how to recompile a .lib in Visual Studio 2013 - c++

I have a project that uses Effects11.lib and Effects11d.lib but when I build my project I get a bunch of "error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '__MSC_VER':value '1600' doesn't match value '1800'". And from what I have found, this is saying that the .lib was built for a different version of VS than what I am using and I need to recompile them. Issue is I am not sure how to do this. Never had to recompile a lib before.

Looking through the authors site for this book #, it looks like the Effects11.lib is Ms-Pl licensed source code.
which then links to
which has a download for the source of that library at
which seems to have project files which are buildable with VS2013 which you are using so you should be able to build effects.lib for vs2013 and continue with your development.
Alternative you could contact the author himself from his webpage and see if he can do this for you and link to it as its likely you're not the only one hitting this issue?

To recompile a .lib file, you first have to have the source code. You then open the vcproject of the library project, and then you change your settings and then you can recompile. I also found on the web that for some types of c++ in order to get it to recompile, you will have to delete the .o file generated in the library's directory. But, I do not know if that applies to your compiler. I hope this answers your question.

Those static libraries are built with VS 2010, but you are using VS 2013. The link error is telling you that.
The fix in this case is to visit the Effects 11 site on CodePlex and then build a fresh copy of the Effects 11 with your VS 2013 compiler. Alternatively, you can use the NuGet package fx11_desktop_2013 which is the same version built for VS 2013.
Note that as you are using VS 2013 which includes the Windows 8.1 SDK with the somewhat dated Luna book, you may be trying to make use of the deprecated D3DX11 library. You can certainly do that with VS 2013, but you have to make some adjustments to the project include/lib paths to get it to work. See MSDN. The Effects 11 library version from CodePlex or NuGet has no dependencies at all on the legacy DirectX SDK.
I have some general notes about that book here as well.
For a complete list of D3DX11 alternatives, see Living without D3DX.


MSVCR100D.dll is missing when build/running project from another PC/VS

I uploaded my (VS2013) project folder and provided it to the other members of my team, but when they tried to build/run it, using Visual Studio 2012 they got this error, it also happened on their version of Visual Studio 2013.
The program can't start because MSVCR100D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the
program to fix this problem.
They reinstalled VS2010 but no go.
I also tried to statically link my project by using /MT in the Code Generation options but now I get:
Unresolved External Symbol __free_dbg libcmptd.lib cout.obj
....25 more...
How can I get it so my project can be build/ran on my team members pc? How do I resolve the unresolved externals? It seems to happen purely with regular Microsoft files.
You are mixing C++ libraries built with different versions of the compiler (and as we know some of them are linked against debug dynamic version of VC10 runtime library). This is not supported, as different compiler versions have different ABIs.
To fix the mess you need to find libraries built with parameters that match parameters of your project. They should be built:
with the same compiler version (ex. VS 2013)
with the same configuration (Debug/Release)
against the same platform (x86/x64/ARM)
against the same runtime library variant (static/dynamic + debug/release)
You could either try to find prebuilt versions on the web or to build libraries yourself from source codes. Often, you will want to have multiple configuration/platforms for your project and, thus, you will need multiple versions of your libraries.
If your search will not succeed (for example if there is no VS2013 build for a closed source library) you could roll back your project to another version of compiler and to start over.
Any attempts to link incompatible libraries even if somehow succeeded will lead to random crashes.
This message generally states that the dll is referred to directly or indirectly in your application and is missing.
The 'D' at the end show us this is the Debug version of the file, this is DLL file is provided with the Visual Studio 2010 installation. So the MSVCR100D.dll would be provided with the installation of Visual Studio 2010.
Of course, you could be missing other versions 2008 (MSVCR90D) 2010 (MSVCR100D) 2012 (MSVCR110D) or the 2013 (MSVCR120D), each dll is provided according to the Visual Studio version.
There are a few ways to solve this:
Check to be sure that you're compiling all the components of your
project in Release mode. If this does not solve the issue continue
to the next steps.
You could solve this locally by installing Visual Studio 2010 on your
machine. This is not what I would recommend, but it would surely
overcome the issue
You could also download the file from this third party website and
copy it to your projects bin:
This option is the LEAST recommended option.
Run dependency Walker and see what file depends on the MSVCR100D.dll
and the try and fix that file in order to break your dependency. You can download depends here:
Check to be sure that you're project is linking the correct version of
the CRT and any other libraries you may be using (e.g., MFC, ATL,
Note: Installing the redistributables alone will NOT solve this problem, since the redistributables only contain the release version of the file MSVCR100.dll (notice no 'D')
Would it be possible that in your project you are somehow using some component/library built with Visual Studio 2010, which requires the MSVCR100D DLL?

missing DLL file when i run my application on another machine?

I am using visual studio 2013 with ISLE 2013 to create a windows form application,
it is the first time i use this style,
I successfully built the application but the problem comes after i setup the application on another PC is says msvcp120.dll is missing!
I have searched the web for this problem and I could not find anything?
any ideas?
I am not a windows guy but I will try to answer, as I did some small research. I found information here. It says:
"This file is the dynamic linking library designed as a Microsoft C Runtime Library, usually comming with Microsoft® Visual Studio®. It is a collection of link libraries that contains instructions for the standard C library functions. It is used by almost all Windows programs compiled from C or C++ source code. This library is used for the applications written under Visual Studio."
So, I am guessing it is a microsoft thing. A runtime library that is required to run c/c++ projects built with visual studios. Download the .dll from a source online (just google) and include it into your project directory. If it helps, include that file in your installation file.
Until anybody who is working with windows and has any idea about that dll answers you question, this answer can help you to get started.
found the solution I should add the Visual C++ runtime library installer
Don't download single DLL's from which you know hardly anything from random sites.
From your Visual Studio 2013 installation directory, check C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\1033 and you'll see vcredist_x64.exe and vcredist_x86.exe files that need to be run on your target system.
Use the x64 variant for 64 bit apps. It will install MSVCP120.dll for one, and some other DLL's as well.
Msvcp120.dll is the dll for standard c++ library. When you develop an application using standard c++ in VS 2013, the application defaults to Msvcp120.dll(Msvcp110.dll in VS2012). The client computer should install Visual c++ 2013 Redistributable.
Some dependencies that are on your system because you have Visual Studio installed will not be on the target system. You will need to include them in your installer or install a redistributable package on the target machine.
As there are many options and listing them all here would be too much and also redundant, you may want to visit the Microsoft site for this task and read up on all those options before you decide which you chose.
You can download the .dll file from DLL Store and paste that file into the directory where you have installed the setup.
Hope it will help you.

Visual studio can't find any standard c++ library file

I had vs2010 ultimate then I downloaded 2012 RC. It was working well at the beginning then at some point .net framework get messed up so I uninstalled both 2012 and 2010 (maybe I have manually deleted some folders too). Now I re-Installed vs2010 ultimate and the problem is none of the standard library files exist I figured so as I can't include any of them.
Any help how to fix that?
That's a known problem with uninstaller of VS2012 RC/Beta. It will deregister the platform SDK, delete the folder, and even worse - would make changes for all previous VS versions. I am not sure what registry settings it changes (Around $(VCInstallDir)) - but it breaks it.
Only option is to find the relevant header, library and executable files, copy the path, and add it to your VC2010 (and previous, if any). You do it by VC++ Directories in Tools->Options, but that's not available for VC2010! So, you better specify the path in your project itself.
Tall order, I know, but it is like that - or you just re-install your OS. There is some "complete VS uninstallation" tool, but I couldn't find it now.

Sharing a C++ solution between Visual Studio 2010 and 11

Me and my partner are both sharing a c++ solution via subversion.
He is using Visual Studio 11 and I am using Visual Studio 2010.
After the first time he commited and i updated, i get the following error:
Error 31 error MSB8008: Specified platform toolset (v110) is not installed or invalid. Please make sure that a supported PlatformToolset value is selected.
also, in header files i get the following error on #include <stdio.h>:
error: cannot open source file "stdio.h"
I am guessing this is a compatibility issue. How can we resolve this?
In Visual Studio 11 there is a property option that allows you to specify the platform toolset.
Platform Toolset v110 is used by default if you create a new project starting from Visual Studio 11, but if can change it to v100 that is the one used by Visual Studio 2010.
.sln and .vcxproj files saved in Visual Studio 11 are not backward-compatible with VS2010. Even if they were compatible, eventually you'd step across a code which is compilable in VS11 but not in VS10.
The best (and probably the only) way is to agree on using exactly the same development environment.
A bit late in the discussion, but since you're using source control, you can remove the project and solution files from the repository and just share source code. Obviously, if you add new modules and such to a project, you'll have to manually add them in the other solution, but at least you wouldn't have to worry about this incompatibility. If you wanted to get down to it, the application can be built from the command line using just the compiler and linker switches, which tend to be far more compatible between revisions. Finally, you could use another build tool (besides MSBuild), that remains compatible across studio versions.
If you decide to remove the solution and project files, one thing to consider is saving a copy of the original YourApp.sln as YourApp.sln.2010. Then you'll have something to seed future solutions from, but updates to projects and solutions will all need done from VS 2010 and the file then copied to their .2010 version and maintained manually.
If SVN has support for patches, or if you're willing to run quilt externally (or if you switch to mercurial, you can use the MQ extensions), you can create the patch files to convert from 2010 to 2011 and remove the upgrade patche(s) before synch.
Drake's solution didn't work for me as the properties for all projects in the solution were already correctly set to v100. However, the fix that did work was to clean the builds and remove all other files that weren't source files or project files. I think it was probably removing the files projname.vcxproj.user that fixed it, as perhaps the toolchain preference was somehow overriden in the user preferences.

Visual Studio 2008 Express MFC Support

As may be known by many, the Express versions of Visual Studio 2008 don't include support for MFC and a few other packages required to compile a lot of windows programs.
So, here's my problem:
I have the full version of Visual Studio 2005. I've been using this to compile a project that a friend of mine was working on, so that I could test it out for him and continue to track bugs and things. Recently, he upgraded that project to VS 2008, which I don't have. So, I downloaded the express version in the hopes that I could simply compile with that, but no luck, it complains about headers missing left and right.
It seems to me that since I already have the full version of VS 2005, I'm bound to have at least some (perhaps older) version of the files in question that his project needs to compile against.
Is there a way I can convince VS 2008 to also look in 2005's directories for include files and library files to compile against?
Furthermore, is this a bad idea? I would really prefer not to go out and purchase VS 2008 full, as I'll never use it myself. (2005 does the job fine for me at the moment, and I tend to prefer GCC anyway.)
You can use the VC++ compiler directly from the command line, or just create a new project w/ the source in Visual Studio 2005. Unless he is using some functionality provided in the new versions of MFC/ATL in 2008/2008sp1, you should be able to compile the project just fine.
See ("Create Project from Existing Source") in Visual Studio 2005. It is unfortunate that they don't include these libraries with the Express Editions.
Use the vcvars*.bat script(s) from Visual Studio 2005. See this blogpost from VC++ Blog to see how. You will use the old compilers, but the build system from Visual Studio 2008.
You can go into Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>VC++ Directories
and alter the Include, Library, and Source (and Reference maybe?) folders to use VC++ 2005's folders.
I'd guess you just replace $(VCInstallDir) with a hardcoded VS 2005 path. I'd record the original values before doing this.
However, have you just tried using the OLD 2005 sln and vcproj files? Keep using 2005 on your end and 2008 on his. Keep two sets of these files for each IDE. Any issues are going to be with the library mismatch - which you're not avoiding by using 2008's tools with 2005's libraries.
The simple way to deal with this would be to revert the solution and project files back to their visual studio 2005 state from source control(you are using source control right?). At this point you can compile the project as long as your friend does not use any of the mfc 9 only functions.
The first thing I would try is loading this up in VS 2005 by just modifying the version of the .sln and the .vcproj files. In the .vcproj change the version from 9.00 to 8.00 and in the .sln change the format version from 10.00 to 9.00.
If you don't have fancy stuff in the project you have a high chance of just being able to use it like this. Also this would avoid having to update 2 project and solution files.
On this website it is shown how MFC code can be compiled with the Visual Studio Express versions:
Just for the record, I've done that(by modifying the include directories and library directories from inside the IDE) and it's working pretty well, I have MFC, ATL, everything.
I've found this explanation.