Ember View - Recursive view call throws Stop Script Error - ember.js

I have to construct a tree structure like the below image.
For this I use a Ember View and recursively call to construct the whole tree like structure based on the supplied model.
My Templates are:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<div class="zd-fldr fleft" style="width:230px;">
<ul class="fldr-sub">
{{#each item in model}}
{{view App.FoldertreeView model=item contentBinding="item"}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="foldertree">
{{#if item.subfolder }}
<span {{action 'getSubFolder' item}} {{bind-attr class="item.IS_OPENED:fdtree-icon:ftree-icon"}}> </span>
<span class=""> </span>
<span style="padding-top:20px;" class="fdetail fleft" >{{item.FOLDER_NAME}}</span>
<ul style="margin-top:30px;" {{bind-attr class="item.IS_OPENED:showdiv:hidediv"}}>
{{#each item in item.children}}
{{view "foldertree" model=item contentBinding="item"}}
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var treeArray = [];
for(var i=0; i<4000; i++){
var temp_obj = { 'FETCHED_DATA': false, 'FOLDER_ID': i, 'FOLDER_NAME': 'Folder_'+i, 'IS_OPENED': false, 'opened': true, 'subfolder': true, 'children': [] };
return treeArray;
App.FoldertreeView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'li',
templateName: 'foldertree',
classNames: ['treediv', 's-fldr']
Initially I load only the first level folders from the server by calling an API.
Then when the open node is clicked, the children array is filled by calling an request to the server.
Now when the model length is greater than 3000 "Stop Script" error is thrown in Firefox browser.
In my tree there is no limit for the number of nodes. How can I solve this problem.
Demo JS Bin (Try it in Firefox)

Ember is a web framework. Given that information, you need to realize that you can't efficiently render 6000 items in a browser without reusing some view elements. Even native applications don't do this: in iOS, for instance, the cells in a TableView are reusable, so a table displaying a collection of 6000 items only has enough cells to cover the height of he view and some scrolling overlap. The view is aware of its scroll location, and renders the 10-20 items that need to be rendered from the collection, and when you scroll down it removes the top element, places an element at the bottom, and renders the next item in the data array. This way, everyone wins. I would suggest you do the same, as JS/HTML just can't handle that many elements efficiently.
I know it's not a fun implementation, but once you come up with a component that does this the first time, you'll be glad you did.
Honorable mentions: https://github.com/emberjs/list-view. You're doing a file tree and not a list, which is more difficult than just a long list, but you may still be able to use it if you change up your UI a little bit. If you have the folder structure navigable with a tree and show files in a list-view, this may mitigate your issue depending on whether the problem is with a number of files or a number of folders.

This is not really an Ember issue but a general javascript issue. When a script is taking to long time to execute this kind of errors message are displayed / fired by the browser and it's different on each browser.
You can read this good blog post about long time runing scripts
If you have browser environment undercontroll (i mean your computer our your companies computers) you can still setup firefox to run longer scripts
However a good practice would be to "split" your script in sub task taking less time to execute.
Ass discussed in the comments this is due to the Huge number of view you generate. You can have 6000 models returned from your backend however generating 6000 view at once is heavy.
Here is a proposition on how to handle this : http://jsbin.com/zakisoyesi/6/edit?html,js,output free to you to adapt it to your use case and event to make it transparent to the user by using onScroll or any other event.


Road to Ember 2.0 - High level Ember app structure feedback?

I find I'm trying to pick up learning Ember at a time of particular fluctuation. The recent "Road to 2.0" blog post has helped me clarify which direction to head, but I'm struggling to validate my approach to Ember at a high level.
I want to be sensitive to people's time. My full code is here for anyone interested in providing more specific feedback (would love), but I'm mostly interested in this high level feedback on my app's structuring and my utilization of Ember's capabilities.
App Background:
I'm working on a user-to-many chat to text SMS app. Visually, each user has multiple chat windows (a Conversation) open w/ messages (Message) specific to a Profile message history. The rails backed sends messages to the target Profile. This project is very much in development.
Key Questions:
What is the best way to associate a model with a component? I'm passing each conversation model to a conversation component. As my component logic becomes so tightly integrated to the view, tt seems like a component class is taking on too much heft outside of UI. I'm starting to add of logic around how UI bubbles up to the model, but wonder if there are better approaches.
Since I'm breaking away from the proxying behavior of Array controller, I find myself referencing my model collection via this.get('content') - is there a better way to deal with the collection of conversations?
Finally, to invoke actions in a component, I've read of using Ember.Evented mixin to trigger and observe events. I.e. when a user tries to open a chat window for a profile when that chat is already open, I'd want to flash the target chat window. Is this a good way to manage these interaction in context of "Road to 2.0"?
What about passing events from the controller to the Message subcomponents? Message subcomponents would be bound to each messages' statuses (success, fail, etc). I imagine i'd just bind some message display to a record's state and status attribute. Any way I could do it better?
I'm super open to feedback. Be harsh! :)
High level code:
(full code)
ChatApp.Router.map(function () {
this.resource('conversations', { path: '/' });
ChatApp.ConversationsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () { //this is a collection of active conversations
activate: function() { //listens to event stream
ChatApp.ConversationsController = Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
openChat: function(user_id, profile_id){ //open chat if one isn't open.
removeExcessChats: function(){ // removes chats that don't fit in window
ChatApp.ConversationHolderComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
actions: {
markInactive: function(){
// referencing a passed in conversation is the only way I know to reference the model.
createMessage: function(){
isFlashed: false
Component templates:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/conversation-holder">
<button {{action "markInactive"}}>close</button>
<h3>Profile: {{conversation.profile}} Conversation: {{conversation.id}}</h3>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
{{#each message in conversation.messages}}
<li><strong>{{message.type}}</strong> {{message.body}}</li>
<form class="form-inline" {{action "createMessage" on="submit"}}>
{{input class="message_body" placeholder="Start typing a message..." value=conversation.new_message_body type="text"}}
{{input class="btn" type="submit" value="Send"}}
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="conversations">
<section id="todoapp">
<header id="header">
<h1>Chat Messaging</h1>
<section id="main">
<p>Open a new chat with profile id #1 <a href="#" {{action "openChat" 1 1}} >Open w/ profile 1</a> | <a href="#" {{action "openChat" 1 6}} >open profile already in convo</a></p>
<ul id="chat-app" class="list-unstyled clearfix">
{{#each conversation in model}}
<li>{{chat-holder conversation=conversation}}</li>
I didn't go through your app design, but I'm answering based on the more general Ember concepts that you mentioned.
There isn't really a model object in Ember. You have a route with a model hook that returns whatever you want as your model. It can be a string, array or just a number.
When you use Ember Data, what will happen is that the model hook returns Ember Data objects.
A component can receive any object as its model/content. So, there isn't a best or worst way of associating a model and component, you just pass it what it needs.
If your component is starting to get too big, probably you should split it in two or more components. Nothing wrong with having a component's template render other components.
Also, if you have logic that is shared among many components, you can refactor that into a mixin and include it in each component.
Your idea for message passing between the controller and the components is *probably* right. The usual flow in Ember apps is events up & data down. Since the controller is at a higher level than a component, you can't send event in that direction, but by updating bound values you can pass new info to the components.

Appending child view to body / other element

I'm building a popover/dropdown with Ember which essentially boils down to:
<div class="popover">
<span {{action showPopover}}>Click</span>
{{#if popoverShowing}}
<div class="popover-body">The popover body</div>
All works fine but I have other elements on the page which are absolutely positioned and due to them forming a new stacking context there's no way I can make the popover be displayed above them.
If this were plain old Javascript, I'd append the popover to the body much like how Bootstrap does with the container option but we don't have that level of control in Ember AFAICT.
The only solution I can think of is to use an {{outlet}} in the application template and render to that, but that means for every popover/dropdown I have to split the contents out to a different view/template/controller and have an action in the router which seems rather over-complicated!
Can anyone think of a better option?
One approach that seems to work is to detach the body element on didInsertElement and then manually destroy on willDestroyElement:
didInsertElement: function() {
willDestroyElement: function() {
This appears to work fine, but there are probably bugs lurking!

Combining view class with layout and {{#each}} multiple times gives incorrect behavior

I'm seeing some very strange behavior in this jsfiddle.
I am building an accordion control (hopefully eventually a good contribution to ember-bootstrap), and so I built a view class that uses layout to wrap the contents of the view:
Bootstrap.Accordion = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
classNames: 'accordion',
layout: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{yield}}')
Then I use it like so, with the {{#view}} helper, and include an {{#each}} block which will eventually include other views to set up the inside of the accordion control. And in one case so far, I do this twice in the same template, to display different information in two different accordion controls, sort of like this:
{{#view Bootstrap.Accordion}}
{{#each content}}
<div><strong>Field 1:</strong> {{field1}}</div>
{{#view Bootstrap.Accordion}}
{{#each content}}
<div><strong>Field 2:</strong> {{field2}}</div>
But, as you can see in the fiddle, this produces a very unexpected result. Basically, the second instance of the view is an exact copy of the first. Even the static content inside the {{#each}} block is not right:
Field 1: Instance 1 Field 1
Field 1: Instance 2 Field 1
Field 1: Instance 1 Field 1
Field 1: Instance 2 Field 1
However, if I put something between the {{#view...}} and {{#each}} helpers, it behaves as expected:
{{#view Bootstrap.Accordion}}
Fourth try...
{{#each content}}
<div><strong>Field 4:</strong> {{field4}}</div>
So, it looks like something about the similarity of the content directly within the {{#view}} helper causes the result to be cached by Handlebars...or something. That's just a wild hypothesis. Can anyone see what's going wrong here?
(Note that the Bootstrap library is not included in the fiddle, so it can't be that Bootstrap is goofing something up.)
This looks like a bug.
This github issue was created today, only with the {{#linkTo}} helper.
Looks like this is occurring with all block helpers.

ember.js load data in dialog

i try to create my first ember.js app. A calendar-
my day model
App.Day = Ember.Object.extend({
today : null,
dayNumber : null,
addEvent : function() {
the html view
<div class="cal">
{{#each App.DayList}}
{{#if this.today}}
<div class="day today" {{action "addEvent" target="model" }}>
{{#with this as model}}
<span class="text">{{this.dayNumber}}</span>
<div class="day" {{action "addEvent" target="model" }}>
{{#with this as model}}
<span class="text">{{this.dayNumber}}</span>
so on click on day i show the bootstrap dialog and I wont to load extern data, but I need a information about clicked day.
My understanding is I create a view
App.DayDetails = Ember.View.extend({
and inside this view I send an ajax request, but how to get information about clicked day inside this view?
You should almost never be doing any AJAX in a view.
Views do two things:
(1) draw themselves
(2) respond to UI events (clicks, typing, etc)
Your view should get its contents from a controller, in this case I suppose App.DayController or DayDetailsController. (that's another thing, it's best practice to end your subclasses with View or Controller, etc, so its obvious at a glance what they do).
Where the controller gets that data from is where things might get complicated. Ideally, in a mature app, you'd have a data store (a combination—in concept—of your server-side database and ActiveRecord, if you use rails) that would be queried. Simplistically, however, you could have the controller be responsible for using jQuery to manually handle an ajax request. So long as we're taking short-cuts, you could put such a call in a number of place, (a singleton controller, a day-specific item controller, the day model itself), just NOT the view. And it's important when taking these sorts of short-cuts to limit the contagion... all you should be doing with the manual ajax is fetching the JSON and then immediately and expeditiously getting it back into the ember ecosystem by setting it as the content of an array controller. I.e., no going one or two steps further by trying to insert the data into a view manually or whatnot. Don't fight Ember, if you can avoid it.
A few things:
(1) Your use of this is superfluous, as are the {{with}} statements. Inside an {{each}} block the context will be the current object (or its wrapping controller, if you're using itemController) in the iteration. (UNLESS you use "x in y" syntax, in which case the context remains the controller)
(2) The model should NOT be attempting to modify the DOM. Instead, rely on bindings and your controllers to coordinate UI changes. What you might want to do is have a App.DayController that you can put addEvent on, and then in your {{each}} use itemController="App.DayController".
App.DayController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
addEvent: function () {
// ...
Then, the context for each loop in your {{each}} template will be each individual day controller. The controller will automatically be the target and context for the views so your template would look like this:
{{#each App.DayList itemController="App.DayController"}}
<div {{bindAttr class=":day today"}} {{action addEvent}}>{{dayNumber}}</div>
(the : in :day means that day will always be a class, but today will only be a class if the today property on the context is truthy)
Because each day sends addEvent to its own controller, there's no need for figuring out what day to load.

text field filtering a list using ember + ember data

I'm new at using ember, but already familiar with it, basically following some tutorials here and there and reading the api docs. But tutorials don't go too deep into more complex topics.
These are the details: I already implemented a web page that shows a list of items. The following are the relevant code excerpts from different parts of the app.
// the data model, the view and the controller
App.Item = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string')
App.ItemsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend();
App.ItemsView = Ember.View.extend({ templateName: 'items' })
// in the router's corresponding route
connectOutlets: function(router) {
router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('items', App.Item.find())
// in the handlebars template
<ul class="items">
{{#each content}}
The data for this list is loaded remotely via ember-data (notice the App.Item.find() call in the route's connectOutlet method above) and a handlebar template displays it, and dynamically updates the list as the data changes. Up to here this is basic ember.
Now I want to have a text field at the top of the list, and when the user types in this text field, the list should be updated, by filtering and showing only the items with a name that matches what the user is typing. The actual definition of what a matching name is, is irrelevant to this question. It could be those names that contain the typed string, or that start with it.
I know my next step is to include a textfield view on top of the list in the handlebars template:
<div class="search-bar">
{{view Ember.TextField}}
<ul class="items">
{{#each content}}
So my questions at this point are the following:
How do I refer to this text field in javascript code so I can attach a listener to it to detect when it changes?
And more importantly, what do I need to do inside this event listener so the list gets filtered?
I would like to know how to achieve it filtering data loaded locally, but also how to do it by loading the filtering data remotely everytime the user types.
I actually need to implement something slightly more complex than this, but knowing how to do this will help.
You can have a computed property on your controller that filters the content based on a text field.
App.ItemsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
// ...
searchedContent: function() {
var regexp = new RegExp(this.get('search'));
return this.get('content').filter(function(item) {
return regexp.test(item.get('name'));
}.property('search', 'content.#each.name')
Then you just bind your text field to controller.search. Example: http://www.emberplay.com#/workspace/2356272909
To filter data remotely you should have ember data load more items every time search changes. This can be done by sending an event to the router every time there is a change.