How do I access a transformed openegl modelview matrix [tried glGetFloatv()]? - c++

I am trying to rotate over the 'x' axis and save the transformed matrix so that I can use it to rotate further later; or over another axis from the already rotated perspective.
glRotatef(yROT,model[0],model[4],model[8]);//front over right axis
//save model
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model);
Unfortunately I noticed that openGL must buffer the transformations because the identity matrix is loaded to model. Is there a work-around?
Why, oh God, would you do this?
I have been toying around with attempting to understand quaternions, euler, or axis rotation. The concepts are not difficult but I have been having trouble with the math even after looking at examples *edit[and most of the open classes I have found either are not well documented for simpleton users or have restrictions on movement].
I decided to find a way to cheat.
By 'further later' I mean in the next loop of code. In other words, yRot is the number of degrees I want my view to rotate from the saved perspective.

My suggestion: Don't bother with glRotate at all, they were never very pleasant to work with in the first place and no serious program did use them ever.
If you want to use the fixed function pipeline (= no shaders), use glLoadMatrix to load whatever transformation you currently need. With shaders you have to do the conceptually same with glUniform anyway.
Use a existing matrix math library, like GLM, Eigen or linmath.h to construct the transformation matrices. The nice benefit is, that you can make copies of a matrix at any point, so instead of fiddling with glLoadIdentity, glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix you just make copies where you need them and work from them.
BTW: There is no such thing as "models" in OpenGL. That's not how OpenGL works. OpenGL draws points, lines or triangles, one at a time, where each such called primitive is transformed individually to a position on the (screen) framebuffer and turned into pixels. Once a primitive has been processed OpenGL already forgot about it.


Keeping polygon perpendicular to camera

Currently I'm using WebGL for a school project, and am stuck on trying to keep an object perpendicular to the camera while allowing rotation of the rest of the scene.
I currently have a cube and other object on the canvas, and they're being successfully rotated using a quaternion and converting that to a rotation matrix. I would now like to add a simple square within the scene, but have it consistently perpendicular to the camera.
In thinking about this, I've considered an approach using multiple vertex shader programs for the different objects in the scene: 1 for handling the positioning of all objects in the scene that can be rotated, and another vertex shader corresponding to the square that I don't want rotated.
Though, I really don't know if this approach will work as expected, as I am still a novice at WebGL.
Would there be a better approach to this? I greatly apologize if there's a lack of info given, and can give any more info if needed. I've searched quite a bit for something involving this, but have hit a dead end.
Thank you!
If you want a more step by step tutorial:

How to rotate vertices exactly like with glRotatef() in OpenGL?

I need to optimize my rendering code, currently I'm using glPushMatrix() with glTranslatef() and glRotatef(). But this costs more than rendering all objects in a single vertex array call.
Is there some fast built in function in OpenGL to rotate my vertices data exactly like glRotatef() would do? If not, what library or method would you recommend using? The only method I know is to use sin/cos functions to rotate the vertices, but I'm not sure if that is the fastest way to do it, or will it even result in the same outcome.
I only need to rotate along one axis once per object (2D rendering), so it doesn't need to be super complicated or support that glPushMatrix() system in its full potential.
Edit: I don't want to use shaders for this.
Edit2: I am only rendering individual quads (in 2D mode) which are rotated along the zero point, so each vertex would go from -10 to 10 values for example. My current code: (quad.vert[i].x*cosval)-(quad.vert[i].y*sinval) (twice, for y too).
I'm assuming you're using an old version of OpenGL, since you're using glRotate, and truly ancient/strange hardware since you don't want to use shaders.
You can put the glRotate*() calls in a display list, or compute the rotation matrices yourself. Chapter 3 of the OpenGL Red Book together with appendix F has the information you need to construct the matrices yourself. Look at chapter 7 for more information about display lists.

In a big OpenGL game with lots of 3D moving objects, how are the points typically updated?

Points calculated with own physics engine and then sent to OpenGL every time it has to display, e.g. with glBufferSubDataArb, with the updated coordinates of a flying barrel
There are lots of barrels with the same world coordinates but somehow for each one you tell OpenGL to use a different matrix transformation. When a barrel moves you update it's transformation matrix somehow, to reflect which way it rotated/translated in the world.
Some other way
Also, if the answer is #2, is there any easy way to do it, e.g. with abstracted code rather than manipulating the matrices yourself
OpenGL is not a scene graph, it's a drawing API. Most recent versions of OpenGL (OpenGL-3 core and above) reflect this, by not managing matrix state at all. Indeed the answer is 2, more or less. And actually you are expected to deal with the matrix math. OpenGL-3 no longer provides any primitives for that.
Usually a physics engine sees an object as a rigid body with a convex hull. The natural way to represent such a body is using a 4×3 matrix (a 3×3 rotation matrix and a translation vector). So if using a physics engine you're presented with such matrices anyway.
Also you must understand that OpenGL doesn't maintain a scene, so there is nothing you "update". You just draw your data using OpenGL. Matrices are loaded as they are needed.

OpenGL glMatrixMode help

I'm starting to work a little on OpenGL stuff, and I'm seeing a lot of examples that make calls to the glMatrixMode function.
From what I've gathered, setting this to either GL_MODELVIEW or GL_PROJECTION (etc) will activate that specific transformation matrix and all subsequent calls to matrix transformation functions (glTranslatef, glPushMatrix, glLoadIdentity, glLoadMatrix etc) will affect the active matrix only.
What I don't get is why are there 3 (4 in some cases) different matrices? Which one should I use? (I'm probably going to get a lot of "Use Shaders", but I can't. Limited by school...) When should I switch and activate a different matrix? What is the benefit of utilizing all of them as opposed to only using one?
Thanks for any help :)
glMatrixMode doesn't "activate" matrices. The OpenGL fixed pipeline uses 3 matrices (sometimes 4): Two are responsible for transforming the geometry, one for transforming texture space (and some implementations one for color adjustments). Those matrices are used all the time.
The modelview matrix is used to move geoemtry around. Since OpenGL doesn't have a "camera" the viewer is positioned by moving all the geometry in the opposite (=inverse) of the movements of the "camera".
The projection matrix is used to transform the geometry from modelview space into clip space, i.e. it projects the transformed geometry into the viewport.
The texture matrix transforms the texture coordinates. In case (s,t,r,q) are directly given the benefit of this matrix isn't clear at first. But OpenGL also allows to generate texture coordinates from the vertex positions. This together with the texture matrix allows to implement projection textures.
The color matrix is seldomly used and not even available in all implementations (it's part of an extension). If available it transforms the incoming vertex colours. Since there are not implicit color generators what use is then? Well, it can be used to transform between linear colourspaces, e.g. RGB->XYZ or any other colour space conversion that can be expressed as a matrix of scalars. Nobody used the color matrix these days, shaders do the job much better.
glMatrixMode is there so that there's no bloat of functions. Otherwise you'd need:
and so on. Also you couldn't use functions like glFrutum in both projection and texture matrices. You'd need two of those, too.
And last but not least one important hint. Setting the viewport and the projection matrix belongs in the rendering function. Most tutorials you'll see out there place them in the window resizing handler, which is the totally wrong place for that. Don't immitate this bad habit.
You will be using all of these if you use the fixed function pipeline (i.e. "no shaders"). In fact, you'll use them with shaders too, but you'll implement them yourself in that case.
This part of OpenGL can be hard to grasp at first, although it is actually quite simple. When you select a particular matrix, then this does not turn on or off anything. All it does is that it makes functions like glTranslatef work with the one specific matrix that you've selected.
OpenGL works like this everywhere (except for direct state access), for example with textures and buffers, in the same way.
EDIT: As for why there are several matrices, they all do different things. Your models are usually in their "own space", which means they need to be somehow transferred to the "world", by scaling them appropriately and translating them to the right location. Then everything (the whole "world") needs to be transformed in a way according to your "eye position", and it must be transformed into a "normalized" clip space, because that is how the hardware can be implemented in the most efficient manner, etc, etc, etc.
All those matrices are usually multiplied together (without you knowing that this happens).If you google for opengl transform pipeline, you will get a lot of good resources that explain what happens when in detail, for example this.
Or, read the specification (freely available at, it contains very explicit (and in my opinion easy) information on how all the seemingly complicated matrix stuff is intended.
You will probably just use glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) once, followed by gluPerspective() (or maybe glOrtho()), so that you will set how the projection will be done. It is not that very common to change the perspective once set.
Then you change to GL_MODELVIEW and just use it to rotate/translate/scale stuff around. Both matrix are used on redering, being final position on screen = GL_PROJECTION * GL_MODELVIEW * your vertex. But since GL_MODELVIEW should change much more often than GL_PROJECTION, they are separated by the specification.
It's because matrix multiplies are not commutative. If you only had one matrix mode, the new transformation would always occur after all existing ones, and that's not always desirable.
By keeping several matrices which effectively get multiplied together for each piece of geometry, it's possible to e.g. have both translation to render the different bits of an object and also a point-of-view transformation, and be able to adjust these independently of each other.

Why is there a glMatrixMode in OpenGL?

I just don't understand what OpenGL's glMatrixMode is for.
As far as I can see, when glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) is called, it
is followed by glVertex, glTranslate, glRotate and the like,
that is, OpenGL commands that place some objects somewhere in
the space. On the other hand, if glOrtho or glFrustum or gluProjection
is called (ie how the placed objects are rendered), it has a preceeding call of glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION).
I guess what I have written so far is an assumption on which someone will prove
me wrong, but is not the point of using different Matrix Modes exactly
because there are different kinds of gl-functions: those concerned with
placing objects and those with how the objects are rendered?
This is simple and can be answered very briefly:
Rendering vertices (as in glVertex ) depends on the current state of matrices called "model-view matrix" and "projection matrix";
The commands glTranslatef, glPushMatrix, glLoadIdentity, glLoadMatrix, glOrtho, gluPerspective and the whole family affect the current matrix (which is either of the above);
The command glMatrixMode selects the matrix (model-view or projection) which is affected by the forementioned commands.
(There's also the texture matrix used for texture coordinates, but it's seldomly used.)
So the common use case is:
Have the model-view matrix active most of the time;
Whenever you have to initialize the projection matrix (usually at the beginning or when the window is resized, perhaps), switch the active to projection, set up a perspective, and revert back to model-view.
You can use glRotate and glTranslate for projection matrices as well.
Also: OpenGL supports transforms of textures and colors. If you active this feature you can for example modify the texture coordinates of an object without rewriting the texture coordinates each frame (slow).
This is a very useful feature if you want to scroll a texture across an object. All you have to do for this is to draw the textured object, set the matrix mode to GL_TEXTURE and call glTranslate to set the offset into the texture.
As Nils pointed out, you do have more to matrices than just what you mentioned.
I'll add a couple thoughts:
OpenGL core (from 3.1 onwards) does away with all the matrix stuff completely, so does GL ES 2.0. This is simply due to the fact that shader programs removed much of the requirement of having them exposed at the GL level (it's still a convenience, though). You then only have uniforms, and you have to compute their value completely on the client side.
There are more matrix manipulation entrypoints than the ones you mention. Some of them apply equally well to projection/modelview (glLoadIdentity/glLoadMatrix/glMultMatrix, Push/Pop), They are very useful if you want to perform the matrix computation yourself (say because you need them somewhere else in your application).
All geometry coordinates undergo several linear transformations in sequence. While any linear transformation can be expressed by a single matrix, often you want to think of a sequence of transformations and edit the sequence, and if you have only a single matrix you could only change the ends of that sequence. By providing several transformation steps, OpenGL gives you several places in the middle where you can change the transformation as well.
Calling glMatrixMode before emitting geometry has no effect at all. You call glMatrixMode before editing the transform matrix, to determine where in the overall sequence those edits appear.
(NB: Looking at the sequence makes a lot more sense if you remember that translation and rotation are not commutative, because translation changes the center of rotation. Similarly translation and scaling are not commutative.)