PrimeFaces push with AWS - amazon-web-services

I am using PrimeFaces 5.0 and tomcat 7 and my application is in AWS.
I am trying to use PrimeFaces push. I have implemented a sample application and it is working with my local system. If i deploy the code to AWS it fails.
Xhtml code
<p:socket onMessage="jsFunctionToCall" channel="/service/push"/>
<servlet-name>Push Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Push Servlet</servlet-name>
Java code
public class ServicePushResource {
#OnMessage(encoders = {JSONEncoder.class})
public String onMessage(String count) {
return count;
Pushing message:
EventBus eventBus = EventBusFactory.getDefault().eventBus();
eventBus.publish("/service/push", String.valueOf("msg"));
I am getting the error message that
WebSocket connection to 'ws://' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 501
After this error there is another error message that
Websocket failed. Downgrading to Comet and resending push.js.xhtml?ln=primefaces&v=5.1:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 501 (Not Implemented)…ng&X-Atmosphere-TrackMessageSize=true&X-atmo-protocol=true&_=1422008343786
On inspecting both the error message, I found that the p:socket component is failing with transport as 'WebSocket' and it is trying with 'long-polling' which is not implemented. So my question is whether AWS support 'WebSocket' if not what is the workaround for that?

Currently WebSocket is not supported with AWS. The work aroud is to use AWS EB loadbalancer with TCP/SSL. I did this by changing the protocol from HTTP to TCP in loadbalancer configuration. But this won't work alone, need to tell beanstalk to communicate directly to tomcat in case of websocket. This can be done using a configuration file which can be added as specified in this post.

Documentation of Primefaces 5.0 says to use Atmosphere 2.1.3. I had had similar problem as you when I tried to use 2.2.x version. The current version I use is 2.1.4 and it works for me fine. Maybe you could try this also.
The other case is that firefox browser throws wss connection error (but primepush works anyway).
Please refer also to:


WSO2 IS returns CORS error when wrong credentials sent

I am trying to fetch the WSO2-IS response when user enters wrong credentials from frontend. If I hit the same end point via postman then it returns a proper response shown as follows:
"error_description": "Client Authentication failed.",
"error": "invalid_client"
But when request is fired from the browser it throws CORS error saying:
request header field access-control-allow-credentials is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
Although it works fine with correct user credentials.
Now since the request for authentication goes directly from client to WSO2 server I believe that no fixes are required in the backend. But I couldn't find a way to handle the same in frontend. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks :)
The CORS error is occurring probably because you are running your frontend application on a separate host. If you are running WSO2 Identity Server 5.9.0 or later please try adding the following filter in your repository/resources/conf/templates/repository/conf/tomcat/web.xml.j2 file to allow CORS. If you are using an older version you can add the following filter in repository/conf/tomcat/web.xml file.
<param-value>{ origin of your application }</param-value>
<param-value>GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, PATCH, PUT</param-value>

unable to add additional APIs endpoint classes to GCP endpoints v2

I have started an Google cloud endpoints v2 project using the starter code provided by Google which exposes one API named "echo".
My aim is to add another exposed class (one class/api name per business module).
Once deployed, all calls to the new API are not generating a "NOT FOUND" error.
As a solution i have tried to look into the web.xml and did the below changes.
Initial WEB.XML version:
<!-- Route API method requests to the backend. -->
I have added my new servlet and tried to add a new servlet mapping as below:
Now after adding the /echo/* to the initial servlet mapping, the ECHO working services stopped servicing, and the system still cannot invoke the new service.
Does anyone knows what i am doing wrong and what is the solution?
I don't think this feature is not supported by the endpoints v2 framework since it does seem a good design practice to do this separation.
You should use the same servlet, using an init-param with all of the Endpoint classes you need:
You should not use /_ah/api/echo/* or /_ah/api/user/* in your web.xml. Instead, use #Api(name = "echo") or #Api(name = "user") and bind EndpointsServlet to /_ah/api/*.

Using Jersey 2.5 on Websphere 8.X

I am using the following configurations for my Rest-WS application and it deploys/works well on WAS 7.x.
But when i deploy the same on WAS8.0, i get the following exception:
I understand that WAS 8.X has a JAX-RS-1.0 runtime and since the 1.0 api interface does not have the Application::getProperties(), i get the exception above.
So how do i get my project to work on WAS 8.X. Any pointers would be much appreciated..
My current application configuration as below -
public class MyAppResourceConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public MonitoringResourceConfig() {
// Registers JAX-RS Components
packages( "com.packagename");
} contains #path definitions.
P.S - I tried setting the JVM property DisableIBMJAXRSEngine in WAS, but it doesn't help.
I'm having the same trouble with Jersey 2.6 and WAS I tried changing the class loading policy to parent last (on both, web module and application) and putting the Jersey jars into the application. It solved that problem, but is too restricted for my context.

Output HTTP responses with Jersey Test Framework?

Can the Jersey Test Framework be configured to output the raw HTTP responses when a test case fails? I'd like to be able to see the detailed error information returned by the server.
You can enable HTTP logging like so
public class SimpleTest extends JerseyTest {
// ...
protected Application configure() {
// ...
More details here.
This is for the latest version of the framework, currently 2.3.1.
You can always enable the normal Jersey logging for Request and Responses and see what is shows in the console:
Enable logging programmatically:
servletHolder.setInitParameter("com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequestFilters" , "com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter");
servletHolder.setInitParameter("com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponseFilters" , "com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter");

Unable to get wsdl from CXF service

I'm trying to get a CXF service running on existing jetty server (not stand-alone).
I see the list of services at http://localhost:9100/cxfservices
But, when I click on the wsdl link, I get 404 error. What am I missing here?
WSDL link is:http://localhost:9100/cxfservices/QueryService?wsdl
Endpoint address: http://localhost:9100/cxfservices/QueryService
<jaxws:endpoint id="queryService"