Combining list of list - list

Hello i have to programm this fucntion in lisp:
(defun combine-list-of-lsts (lst)...)
So when executing the function i should get
(combine-list-of-lsts '((a b c) (+-) (1 2 3 4)))
((A + 1) (A + 2) (A + 3) (A + 4) (A-1) (A-2) (A-3) (A-4) (B + 1) (B + 2) (B + 3) (B + 4) (B-1) (B-2) (B-3) (B-4)(C + 1) (C + 2) (C + 3) (C + 4) (C-1) (C-2) (C-3) (C-4))
What i have now is:
(defun combine-list-of-lsts (lst)
(if (null (cdr lst))
(car lst)
(if (null (cddr lst))
(combine-lst-lst (car lst) (cadr lst))
(combine-lst-lst (car lst) (combine-list-of-lsts (cdr lst))))))
Using this auxiliar functions:
(defun combine-lst-lst (lst1 lst2)
(mapcan #'(lambda (x) (combine-elt-lst x lst2)) lst1))
(defun combine-elt-lst (elt lst)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list elt x)) lst))
But what i get with this:
((A (+ 1)) (A (+ 2)) (A (+ 3)) (A (+ 4)) (A(-1)) (A(-2)) (A(-3)) (A(-4))...)
I dont know how to make this but without the parenthesis

The first thing is to look at this case:
(combine-list-of-lsts '((a b c)))
What should that be? Maybe not what your function returns...
Then I would look at the function combine-list-of-lsts. Do you need two IF statements?
Then look at combine-elt-lst. Do you really want to use LIST? It creates a new list. Wouldn't it make more sense to just add the element to the front?

Usually, when you want to reduce mutliple arguments into single result, you need function #'reduce. Your combination of lists has name cartesian n-ary product.
Following function:
(defun cartesian (lst1 lst2)
(let (acc)
(dolist (v1 lst1 acc)
(dolist (v2 lst2)
(push (cons v1 v2) acc)))))
creates cartesian product of two supplied lists as list of conses, where #'car is an element of lst1, and #'cdr is an element of lst2.
(cartesian '(1 2 3) '(- +))
==> ((3 . -) (3 . +) (2 . -) (2 . +) (1 . -) (1 . +))
Note, however, that calling #'cartesian on such product will return malformed result - cons of cons and element:
(cartesian (cartesian '(1 2) '(+ -)) '(a))
==> (((1 . +) . A) ((1 . -) . A) ((2 . +) . A) ((2 . -) . A))
This happens, because members of the first set are conses, not atoms. On the other hand, lists are composed of conses, and if we reverse order of creating products, we could get closer to flat list, what is our goal:
(cartesian '(1 2)
(cartesian '(+ -) '(a)))
==> ((2 + . A) (2 - . A) (1 + . A) (1 - . A))
To create proper list, we only need to cons each product with nil - in other words to create another product.
(cartesian '(1 2)
(cartesian '(+ -)
(cartesian '(a) '(nil))))
==> ((2 + A) (2 - A) (1 + A) (1 - A))
Wrapping everything up: you need to create cartesian product of successive lists in reversed order, having last being '(nil), what can be achieved with reduce expression. Final code will look something like this:
(defun cartesian (lst1 lst2)
(let (acc)
(dolist (v1 lst1 acc)
(dolist (v2 lst2)
(push (cons v1 v2) acc)))))
(defun combine-lsts (lsts)
:from-end t
:initial-value '(nil)))

There is one more way you can try,
(defun mingle (x y)
(let ((temp nil))
(loop for item in x do
(loop for it in y do
(cond ((listp it) (setf temp (cons (append (cons item 'nil) it) temp)))
(t (setf temp (cons (append (cons item 'nil) (cons it 'nil)) temp))))))
Usage:(mingle '(c d f) (mingle '(1 2 3) '(+ -))) =>
((F 1 +) (F 1 -) (F 2 +) (F 2 -) (F 3 +) (F 3 -) (D 1 +) (D 1 -) (D 2 +)
(D 2 -) (D 3 +) (D 3 -) (C 1 +) (C 1 -) (C 2 +) (C 2 -) (C 3 +) (C 3 -))


how to apply a function to all sublists recursively in common lisp?

now I have a list:
(+ x (- 4 9))
I first need (- 4 9) change to (- (4 . 0) (9 . 0))
(please do worry this part too much)
(defun typecheck (A)
((numberp A)
(cons A 0))
((equal A 'x)
(cons 1 1))
(t A)))
then I need to subtract (4 . 0) and (9 . 0) (still this is not my problem, I don't want to post this function because it is too long...
so it becomes
(+ x (-5 . 0))
now this time I change x to (1 . 1) so the list becomes (+ (1 . 1) (- 5 . 0))
I finally add them together (final result is (-4 . 1))
My main problem is how to let Lisp know I want to calculate them first after I got (- (4 . 0) (9 .0)) ? My function will just go stright to (+ (1 . 1) ((- 4 .0) (9 . 0)) and gave me an error msg.
My process :
(defun check (A)
((atom A)
(let ((newA (typecheck A)))
(calucalte A)))
((listp A)
(mapcar #'check A))
but this function won't store anything...and I have no idea how to do it :( can anyone give me some help? THANK YOU.
If I understood the problem correctly you should just write a single recursive function handling operations and number/symbol conversion, for example:
(defun tcheck (expr)
((numberp expr)
(cons expr 0))
((eq expr 'x)
(cons 1 1))
((listp expr)
((eq (first expr) '+)
(let ((a (tcheck (second expr)))
(b (tcheck (third expr))))
(cons (+ (car a) (car b))
(+ (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
((eq (first expr) '-)
(let ((a (tcheck (second expr)))
(b (tcheck (third expr))))
(cons (- (car a) (car b))
(- (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
(error "Unknown operation"))))
(T expr)))
With the above function
(tcheck '(+ x (- 4 9)))
returns (-4 . 1)

appending a variable to list of lists using lisp

I have a list defined as follows:
(defparameter testlist '(((a b) (c d)) ((e f) (g h ))) )
I also have a variable defined as :
(defparameter feature 'u)
I want to append a feature to (c d).
When I try:
(setf (nth 1 (nth 0 testlist)) (append (nth 1 (nth 0 testlist)) feature))
testlist becomes:
(((A B) (C D . U)) ((E F) (G H)))
However, I want a non dotted list.
I can't figure out why I have this result. Can you explain why or suggest a better method to append, that is comprehensible for a beginner level?
First off your feature is not a list. append allows the last argument to be anything but then the result would not be a proper list if the last element is itself not a proper list. Thus:
(append '(1 2) 3) ; ==> (1 2 . 3)
(append '(1 2) '(3 . 4)) ; ==> (1 2 3 . 4)
(append '(1 2) '(3 4)) ; ==> (1 2 3 4)
Thus you need to append (list feature) if you want feature to be one element in the list you are replacing and not the new dotted value.
You need to locate the list you are changing and everything before you need to recreate but everything after you can just share with the original source:
Looking at your structure you want to change the cadar while you need to recreate the caar while the result can share the cdr:
(let ((lst '(((a b) (c d)) ((e f) (g h )))) (feature 'x))
(list* (list (caar lst) (append (cadar lst) (list feature))) (cdr lst)))
; ==> (((a b) (c d x)) ((e f) (g h)))
Now how you choose to use that result is up to you. You can setf the binding and you will have the same behaviour as if you mutated except for the unwanted consequences.

LISP: take an arbitrary s-expression and reverse every cons node (car and cdr of a node) recursively

So in lisp a list is a collection of cons nodes, each node has two parts to it. The car of the node and the cdr of that node, how would I go about reversing each cons node?
Using reduce:
(defun reverse-conses (list)
(reduce (lambda (x acc) (cons acc x)) list :initial-value nil :from-end t))
(defun reverse-conses (list)
(if (null list) nil
(cons (reverse-conses (cdr list)) (car list))))
I'm starting with a single function that swaps a cons cell.
(defun swap-cons (cns)
(cons (cdr cns)
(car cns)))
Let's test it:
> (swap-cons (cons 1 2))
(2 . 1)
> (swap-cons (cons 1 (cons 2 3)))
((2 . 3) . 1)
So this works. Now we just need to map this function over the input list
(defun swap-conses (lst)
(mapcar #'swap-cons
> (swap-conses '((1 . 2)))
((2 . 1))
> (swap-conses '((1 . 2) (3 . 4)))
((2 . 1) (4 . 3))
> (swap-conses '((1 2)))
(((2) . 1))
> (swap-conses '((1 . 2) (3 4) (5 6 7)))
((2 . 1) ((4) . 3) ((6 7) . 5))
To recursively go through a whole tree and swap car and cdr you can do something like this:
(defun reverse-conses (tree)
(if (consp tree)
(cons (reverse-conses (cdr tree))
(reverse-conses (car tree)))
(reverse-conses (cons 1 2)) ; ==> (2 . 1)
(reverse-conses '(1 2 3)) ; ==> (((nil . 3) . 2) . 1)
(reverse-conses '(1 (2 3) 4)) ; ==> (((nil . 4) (nil . 3) . 2) . 1)
Considering the argument can consist of improper lists there isn't a simpler solution to this.

Adding values to a list in a sort of "overlapped" way

I'll explain in math, here's the transformation I'm struggling to write Scheme code for:
(f '(a b c) '(d e f)) = '(ad (+ bd ae) (+ cd be af) (+ ce bf) cf)
Where two letters together like ad means (* a d).
I'm trying to write it in a purely functional manner, but I'm struggling to see how. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some examples:
(1mul '(0 1) '(0 1)) = '(0 0 1)
(1mul '(1 2 3) '(1 1)) = '(1 3 5 3)
(1mul '(1 2 3) '(1 2)) = '(1 4 7 6)
(1mul '(1 2 3) '(2 1)) = '(2 5 8 3)
(1mul '(1 2 3) '(2 2)) = '(2 6 10 6)
(1mul '(5 5 5) '(1 1)) = '(5 10 10 5)
(1mul '(0 0 1) '(2 5)) = '(0 0 2 5)
(1mul '(1 1 2 3) '(2 5)) = '(2 7 9 16 15)
So, the pattern is like what I posted at the beginning:
Multiply the first number in the list by every number in the second list (ad, ae, af) and then continue along, (bd, be, bf, cd, ce, cf) and arrange the numbers "somehow" to add the corresponding values. The reason I call it overlapping is because you can sort of visualize it like this:
(+ ba' ab')
(+ ca' bb' ac')
(+ cb' bc')
(f '(a b c) '(d e f)) = '(ad (+ bd ae) (+ cd be af) (+ ce bf) cf)
However, not just for 3x3 lists, for any sized lists.
Here's my code. It's in racket
#lang racket
(define (drop n xs)
(cond [(<= n 0) xs]
[(empty? xs) '()]
[else (drop (sub1 n) (rest xs))]))
(define (take n xs)
(cond [(<= n 0) '()]
[(empty? xs) '()]
[else (cons (first xs) (take (sub1 n) (rest xs)))]))
(define (mult as bs)
(define (*- a b)
(list '* a b))
(define degree (length as))
(for/list ([i (in-range 1 (+ 1 degree))])
(cons '+ (map *- (take i as) (reverse (take i bs)))))
(for/list ([i (in-range 1 degree)])
(cons '+ (map *- (drop i as) (reverse (drop i bs)))))))
The for/lists are just ways of mapping over a list of numbers and collecting the result in a list. If you need, I can reformulate it just maps.
Is this a good candidate for recursion? Not sure, but here's a
a direct translation of what you asked for.
(define (f abc def)
(let ((a (car abc)) (b (cadr abc)) (c (caddr abc))
(d (car def)) (e (cadr def)) (f (caddr def)))
(list (* a d)
(+ (* b d) (* a e))
(+ (* c d) (* b e) (* a f))
(+ (* c e) (* b f))
(* c f))))
Is it correct to assume, that you want to do this computation?
(a+b+c)*(d+e+f) = a(d+e+f) + b(d+e+f) + c(d+e+f)
= ad+ae+af + bd+be+bf + cd+ce+cf
If so, this is simple:
(define (f xs ys)
(* (apply + xs) (apply + ys))
If you are interested in the symbolic version:
#lang racket
(define (f xs ys)
(define (fx x)
(define (fxy y)
(list '* x y))
(cons '+ (map fxy ys)))
(cons '+ (map fx xs)))
And here is a test:
> (f '(a b c) '(d e f))
'(+ (+ (* a d) (* a e) (* a f))
(+ (* b d) (* b e) (* b f))
(+ (* c d) (* c e) (* c f)))

Building a 2D List

Looking for a function that would do something akin to the following:
(foo 3 2) => '( ( (1 1) (1 2) (1 3) )
( (2 1) (2 2) (2 3) ) )
Would there be any built-in function in DrRacket that accomplishes that?
The main tool that you want to use to get such things in Racket is the various for loops. Assuming that you want to create a list-based matrix structure, then this is one way to get it:
#lang racket
(define (foo x y)
(for/list ([i y])
(for/list ([j x])
(list (add1 i) (add1 j)))))
And since people raised the more general question of how to make foo create a matrix of any dimension, here's a generalized version that works with any number of arguments, and still returns the same result when called as (foo 3 2):
#lang racket
(define (foo . xs)
(let loop ([xs (reverse xs)] [r '()])
(if (null? xs)
(reverse r)
(for/list ([i (car xs)])
(loop (cdr xs) (cons (add1 i) r))))))
(Note BTW that in both cases I went with a simple 0-based iteration, and used add1 to get the numbers you want. An alternative way would be to replace
(for/list ([i x]) ... (add1 i) ...)
(for/list ([i (in-range 1 (add1 x)]) ... i ...)
(define (foo-makey const max data)
(let* ((i (length data))
(newy (- max i))
(newpair (cons const newy)))
(if (= max i)
(foo-makey const max
(cons newpair data)))))
(define (foo-makex xmax ymax data)
(let* ((i (length data))
(newx (- xmax i)))
(if (= xmax i)
(foo-makex xmax ymax
(cons (foo-makey newx ymax '()) data)))))
(define (foo x y)
(foo-makex y x '()))
> (foo 3 2)
'(((1 . 1) (1 . 2) (1 . 3)) ((2 . 1) (2 . 2) (2 . 3)))
I can't answer your question as-is because I don't understand how the nested lists should work for >2 arguments. AFAIK there is no built-in function to do what you want.
To start you off, here is some code that generates output without nested lists. As an exercise try adjusting the code to do the nested listing. And see if there's a way you can make the code more efficient.
;;can take in any number of arguments
(define (permutations . nums)
(lambda (current-num acc)
(lambda (list-in-acc)
(for/list ((i (build-list current-num (curry + 1))))
(append list-in-acc (list i))))
(list (list))
(reverse nums)))
Example 1:
> (permutations 3 2)
'((1 1) (1 2) (1 3) (2 1) (2 2) (2 3))
Example 2:
> (permutations 10)
'((1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10))
Example 3:
> (permutations 2 3 4)
'((1 1 1)
(1 1 2)
(1 2 1)
(1 2 2)
(1 3 1)
(1 3 2)
(2 1 1)
(2 1 2)
(2 2 1)
(2 2 2)
(2 3 1)
(2 3 2)
(3 1 1)
(3 1 2)
(3 2 1)
(3 2 2)
(3 3 1)
(3 3 2)
(4 1 1)
(4 1 2)
(4 2 1)
(4 2 2)
(4 3 1)
(4 3 2))
(define (build-2d row col)
(build-list row (lambda(x) (build-list col (lambda(y) (list (+ x 1) (+ y 1))))))