++

I am using 3.5 and it doesn't seem to be in there... Am I missing something?
For example, with GCC I can compile a program like this:
gcc -fprofile-generate main.cpp
...then I run the program, and after it exits (gracefully) it will generate a set of files (extensions are .gcda I think). These files contain branching results that can be used to do profile-based optimization like this:
gcc -fprofile-use main.cpp
Is there a similar feature in Clang that I have overlooked?

Profiling with Instrumentation section of Clang manual mentions the flags -fprofile-instr-generate and -fprofile-instr-use with almost the same meaning.


Do I still have to link -std=c++11? [duplicate]

I have a piece of code that looks like the following. Let's say it's in a file named example.cpp
#include <fstream>
#include <string> // line added after edit for clarity
int main() {
std::string filename = "input.txt";
std::ifstream in(filename);
return 0;
On a windows, if I type in the cmd the command g++ example.cpp, it will fail. It's a long list of errors I think mostly due to the linker complaining about not being able to convert from string to const char*.
But if I run the compiler using an additional argument like so: g++ -std=c++17 example.cpp, it will compile and work fine with no problems.
What happens when I run the former command? I'm guessing a default version standard of the C++ compiler gets called, but I don't know which? And as a programmer/developer, should I always use the latter command with the extra argument?
If your version of g++ is later than 4.7 I think you can find the default version of C++ standard supported like so:
g++ -dM -E -x c++ /dev/null | grep -F __cplusplus
An example from my machine:
mburr#mint17 ~ $ g++ --version | head -1
g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4
mburr#mint17 ~ $ g++ -dM -E -x c++ /dev/null | grep -F __cplusplus
#define __cplusplus 199711L
Some references:
Details on the g++ options used
Why this only works for g++ 4.7 or later
g++ man page actually tells what is the default standard for C++ code.
Use following script to show the relevant part:
man g++ | col -b | grep -B 2 -e '-std=.* This is the default'
For example, in RHEL 6 g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23), the output:
GNU dialect of -std=c++98. This is the default for C++ code.
And in Fedora 28 g++ (GCC) 8.1.1 20180502 (Red Hat 8.1.1-1), the output:
GNU dialect of -std=c++14. This is the default for C++ code. The name gnu++1y is deprecated.
You can also check with gdb
$ g++ example.cpp -g Compile program with -g flag to generate debug info
$ gdb a.out Debug program with gdb
(gdb) b main Put a breakpoint at main
(gdb) run Run program (will pause at breakpoint)
(gdb) info source
Prints out something like:
Current source file is example.cpp
Compilation directory is /home/xxx/cpp
Located in /home/xxx/cpp/example.cpp
Contains 7 lines.
Source language is c++.
Producer is GNU C++14 6.3.0 20170516 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g.
Compiled with DWARF 2 debugging format.
Does not include preprocessor macro info.
There is the standard used by compiler: Producer is GNU C++14
If you recompile your program using -std=c++11 (for example), gdb detects it:
Producer is GNU C++11
I believe that it is possible to tell by looking at the man page (at least for g++):
Under the description of -std, the man page lists all C++ standards, including the GNU dialects. Under one specific standard, it is rather inconspicuously stated, This is the default for C++ code. (there is an analogous statement for C standards: This is the default for C code.).
For instance, for g++/gcc version 5.4.0, this is listed under gnu++98/gnu++03, whereas for g++/gcc version 6.4.0, this is listed under gnu++14.
I'm guessing a default version of the C++ compiler gets called, but I don't know which?
This is only guessable by reading the documentation of your particular compiler version.
If using a recent GCC, I recommend first to understand what version are you using by running
g++ -v
g++ --version
and then refer to the version of the particular release of GCC. For example for GCC 7, read GCC 7 changes etc
Alternatively, run
g++ -dumpspecs
and decipher the default so called spec file.
BTW, you could ensure (e.g. in some of your common header file) that C++ is at least C++17 by coding
#if __cplusplus < 201412L
#error expecting C++17 standard
and I actually recommend doing it that way.
PS. Actually, think of C++98 & C++17 being two different languages (e.g. like Ocaml4 and C++11 are). Require your user to have a compiler supporting some defined language standard (e.g. C++11), not some particular version of GCC. Read also about package managers.
If you are using the GCC compiler, you can find it on the man pages:
man g++ | grep "This is the default for C++ code"
Typing g++ --version in your command shell will reveal the version of the compiler, and from that you can infer the default standard. So you can't tell directly but you can infer it, with some effort.
Compilers are supposed to #define __cplusplus which can be used to extract the standard that they purport to implement at compile time; but many don't do this yet.
(And don't forget to include all the C++ standard library headers you need: where is the one for std::string for example? Don't rely on your C++ standard library implementation including other headers automatically - in doing that you are not writing portable C++.)
Your question is specific to gnu compilers, so probably better to tag it appropriately, rather than just C++ and C++11.
Your code will compile with any compilers (and associated libraries) compliant with C++11 and later.
The reason is that C++11 introduced a std::ifstream constructor that accepts a const std::string &. Before C++11, a std::string could not be passed, and it would be necessary in your code to pass filename.c_str() rather than filename.
According to information from gnu,, gcc.4.8.1 was the first version to fully support C++11. At the command line g++ -v will prod g++ to telling you its version number.
If you dig into documentation, you might be able to find the version/subversion that first supported enough features so your code - as given - would compile. But such a version would support some C++11 features and not others.
Since windows isn't distributed with g++, you will have whatever version someone (you?) has chosen to install. There will be no default version of g++ associated with your version of windows.
The default language standards for both C and C++ are specified in the GCC Manuals. You can find these as follows:
Browse to
Select the GCC #.## Manual link for the version of GCC you are interested in, e.g. for GCC 7.5.0:
Click the topic link Language Standards Supported by GCC, followed by the topic C++ Language (or C language). Either of these topics will have a sentence such as:
The default, if no C++ language dialect options are given, is -std=gnu++14.
The default, if no C language dialect options are given, is -std=gnu11.
The above two examples are for GCC 7.5.0.

Which C++ standard is the default when compiling with g++?

I have a piece of code that looks like the following. Let's say it's in a file named example.cpp
#include <fstream>
#include <string> // line added after edit for clarity
int main() {
std::string filename = "input.txt";
std::ifstream in(filename);
return 0;
On a windows, if I type in the cmd the command g++ example.cpp, it will fail. It's a long list of errors I think mostly due to the linker complaining about not being able to convert from string to const char*.
But if I run the compiler using an additional argument like so: g++ -std=c++17 example.cpp, it will compile and work fine with no problems.
What happens when I run the former command? I'm guessing a default version standard of the C++ compiler gets called, but I don't know which? And as a programmer/developer, should I always use the latter command with the extra argument?
If your version of g++ is later than 4.7 I think you can find the default version of C++ standard supported like so:
g++ -dM -E -x c++ /dev/null | grep -F __cplusplus
An example from my machine:
mburr#mint17 ~ $ g++ --version | head -1
g++ (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4
mburr#mint17 ~ $ g++ -dM -E -x c++ /dev/null | grep -F __cplusplus
#define __cplusplus 199711L
Some references:
Details on the g++ options used
Why this only works for g++ 4.7 or later
g++ man page actually tells what is the default standard for C++ code.
Use following script to show the relevant part:
man g++ | col -b | grep -B 2 -e '-std=.* This is the default'
For example, in RHEL 6 g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23), the output:
GNU dialect of -std=c++98. This is the default for C++ code.
And in Fedora 28 g++ (GCC) 8.1.1 20180502 (Red Hat 8.1.1-1), the output:
GNU dialect of -std=c++14. This is the default for C++ code. The name gnu++1y is deprecated.
You can also check with gdb
$ g++ example.cpp -g Compile program with -g flag to generate debug info
$ gdb a.out Debug program with gdb
(gdb) b main Put a breakpoint at main
(gdb) run Run program (will pause at breakpoint)
(gdb) info source
Prints out something like:
Current source file is example.cpp
Compilation directory is /home/xxx/cpp
Located in /home/xxx/cpp/example.cpp
Contains 7 lines.
Source language is c++.
Producer is GNU C++14 6.3.0 20170516 -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g.
Compiled with DWARF 2 debugging format.
Does not include preprocessor macro info.
There is the standard used by compiler: Producer is GNU C++14
If you recompile your program using -std=c++11 (for example), gdb detects it:
Producer is GNU C++11
I believe that it is possible to tell by looking at the man page (at least for g++):
Under the description of -std, the man page lists all C++ standards, including the GNU dialects. Under one specific standard, it is rather inconspicuously stated, This is the default for C++ code. (there is an analogous statement for C standards: This is the default for C code.).
For instance, for g++/gcc version 5.4.0, this is listed under gnu++98/gnu++03, whereas for g++/gcc version 6.4.0, this is listed under gnu++14.
I'm guessing a default version of the C++ compiler gets called, but I don't know which?
This is only guessable by reading the documentation of your particular compiler version.
If using a recent GCC, I recommend first to understand what version are you using by running
g++ -v
g++ --version
and then refer to the version of the particular release of GCC. For example for GCC 7, read GCC 7 changes etc
Alternatively, run
g++ -dumpspecs
and decipher the default so called spec file.
BTW, you could ensure (e.g. in some of your common header file) that C++ is at least C++17 by coding
#if __cplusplus < 201412L
#error expecting C++17 standard
and I actually recommend doing it that way.
PS. Actually, think of C++98 & C++17 being two different languages (e.g. like Ocaml4 and C++11 are). Require your user to have a compiler supporting some defined language standard (e.g. C++11), not some particular version of GCC. Read also about package managers.
If you are using the GCC compiler, you can find it on the man pages:
man g++ | grep "This is the default for C++ code"
Typing g++ --version in your command shell will reveal the version of the compiler, and from that you can infer the default standard. So you can't tell directly but you can infer it, with some effort.
Compilers are supposed to #define __cplusplus which can be used to extract the standard that they purport to implement at compile time; but many don't do this yet.
(And don't forget to include all the C++ standard library headers you need: where is the one for std::string for example? Don't rely on your C++ standard library implementation including other headers automatically - in doing that you are not writing portable C++.)
Your question is specific to gnu compilers, so probably better to tag it appropriately, rather than just C++ and C++11.
Your code will compile with any compilers (and associated libraries) compliant with C++11 and later.
The reason is that C++11 introduced a std::ifstream constructor that accepts a const std::string &. Before C++11, a std::string could not be passed, and it would be necessary in your code to pass filename.c_str() rather than filename.
According to information from gnu,, gcc.4.8.1 was the first version to fully support C++11. At the command line g++ -v will prod g++ to telling you its version number.
If you dig into documentation, you might be able to find the version/subversion that first supported enough features so your code - as given - would compile. But such a version would support some C++11 features and not others.
Since windows isn't distributed with g++, you will have whatever version someone (you?) has chosen to install. There will be no default version of g++ associated with your version of windows.
The default language standards for both C and C++ are specified in the GCC Manuals. You can find these as follows:
Browse to
Select the GCC #.## Manual link for the version of GCC you are interested in, e.g. for GCC 7.5.0:
Click the topic link Language Standards Supported by GCC, followed by the topic C++ Language (or C language). Either of these topics will have a sentence such as:
The default, if no C++ language dialect options are given, is -std=gnu++14.
The default, if no C language dialect options are given, is -std=gnu11.
The above two examples are for GCC 7.5.0.

Does g++ work without gcc?

Does G++ compile without GCC or G++ is just translator // Including old g++ version.
when i was trying to install g++ from source i saw file
/* Default prefixes to attach to command names. */
#define STANDARD_EXEC_PREFIX "/usr/local/lib/gcc-"
#endif /* !defined STANDARD_EXEC_PREFIX */
//from g++1.4*
Well i know that c++ is c with classes i just wanted to know if the g++ can compile c++ without gcc .
With a recent GCC, gcc (actually cc1 which is run by gcc) and g++ (actually cc1plus) -and so on for other GCC compilers, e.g. gfortran or even gdc ....- share a lot of (source) code together: the middle-end (where most optimizations happen) and the back-end. The difference is only the front-end layer of the compiler (the only layer being source language specific) which is less than 30% of the compiler.
You could customize the GCC compiler with plugins or with MELT. Your extensions would work on GCC internal representations (Gimple-s) and would work when compiling C, C++, Ada, Fortran, etc... Remember that GCC means Gnu Compiler Collection today
Actually the gcc program is able to compile C++ source code (and likewise g++ can compile C or Fortran code). However, they are not linking the same libraries.
Pass the -v flag to the gcc or g++ command to understand what they are running.
Here are two (mine) [CC-BY-SA] pictures -explaing GCC & MELT- illustrating this.
The three layers -front-end, middle-end, back-end- of the compiler:
with your plugin, or the MELT meta-plugin
with a simplification: cc1 or cc1plus are generating assembler files, which is then translated by as started by gcc or g++
another view of the internals of cc1 or cc1plus,
which generates some assembler code

how can I check a particular gcc feature in

For example, gcc 4.7 has a new feature -Wnarrowing. In, how can I test where a feature is supported by the current gcc or not?
There's a file in gnulibc, but doesn't make much sense to me.
Both gcc and clang support -W[no-]narrowing and -W[no-]error=narrowing options.
With -std=c++11, gcc emits a warning by default, and clang emits an error by default. Even though you only mention gcc, I think you could extend the functionality check to compilers like clang that attempt to provide the same options and extensions. That might include Intel's icc too.
Let's assume you've selected the C++ compiler with AC_PROG_CXX, and have ensured that it's using the C++11 standard.
CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Werror -Wno-error=narrowing"
[[int i {1.0}; (void) i;]])],
[ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=1], [ac_cxx_warn_narrowing=0])
AS_IF([test $ac_cxx_warn_narrowing -ne 0],
[AC_MSG_RESULT(['$CXX' supports -Wnarrowing])])
Compilation will only succeed if: 1) the compiler supports -Wnarrowing related options, which implies it supports -Werror, and: 2) recognizes C++11 initialization syntax.
Normally, scripts and flags passed to configure should avoid -Werror, as it breaks too many internal tests. In this context, we ensure there are no other warnings besides the narrowing, which is why (void) i; is needed to prevent a warning about unused variables.
The logic behind this should probably be:
Create a correct file that should get a warning with -Wnarrowing. Verify that it gets compiled correctly. This is a sanity check.
Then compile that same file with -Wnarrowing, and verify that it still gets compiled correctly. This makes sure you detect compilers that don't support -Wnarrowing as an option, and don't attempt to pass bogus options to them.
Finally, compile that same file with -Werror=narrowing, and verify that it now does not get compiled correctly. If it now fails, you can be fairly certain that the compiler does indeed support -Wnarrowing. This last check is useful to detect compilers that do accept -Wnarrowing/-Werror=narrowing, but spit out a warning "ignoring unknown option -Wnarrowing". In that case, you shouldn't be passing -Wnarrowing.
Optionally, you may also want to compile a file that shouldn't get a warning with -Wnarrowing with -Werror=narrowing, in case you find a compiler where -Wnarrowing is useless and -Werror=narrowing is a hard error. I cannot think of a compiler where this would be required, though.
Translating this to a configure check should be trivial.
See for an example test of this sort - this tries to compile a trivial program with the given compiler flag, and adds it to CFLAGS if it works.

C++11, GCC 4.8.1,Code::Blocks, threading, what a head ache

If you would like to use MinGW GCC 8.4.1 and threads/mutex/futures/atomics do not download the Win32 threader version insted download the Posix version.
My installation of MinGW is as follows:
x32-4.8.1-release-win32 (as the threader) - sjlj rev 5
I have unpacked and correctly confirmed that MinGW GCC 4.8.1 (revision 5) is installed in C:\MinGW\mingw32. I have set up Code Blocks to look for the latest and greatest compiler in the correct path (this I am sure of). I can compile a normal program using #include iostream. Ok now when I try and run a program using #include thread it gives me "error: 'thread' is not a member of 'std'".
Now here is what I have done and what I have tried:
I am following a sort of template or tutorial here at
I have the code exactly as it is presented on the webpage (towards the bottom).
I have tried, in Code Blocks, to use Compiler flags "Have g++ follow the C++11 ISO language standard -std=c++11".
I have also tried the flag "Have g++ follow the coming C++0x ISO language standard -std=c++0x"
I have tried both at the same time and one at a time, no mas.
I have also tried those commands manually.
Another command I tried manually was -std=gnu++11 which was recommended in the thread header.
It seems like __cplusplus is < 201103L which is stated (or rather defined) in the thread header.
This only happens when I manually use -std=c++11, for some reason C::B removes it if it was manually stated so I must use a check box to use this flag...
My compiler settings under the Toolchain Executables tab are as follows:
C compiler: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8.1.exe
C++ compiler: i686-w64-mingw32-c++.exe
Linker for dynamic: i686-w64-mingw32-c++.exe
Linker for static: ar.exe
Debbuger: GDB/CDB debugger: default
Resource compiler: windres.exe
Make Program: mingw32-make.exe
I have tried using other executables in the bin folder and still no luck...
I'm starting to wonder if GCC supports C++11 or threading !?
Has anyone been able to get threads to work with MinGW GCC, Code blocks or in general?
If so how did you do it? Any links that might help? Any advice?
P.S. I know there are other ways of threading like posix or other SDK's like SFML (I have successfully tried threading with this). But I want to use GCC threading and I'm quite baffled as to why it is so hard to do seeing as all the necessary files are there...
I have found that when I manually compile the program outside of Code Blocks I still get the same errors, whether I use g++ c++ or i686-w64-mingw32-g++/c++
here is the command I run to build the files:
C:\MinGW\mingw32\bin>g++.exe -D__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__ -o0 -g3
-Wall -c -fmes sage-length=0 -std=c++11 -Wc++11-compat -o obj\Debug\main.o "F:\C Projects\Code Blocks\thread\main.cpp"
still returns error: 'thread' is not a member of 'std'
Could this be a bad build? I will try other revisions...
probably to late for an answere, but here is what worked for me:
1. Get x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-4.8-stdthread-win64_rubenvb.7z from:
2. Setup a new compiler in codeblocks with
3. Set the new compiler for your project
Right click in your project -> build options
Select the new compiler
Under compiler falgs check -std=c++0x and -std=c++11
Under Other options set -std=gnu++11
4. Have fun with c++11 concurrency
Hope that works for you also, as an alternative you can just use visual studio.
I think you meant GCC 4.8.1 - the answer is yes, it supports a set of C++11 features including partial multi-threading support. Please visit to see supported set.
gcc 4.8.1 is C++11 feature complete. I cannot speak to the Windows implementation but certainly on Linux and OS X it works as advertised, including all the concurrency functionality. I just #include <thread> and call g++ -std=gnu++11 and it works. Here's a minimal piece of code that compiles just fine:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
std::mutex mx;
int i;
void thrfunc();
int main(void)
std::thread thr1(thrfunc),thr2(thrfunc);
return 0;
void thrfunc()
std::cout << std::this_thread::get_id() << " i: " << i << std::endl;
I had the same issues, I installed the lates MinGW-Builds
and set my toolchain executables to:
I hope this helps.