I have an edit action that I would like to put on a modal window on my App, and when it's closed I need to refresh a part of my view.
Does anybody knows how can I do that using Rails 4?
Lets assume you want to open the user edit page in a modal. Here's the solution I prefer:
# Create a ajax link somewhere that opens the user modal:
<%= link_to user.name, edit_user_path(user), remote: true %>
# This link calls your controller action:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def edit
#user = User.find(params[:id])
render_js_modal(:any_id, 'edit')
class ApplicationController
def render_js_modal(id, partial, options)
#id = id
#partial = partial
#options = options
respond_to do |format|
format.js { render 'application/render_modal' }
# The view depends on which CSS library you are using. This
# example is if you use semantic ui. If you use something like
# bootstrap you will probably need to create a bit more html in the JS.
# views/application/render_modal.js.erb:
$(body).append('<div id="<%= #id %>"></div>');
var element = $('#<%= #id %>');
element.html('<%= j(render partial: #partial, #options) %>');
Hope this helps. If you get any errors, remember to look in the rails server log for details. For JS details look in the browser console. Note you can pass locals to the partial in the options param. You can create many other useful methods like this:
render_js_modal_hide: hide a modal on screen by id. Useful when the user is created successfully. Consider replacing the page flash messages with the JS response as well.
render_js_content_replace: replaces a div on the page with the content of provided partial. This is useful for replacing the content of a modal if there are validation errors.
I've done this in that way (using Slim):
.text-center = link_to 'Visualizar Documentos', 'Visualizar Documentos', class: 'btn btn-default btn-primary btn-large', "data-toggle" => "modal", "data-target" => "#meioambiente"
.modal.fade id="meioambiente" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="meioambiente-label" aria-hidden="true"
And everything worked perfectly. Thanks!
Twitter Bootstrap and ZURB Foundation both have modal components. You will need to use JavaScript to update the DOM.
Codecademy is a free online learning website and have great tutorials to learn JavaScript and jQuery. I would also suggest Code School since they have a free course on JavaScript, jQuery and Angular.js.
What is the best practice using hidden fields in html views?
In my html.erb I need to check if a value exists, if it does then u want to ensure a button remains disabled.
Can I set a hidden field in ruby code like this ;
<% if #is_draft %>
<input type="hidden" id="isdraft "value="true"><% end %>
Then can I access this in my jquery code?
Is this accepted practice? Note that the javascript is in its own file, the script is not in the html.erb file
It is regarded as pretty poor practice most of the time.
Instead it is usually better to render the button as disabled on the server side after checking the condition.
Also make sure to sanitize the requests made by this form (button is clicked although your condition does not permit it). Users could un-disable the button and click it.
If you find that you have to save some information in HTML for whatever reason, I would resort to data-*-attributes!
Hope that helps!
EDIT pseudocode example:
# MyView.html.erb
<% unless #is_draft %>
<%= render partial: 'my_checkbox_button_enabling', format: [:js] %>
<% end %>
<%= button_tag "My nice button", disabled: true, id: "my-button" %>
undefined local variable or method `nov_tisk_revij_index' for #<#<Class:0x007f361551b858>:0x007f3615519c60>
Hey guys, I'm setiing up a rails app and can't figure out what's wrong. I used rails g controller nov_tisk_revij index show to create my views and controller and now I can't link to it. If you can spot what I'm doing wrong, I'd be very grateful, don't want to remake this as is took a fair amount of work.
rake routes returns:
Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action
nov_tisk_revij_index GET /nov_tisk_revij/index(.:format) nov_tisk_revij#index
nov_tisk_revij_show GET /nov_tisk_revij/show(.:format) nov_tisk_revij#show
zic_index GET /zic/index(.:format) zic#index
root GET / zic#index
my html:
<%= link_to 'Novi izvodi tiskanih revij', nov_tisk_revij_index %>
get 'nov_tisk_revij/index'
get 'nov_tisk_revij/show'
get 'zic/index'
I tried adding resources :nov_tisk_revij into routes, and it still didn't work, just created additional routes for views I do not have.
class NovTiskRevijController < ApplicationController
def index
def show
I'm using rails4 with ruby 2.
<%= link_to 'Novi izvodi tiskanih revij', nov_tisk_revij_index_path %>
I'm having a routing issue with an image. In my app I have images of items on the home page. I would like them to link to their image page.
Here is what my items controller looks like:
class ItemsController < ApplicationController
def show
#item = Item.find(params[:id])
This is what I have in my routes:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :items
And this is what I have in the item partial:
<%= link_to(image_tag(item.image.url(:thumb)), item_path(:id)) %>
What I expected after reading the rails routing guide was that this would link to the item page for that image. Here is their example:
photo_path(:id) returns /photos/:id (for instance, photo_path(10) returns /photos/10)
I should also add that this is in my home page controller:
class StaticPagesController < ApplicationController
def home
#items = Item.where.not(category_id: 1)
However, that is not working. I've tried several different things, but all produce errors. Is there a simple way to do this?
The normal way to do what you want is this:
<%= link_to item_path(item) do %>
<%= image_tag(item.image.url(:thumb)) %>
<% end %>
You can just pass the instance of the item to item_path and also if you have complicated html for a link, it is usual to put it in a block for the link as shown here (with link_to something do).
My Ember.js app is set up roughly like this:
App.Router.map ->
#resource('site', { path: '/' }, ->
#resource('pages', { path: '/:page_slug'}))
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
return App.Site.find(1)
App.PagesRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params)->
return App.Page.find(params.page_slug)
Controller (JS not Coffee):
App.PagesController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
needs: 'ApplicationController',
I have an ApplicationController and a PagesController. When I'm on a page, I want to call an action to delete the current page. If I place it in the PagesController it works kind of ok, but a navigation menu with a list of pages in the ApplicationView doesn't get updated until I refresh the page. So... I assume I need to place the action in the ApplicationController and add needs: ['ApplicationController'] to my PagesController.
However, when I do that, everything in my Pages template disappears.
I have an {{outlet}} in my Application template and another on in the Site template which ultimately displays the Pages template. Yeah, complicated, I know and there's probably a better way to do it, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh and BTW, I'm a real Ember.js newb, so examples need to be spelled out explicitly. (Drawing them with pretty colors in crayon would actually be ideal.)
Thanks in advance for any help.
Here's the refresh issue. In the root resource site I'm loading in one Site model which the Rails backend returns using the url being sent in. Eventually, this app will be used with multiple domains, and each domain will be served it's own website (roughly based on the WP-Multisite concept). Then in the pages route, I'm loading one page of the site based on its slug attribute. That's all working fine. So, now I want to allow the user to be able to add and remove pages as they want.
So, the issue is this. When I delete a page at the PagesController level, the page deletes just fine, but the ApplicationController doesn't get notified. Namely, my nav menu:
<ul class="left">
{{#each page in page}}
<li>{{#link-to 'pages' page.slug}}{{page.menu_name}}{{/link-to}}</li>
<li id="add-page-button"><a data-tooltip title="Click here to add a new page to your site." href="#" data-reveal-id="addPageModal" data-reveal>+</a></li>
doesn't get notified that a page is missing and so it doesn't update the nav menu by removing that page from the list. Adding works fine, the nav list is updated when a new page is added, but I'm doing that at the ApplicationController level like so:
addNewPage: ->
# Get the site
site = #get('model')
# Get all the pages associated with the site
pages = site.get('page')
title = this.get('newTitle')
if (!title.trim())
slug = this.get('newSlug')
if (!slug.trim())
menu_name = this.get('newMenuName')
if (!menu_name.trim())
# Create a new page passing in our title, slug and menu_name
pages.create({title: title, slug: slug, menu_name: menu_name})
# Save the pages
if (pages.isError)
#set('newTitle', '')
#set('newSlug', '')
#set('newMenuName', '')
$('#addPageModal').foundation('reveal', 'close')
And this is my deletePage code on the PagesController (sorry, I've got a mix of JS and CoffeeScript):
deletePage: function (slug) {
var page = this.get('model');
When I try this, Ember rather helpfully lets me know I need to add needs but again, when I do that, my Pages template is blank.
Oh yes, I have even tried setting the target attribute on the button calling the deletePage action.
I realize what I need to do is somehow access the Site model in my PagesController, but how should I go about that.
This post has taken on epic proportions. Sorry about that. Thanks again for any help.
needs doesn't do anything on the route, if you want to access a controller from a route you can just use this.controllerFor('application')
Additionally when using needs in a controller definition it should be like this needs: 'application' or needs: ['foo', 'application']...
Okay, all, I figured it out. For posterity's sake (and others who go looking for this). Here's how to delete an object in a model that has a belongsTo association.
deletePage: function () {
# First we find the Site which all pages belongTo
# Just ignore the hard-coded '1' it's something I have to do to get it to work
site = App.Site.find(1);
# Then we get the current model, i.e., the 'page' we're on and about to delete
page = this.get('model');
# Then, we get all 'pages'
pages = site.get('page');
# We remove the object from the page which updates the navigation menu
# We delete the record and save the 'pages' model
Pages template:
{{#if isShowingDeleteConfirmation}}
<div class="large-7 large-offset-5">
<label class="inline left">Are you sure? (Can't be undone)</label>
<button {{action 'deletePage'}} class='button tiny alert'>Yes</button>
<button {{action 'cancelDeletePage'}} class='button tiny'>Cancel</button>
<div class="large-2 right">
<button {{action 'showDeleteConfirmation'}} class='button tiny alert'>Delete Page</button>
I can show you the attributes and logic behind the if...else statement if you need me to.
Basically, the user clicks on the 'Delete' button, showing the other buttons 'yes' and 'cancel'. Once 'yes' is clicked, the deletePage action gets called.
I found very little documentation on the deleteRecord method and basically had to piece this all together myself. Perhaps there's a better way and this can be refactored. Just let me know in the comments.
Hi I want to preface this by saying that I am new to coding.
I have an issue that I believe can be solved in two ways
A. by rendering a partial
B. by updating the controller
( I can totally be wrong but these are what I suspect lol)
I have two controllers/views "reviews" and "logs". and I want them to both appear on the same page.
How can I do this?
I tried rendering a partial but I alway get an error.
and I tried the piece of code below:
which made my reviews show up on the page, but when I add
#log = #user.logs.all
to it, it doesn't pull all the logs to the page like it does for the reviews.
def show
#user = User.find_by_name(params[:id])
if #user
#reviews = #user.reviews.all
render action: :show
render file: 'public/404', status: 404, formats: [html]
First things first. Views refer to actions in controllers. So there can be several views for each controller or even none.
So, if you want to render #reviews and #logs on the same page you should first instantiate both instance variables in the same action and then render both partials in the same action.
How do you do that? Easy.
First you got to the controller you just showed and edit that show action.
def show
# You can set the variable in the if-clause
# And you also need to use static finders with a hash as an argument in Rails4
if (#user = User.find_by(name: params[:id]))
#reviews = #user.reviews.all
#logs = #user.logs.all
# You don't need to call render explicitly
# if you render the view with the same name as the action
render file: 'public/404', status: 404, formats: [html]
Second: you go to your /app/views/reviews/show.html.erb template and put both partials there like this (this is just an example, adjust your markup to fit your needs).
<h1> Reviews and Logs</h1>
<div id="reviews_part">
<%= render #reviews %>
<div id="logs_part">
<%= render #logs %>
Now create 2 new partials /app/views/reviews/_review.html.erb and /app/views/logs/_log.html.erb and put all the needed markup there (use regular variables review and log to adress the repeating objects). Rails will automaticaly repeat those partials as many times as needed.
Or you can explicitely call the partial render
<div id="reviews_part">
<% #reviews.each do |review| %>
<%= render review %>
which is the same as
<%= render partial:"reviews/review", locals:{review:review} %>
<% end %>
Here is the way of rendering partials into views in HAML:
=render :partial => "header"
%h2 Hello World
=render :partial => "footer"
Every partial you render this way, has to be created within the same folder.
Each partial's name has to begin with an underscore (_). This should be the view's directory:
- home
- index.html.haml
- _header.html.haml
- _footer.html.haml