Add widget next to qscrollbar - c++

How do I place a widget next to a QScrollbar like here seen:
I use a QScrollArea and overwrite the Horizontal-QScrollBar. First I thought, I could use the paintEvent to draw a text like the "100 %" next to the bar. But I can only overwrite the existing painting.
Now I think, the only opportunity would be to implement the hole QScorllBarPrivate from the source code... anyone any idea?

The main idea is to create an overlay obscuring default horizontal scroll bar and displaing your own bottom line instead.
Create a widget representing the bottom line, i.e. a widget with labels displaying some information and a horizontal QScrollBar, all together put in a hbox layout.
Put this widget in the scroll area without adding it to a layout by making QScrollArea direct parent widget of this widget.
Use move() and resize() on the bottom line widget to position it properly on initialization. Also resize and reposition it on scroll area resize (you can use event filters or inheritance to get to resize events).
Make sure that scroll area's horizontalScrollBarPolicy is Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn so that scroll area's internal layout always keeps space enough for bottom line widget to fit in.
Also make sure that bottom line widget has the same height as default scroll bar. It should be easy as long as you remove spacing and margins in the hbox layout and labels (or other widgets) don't require more vertical space than a scroll bar.
Use horizontalScrollBar() to get scroll area's internal QScrollBar and syncronize it with your own bar. QScrollBar has rangeChanged() and valueChanged() signals so you can connect to them and update your bar properly. When user changes value of your scroll bar and triggers its valueChanged() signal, you should set the same value for the internal scrollbar. You can protect from infinite recursion in there by using a flag that indicates that this is your own change.


Is there a way to attach or anchor two QWidgets together?

I'm getting started with Qt and decided to build a full-screen text editor. I want to have a button (button with arrow in screenshot) attached to a QDockWidget which opens and closes it so the button is always visible to the right side of the screen and stay anchored to it when dock is visible or resized.
My current app is a simple fullscreen textEdit set to centeralwidget in Mainwindow.
I haven't found a way to do this yet with layouts or existing addAnchor() functions so any help or direction is appreciated.
You can achieve what you want by using a container for your text edit and the button. A QWidget instance can be used as an "invisible"*** container for other widgets.
So in Qt Designer you add a widget as a central widget of the main-window, inside this widget you add the text edit and the button, then you set a vertical layout for this container widget.
Don't forget to restrict the docking widget to only dock to the right side, you can do that with: dock->setAllowedAreas(Qt::DockWidgetArea::RightDockWidgetArea); //assuming dock is the pointer to your QDockWidget.
In case you want the dockWidget to be able to dock to any side and the button to follow, you can do that too, but it get a little bit more complicated. Basically you need to connect a slot to dockLocationChanged of your dockWidget and based on where it's docked you need to set-up a new layout for the container widget to be vertical or horizontal and the order of the textEdit and the button based on the side the dock happened.
LE:*** you will most likely need to set the margins you want, since both the widget and it's layout can have them and the actual content might have higher spacing than you want.

Get size of QScrollArea viewport before showing

I have a custom QDialog comprised of a QStackedWidget with QScrollArea widgets for each page of the stacked widget.
I want to set the size hint for the QDialog such that the dialog is just large enough that the scroll bars for the scroll area are not visible when the dialog is first shown (i.e. ensure size of QScrollArea viewport = size hint of child widget in scroll area). Currently, the default sizeHint() implementation for the QDialog has insufficient height, which causes the vertical scroll bar to be shown when first loaded.
I thought this could be achieved by re-implementing sizeHint() for the QDialog, whereby the size hint of the dialog would be adjusted by the amount required for the size of QScrollArea viewport to equal the size hint for child widget in the scroll area (for the first page of the stacked layout). Unfortunately, in sizeHint(), the size of the QScrollArea viewport is set to the default size of QStackedWidget (640x480), and only updates to the correct size once the QDialog is shown.
Is there some way to get the correct size of the QScrollArea viewport before it is shown, or another way to achieve the desired effect of adjusting the size hint of the dialog to prevent scroll bars from being shown when it is first displayed (aside from hard-coding the dialog size).
With the composition of your dialog as:
I have a custom QDialog comprised of a QStackedWidget with QScrollArea
widgets for each page of the stacked widget.
The tricky part is to answer:
Is there some way to get the correct size of the QScrollArea viewport
before it is shown?
Well, before switching to certain page you can estimate the scroll area viewport if it is either correctly set or you can just measure the content going inside the scrollarea. I usually force the widget to demand certain height from the scroll area like that:
wdgetInScrollArea->setMinimumSize( widgetInScrollArea->sizeHint() );
wdgetInScrollArea->adjustSize(); // sometimes it is needed
The the scroll area viewport hint is then more 'adequate':
qDebug() << scrollArea->viewPortSizeHint(); // report
I don't see the code but usually it is not even required to do any custom event handling here, just prepare all the nested widgets like that.

Button floating on QWidget?

I have a QWidget which shows some images from the USB camera, is it possible to add some button in the widget so it will auto resize/move with the window?
I have tried to simply use new operator to create a button, and set its parent as my QWidget, however, it always show up at the left corner of my widget, How could I put it to other places and make it auto resize?
Of course window is 2D, but there is also z-value or z-order, which show some widget above all other widgets. You can change z-value with QWidget::raise()
Raises this widget to the top of the parent widget's stack.
After this call the widget will be visually in front of any
overlapping sibling widgets.

Make a Toolbar have a grid layout

I want to make a QToolBar have 3 columns of buttons when docked on the left side of the QMainWindow, but have 1 row when docked on the top of the main window. Is this possible?
I have a tried using a QToolBar with a custom layout, but the normal re-size behavior of the QToolBar doesn’t work (doesn’t hide widgets behind an expand button when its too small). The non-working expand button isn’t that big of a deal, but the bigger problem is that the custom layout prevents the main window from being smaller than the toolbar.
I was able to get my desired behavior by putting each row of Tool Buttons in a QHBoxLayout, putting that layout in a empty QWidget, and calling toolBar->addWidget( widget ) for each row. This gives me a grid toolbar when the toolbar is mounted on the left, and single horizontal bar when mounted on the top.

Qt: Dragging a widget to scroll the widget's parent QScrollArea?

I've got a long horizontal QLabel displaying a png (the image shows a signal/time graph). Under that, I've got a QTableWidget. Both of these are in a QScrollArea because I want them to stay vertically aligned (the cells in the table correspond with the signal seen directly above them). I'm trying to add a handler to the QLabel such that the user can use the picture itself to scroll the scrollarea, rather than having to use the scrollbar. Is there a tried-and-tested way to do this? Directly setting the scrollarea's sliderPosition inside the QLabel's dragMoveEvent doesn't seem smart, because when the scrollarea scrolls it also leads to another dragMoveEvent on the (moving) QLabel.
I would suggest wrapping the combination (including the scroll area) in their own widget, and overriding the dragMoveEvent() on that widget. The dragMoveEvent() shouldn't be triggered when you change the scroll position if you are doing it this way, I wouldn't think, although I haven't actually tested it.