Doxygen and multiple #defines with the same name - c++

This is a small experiment I tried out with Doxygen.
Say I have 6 files:
class A
int func1();
#define val 10
#include "h1.h"
#include "f1Data.h"
int A::func1()
return val;
#include "h1.h"
class B: public A
int func2();
#define val 20
#include "h2.h"
#include "f2Data.h"
int B::func2()
return val;
When I put GENERATE_XML=yes and CALL_GRAPH=yes in my configuration file and run doxygen, I see a bug in the generated XML file. In particular, I see that among the references of A::func1() the #defined value from f2Data.h is given instead of the #defined value from f1Data.h. This happens only when the name of the macro is same in both the files[In this case, val].
Can anyone tell me if this is a bug with doxygen or incorrect usage of doxygen on my part?

Doxygen makes a couple of assumptions while processing the code:
The headers are properly guarded (so they need to be processed only once).
Public symbol names are unique within a single project.
These are generally good programming practices, but not enforced by C as your example demonstrates.
If you do not adhering two the above rules, the output of doxygen can be incorrect.


How is it possible that I can make an instance from a class in which some member methods aren't defined yet? (C++)

I'm comparatively new to C++ so I tested some things out in Xcode, and found a really weird thing.
This is my 'Testing.h' file
#ifndef Testing_h
#define Testing_h
class Testing{
int a;
Testing(int a=3);
void hey(int b);
This is my 'Testing.cpp' file
#include "Testing.h"
Testing::Testing(int a){
a = 4;
And finally, this is the 'main.cpp' file
#include <iostream>
#include "Testing.h"
using namespace std;
int main(){
Testing a;
//Apparently not completing the definitions of every abstract methods in the class is not a problem
I only declared 'void hey(int b)' in 'Testing.h' but have not defined it in 'Testing.cpp'. So I was wondering how it is possible for the compiler to successfully compile the 'main.cpp' without having enough information of 'void hey(int b)'. Thanks in advance!
Because you never require there to be a definition for hey().
You can require a definition by calling it, for example :
And you'll see that the linker isn't too happy because hey is an undefined reference.
Testing a;//Apparently not completing the definitions of every abstract methods in the class is not a problem
You defined constructor with default value a=3 but calling both constructor argument and class parameter the same name is bad practice.
Instead you can write this:
#ifndef Testing_h
#define Testing_h
using namespace std;
class Testing{
int number;
Testing(int a=3): number(a = 4){}//it's the same as your implementation in cpp file
void hey(int b);
int getNumber() {return number;}
#include <iostream>
#include "Testing.h"
int main()
Testing object;
cout<<object.getNumber();// returns 4
return 0;
And why hey compiles?
During building your project compiler translates your source code into object code by verifying the syntax. After that process linker checks the definitions marked by whole phrases. Source code is compiled from each file provided. Linker doesn't care for the implementation presence, it only looks it up if a method is used by the program. So even without implementation of hey your program compiles.
Last remark
It's discouraged to include .cpp files use headers instead. Sometimes you can get yourself into multiple definitions of the same functions causing compiler errors.

Why does google test sample put tests in an anonymous namespace?

This is NOT a duplicate of Superiority of unnamed namespace over static?
Please read the question carefully before marking it as duplicate. I am not asking why use an unnamed namespace versus static!
I am asking, why are google tests placed inside an unnamed namespace? Is this some convention that google tests follow, and if so, why? The tests work fine whether they are in an unnamed namespace or not, so obviously it is not required.**
I cloned google test from github and built it for my mac. It works fine, but I noticed in the sample test code they give they place the tests in an unnamed namespace. Does anyone know why?
For example, see following file:
Part of the file looks like this:
// Step 1. Include necessary header files such that the stuff your
// test logic needs is declared.
// Don't forget gtest.h, which declares the testing framework.
#include <limits.h>
#include "sample1.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
// Step 2. Use the TEST macro to define your tests.
TEST(FactorialTest, Negative) {
// This test is named "Negative", and belongs to the "FactorialTest"
// test case.
EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-5));
EXPECT_EQ(1, Factorial(-1));
EXPECT_GT(Factorial(-10), 0);
} // namespace
Does anyone know why all the tests are in an unnamed namespace?
I tried removing the unnamed namespace and the sample still worked fine, so clearly it is not necessary for this particular sample.
I think the comment by Mike Kinghan answers the question, especially the part
You don't need to ask a programmer why haven't put stuff into the global namespace. You need to ask why they have.
However, I think its a good idea, pedagogically, to give an example of the kind of horrors that can happen if one doesn't follow good coding practices and as a consequence, violate ODR by mistake.
First, to relate the program below with the question, one needs to know that some of the Google Test macros create new classes. Now, consider the following program
#ifndef MYCLASS1_H
#define MYCLASS1_H
int f();
#endif /* MYCLASS1_H */
#ifndef MYCLASS2_H
#define MYCLASS2_H
int g();
#endif /* MYCLASS2_H */
#include "myClass1.h"
class MyClass {
void twice() { val *= 2; }
char val;
int f() {
MyClass x;
x.val = 2;
return x.val;
#include "myClass2.h"
class MyClass {
void twice() { val *= 2; }
double val;
int g() {
MyClass x;
x.val = 3;
return x.val;
#include <iostream>
#include "myClass1.h"
#include "myClass2.h"
int main() {
std::cerr << f() << std::endl << g() << std::endl;
return 0;
Notice how the class MyClass has two different definitions. With g++ 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.10, compiling and running the program with
g++ -O3 myClass1.cpp myClass2.cpp main.cpp -o undefined && ./undefined
prints 4 and 6, the expected behavior. However, compiling and running with no optimizations, i.e. with
g++ -O0 myClass1.cpp myClass2.cpp main.cpp -o undefined && ./undefined
prints 4 and 3!
Now, put this bug in a non-trivial program and you might easily loose an afternoon of debugging, especially if the bug laid dormant for a while. On the other hand, wrapping the classes in anonymous namespaces up-front takes no time at all and it prevents the bug. I think this illustrates one of the rationale behind some of the good coding practices: basic risk management.

Expected class name before { error

I am trying to get to grips with inheritance in C++ before trying to implement something in a larger file. I realise this question has been asked before but I've scoured literally everything I could find on this - nothing pointed me towards a fix. So hopefully a kind SO member can help me.
I writing a library for Arduino just to be clear. Here is my code:
#ifndef CtrlBrd_h
#define CtrlBrd_h
#include "Arduino.h"
class CtrlBrdClass
extern CtrlBrdClass CtrlBrd;
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "CtrlBrd.h"
CtrlBrdClass::CtrlBrdClass() {
int CtrlBrdClass::test()
return 79;
CtrlBrdClass CtrlBrd;
#ifndef CtrlBrdEx_h
#define CtrlBrdEx_h
#include <CtrlBrd.h>
class CtrlBrdEx : public CtrlBrdClass { // <----- Getting the error here!!
int test2();
extern CtrlBrdEx CtrlBrd;
#include "CtrlBrdEx.h"
int CtrlBrdEx::test2() {
return CtrlBrd.test() +1;
CtrlBrdEx CtrlBrd;
error: expected class-name before '{' token
#include <CtrlBrd.h>
#include "CtrlBrd.h"
The exact sequence of locations searched by the compiler is implementation dependent in both cases (§16.2 [cpp.include]), but both gcc and VC (and every other compiler if I had to guess) will search the current directory for the quoted form, but not necessarily for the other.
It seems the only solution is to include both files at the top of your main .ino code file. The Arduino compiler doesn't seem to like including libraries from within libraries...

Classes included within main() method

If I have some code like
main(int argc, char *argv[])
#include "Class1.H"
#include "Class2.H"
Generally the main() method is the starting point of every application and the content within main() is to be executed. Am I right in the assumption that the content of all classes included into main() will be executed when main() is started?
No, no, NO.
First of all, you don't #include a file within a function. You #include a file at the beginning of a file, before other declarations. OK, you can use #include anywhere, but you really just shouldn't.
Second, #include doesn't execute anything. It's basically just a copy-paste operation. The contents of the #included file are (effectively) inserted exactly where you put the #include.
Third, if you're going to learn to program in C++, please consider picking up one of our recommended texts.
You commented:
I am working with the multiphaseEulerFoam Solver in OpenFoam and
inside the main() of multiphaseEulerFoam.C are classes included. I
assume that the classes have the right structure to be called in
That may be the case, and I don't doubt that the classes have the right structure to be called from main. The problem is main will be malformed after the #includes because you'll have local class definitions and who knows what else within main.
Consider this. If you have a header:
#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
class Foo
Foo (const std::string& val)
mVal (val)
std::string mVal;
And you try to include this in main:
int main()
#include "foo.h"
After preprocessing the #include directive, the resulting file that the compiler will try to compile will look like this:
preprocessed main.cpp
int main()
#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H
class Foo
Foo (const std::string& val)
mVal (val)
std::string mVal;
This is all kinds of wrong. One, you can't declare local classes like this. Two, Foo won't be "executed", as you seem to assume.
main.cpp should look like this instead:
#include "foo.h"
int main()
#define and #include are just textual operations that take place during the 'preprocessing' phase of compilation, which is technically an optional phase. So you can mix and match them in all sorts of ways and as long as your preprocessor syntax is correct it will work.
However if you do redefine macros with #undef your code will be hard to follow because the same text could have different meanings in different places in the code.
For custom types typedef is much preferred where possible because you can still benefit from the type checking mechanism of the compiler and it is less error-prone because it is much less likely than #define macros to have unexpected side-effects on surrounding code.
Jim Blacklers Answer # #include inside the main () function
Try to avoid code like this. #include directive inserts contents of the file in its place.
You can simulate the result of your code by copy-pasting file content from Class1.H and Class2.H inside the main function.
Includes do not belong into any function or class method body, this is not a good idea to do.
No code will be executed unless you instantiate one of your classes in your header files.
Code is executed when:
Class is instantiated, then it's constructor method is called and the code inside the method is executed.
If there are variables of a class type inside your instantiated class, they will too run their constructors.
When you call a class method.
Try this example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
class A
{ public:
A() { cout << "A constructor called" << endl; }
// A has no instances
class B
{ public:
B() { cout << "B constructor called" << endl; }
void test() { cout << "B test called" << endl; }
} bbb;
// bbb will be new class instance of B
bbb.test(); // example call of test method of bbb instance
B ccc; // another class instance of B
ccc.test(); // another call, this time of ccc instance
When you run it, you'll observe that:
there will be no instance of class A created. Nothing will be run from class A.
if you intantiate bbb and ccc, their constructors will be run. To run any other code you must first make a method, for example test and then call it.
This is an openFoam syntax he is correct in saying that open Foam treats #include like calling a function. In OpenFoam using #include Foo.H would run through the code not the class declaration that is done in a different hierarchy level. I would recommend all openFoam related question not be asked in a C++ forum because there is so much stuff built onto C++ in openFoam a lot the rules need to be broken to produce a working code.
You're only including declarations of classes. To execute their code, you need to create class instances (objects).
Also, you shouldn't write #include inside a function or a class method. More often than not it won't compile.

c++ headers keeping sane

The biggest problem I seem to run into when coding in c++ is the fact that you must declare a class before you can reference it. Say I have two header file like this...
#include "Header2.h"
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class HelloPackage;
class Hello
string Message;
HelloPackage * Package;
Hello(string message, HelloPackage * pack)
Message = message;
Package = pack;
void Execute()
cout << Message << endl;
//HelloPackage->NothingReally doesn't exist.
//this is the issue essentially
#include "Header1.h"
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class HelloPackage
deque<Hello> Hellos;
Hellos = deque<Hello>();
int AddHello(string Message)
void ExecuteAll()
for each(Hello h in Hellos)
int NothingReally(int y)
int a = 0;
a += 1;
return a + y;
What I'm wondering is, is there any elegant solution for dealing with these issues? In say c#, and java, you're not restricted by this "linear" compiling.
Use header include guards, either "#ifndef / #define / #endif", or "#pragma once"
Put your code in a .cpp, not inline in the header
The reason this will work for you is because you can then use forward declarations of the class you want to reference without including the file if you so wish.
You are missing include guards
why define methods in the header?
Besides these problems with your code, to answer your question : normal way is to forward declare classes - not to include headers in headers (unless you have to).
If you follow a few basic rules, it is not awkward at all. But in comparison to e.g. Java or C#, you have to follow these rules by yourself, the compiler and/or language spec does not enforce it.
Other answers already noted that, but I will recap here so you have it in one place:
Use include guards. They make sure that your header (and thus your class definition) is only included once.
Normally, you will want to separate the declaration and implementation of your methods. This makes the header files more reusable and will reduce compilation time, because the header requires normally fewer #includes than the CPP (i.e. implementation) file.
In the header, use forward declarations instead of includes. This is possible only if you just use the name of the respective type, but don't need to know any "internals". The reason for this is that the forward declaration just tells the compiler that a certain name exists, but not what it contains.
This is a forward declaration of class Bar:
class Bar;
class Foo {
void foooh(Bar * b);
Here, the compiler will know that there is a Bar somewhere, but it does not know what members it has.
Use "using namespace xyz" only in CPP files, not in headers.
Allright, here comes your example code, modified to meet these rules. I only show the Hello class, the HelloPackage is to be separated into header and CPP file accordingly.
Hello.h (was Header1.h in your example)
#include <string>
class HelloPackage;
class Hello
Hello(std::string message, HelloPackage * pack);
void Execute();
string Message;
HelloPackage * Package;
#include "Hello.h"
#include "HelloPackage.h"
using namespace std;
Hello::Hello() : Message("")
Hello::Hello(string message, HelloPackage * pack)
Message = message;
Package = pack;
void Hello::Execute()
cout << Message << endl;
// Now accessing NothingReally works!
One question that may arise is why is the include for string is needed. Couldn't you just forward declare the string class, too?
The difference is that you use the string as embedded member, you don't use a pointer to string. This is ok, but it forces you to use #include, because the compiler must know how much space a string instance needs inside your Hello class.