Roslyn Workspace API : Emiting Wpf and Silverlight Projects - roslyn

I try Emit each project in this solution.
I wonder why there is a problem with Emiting "Wpf" and "Silverlight" projects. I can understand that I can't Emit Console Project that I am currently executing.
How I can add missing references?
Here is my code.:
public static async Task EmitProject(Project proj)
var c = await proj.GetCompilationAsync();
var r = c.Emit("my" + proj.Name );
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
Console.WriteLine(r.Success + " " + proj.Name);
if (!r.Success)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine(r.Diagnostics.First(k => k.WarningLevel == 0));

Silverlight and WPF projects have a somewhat complicated build process, where some of the code is generated at build time by things like the XAML Markup Compiler. Calling Emit doesn't trigger that code to run - it just represents a single call to the CSC task in MSBuild.
Most of the time OpenSolutionAsync actually causes the build to progress far enough that the invocation of CSC will work, but apparently not for these project types.
For the ConsoleApplication, the issue is that it references a PCL, and the facade references are not being added correctly.
Can you file an issue at for us to investigate?


Project.ProjectReferences shows no item instead of list of project dependencies

I am using the following code to open solution, load the project and create the compilation.
var solution = await workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(solutionPath, new ConsoleProgressReporter());
Project valueObjectProject = solution.Projects.FirstOrDefault(proj => String.Equals(proj.Name,
"ValueObject", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
var bofCompilation = await valueObjectProject.GetCompilationAsync();
Issue: no of items in valueObjectProject.ProjectReferences and compilation.References is 0, which is not true. The property should show a list of projects on which the ValueObject project depends upon. But, I am getting list of all the microsoft assemblies which the project uses under valueObject.MetadataReferences and compilation.ExternalReferences
Currently, the Diagnostics shows multiple errors of type TypeNotFound because the referenced types are declared in different assemblies. I think this is because the compilation does not have project dependency information. Don't know what is going wrong.
any help would be highly appreciated.

Embedding localized satellite dll into exe application

I have a C++ CLR/CLI project, I wonder how to embed a localized satellite dll into my exe application, I found similar solutions but it's for C# projects which is pretty different from my project structure.
Is it possible to embed it directly into the binary?
By the way I'm getting issues with namespaces, it seems my custom namespace is not linked to my localized resource file.
I've been searching for hours to find a solution for a C++ CLR/CLI project which is pretty different comparing with C# projects which apparently comes with Build Action and Custom Tool Namespace all these options we don't have in a CLR/CLI project, it's really important, especially if we have changed Namespaces so we gotta use Resource Logical Name instead. Here's my answer how to solve Namespace issues, this also works for localized resource files linked to satellite dlls.
After your localized satellite dll is generated, include that in your project as Compiled Managed Resource you can set that by opening its file property and setting the Item Type. In projects such as C# you won't find that but something similar like "Embedded Resource". Anyways this is intended to C++ CLR/CLI projects only. If you have changed namespaces, don't forget to set Resource Logical Name of the respective resource file.
Next step is to do some code in order to embed that dll into our exe application, here's a good one for that:
Since C++ CLR/CLI doesn't support lambda expressions we have to do this way:
private: System::Reflection::Assembly^ currentDomainAssemblyResolve(System::Object^ sender, System::ResolveEventArgs^ args) {
System::Reflection::AssemblyName^ assemblyName = gcnew System::Reflection::AssemblyName(args->Name);
System::String^ resourceName = assemblyName->Name + ".dll";
System::IO::Stream^ stream = System::Reflection::Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
array<Byte>^ assemblyData = gcnew array<Byte>((unsigned long) stream->Length);
try {
stream->Read(assemblyData, 0, assemblyData->Length);
} finally {
if (stream != nullptr) delete stream;
return System::Reflection::Assembly::Load(assemblyData);
//Put it in your constructor before InitializeComponent()
MyClass(void) {
AppDomain::CurrentDomain->AssemblyResolve += gcnew System::ResolveEventHandler(this, &MyNameSpace::MyClass::currentDomainAssemblyResolve);
So now it's no longer necessary satellite dlls to load your localized resources.
Use a free application packer to bundle files into a single exe.
This one is free, I use it and it works very well for me.

How can i attach a debugger to google v8?

In my application (Windows 10 VC2017) i enabled the possibility to write and execute scripts using google v8 and v8pp.
v8pp calls a script like this:
v8::Local<v8::Value> context::run_script(std::string const& source, std::string const& filename)
v8::EscapableHandleScope scope(isolate_);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate_->GetCurrentContext();
v8::ScriptOrigin origin(to_v8(isolate_, filename));
v8::Local<v8::Script> script;
bool const is_valid = v8::Script::Compile(context,
to_v8(isolate_, source), &origin).ToLocal(&script);
v8::Local<v8::Value> result;
if (!script.IsEmpty())
auto res1 = script->Run(context); //
if(! res1.IsEmpty())
result = res1.ToLocalChecked();
return scope.Escape(result);
How can i attach a debugger (chrome debug) to my code?
I found googles description at -
But this leaves some things blank and consists mostly of js code?
And i found the implementation for v8toolkit at But this seems to run not for windows.
What is a easy way to attach chrome debug to js code? The code is typically not a file but rather is stored in a data base and then stored in a std::string.
I finally got done a windows version of v8inspector that works well with my stand alone windows application with integrated v8.
I made a own fork including descriptions where to find/build the required 3rd party libraries (or where to find prebuilds). I also did a number of changes/additions:
In the meanwhile this has also been merged into the parent project:
In the meanwhile ive been pointed to another implementation built with boost::beast and no other dependencies. Much simpler and more robust etc.:

Can I programmatically collapse/expand all preprocessor blocks of a certain name in Visual Studio 2012?

My current project has a lot of debug preprocessor blocks scattered throughout the code. These are intentionally named differently to the system _DEBUG and NDEBUG macros, so I have a lot of this:
// Some code here
//unit tests, assumption testing, etc.
// code continues
These blocks sometimes get rather large, and their presence can sometimes inhibit code readability. In Visual Studio 2012 I can easily collapse these, but it would be nice to automatically have all of them collapsed, allowing me to expand them if I want to see what's in there. However, as I also have a bunch of header guards I don't want to collapse all preprocessor blocks, only the #ifdef PROJNAME_DEBUG ones.
Can I do this?
This is the most easiest scenario you can achive it, I think.
You should create an Add-In first in C#. (in VS 2013 they become deprecated :( )
In the OnConnection method you should add your command:
public void OnConnection( object application, ext_ConnectMode connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom )
_applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
if (connectMode == ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_AfterStartup || connectMode == ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup)
Commands2 commands = (Commands2)_applicationObject.Commands;
//Add a command to the Commands collection:
Command command = commands.AddNamedCommand2(_addInInstance, "MyAddinMenuBar", "MyAddinMenuBar", "Executes the command for MyAddinMenuBar", true, 59, ref contextGUIDS, (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported + (int)vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled, (int)vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePictAndText, vsCommandControlType.vsCommandControlTypeButton);
catch (System.ArgumentException)
//If we are here, bla, bla... (Auto generated)
Note: you can find how parameters are act at the reference of AddNamedCommand2
The template created version would be also fine, but naturaly it worth to name your command properly.
After that you need to add your logic to Exec method:
public void Exec( string commandName, vsCommandExecOption executeOption, ref object varIn, ref object varOut, ref bool handled )
handled = false;
if (executeOption == vsCommandExecOption.vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault)
if (commandName == "MyAddinMenuBar.Connect.MyAddinMenuBar")
List<string> args = (varIn as string).Split(' ').ToList();
TextSelection ts;
ts = (TextSelection)_applicationObject.ActiveDocument.Selection;
EditPoint ep = (ts.ActivePoint).CreateEditPoint();
string actualLine = ep.GetLines(ep.Line, ep.Line + 1);
if (args.TrueForAll(filter => actualLine.Contains(filter)))
_applicationObject.ExecuteCommand("Edit.GoTo", ep.Line.ToString());
} while (!ep.AtEndOfDocument);
handled = true;
Note: Name you given to the command is checked in exec.
Than you can build.
Deployment of Add-In can happen through an [ProjectName].AddIn file in ..\Documents\Visaul Studio 20[XY]\AddIns\. (Created by the template, you should copy if you move the Add-In elsewhere)
You should place your Add-In assembly where the Assembly element of the mentioned file you set to point. To change version you should modify the text in Version element.
After you deployed and started Studio, you should activate the Add-In in the manager in Toolsmenu.
You need to expand all collapsable section in your code file (CTRL+M+L with C# IDE settigs).
This is required because I found only a way to invert the state of collapsion. If you find better command, you can change it.
Next you should activate Command Window to use the the created command.
Now only you need to type your commands name, like this:
MyAddinMenuBar.Connect.MyAddinMenuBar #ifdef PROJNAME_DEBUG
Hopefully magic will happen.
This solution is independent of language of code you edit so pretty multifunctional.

C++\IronPython integration example code?

I'm looking for a simple example code for C++\IronPython integration, i.e. embedding python code inside a C++, or better yet, Visual C++ program.
The example code should include: how to share objects between the languages, how to call functions\methods back and forth etc...
Also, an explicit setup procedure would help too. (How to include the Python runtime dll in Visual Studio etc...)
I've found a nice example for C#\IronPython here, but couldn't find C++\IronPython example code.
UPDATE - I've written a more generic example (plus a link to a zip file containing the entire VS2008 project) as entry on my blog here.
Sorry, I am so late to the game, but here is how I have integrated IronPython into a C++/cli app in Visual Studio 2008 - .net 3.5. (actually mixed mode app with C/C++)
I write add-ons for a map making applicaiton written in Assembly. The API is exposed so that C/C++ add-ons can be written. I mix C/C++ with C++/cli. Some of the elements from this example are from the API (such as XPCALL and CmdEnd() - please just ignore them)
void XPCALL PythonCmd2(int Result, int Result1, int Result2)
String^ filename = gcnew String(txtFileName);
String^ path = Assembly::GetExecutingAssembly()->Location;
ScriptEngine^ engine = Python::CreateEngine();
ScriptScope^ scope = engine->CreateScope();
ScriptSource^ source = engine->CreateScriptSourceFromFile(String::Concat(Path::GetDirectoryName(path), "\\scripts\\", filename + ".py"));
scope->SetVariable("DrawingList", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::DrawingList::typeid));
scope->SetVariable("DrawingElement", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::DrawingElement::typeid));
scope->SetVariable("DrawingPath", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::DrawingPath::typeid));
scope->SetVariable("Node", DynamicHelpers::GetPythonTypeFromType(AddIn::Node::typeid));
catch(Exception ^e)
As you can see, I expose to IronPython some objects (DrawingList, DrawingElement, DrawingPath & Node). These objects are C++/cli objects that I created to expose "things" to IronPython.
When the C++/cli source->Execute(scope) line is called, the only python line
to run is the DrawingList.RequestData.
RequestData takes a delegate and a data type.
When the C++/cli code is done, it calls the delegate pointing to the
function "diamond"
In the function diamond it retrieves the requested data with the call to
DrawingList.RequestedValue() The call to DrawingList.AddElement(dp) adds the
new element to the Applications visual Database.
And lastly the call to DrawingList.EndCommand() tells the FastCAD engine to
clean up and end the running of the plugin.
import clr
def diamond(Result1, Result2, Result3):
if(Result1 == 0):
dp = DrawingPath()
dp.drawingStuff.EntityColor = 2
dp.drawingStuff.SecondEntityColor = 2
n = DrawingList.RequestedValue()
DrawingList.RequestData(diamond, DrawingList.RequestType.PointType)
I hope this is what you were looking for.
If you don't need .NET functionality, you could rely on embedding Python instead of IronPython. See Python's documentation on Embedding Python in Another Application for more info and an example. If you don't mind being dependent on BOOST, you could try out its Python integration library.