Add an Item in the availabe templates in Visual Studio 2013 - c++

How do I add a new Template-type in the tree view of Visual Studio 2013 available templates?
If one clicks on New Project, on the right hand side pane of the next window which opens, is a list of the available templates offered by Visual Studio, such as those categorized under Visual C#, Visual C++ etc.
I wish to add a similar template in the tree view. Is there a way to achieve that?

Private templates go in (but adjust the C:\Users\{{username}} as necessary):
C:\Users\{{username}}\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Templates\ProjectTemplates\Visual C++ Project\
Public templates go subdirectories of:
See here for more details.


Visual Studio C++ Document Outline

I have CMake C++ projects in Visual Studio 2022 and would like to view the document outline for cpp/h files. But the Document Outline view is not available for this file type:
In VS Code, with the C++ extensions installed, there is a nice outline view:
But for various reasons, I need to use Visual Studio (not VS Code). I have diligently searched the extensions on Visual Studio Marketplace and found nothing that does this. It is surprising that as powerful as Visual Studio is, there is no outline view for C++ files. It seems like such an obvious feature -- I can't possibly be the only one who has ever needed it. Does anyone know of an extension for this?

How to change default code in Visual studio

I am going to programming c++ with Visual Studio, but there is something annoying and that's the default code, which is shown automatically in launching the editor. Is there a way to change that or it is rigid ?
Yes there is: you can create a Visual Studio project template and use that as the basis for future projects. The way you do this is to get your project looking how you like it and then save it as a template. Full details here:

Visual Studio 2010 Global VC++ Directories Redux

I am going crazy trying to change the Global VC++ Directories under Visual Studio 2010. In particular the default Includes path. I have read several articles on it, including this one, but can't seem to find where to change it.
Several articles say: "Open View|Project Manager and edit the item in the tree called Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user". Only problem is that there is no Project Manager under the View menu nor any other menu item that I can see. At least not in VS 2010 SP1.
Below is what I see when I expand the View menu (I checked all the submenus as well).
Is there a version later than SP1 for VS 2010 C/CPP? None that I can find.
The menu you are looking for is "View\Other Windows\Property Manager". "Property Manager" is in the view menu directly in newer versions of visual studio.

Why visual studio doesn't come with Resources template by default?

Hello I am trying to create a “.resx” file and when I went to the menu add “new item” it doesn't show me the template for create resources file as it shows in the following image. But if I go to Visual Studio 2015 it actually shows that option available. So why if it is visual studio 2017 it doesn't come with that template by default ? And I want to know what are the steps that I have to take in order to install this template.
Note: If my question is incorrectly please AND YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A DISLIKE make sure to GIVE ME A FEEDBACK Thank you for reading this.
click here to see the picture
After having the same issue (I think). I found that you have to choose ".NET desktop develpment" when you install VS 2017 to get the resource template.
Search for visual studio installer in your menu and then choose modify.
Check ".NET desktop develpment" and click modify. After that you should be able to see the templates in VS 2017.
what about this one?
ResX Manager

Is there a Visual Studio 2010 extension that duplicates Resharper's To-do explorer in C++ Projects?

I like to use Resharper's To-do explorer in C# projects. I'm looking for something with similar functionality for C++ projects in Visual Studio 2010. Specifically, I like the ability to define different types of to-do tags and be able to filter and sort the to-do items within Visual Studio.
You can define your tokens in Options window Tools->Options->Environment-> Task List. Some tokens, like TODO, HACK already there.
Open the Task List view where you can browse and manage your tasks.
You might need to make sure that Tools->Options->Text Editor->C/C++->Formatting->Enumerate Comment Tasks is set to TRUE.
Task List in MSDN