webservices - public certificate update - web-services

I'm not very familiar with web services security concepts but as a provider of web services, we have to update the public cert in our .jks file.
Should we share anything to the consumers of this service to update at their end?
Consumers sign their messages and sends the request. The service end-point is on HTTP protocol.

Consumers sign their messages and send the request
Signing messages involves the private key of the one who does the signing, in your case the client. See here for some intro details of how this stuff works. Changing the web service certificate (the public key) might not cause problems (certificates are updated on a constant basis on the internet for HTTPS sites and no browser starts spewing errors, for example) but at the same time your clients might fail if you are using message level security.
If you encrypt at the message level (the data that gets exchanged) instead of encryption at the transport level (how the data is sent - over HTTPS instead of HTTP) then you need to notify your clients.
You don't mention how the exchange is secured so maybe find out about that first. If the endpoint is on HTTP as you mentioned then it's message level security which means you service might sign or encrypt the message for itself so changing the keys will alter the signature and your clients will not trust the response anymore.
If you are still in doubt about what you need to do then find someone who does know what to do, then notify your clients before doing the change so they have time to make changes themselves if needed. They can decide for themselves if this has or hasn't an impact on them. Whatever you do though, don't give them your new private key.


Can I rely on ConnectionId for security with API Gateway Websockets?

I'm working on a project where the backend is built with the serverless framework. Recently, I added a feature using API Gateway's websockets. However, I have my doubts about my particular implementation's security, and wanted to ask how valid they were.
I struggled to build authentication into my websocket routes. There was an authorizer feature, but unfortunately native Javascript APIs provide no way to edit headers in a Websocket message - this means I would have to submit authorization tokens in the url params, which I would prefer not to do.
I came up with a workaround. I have existing HTTP microservices set up on API Gateway with serverless, authenticated through AWS Cognito Identity Federation. My solution was to "piggyback" my websocket authentication onto my HTTP services, as follows.
My client opens a websocket connection, and receives back the connectionId assigned to it by API Gateway.
My client calls an HTTP route with the connectionId, which is authenticated with Cognito. This serves to let my backend know that this particular connectionId is authenticated. I push the connectionId and the Cognito identity to a database, along with other information. This way, later I can find what connectionIds are associated with a particular Cognito identity.
When a client wants to call a "secured" websocket method, the websocket method checks the lookup table to see if that connectionId is associated with the correct Cognito identity. If it is, then the method goes through. Otherwise, the connection is closed.
I found this resource at Heroku on websocket safety which recommends a similar, but not quite identical process: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/websocket-security
It recommends the following:
"So, one pattern we’ve seen that seems to solve the WebSocket authentication problem well is a “ticket”-based authentication system. Broadly speaking, it works like this:
When the client-side code decides to open a WebSocket, it contacts the HTTP server to obtain an authorization “ticket”.
The server generates this ticket. It typically contains some sort of user/account ID, the IP of the client requesting the ticket, a timestamp, and any other sort of internal record
keeping you might need.
The server stores this ticket (i.e. in a database or cache), and also returns it to the client.
The client opens the WebSocket connection, and sends along this “ticket” as part of an initial handshake.
The server can then compare this ticket, check source IPs, verify that the ticket hasn’t been re-used and hasn’t expired, and do any other sort of permission checking. If all goes well, the WebSocket connection is now verified."
As far as I can tell, my method are heroku's are similar in that they both use an HTTP method to authenticate, but differ because
1) Heroku's method checks for authentication upon opening, while mine checks afterwards
2) Heroku's method requires generating and storing secure tokens
I don't want to send authorization over the websocket, because I'd have to store it in url params, and I also do not want to generate and store tokens, so I went with my method.
However, I have a couple of doubts about my method as well.
1) Because I don't check authorization on websocket open, in theory this approach is vulnerable to a dDos attack, where an attacker simply opens as many sockets as they can. My assumption here is that the responsibility falls on API Gateway to prevent, with its Leaky Bucket algorithm.
2) My strategy hinges on the connectionId being secure. If an attacker were able to spoof this connectionId, then my strategy would no longer work. I assume this connectionId is issued internally within API Gateway to mark specific connections, and should not be vulnerable as a result. However, I wanted to double check if this was the case.
I would suggest looking into JWT's. It was kind of created for this purpose where you need to have some way to authenticate client-side requests without exposing credentials. It is fully self contained and allows you to not make a request to a database everytime you make a request to validate the user making the request: https://jwt.io/
JWT's are very easy to implement in Serverless and attach to a web socket connection request. You can then do something like add the user IP address to the payload of the JWT and validate that at request time to ensure that the user is 100% validated.

Do we need a security signature for the web service response?

I have created a web service API and it's architecture is such that the server requires a client to sign the request along with a secret key assigned to it (signature is always different between multiple requests).
Server matches the client's signature with its own computed signature. If they are a match then the server returns the response.
I am wondering if a client should check the response coming back from the server to see if it's from the same application to which the request was made.
Is any kind of attack possible between HTTP request and HTTP response?
Do we need a security signature for the web service response?
It depends. There are a few types of web service APIs out there. Some need strict security other might not. You could have a few types of APIs:
(1) completely opened API. Say you have a blog where you post about writing RESTful services and clients. You host a complete working REST service based on one of your posts so that people give it a spin. You don't care who calls your service, the service returns some dummy data etc. It's just a demo, a toy, no security here, no request signing, nada. It's just plain HTTP calls.
(2) service with an API key. Say you have a web service and you want to know who calls it. This kind of service needs a pre-registration and each client who wants to call your service needs to register and obtain a key first. Do note that the registration is not about authentication or authorization, you just want to know who's using your API (e.g. what business sector they operate in, how many clients they have, why are they using your API for etc) so that you later make some analysis of your own and take some (marketing maybe) decisions of some sort later on based on the data you get back.
There is nothing secret about this API key. It's just an UUID of some sort, the most basic way of differentiating between calls. This again involves only plain HTTP calls with the key as an additional request parameter.
(3) service with an API key and a secret key. This is similar to number (2) but you need to absolutely make sure that the calls are coming from the client that presents some API key. You need this because you probably want to bill the client for how much they have used your service. You want to make sure the calls actually come from that client and not someone ill intentioned that maybe wants to overcharge the client's bill.
So the client uses it's key for identification and a signature of the request with the secret key to actually vouch for it's identity. This again can be plain HTTP calls with the key and signature as additional request parameters.
(4) data "tampered-safe" web services. For numbers (1), (2) and (3) above I haven't considered any message security issues because most APIs don't need it. What's exchanged isn't confidential and not all that important to protect. But sometimes although the data isn't confidential you need to make sure it wasn't tampered with during transit.
Say you are the owner of a shop that builds some product and you want to advertise your product on some partner web sites. You expose a service with the product details and your partners just use this data to display your product details on their sites. Everybody knows what products you are building so you don't need to hide that, but you are paranoid about your competition trying to ruin you so you want to avoid them intercepting the
request and multiplying by 10 all your prices in the responses of your result just to scare potential buyers away.
Number (3) above, although uses the signing part as a way to prove the identity of the caller, also assures the request was not tampered with (server will reject the request if the signature does not match). So if you need to assure an original response you can also sign the response.
For this, the service can provide the client with an API key and two secret keys. One secret key is used by the client to sign their requests while the second secret key is used by the client to verify the signature of the response (using an unique secret key for the server isn't all that safe so the server emits a server secret key specific to each client).
But this has a weak point: you would need to trust your partners that they will indeed validate the response signature before displaying the information on the site and not just bluntly display it. Paranoid as you are you want to protect against this and for this you need HTTPS.
As #SilverlightFox mentioned this proves the validity of the response. The data was not tempered with because it's encrypted. The client does not need to have an extra step to verify the response signature because that verification is already done at a lower (transport) level.
(5) secure services. And now we reach the last type of service where the data is actually confidential. HTTPS is a must for these services. HTTPS ensures the data remains confidential, that it isn't tempered in transit, identifies the server and can also identity the client if client side certificates are used.
So, in conclusion, it depends on what type of service you have.
Make the request over HTTPS to ensure the validity of the response.
This will ensure your data is not vulnerable to a MITM attack. Rolling your own untested encryption/hashing methods is a sure way to open up your application to attack, so you should use TLS/SSL which means that you should connect to your web service API over HTTPS. TLS is the proven and secure way to ensure the response is coming from the application that the request was made to.

Secure centralized HMAC-based authentication service

I need to centralize authentication to my rest web services and make this authentication the same for all of our webservices. So I started writing an external web service to take care about the authentication.
To keep compatibility, since the authentication was performed using a HMAC signature (signed using a private key) alongside the single request (so there is no token of any sort) I thought to make all web services to send the HMAC included inside the incoming request and the StringToSign (a representation of data used to generate the HMAC).
So the Authorization service can (knowing the private key) try to compose the same signature, if it matches then answers with 200 OK and with a JSON object saying "authorized".
All this communication happens over HTTPS, but I'm trying to figure out what could happen if someone would intercept or modify this answer, making a 403 Forbidden to become 200 OK...
Should I use some sort of way to recognize this is the original answer? If so, what could I do?
I do agree that ssl certificates released by CA's are secure, but how could I make sure my HTTPS layer has not been compromised allowing an attacker to modify authorization responses?
P.S. please provide some standard solution if any, I don't want it to be related to the technology I'm using right now, since each service may use its own stack and I don't really want it to be .NET or something else because there's a proprietary implementation for the authentication mechanism.
All this communication happens over HTTPS, but I'm trying to figure
out what could happen if someone would intercept or modify this answer
This is what the S in HTTPS is for: SSL guarantees integrity of the message. If the attacker forges the request, the client will notice it.
You can ask the experts at #security.

Is There Any Reason To Sign Message Bodies When You Are Using Mutual SSL with a Client Certificate

I've recently had to implement XML messaging with two large entities that required us to provide an SSL client certificate as well as sign the SOAP message body with a different signing certificate. Aside from redundancy, does the signing of the message body WITH A DIFFERENT CERTIFICATE provide any additional protection?
Edited to provide clarification of the question and point out the years-long misunderstanding between myself and EJP.
The value of signing the message in addition to using SSL with mutual auth (client cert) is that you get non-repudiation. However, you get that whether or not the client cert is used to sign the message or a different signing cert is used.
Signing the message provides legally enforceable non-repudiation over the transaction. You have proof that that client and only that client could have sent that message, and you can repeat the signature verification in court to demonstrate. SSL gives you the same thing technically at a lower level, but you don't have any way of getting the signature out, so you can't produce it in court: you are down to handwaving in evidence, as opposed to an actual digital signature, which is a legal signature and thus prima facie evidence.
I don't know that I'd term it "protection", but those are two different things. SSL certificates serve to verify your identity for encryption/transmission purposes.
SOAP signing allows the end user to verify that the XML has not been altered since the creator (you) signed it.
With transport-layer security, your security ends at the transport layer. By signing the SOAP message, you are providing end-to-end authentication for the application layer.
Without the SSL client certificate, anyone on the internet can talk to your back-end servers. That increases your attack surface.
Without application-layer security, imagine what could happen if an attacker gained control of an SSL load balancer / reverse proxy. (They could send any SOAP message they want to your back-end server with no authentication?!)
So it seems like they both do provide some value, yes.
The other question I would ask is, how are the keys (that is, SSL client certificate and SOAP signing certificate) secured? If it's trivial for an attacker to gain control of both keys, that would diminish the returns of this approach.
By using a different key to sign SOAP messages than to authenticate your connection, you also open up more flexibility around how you do your PKI. For example, your network administration team might want to issue one SSL client certificate per organization, but the application team might want one SOAP message signing certificate per entity in that organization.

Should services ask for credentials at each request?

I wonder what is the optimal authentication method for services and webservices:
user/password is sent on each request
user/password is sent once to obtain an authentication code that will be sent on each request
Is there any alternative? Which is better? Why?
Depends on the protocol.
If the service requests are in the clear (http), then you might want to consider a secure (https) logon transaction, which gains you a limited-time token to authorise future requests (a session cookie, in effect). Then at least eavesdroppers don't get credentials that work forever, just for a limited period.
Likewise even if the logon transaction isn't secure, at least if it only happens once it's slightly harder to eavesdrop. It's also slightly harder to use.
If you don't care about security, I wouldn't even use a username/password, just an API key. Amounts to the same thing, but if the user doesn't choose it then at least it won't be similar to any of their other passwords, so it doesn't affect anything else when it's stolen.
If you care about security sufficiently that everything is done over https, then it doesn't really make a lot of difference what identification mechanism you use, AFAIK. So do something simple.
Finally, you might care about the security of the authentication, but not about the secrecy of the requests themselves. So, you don't mind eavesdroppers seeing the data in flight, you just don't want them to be able to issue requests of their own (or spoof responses). In that case, you could sign the requests (and responses) using a public/private keypair or a shared secret with HMAC. That might (or might not) be easier to set up and lower bandwidth than SSL. Beware replay attacks.
By optimal are you thinking about performance ? I would suggest to send credentials and authenticate on each request unless you really find this to be a bottleneck. SSL is not enough at all, it only provides encryption and authentication of the web service. But think about client authentication (a client cert can help here) and authorisation, may be not all users of the web service is not allowed to call all methods and all methods calls needs to be logged for auditing. In this case the user identity needs to presented for each call.
I develop and maintain a SOA based core system web service developed in WCF that authenticates and authorises against .Net based clients using windows identity and uses 2-way certs authentication against Java clients and I have no performance problem.
Steve Jessop clarified things for me:
if the credentials are memorized I should provide a transient authentication cookie after they are received,
but if the credentials are digitally stored then I should only use an API key, because anyone who can access the credential storage wouldn't need to access the cookie