Using C-like API in OOP - c++

I am writing some classes in C++ to act as a personal small library and I encountered a problem.
Some of my objects make us of third-party libraries written in magnificent C style.
That means those libraries have functions like apiInit() and apiCleanup(), where the former must be called before any of the actual api functions and the latter must be called when you are not going to use them anymore.
What I want is to provide the classes that need a library with an access point to its functions ensuring apiInit() is called when the first needing class is created, or at least before any api function is used, and apiCleanup() is called when the last instance that uses the api is destroyed.
Keep in mind there are more than one class that makes use of a single library.
I could come with two solutions:
First, the obvious one, make the provider a singleton:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class ContextProvider {
ContextProvider() {
cout << "Initializing API" << endl;
ContextProvider(ContextProvider const& rhs) = delete;
ContextProvider& operator=(ContextProvider const& rhs) = delete;
~ContextProvider() {
cout << "Cleaning API" << endl;
static ContextProvider& getInstance() {
static ContextProvider instance;
return instance;
void useContext() {
cout << "Using API" << endl;
class ContextUser1 {
ContextUser1() {
void doSomething() {
class ContextUser2 {
ContextUser2() {
void doSomethingElse() {
The other one would be to keep a counter of context users, like so:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class ContextProvider {
static unsigned int userCounter;
ContextProvider() {
if (userCounter == 0)
cout << "Initializing API" << endl;
~ContextProvider() {
if (userCounter == 0)
cout << "Cleaning API" << endl;
void useContext() {
cout << "Using API" << endl;
unsigned int ContextProvider::userCounter = 0;
class ContextUser1 {
ContextProvider cp;
ContextUser1() {
cp = ContextProvider();
void doSomething() {
class ContextUser2 {
ContextProvider cp;
ContextUser2() {
cp = ContextProvider();
void doSomethingElse() {
int main() {
ContextUser1 cu11, cu12, cu13;
ContextUser2 cu21, cu22;
Both, when executed with the following main()
int main() {
ContextUser1 cu11, cu12, cu13;
ContextUser2 cu21, cu22;
yeld the expected result, that is:
Initializing API
Using API
Using API
Using API
Using API
Using API
Cleaning API
Now the obvious question is, which one is better, or which one should I use?
For example, some things that come to mind are...
Singleton method:
No need to store any counter.
No need to store any instance.
Syntaxis gets weird (ContextProvider::getInstance().use()).
It is a singleton, with all it's flaws.
Counter method:
The usage is straightfowrard.
The syntaxis is nice and clear (cp.use()).
Has to keep a counter of the number of users.
User classes have to store an instance of the ContextProvider class.
I mainly ask this question because I don't know which of these advantages/disadvantages weight more, if there are things I didn't account for, or maybe there is an obvious third method I couldn't come up with that is inherently better than those two, or, who knows.
Thank you for your time!

I'd use your second approach, with the following modifications:
class ContextUser1 {
std::shared_ptr<ContextProvider> cp;
ContextUser1(const std::shared_ptr<ContextProvider>& cp)
: cp(cp) {
void doSomething() {
Making the dependency explicit makes your code better in terms of being testable. Also, using shared_ptr takes care of counting, so you don't even need to do this yourself.


Check if class is instantiated in method

I have a class that has a few static functions that can be called even if there is no instance of that class. There is also a method init() that I use to set some variables. This method is not static thus it needs an instance. Now if this was done I want the static methods to behave differently. Sort of like:
static foo(){
Is this even possible? Or a bad idea and should just make the user call different methods if there is an instance?
It sounds weird but this is my use case:
class A{
static inline bool hasInstance = false;
int data;
static int getData(){
return data; // Can't do this from a static function
return 0;
I know that I cant access the data from a static function beacuse there is no this pointer. I'm coding a library and I want the user to be able to use the static method if he dosen't want an instance but if there is an instance it should make use of the data of its instance.
If had an idea but I don't know wether that's good style:
static int getData(A *ref){
if(ref != nullptr){
return data;
return 0;
I'd glad to hear from someone with more experience wether I should do that.
I think you can use a static variable, let it be named count. You initialize count with 0, and every time you create an instance of that class, you increment count. If count is 0, that means you did not created any instance, therefore you can't use some methods.
I'm coding a library and I want the user to be able to use the static method if he dosen't want an instance but if there is an instance it should make use of the data of its instance.
In general, free functions are recommended rather than member functions (gotw). It is actually rare to have good reasons to make a static function a member function. It would need to be a member if it would need access to privates of the class, but that doesnt seem to be the case here and then it still could be a friend function.
Let's look at your approach:
static int getData(A *ref){
if(ref != nullptr){
return data;
return 0;
You probably meant to write ref->data;, also I guess you are not merely returning the value of the member. That would be of little use, because If I have an instance I can get my hands on without needing to call getData. And I suppose 0 is just a placeholder for someother value that you have there in the real code.
I am going a bit subjective now...
If I was a user of your library, I would want to know if getData returns data from one of the objects I did create or something else. Having one and the same function that does both would confuse me. I don't like pointers and I am scared of nullpointers, so if you force me to write
this would not make me happy. I would like to have two different functions:
int getData() { return 0; }
int getData(const A& x) { return; }
If I have no instance, I can call the first, if I have one I can call the second.
Not sure what is your final goal, but I would recommend reconsidering your design, because this static/hasInstance behavior smells.
Anyway, here is what you need:
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
class MyClass
static bool hasInstance;
hasInstance = true;
static void foo()
if (hasInstance) {
std::cout << "I have an instance\n";
else {
std::cout << "No instance\n";
bool MyClass::hasInstance = false;
int main () {
MyClass a;;
return 0;
Don't use it in real code. If you just curious, you can do almost everything in C++, so you could pass the object sometimes, it's dirty and ugly, but just for the demo:
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
class MyClass
int someVariable;
someVariable = 42;
static void foo(MyClass *obj = nullptr)
if (obj) {
std::cout << obj->someVariable << std::endl;
else {
std::cout << "No instance\n";
int main () {
MyClass a;;
return 0;

Programmable access to the right virtual class child?

I have a virtual / parent class
and many children of this class.
I assume that these children are a different way of generating answers to questions - such as various communication protocols, with one API.
They can have different versions.
class A {
 public: virtual const char * [] GetProtocolName () {return "A"; }
class B: public A {
public: virtual const char * [] GetProtocolName () {return "B"; }
class C: public B {
public: virtual const char * [] GetProtocolName () {return "C"; }
Let's assume that in the program I want to list my child class / children list - each class has a function:
* char [] GetProtocolName ()
 and on the basis of the protocol:
protocol 1
protocol 2
protocol x...
the user can choose by which class the communication should be handled
my question is as follows:
how in the program - ie after the compilation, and how to save it in the code, before compilation - I can determine that the selected class will be the child X of my virtual class / parent - based on text settings (SELECT USER in this list classes).
The problem is 2 things:
how to list each available class as a child of class A, which are available in the program
how to assign a child - choose one protocol from many - based on what you choose from the list (ie on the basis of * char [])
class * communicationProtocol = ?????
I'm brand new in the subject. Thank you for any hint. I do not know what phrase to use, and the phrases I want give me the knowledge I already have.
O! I found something like here:
namespace Ez {
std::shared_ptr<EzGraver> create(QString const& portName, int protocol) {
qDebug() << "instantiating EzGraver on port" << portName << "with protocol version" << protocol;
std::shared_ptr<QSerialPort> serial{new QSerialPort(portName)};
serial->setBaudRate(QSerialPort::Baud57600, QSerialPort::AllDirections);
if(!serial->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite)) {
qDebug() << "failed to establish a connection on port" << portName;
qDebug() << serial->errorString();
throw std::runtime_error{QString{"failed to connect to port %1 (%2)"}.arg(portName, serial->errorString()).toStdString()};
switch(protocol) {
case 1:
return std::make_shared<EzGraverV1>(serial);
case 2:
return std::make_shared<EzGraverV2>(serial);
case 3:
return std::make_shared<EzGraverV3>(serial);
throw std::invalid_argument{QString{"unsupported protocol '%1' selected"}.arg(protocol).toStdString()};
#ifndef EZGRAVERV1_H
#define EZGRAVERV1_H
#include <QSerialPort>
#include <memory>
#include "ezgraver.h"
namespace Ez {
struct EzGraverV1 : EzGraver {
using EzGraver::EzGraver;
/*! Moves the engraver up. */
void up() override;
it's almost what I was looking for ... i.e. it does not show the index and i understand that i need to specify this index, but i can see a construction on how to create several protocols :)
thank you for all the answers!
You could use a mix of constexpr function and std::conditional.
Add a getter function to your classes that will return the class type (or name if you want to):
constexpr static const char *getType()
return 0; // You should use enum here
Then add a constexpr function that will check for this value (using a switch case for example):
constexpr bool isType()
return Test::getType() == 0; // Do a real comparison with a templated function for example
Then use std::conditional to get your type:
typedef std::conditional<isType(), int, double>::type Type1;
This code is not to be used like that, but as an example to help you understand what I mean
A common approach is to use a "registry". You define a map from the name (that you could ask to the user or read from a file) and a function that creates the appropriate child.
The following is a toy but complete example; note how main doesn't need to know the list of all possible derived classes and still can create an object of a given derived class type from its name:
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
struct Shape {
virtual void draw() = 0;
virtual ~Shape() {};
struct Triangle : Shape {
virtual void draw() override { std::cout << "I'm a triangle!\n"; }
struct Circle : Shape {
virtual void draw() override { std::cout << "I'm a circle!\n"; }
std::map<std::string, Shape *(*)()> registry{
{"triangle", []()->Shape* { return new Triangle; }},
{"circle", []()->Shape* { return new Circle; }}
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cout << "You need to choose the shape type:\n";
for (auto& i : registry) {
std::cout << " " << i.first << "\n";
} else {
auto i = registry.find(argv[1]);
if (i == registry.end()) {
std::cout << "Unknown shape type\n";
} else {
Shape *s = i->second();
delete s;
return 0;
One subtle detail you should pay attention to is that if the derived classes are defined in other compilation units and their registration is also done during static initialization of those units there is formally the risk that the linker will not consider those classes at all unless there is some explicit reference to the units. In other words, suppose you have:
/// File a.cpp
#include "base.h"
#include "registry.h"
struct DerivedA : Base {
static int init_a = [](){
registry["a"] = []()->Base* { return new DerivedA; };
return 1;
and similar files for all other derived classes.
Then the C++ standard says that it is possible that those classes will not be registered even if you compile them and link them in the program.
This happens because init_a initialization can be delayed until the first access to any object in the compilation unit is done. But if init_a is not initialized then there's no way someone can access this class because the name will not be in the registry. There's no guarantee that dynamic initialization of static duration objects is performed before the start of main, you're only guaranteed that it is performed before any use of any symbol in that compilation unit.
Unfortunately there is no portable atstart() in C++.
In other words using self-registering modules (i.e. no reference to any symbol in those compilation units is present anywhere else in the program) is not portable C++. It may work but there's no such a guarantee.
To be safe you should just register all the classes explicitly.

C++ declare derived class object inside of if-else and use it outside

I have a (parent) class named Alma with the (virtual) function Getwidth() and two derived class of Alma, named Birs (with the special function Getheight()) and Citrom (with the special function Getdepth()). I want to declare an object - named Attila - which type is Birs or Citrom depending on a bool. Later, I want to use the common function Getwidth() and also the special functions (depending the bool mentioned).
My (not working) code:
class Alma{
public: virtual int Getwidth() = 0;
class Birs: public Alma{
int Getwidth(){return 1;}
public: int Getheight(){return 2;}
class Citrom: public Alma{
int Getwidth(){return 3;}
public: int Getdepth(){return 4;}
/*Using them*/
void Useobjects(){
/*Create object depending on bool*/
Birs Andor();
std::cout<<Andor.Getwidth()<<" "<<Andor.Getheight()<<std::endl;
Citrom Andor();
std::cout<<Andor.Getwidth()<<" "<<Andor.Getdepth()<<std::endl;
/*Using the common part of object*/
/*Using the special part of object*/
This is a classic case of polymorphic object handling. Just make sure you are familiar with that concept as well with pointers and references.
What you need is something looking like:
Alma* Andor;
Andor = new Birs();
std::cout<<Andor->Getwidth()<<" "<<Andor->Getheight()<<std::endl;
Andor = new Citrom();
std::cout<<Andor->Getwidth()<<" "<<Andor->Getdepth()<<std::endl;
Next use dynamic_cast to get back to the derived types and finally of course do not forget to delete the object. But first read about those concepts.
You cannot define a single object whose type is this or that, depending on something else. C++ doesn't work this way. C++ is a statically-typed language. This means that the type of every object is determined at compile time. Other languages, like Perl, or Javascript, are dynamically-typed, where the type of an object is determined at runtime, and a single object can be one thing, at one point, and something else at a different point.
But C++ does not work this way.
To do something like what you're trying to do, you have to refactor the code, and work with the virtual superclass. Something like this:
void UseObject(Alma &andor)
/*Using the common part of object*/
/*Using the special part of object*/
/* This part is your homework assignment */
void Useobjects(){
/*Create object depending on bool*/
Birs andor;
std::cout<<Andor.Getwidth()<<" "<<Andor.Getheight()<<std::endl;
Citrom andor;
std::cout<<Andor.Getwidth()<<" "<<Andor.Getdepth()<<std::endl;
Another approach would be to use two pointers, in this case passing two pointers to UseObject(). One of the two pointers will always be a nullptr, and the other one a pointer to the instantiated object, with UseObject() coded to deal with whatever object is passed in.
That's also possible, but will result in ugly code, and if I was an instructor teaching C++, I would mark down anyone who handed in code that did that.
If the type of the object (Alma or Citrom) is decided at the startup, then it's a classic polymorphism, as other answers described:
What're you missing from your design is, to name the common ancestor with common behaviors (e.g. Gyumolcs).
If the object should once act as Alma and other times as Citrom, you should implement a single class, which have a flag or enum (ACT_AS_CITROM, ACT_AS_ALMA), or, if the behavior is limited to one method, then it should have a parameter, which tells which action to perform (alma-like or citrom-like).
You can do this with pointer semantic and type introspection with dynamic_cast. I extended your example to show how I would approach it.
Here is the Demo
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class Alma{
virtual int Getwidth() = 0;
class Birs: public Alma{
int Getwidth() { return 1; }
int Getheight() { return 2; }
class Citrom: public Alma{
int Getwidth() { return 3; }
int Getdepth() { return 4; }
shared_ptr<Alma> make_attila(bool birs)
if (birs)
return make_shared<Birs>();
return make_shared<Citrom>();
void test_attila(shared_ptr<Alma> attila)
cout << "width: " << attila->Getwidth() << "\n";
if (auto as_birs = dynamic_pointer_cast<Birs>(attila))
cout << "height: " << as_birs->Getheight() << "\n";
else if (auto as_citrom = dynamic_pointer_cast<Citrom>(attila))
cout << "depth: " << as_citrom->Getdepth() << "\n";
int main() {
shared_ptr<Alma> attila = make_attila(true);
attila = make_attila(false);
return 0;
Next step would be to make make_attila a template function taking the Derived class as a template parameter instead of a bool.
template <class Derived>
shared_ptr<Alma> make_attila()
return make_shared<Derived>();
Two things:
If you want to use it outside the if, you will have to declare it outside the if.
You need references or pointers for this kind of polymorphism.
unique_ptr<Alma> Andor;
if (b00lvar) {
Andor = make_unique<Birs>();
} else {
Andor = make_unique<Citrom>();
std::cout << Andor->Getwidth() << std::endl;
Some other answer suggested using shared_ptr but that's overkill here. 99% of the time unique_ptr is sufficient.
Polymorphism isn't always the way to go if an object is known to be either a B or a C. In this case, a boost::variant is often more succinct.
Having said this, if you want to go down the polymorphic route it's important to remember something that will guide the design.
Polymorphic means runtime polymorphic. I.e. the program cannot know the real type of the object. It also cannot know the full set of possible types the object could be, since another developer could manufacture a type that your module's code knows nothing about. Furthermore, when using the Alma interface, the code should not need to know anything more. Invoking magic such as "I know it'll be a Citrom because the bool is true" is laying the foundations for a code maintenance nightmare a few weeks or months down the line. When done in commercial, production code, it results in expensive and embarrassing bug-hunts. Don't do that.
This argues that all relevant information about any object of type Alma must be available in the Alma interface.
In our case, the relevant information is whether it has the concept of height and/or depth.
In this case, we should probably include these properties in the base interface plus provide functions so that the program can query whether the property is valid before using it.
Here is something like your example written this way:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
// separating out these optional properties will help me to reduce clutter in Alma
struct HeightProperty
bool hasHeight() const { return impl_hasHeight(); }
int getHeight() const { return impl_getHeight(); }
// provide default implementations
virtual bool impl_hasHeight() const { return false; }
virtual int impl_getHeight() const { throw std::logic_error("getHeight not implemented for this object"); }
struct DepthProperty
bool hasDepth() const { return impl_hasDepth(); }
int getDepth() const { return impl_getDepth(); }
virtual bool impl_hasDepth() const { return false; }
virtual int impl_getDepth() const { throw std::logic_error("getDepth not implemented for this object"); }
class Alma : public HeightProperty, public DepthProperty
Alma() = default;
virtual ~Alma() = default;
// note: nonvirtual interface defers to private virtual implementation
// this is industry best practice
int getWidth() const { return impl_getWidth(); }
const std::string& type() const {
return impl_getType();
virtual int impl_getWidth() const = 0;
virtual const std::string& impl_getType() const = 0;
class Birs: public Alma
// implement the mandatory interface
int impl_getWidth() const override { return 1; }
const std::string& impl_getType() const override {
static const std::string type("Birs");
return type;
// implement the HeightProperty optional interface
bool impl_hasHeight() const override { return true; }
int impl_getHeight() const override { return 2; }
class Citrom: public Alma
// implement the mandatory interface
int impl_getWidth() const override { return 3; }
const std::string& impl_getType() const override {
static const std::string type("Citrom");
return type;
// implement the DepthProperty optional interface
bool impl_hasDepth() const override { return true; }
int impl_getDepth() const override { return 4; }
/*Using them*/
// generate either a Birs or a Citrom, but return the Alma interface
std::unique_ptr<Alma> make_alma(bool borc)
if (borc) {
return std::make_unique<Birs>();
else {
return std::make_unique<Citrom>();
void Useobjects()
for (bool b : { true, false })
std::unique_ptr<Alma> pa = make_alma(b);
std::cout << "this object's typeid name is " << pa->type() << std::endl;
std::cout << "it's width is : " << pa->getWidth() << std::endl;
if(pa->hasHeight()) {
std::cout << "it's height is: " << pa->getHeight() << std::endl;
if(pa->hasDepth()) {
std::cout << "it's depth is: " << pa->getDepth() << std::endl;
int main()
return 0;
expected output:
this object's typeid name is Birs
it's width is : 1
it's height is: 2
this object's typeid name is Citrom
it's width is : 3
it's depth is: 4

Accessing variables shared between classes within an aggregator class

I have a problem in hand which requires to make a very modular design for different algorithms. For example population based optimization algorithms like genetic algorithm, particle swarm algorithm etc. There are several variants of these algorithms, therefore I planned to make the smaller building blocks as an abstract class and let the specific building block to be plugged in.
For example lets say we have algo1 which can be divided in the following subroutines
sub1 ()
sub2 ()
sub3 ()
For this I can create three interfaces which the implementation will override as per their implementation. Therefore
//Sub1Class, Sub2Class, Sub3Class are interfaces/abstract classes
class algo1
sub1Class *sub1Obj;
sub2Class *sub2Obj;
sub3Class *sub3Obj;
// constructor or setter method to set the implementation
algo1 (Sub1Class *myAlgo1Obj, Sub2Class myAlgo1Obj, Sub3Class myAlgo1Obj)
sub1Obj = myAlgo1Obj;
sub2Obj = myAlgo2Obj;
sub3Obj = myAlgo3Obj;
sub1Obj->algo ();
sub2Obj->algo ();
sub3Obj->algo ();
This can be done, but all the algorithms uses the attributes of the algo class and there are intermediate variables shared by the algorithms which I do not want to give a getter/setter.
My question is what are the techniques which can be used to manage the shared intermediate variables between the algorithms. I can pass it as the algo method implementation argument, but the number of intermediates and the types may change from one implementation to another. In that case will it be a good idea to create a separate class of temporary variable or make something like friend in cpp? Note that the intermediate results can be large vectors and matrices.
Please let me know if you need more information or clarification.
NOTE: I can possibly omit the variables shared between the algorithms by introducing locals and re-computation, but the algorithms are iterative and computation intensive involving large matrices therefore I want to make object creation and destruction as minimum as possible.
I can propose to use Inverse of Control container to solve your problem.
First you should create several abstract classes to keep it in the container:
class ISubroutineState {
ISubroutineState() = default;
virtual int getVar1() const = 0;
virtual void setVar1(int v1) = 0;
class ISubroutineState1 : public ISubroutineState {
virtual std::string getVar2() const = 0;
virtual void setVar2(std::string& v2) = 0;
The example of the subroutine state class implementation:
class SubState1 : public ISubroutineState1 {
int var1;
std::string var2;
int getVar1() const {
return var1;
std::string getVar2() const {
return var2;
void setVar1(int v1) { var1 = v1; }
void setVar2(std::string& v) { var2 = v; }
The the IoC container (please note it can be accessed in any way allowed - i used just static pointer for simplicity):
class StateBroker
std::map<const char*, ISubroutineState*> *storage;
template <class S>
void StateBroker::bind(S* state) {
storage->emplace(typeid(S).name(), state);
template <class S>
S* StateBroker::get() const {
auto found = storage->find(typeid(S).name());
if (found == storage->end()) return NULL;
return (S*)found->second;
StateBroker* stateBroker;
Now you can implement any type of the subroutines:
class ISubroutine {
virtual void Execute() = 0;
class Sub1Class : public ISubroutine {
void Execute()
if (stateBroker == NULL)
std::cout << "Sub1 called" << std::endl;
else {
ISubroutineState1* ss1 = stateBroker->get<ISubroutineState1>();
std::cout << "Sub1 with state called" << std::endl;
ss1->setVar2(std::string("State is changed by Sub1Class"));
std::cout << *static_cast<SubState1*>(ss1) << std::endl;
class Sub2Class : public ISubroutine {
void Execute()
if (stateBroker == NULL)
std::cout << "Sub2 called" << std::endl;
else {
ISubroutineState* ss1 = stateBroker->get<ISubroutineState>();
std::cout << "Sub2 with state called" << std::endl;
std::cout << *static_cast<SubState1*>(ss1) << std::endl;
class Sub3Class : public ISubroutine {
void Execute()
if (stateBroker == NULL)
std::cout << "Sub3 called" << std::endl;
else {
ISubroutineState1* ss1 = stateBroker->get<ISubroutineState1>();
std::cout << "Sub3 with state called" << std::endl;
ss1->setVar2(std::string("State is changed by Sub3Class"));
std::cout << *static_cast<SubState1*>(ss1) << std::endl;
Also please note that subroutine' Execute() can request any type of subroutine state it requires to perform their tasks. It can even create additional state instances (to use in later stage of the algorithm, for example).
Now the main algorithm would look like this:
class Algo {
Sub1Class* sub1;
Sub2Class* sub2;
Sub3Class* sub3;
Algo(Sub1Class* s1, Sub2Class* s2, Sub3Class* s3) : sub1(s1), sub2(s2), sub3(s3){}
void Execute()
... and it's usage (please note it can be used as stateless and as statefull depending on the fact the StateBroker is initialized or not)
Sub1Class s1;
Sub2Class s2;
Sub3Class s3;
std::cout << "Stateless algorithm" << std::endl;
Algo mainAlgo(&s1, &s2, &s3);
stateBroker = new StateBroker();
SubState1* state = new SubState1();
std::cout << "Statefull algorithm" << std::endl;
Algo statefulAlgo(&s1, &s2, &s3);
Please note that Algo class doesn't know anything about subroutine states, state broker, etc.; Sub2Class doesn't know about ISubroutineState1; and StateBroker doesn't care about state and subroutine implementation.
BTW, you can review the example project at (VS2015)

Is there an idiomatic way to create a collection of delegates in C++?

I want to store functions with similar signature in a collection to do something like this:
f(vector<Order>& orders, vector<Function>& functions) {
foreach(process_orders in functions) process_orders(orders);
I thought of function pointers:
void GiveCoolOrdersToBob(Order);
void GiveStupidOrdersToJohn(Order);
typedef void (*Function)(Order);
vector<Function> functions;
Or polymorphic function objects:
struct IOrderFunction {
virtual void operator()(Order) = 0;
struct GiveCoolOrdersToBob : IOrderFunction {
struct GiveStupidOrdersToJohn : IOrderFunction {
vector<IOrderFunction*> functions;
functions.push_back(new GiveStupidOrdersToJohn());
functions.push_back(new GiveCoolOrdersToBob());
The design you propose will work, but using regular function pointers will limit you considerably in the kind of callbacks you can register, and although more powerful, the approach based on inheritance from a fixed interface is more verbose and requires more work for a client to define callbacks.
In this answer I will first show some examples of how to use std::function for this purpose. The examples will pretty much speak for themselves, showing how and why using std::function brings advantages as opposed to the kind of solutions you outlined.
However, a naive approach based on std::function will also have limitations of its own, which I am going to list. This is why I eventually suggest you to have a look at Boost.Signals2: it is a pretty powerful and easy-to-use library. I will address Boost.Signals2 at the end of this answer. Hopefully, understanding a simple design based on std::function first will make it easier for you to grasp the more complex aspects of signals and slots later on.
Solution based on std::function<>
Let's introduce a couple of simple classes and prepare the ground for some concrete examples. Here, an order is something which has an id and contains several items. Each item is described by a type (for simplicity, here it can be either a book a dvd), and a name:
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
struct item // A very simple data structure for modeling order items
enum type { book, dvd };
item(type t, std::string const& s) : itemType(t), name(s) { }
type itemType; // The type of the item
std::string name; // The name of the item
struct order // An order has an ID and contains a certain number of items
order(int id) : id(id) { }
int get_id() const { return id; }
std::vector<item> const& get_items() const { return items; }
void add_item(item::type t, std::string const& n)
{ items.emplace_back(t, n); }
int id;
std::vector<item> items;
The heart of the solution I am going to outline is the following class order_repository, and its internal usage of std::function to hold callbacks registered by clients.
Callbacks can be registered through the register_callback() function, and (quite intuitively) unregistered through the unregister_callback() function by providing the cookie returned by registered_callback() upon registration:
The function than has a place_order() function for placing orders, and a process_order() function that triggers the processing of all orders. This will cause all of the registered handlers to be invoked sequentially. Each handler receives a reference to the same vector of placed orders:
#include <functional>
using order_ptr = std::shared_ptr<order>; // Just a useful type alias
class order_repository // Collects orders and registers processing callbacks
typedef std::function<void(std::vector<order_ptr>&)> order_callback;
template<typename F>
size_t register_callback(F&& f)
{ return callbacks.push_back(std::forward<F>(f)); }
void place_order(order_ptr o)
{ orders.push_back(o); }
void process_all_orders()
{ for (auto const& cb : callbacks) { cb(orders); } }
std::vector<order_callback> callbacks;
std::vector<order_ptr> orders;
The strength of this solution comes from the use of std::function to realize type erasure and allow encapsulating any kind of callable object.
The following helper function, which we will use to generate and place some orders, completes the set up (it simply creates four orders and adds a few items to each order):
void generate_and_place_orders(order_repository& r)
order_ptr o = std::make_shared<order>(42);
o->add_item(item::book, "TC++PL, 4th Edition");
o = std::make_shared<order>(1729);
o->add_item(item::book, "TC++PL, 4th Edition");
o->add_item(item::book, "C++ Concurrency in Action");
o = std::make_shared<order>(24);
o->add_item(item::dvd, "2001: A Space Odyssey");
o = std::make_shared<order>(9271);
o->add_item(item::dvd, "The Big Lebowski");
o->add_item(item::book, "C++ Concurrency in Action");
o->add_item(item::book, "TC++PL, 4th Edition");
Now let's see what kinds of callback we can provide. For starter, let's have a regular callback function that prints all of the orders:
void print_all_orders(std::vector<order_ptr>& orders)
std::cout << "Printing all the orders:\n=========================\n";
for (auto const& o : orders)
std::cout << "\torder #" << o->get_id() << ": " << std::endl;
int cnt = 0;
for (auto const& i : o->get_items())
std::cout << "\t\titem #" << ++cnt << ": ("
<< ((i.itemType == item::book) ? "book" : "dvd")
<< ", " << "\"" << << "\")\n";
std::cout << "=========================\n\n";
And a simple program that uses it:
int main()
order_repository r;
// Register a regular function as a callback...
// Process the order! (Will invoke all the registered callbacks)
Here is the live example showing the output of this program.
Quite reasonably, you are not limited to registering regular functions only: any callable object can be registered as a callback, including a functor holding some state information. Let's rewrite the above function as a functor which can either print the same detailed list of orders as function print_all_orders() above, or a shorter summary that does not include order items:
struct print_all_orders
print_all_orders(bool detailed) : printDetails(detailed) { }
void operator () (std::vector<order_ptr>& orders)
std::cout << "Printing all the orders:\n=========================\n";
for (auto const& o : orders)
std::cout << "\torder #" << o->get_id();
if (printDetails)
std::cout << ": " << std::endl;
int cnt = 0;
for (auto const& i : o->get_items())
std::cout << "\t\titem #" << ++cnt << ": ("
<< ((i.itemType == item::book) ? "book" : "dvd")
<< ", " << "\"" << << "\")\n";
else { std::cout << std::endl; }
std::cout << "=========================\n\n";
bool printDetails;
Here is how this could be used in a small test program:
int main()
using namespace std::placeholders;
order_repository r;
// Register one particular instance of our functor...
// Register another instance of the same functor...
And here is the corresponding output shown in this live example.
Thanks to the flexibility offered by std::function, we can also register the result of std::bind() as a callback. To demonstrate this with an example, let's introduce a further class person:
#include <iostream>
struct person
person(std::string n) : name(n) { }
void receive_order(order_ptr spOrder)
{ std::cout << name << " received order " << spOrder->get_id() << std::endl; }
std::string name;
Class person has a member function receive_order(). Invoking receive_order() on a certain person object models the fact that a particular order has been delivered to that person.
We could use the class definition above to register a callback function that dispatches all the orders to one person (which can be determined at run-time!):
void give_all_orders_to(std::vector<order_ptr>& orders, person& p)
std::cout << "Dispatching orders:\n=========================\n";
for (auto const& o : orders) { p.receive_order(o); }
std::cout << "=========================\n\n";
At this point we could write the following program, that register two callbacks: the same function for printing orders we have used before, and the above function for dispatching orders to a certain instance of Person. Here is how we do it:
int main()
using namespace std::placeholders;
order_repository r;
person alice("alice");
// Register the result of binding a function's argument...
r.register_callback(std::bind(give_all_orders_to, _1, std::ref(alice)));
The output of this program is shown in this live example.
And of course one could use lambdas as callbacks. The following program builds on the previous ones to demonstrate the usage of a lambda callback that dispatches small orders to one person, and large orders to another person:
int main()
order_repository r;
person alice("alice");
person bob("bob");
r.register_callback([&] (std::vector<order_ptr>& orders)
for (auto const& o : orders)
if (o->get_items().size() < 2) { bob.receive_order(o); }
else { alice.receive_order(o); }
Once again, this live example shows the corresponding output.
Beyond std::function<> (Boost.Signals2)
The above design is relatively simple, quite flexible, and easy to use. However, there are many things it does not allow to do:
it does not allow to easily freeze and resume the dispatching of events to a particular callback;
it does not encapsulate sets of related callbacks into an event
it does not allow grouping callbacks and ordering them;
it does not allow callbacks to return values;
it does not allow combining those return values.
All these feature, together with many others, are provided by full-fledged libraries such as Boost.Signals2, which you may want to have a look at. Being familiar with the above design, it will be easier for you to understand how it works.
For instance, this is how you define a signal and register two simple callbacks, and call them both by invoking the signal's call operator (from the linked documentation page):
struct Hello
void operator()() const
std::cout << "Hello";
struct World
void operator()() const
std::cout << ", World!" << std::endl;
int main()
boost::signals2::signal<void ()> sig;
As usual, here is a live example for the above program.
You might want to look into std::function, your vector would then look like this:
std::vector< std::function< void( Order ) > > functions;
But be aware that std::function has a small overhead. For the instances, drop the new:
Boost.Signal solves exactly your problem. You should have a look into that. Unless you have special requirements. In particular boost.signal and boost.function and/or std::function
use type erasure techniques. Thus, you are able to have a vector of callable things with a specified signature. It does not matter if your entities are plain C-functions (as you have in your example) or function-objects or member-functions in general. You can mix all of them.