Magento EcomDev PHPUnit - Admin Session Error on Install - unit-testing

After installing this package and running the initial phpunit command, I get failures for every method in the EcomDev_PHPUnitTest_Test_Helper_Session class, and one error.
There error is:
1) EcomDev_PHPUnitTest_Test_Helper_Session::testAdminSessionAllRights Exception: Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 10: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /var/www/lib/Varien/Simplexml/Config.php on line 510
If I comment out the 3 tests in this class (testAdminSessionAllRights, testAdminSessionOnlyCatalog, testAdminSessionOnlyCatalogProduct) then everything passes correctly.
Any advice?

I have resolved this. One of my config XML files was commented out, however, was still registered and therefore was attempting to be parsed. It didn't have any opening XML tags (or any code / tags at all) so the parser threw an error.


Ember upgrade to 3.27 TypeError: Ember.computed.alias is not a function

I'm upgrading a project from 3.26 to 3.27 using ember-cli-update, and then this error started happening, As I could see the error is raised when we try to access some method inside #ember/computed like alias. The first time the error occurred was here
I just commented the line to test and the same error occurred in another addon. So it's not related to the addon but something in the project

what is an error "Error: Unexpected token '}' in JSON at position 1923" in ionic 2

I am using Ionic-2 framework. When I install any native plugin in my application it throws the following error in command line.
Error: Unexpected token '}' in JSON at position 1923
I am not getting what is causing this error, now I'm unable to install any plugin.
I had a similar problem:
Error: Unexpected token / in JSON at position 1057
when I issued the command:
ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner
The reason was I made a mistake by trying to comment a line of "plugins/fetch.json" by "//". Cerntainly, a json file couldn't be commented this way. However, Ionic 2 didn't tell you which file had the problem.
So, please check the json file Ionic might touch during the process, e.g. package.json & plugins/fetch.json
Make sure all the {} pair are matched.
I run into this problem when trying to execute cordova build --release android
Execute cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-console to solve it.

Sulu not running on PHP7

was any one of you able to install sulu on a webserver running Apache and PHP7?
When I try to clear the cache, I get an error PHP Fatal error: Cannot use 'String' as class name as it is reserved in /var/www/foobar/vendor/doctrine/phpcr-odm/lib/Doctrine/ODM/PHPCR/Mapping/Annotations/String.php on line 28
We are already working on that. The main problem is the usage of a class named String in the PHPCR-ODM. They fixed that in version 1.3. Also there are some tests still failing, but we are already working on that. You can follow the progress on the corresponding PR.

GSP compilation failed in grails

When I run grails war I got the following error
Compiling 30 GSP files for package [appInfo].
| Error GSP Compilation error in file /WEB-INF/plugins/app-info-0.4.3/grails-app/views/appinfo/hibernateEntityInfo.gsp at line 69: Tag [each] missing required attribute [in]
I used
grails 2.2.4
and also I want to know the app-info plugin location in the application
It is the problem with App-info plugin. I also got similar problem . I solved by following way
Clean the application using
grails Clean
then run the application using
grails RunApp
and make sure If you are using sequences in the application do not use mysql because mysql does not support sequences.

Dajaxice not being parsed by template renderer?

Well i recently put my site into production and this is the last of a few bugs i need to fix. Basically dajaxice/dajaxice.core.js in returning this error in console Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %. I have placed that particular folder into static and run collect static. The file is fetched however upon opening up the file from the error the django code embedded within the file is not being rendered.
I have placed the file wihtin the head of my base file. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why this is occuring. In my local envionment (development) it is working flawlessly. The only difference i had when installing the two is that i used pip to install it on production and on local i directly downloaded the file and installed it from github. How do i find the version of Dajaxice that is installed?
Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is occuring?