CodeLite not working with boost library - c++

I'm having some troubles to get my CodeLite IDE working with Boost library.
So basically, I've got CodeLite v.6.1.1 and Boost library downloaded from sourceforge. I would love to make it actually working, but I failed to do so using the following concept:
I did create new workspace, than I did go -> Settings -> Build Settings -> Compilers (here I have two compilers, one of which is CodeLite 4.8.1 and the other one is MinGW Code::Blocks, I did select CodeLite 4.8.1. -> Advanced -> Global Paths -> and I did provide two blank lines of Include Path and Libraries Path with the directory of unpacked boost library (Windows 7): C:\boostlib\boost_1_57_0.
In this catalog (i.e.: C:\boostlib\boost_1_57_0), I have got all neccesary files, all of them are unzipped and yet I can't get it working.
Besides, I can't click on apply when I'm done with setting path to files containing boost library, all I can do is click ok but once I'm done with this I can't work with libraries from boost.
The following code isn't working:
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
using namespace boost::lambda;
// ERROR MESSAGE: boost/lambda/lambda.hpp, No such file or directory
typedef std::istream_iterator in;
std::for_each(in(std::cin), in(), std::cout << (_1 * 3) << ” ” );
return 0;
The message I get is:
boost/lambda/lambda.hpp: No such file or directory
Is there any chance I can get CodeLite working with boost library or should I simply switch IDE and forget about it ?

Your on the right track but need to point to the libs and include folders inside the boost directory.
I use the the version of mingw as STL (the guy) includes boost as part of his distribution.
So in codeLite I just have to add
C:\MinGW\lib to the libraries path
C:\MinGW\include to the include path


FATAL ERRORS with compilation after installing Aspose.Cells library for C++

Can someone please help me with my issue with Aspose.Cells library for C++?
I was writing my first C++ programme using Aspose.Cells library. Everything seemed smooth except that the following error was produced after I built the file:
Error before I launch is:
"Error exist in a required project.Continue launch?"
Error after running the code is:
"**fatal error: boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp: No such file or directory**".**
If I commented out the line #<include Aspose.Cells.h>, the file can run with no errors.
I tried to solve the error by installing Boost library for C++ from zip file "boost_1_73_0", as I think Aspose depends on Boost to run. However, I couldn't link to Boost successfully as there doesn't seem to be a "include" folder and "lib" folder for me to add into project properties.
My questions are:
Will installing Boost solve my problem?
If yes, how can I install Boost library successful?
The following is my code in C++. Thanks a Lot in advance!
#include <iostream>
#include <Aspose.Cells.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "!!!I am little red!!!" << endl;
return 0;
UPDATE: I have successfully installed and linked Boot library now but I have got three warning message upon building: "Ignoring #pragma warning [-wunknown-pragmas]" , are these warning messages serious?
I also ran into another fatal error: unicode/uloc.h:No such file or directory. How can I correctly link up to unilib-master/Unicode library?
Yes, installing Boost helps.
If Aspose only requires header-only libraries from Boost, then you don't have to do much. The "include" path you're looking for is just the folder where you extracted the zip. The actual library headers are under boost/ in that folder, which are then found by the compiler.
If you need the shared libraries, you will need to build them. Follow the steps here Getting Started On Windows

Visual Studio cannot open source file inspite of setup

I'm running VS2015 on Windows 10 and I'm having issues with include directories. I have setup the Additional Include Directories in C/C++ -> General and Include Directories in VC++ Directories to point to the right path (F:\boost_1_61_0). I keep getting the "Cannot open source file" error. If I move the cursor to the include statement the full include path in the Definition bar points to the correct address. This also happens when working with Google Mock. All the core and STL includes work just fine.
I've stripped down the code to try and just get it to work on this basic Boost test code:
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
using namespace boost::lambda;
typedef std::istream_iterator<int> in;
in(std::cin), in(), std::cout << (_1 * 3) << " " );
I've successfully built this code using Netbeans by adding the additional include directory to the project without any issues, so its not a file access issue. The compiler used from Netbeans was G++, but from VS I used MSVC and tried ICP with the same results.
As The Dark states above: make sure you check that the build properties match.

Using Boost library in XCode

not particularly good with this kind of stuff I have managed to install the Boost C++ library and this basic program works with the g++ compiler and linking to the right .dylib files.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
using namespace boost;
int main()
filesystem::path path1("/Users/username/Documents/testfile.txt");
std::cout << "It worked" << std::endl;
return 0;
Now I would like to do the same, just using Xcode to build and run the program, but it doesn't work. I have done everything in this tutorial:
i.e. include header and library search paths, as well as linked the .dylib files of filesystem and system under the 'Build Phases' tab.
The Build succeeds but then the program crashed with an error of EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
I can maybe provide more specifics on what goes wrong if you tell me where to look.
EDIT1: I am using g++-4.9 and Boost-1.58 and Xcode 6.4

How do I include Boost.Interprocess and Boost.DateTime properly?

This is a really basic question because I am a C++ newbie. I want to use the Boost.Interprocess library, but am having trouble building it. I'm trying to follow these instructions, but it's not working for me. Here is what I have:
#include <boost/interprocess/shared_memory_object.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello, beautiful world!\n";
But I get this error:
boost_1_55_0\boost\date_time\gregorian_calendar.hpp(63) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/date_time/gregorian_calendar.ipp': No such file or directory
I know Boost is able to load properly, because I can get an example that uses #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> to work just fine. It's just when I try to include the Boost.Interprocess library that I am having trouble. The cause is clearly because it's having trouble including the Boost.DateTime library properly, but according to the documentation (linked above) I should be able to get by without separately compiling Boost.DateTime if I define BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB, right?
What am I missing here?
You need to add it to the preprocessor
In VS go to - Project >> properties >> C/C++ >> Preprocessor in the 'Preprocessor Definitions' paste BOOST_DATE_TIME_NO_LIB.
You can download boost libraries here:
After that, you can include them in your projects. Also, you can check this video on how to add boost libraries in eclipse IDE on Ubuntu:

Missing cyg*.dll when using libraries compiled with Cygwin, and errors when added

I just compiled zlib and libzip with Cygwin to use them with Code::Blocks in Windows.
My code is that:
#include <iostream>
#include <zip.h>
int main()
//Open the ZIP archive
int err = 0;
zip *z = zip_open("", 0, &err);
std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
return 0;
When I build my code, it works well, no errors and warnings.
When I launch my program, it says that I don't have cygzip-2.dll. Okay, I search it and put it in my executable folder. Then, it says that I don't have cygwin1.dll. Okay, I put it too. The same for cygz.dll and cyggcc_s-1.dll.
Oh, it works! But then, my program stops with always the same status: -1073741819.
It doesn't even tell me hello :(
I compiled it with MinGW (it did the same error on Cygwin), and I linked libz.a, libzip.a and libzip.dll.a. Where does the problem could come from?
EDIT: When I try to compile my program IN Cygwin, it says 'undefined reference to '_zip_open'' and 'undefined reference to '_zip_close''. Probably something is missing, but what?
Eventually, I succeeded to use my 2 libraries! I had already tried to use CMake, but failed miserably.
So today, I decided to retry it with the GUI. Firstly, I compiled zlib. I chose the zlib folder, and put the build folder in it. I configured with the option for Code::Blocks and MinGW Makefiles, and native compilers. Then, I opened the .cbp (Code::Blocks Project) in my 'build' folder, and built it.
For libzip, I did the steps except that I specified 2 variables:
ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR = the root of zlib folder (where there are all the .h and .c) and ZLIB_LIBRARY = [the path to your build folder from zlib]\libzlib.dll
I built it from the .cbp too. And I linked all my files to my project, and it was done!