Terminal does not work in the WebStorm 9 - webstorm

I can not type in the terminal:
What is the problem? Help please.

I have Windows 10. I went to CMD properties and enabled the "use inherited console" option. (Sorry, my print is in Portuguese. But I think it will help.

I had the same problem. Disabling "experimental features" for cmd did the trick for me. Right click the title bar of the cmd and go properties.
Be sure to restart Webstorm or PhpStorm after doing these.
For Windows 10:
Just check the "Use legacy console" option.
For Windows 10 Technical Preview: Uncheck "Enable Experimental Console features" in "Experimental" tab

Try adding new terminal tab (open new session) by pressing the green PLUS sign (or right click->new session).
This worked for me.


Unable to create a debugging engine in QT editor

I have recently installed Qt Creator 4.8.0 based on Qt 5.12.0 and I have it configured like in the image below. However, I haven't managed to start the debugger. As it can be seen, the debugger is correctly set for this kit, the one I'm using right now.
Any solution?
Wow! I found it!!! Here in the tab "projects", there are several build and run configurations. Despite you select a default kit, the final one being executed is the one in black under this tab.
Finally I disabled all of them except the one that was properly configured in the Kits window and it worked. I hope this information is helpful for someone. I don't think that part of the configuration is clear.
I got the same error, but in my case I was using the MSVC compiler and the kit didn't manage to find the CDB debugger. I was able to fix it by going to "Add or remove programs" -> "Windows Software Development Kit" -> Modify -> Change -> Debugging Tools for Windows.
In my case it was needed to select "Enable C++" under Debugger settings
The same dumm error QT creator shows when you simply don't have gdb installed.
Worked in my case ;)
I had the same error in MacOS, debugger suddenly stopped working (LLDB debugger worked in XCode but not Qt Creator).
In this case, I reinstalled Qt Creator and reinitialized the config by removing the .config/QtProject directory located in homedir. This solved the problem.
I had the same issue when Qt Creator didn't recognized the path to the Debugger. Due to some reason it showed multiple Auto-detected Debuggers at the same location. And on the top one of the list with the red error indicator.
Projects->Manage Kits...->Debuggers
I removed the erroneous Debugger and restart the Qt Creator.

How to install <QtCharts> on windows

I have a hard time getting QtCharts to work on my computer. I think I am missing the concept. I have Qt 5.8 installed on my computer. I am using visual studio for all my development. After googling for a while I have noticed people say that you need to import the QtChart module but I do not understand:
1) Why QtCharts is not a part of my Qt installation in the first place?
2) And if I do have to install it, how do I do it on windows with VS 2017?
If someone could please clear this up for me I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
The question is old but I had the same question. To install the QtCharts Module (or any other module) here is what you want to do:
go to your Qt Installation Folder, find and open the MaintenanceTool.exe
skip the first page
press "settings" and open the "repository" tab
select "user defined repositories" and press "add"
now in the new line check the "use" Checkbox and copy an URL to a Qt repo (see this stackoverflow question No default repositories in Qt Maintenance Tool) into the "Repository" column (leave the rest blank)
press "ok"
select "add or remove component" and press next
now under Qt->Qt 5.8 you see all installed addons, check the boxes you Need

How to execute a CLion program in gnome terminal?

This question already has an answer here but I am using CLion version 1.2.1 and the answer in that post doesn't help. It is possible to run a CLion program in gnome terminal instead of its own console ? If yes, how ? Thanks.
EDIT : I know where the executable file are stored but want to know if it is possible to run the file in terminal directly from the ide i.e. by selecting the run option in ide.
Yes, you can execute a Clion c/c++ program in a gnome terminal from the IDE. Here is how:
In the top right of your clion application you should see your project name or "Build All". Click on that and go to "edit configurations"
there click on the plus sign(top left) and then on "Application"
Now go to "Executable:" and click on "select others". There you should go to where your gnome-terminal is stored (mine is at "/usr/bin/gnome-terminal" on ubuntu)
Next go to "Program arguments:" and type -e ./myProjectName (For newer versions of gnome-terminal -e is deprecated, use -- ./myProjectName)
go to "Working Directory:" and type in the location to your cmake-build-debug folder found in your project folder
You can now press okay and go to the top right to select the name of your application that you created in step 2
This will run your program in the gnome terminal.
Hope this helped :)

run option gone from Microsoft Visual C++ 2010

I think I accidentally changed some settings in my MSVC 2010 compiler and now I can't find the compile and execute option. Also when I hit the tab button for indentation an arrow(->) appears. I wonder whats wrong??
Use the tools menu "Import and Export Settings" then select "Reset all Settings" to reset the settings back to default.
To reset editor blunder, just hit Ctrl+Shift+8, from inside the text editor itself. This is toggle-able option, which can be used to see white spaces. Sometimes useful!

How to run app from VC++ without debug?

I'm trying to learn to love Visual C++ 2010 Express, but it is difficult! I've just created a "Hello world" console app and compiled it - no problems. I now want to run it. It seems the only option open to me is to run it in the debugger - there is a "Run" button on the toolbar but it is disabled. I don't want to debug it - I really don't like debuggers! Is there any way of just running the app from inside the VS IDE?
If you can't see the "Start Without Debugging" command in the toolbar, go to "Tools -> Settings -> Expert Settings". Basic Settings hides lots of stuff you probably want to see.
Professional version of VC2010 doesn't seem to have this switch.
Open the Tools menu
Go to Customize
Switch to the Commands tab
Select the Debug category
Drag the "Start Without Debugging" command to the Debug menu item
Edit: Full disclosure, I don't actually have VC++2010 Express installed on this computer, so I'm just sort of winging it here.
If you want to have a "Start Without Debugging" icon on the menu bar instead of in the drop-down Debug menu (even if Tools->Settings = "Basic Settings"), do this:
Tools->Customize->Commands->(choose Menu bar)->Add Command->Debug->Start Without Debugging->ok.
Then Move Up/Down if you want to change its position.