Should pthread program take longer - c++

Maybe I’m confusing myself with threads, but my understanding of threading conflicts with each other.
I’ve created a program which uses POSIX pthreads. Without using these threads the program takes 0.061723 seconds to run, and with threads takes 0.081061 seconds to run.
At first I thought this is what should happen, as threads allow something to happen while other things should be able to happen. i.e. processing a lot of data on one thread while still having responsive UI on another, this would mean the processing of the data would take longer as the CPU divides its time between processing UI and processing the data.
However, surely the point of multithreading is to make the program take advantage of multiple CPUs/cores?
As you can tell I’m something of an intermediate so excuse me if it’s a simple question.
But what should I expect the program to do?
I’m running this on a mid-2012 Macbook Pro 13” base model. CPU is 22 nm "Ivy Bridge" 2.5 GHz Intel "Core i5" processor (3210M), with two independent processor "cores" on a single silicon chip
This is in main function. I didn’t add variable declaration for convenience but I’m sure you can work out what each does by its name:
// Loop through all items we need to process
while (totalNumberOfItemsToProcess > 0 && numberOfItemsToProcessOnEachIteration > 0 && startingIndex <= totalNumberOfItemsToProcess)
// As long as we have items to process...
// Align the index with number of items to process per iteration
const uint endIndex = startingIndex + (numberOfItemsToProcessOnEachIteration - 1);
// Create range
Range range = RangeMake(startingIndex,
rangesProcessed[i] = range;
// Create thread
// Create a thread identifier, 'newThread'
pthread_t newThread;
// Create thread with range
int threadStatus = pthread_create(&newThread, NULL, processCoordinatesInRangePointer, &rangesProcessed[i]);
if (threadStatus != 0)
std::cout << "Failed to create thread" << std::endl;
// Add thread to threads
// Setup next iteration
// Starting index
// Realign the index with number of items to process per iteration
startingIndex = (endIndex + 1);
// Number of items to process on each iteration
if (startingIndex > (totalNumberOfItemsToProcess - numberOfItemsToProcessOnEachIteration))
// If the total number of items to process is less than the number of items to process on each iteration
numberOfItemsToProcessOnEachIteration = totalNumberOfItemsToProcess - startingIndex;
// Increment index
std::cout << "Number of threads: " << threadIDs.size() << std::endl;
// Loop through all threads, rejoining them back up
for ( size_t i = 0;
i < threadIDs.size();
i++ )
// Wait for each thread to finish before returning
pthread_t currentThreadID = threadIDs[i];
int joinStatus = pthread_join(currentThreadID, NULL);
if (joinStatus != 0)
std::cout << "Thread join failed" << std::endl;
The processing functions:
void processCoordinatesAtIndex(uint index)
const int previousIndex = (index - 1);
// Get coordinates from terrain
Coordinate3D previousCoordinate = terrain[previousIndex];
Coordinate3D currentCoordinate = terrain[index];
// Calculate...
// Euclidean distance
double euclideanDistance = Coordinate3DEuclideanDistanceBetweenPoints(previousCoordinate, currentCoordinate);
euclideanDistances[index] = euclideanDistance;
// Angle of slope
double slopeAngle = Coordinate3DAngleOfSlopeBetweenPoints(previousCoordinate, currentCoordinate, false);
slopeAngles[index] = slopeAngle;
void processCoordinatesInRange(Range range)
for ( uint i = range.min;
i <= range.max;
i++ )
void *processCoordinatesInRangePointer(void *threadID)
// Cast the pointer to the right type
struct Range *range = (struct Range *)threadID;
return NULL;
Here are my global variables, which, are only global for simplicity - don’t have a go!
std::vector<Coordinate3D> terrain;
std::vector<double> euclideanDistances;
std::vector<double> slopeAngles;
std::vector<Range> rangesProcessed;
std::vector<pthread_t> threadIDs;

Correct me if I’m wrong, but, I think the issue was with how the time elapsed was measured. Instead of using clock_t I’ve moved to gettimeofday() and that reports a shorter time, from non threaded time of 22.629000 ms to a threaded time of 8.599000 ms.
Does this seem right to people?
Of course, my original question was based on whether or not a multithreaded program SHOULD be faster or not, so I won’t mark this answer as the correct one for that reason.


Mergesort pThread implementation taking same time as single-threaded

(I have tried to simplify this as much as i could to find out where I'm doing something wrong.)
The ideea of the code is that I have a global array *v (I hope using this array isn't slowing things down, the threads should never acces the same value because they all work on different ranges) and I try to create 2 threads each one sorting the first half, respectively the second half by calling the function merge_sort() with the respective parameters.
On the threaded run, i see the process going to 80-100% cpu usage (on dual core cpu) while on the no threads run it only stays at 50% yet the run times are very close.
This is the (relevant) code:
//These are the 2 sorting functions, each thread will call merge_sort(..). Is this a problem? both threads calling same (normal) function?
void merge (int *v, int start, int middle, int end) {
//dynamically creates 2 new arrays for the v[start..middle] and v[middle+1..end]
//copies the original values into the 2 halves
//then sorts them back into the v array
void merge_sort (int *v, int start, int end) {
//recursively calls merge_sort(start, (start+end)/2) and merge_sort((start+end)/2+1, end) to sort them
//calls merge(start, middle, end)
//here i'm expecting each thread to be created and to call merge_sort on its specific range (this is a simplified version of the original code to find the bug easier)
void* mergesort_t2(void * arg) {
t_data* th_info = (t_data*)arg;
merge_sort(v, th_info->a, th_info->b);
return (void*)0;
//in main I simply create 2 threads calling the above function
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
//some stuff
//getting the clock to calculate run time
clock_t t_inceput, t_sfarsit;
t_inceput = clock();
//ignore crt_depth for this example (in the full code i'm recursively creating new threads and i need this to know when to stop)
//the a and b are the range of values the created thread will have to sort
pthread_t thread[2];
t_data next_info[2];
next_info[0].crt_depth = 1;
next_info[0].a = 0;
next_info[0].b = n/2;
next_info[1].crt_depth = 1;
next_info[1].a = n/2+1;
next_info[1].b = n-1;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
if (pthread_create (&thread[i], NULL, &mergesort_t2, &next_info[i]) != 0) {
return err;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
if (pthread_join(thread[i], &status) != 0) {
return err;
//now i merge the 2 sorted halves
merge(v, 0, n/2, n-1);
//calculate end time
t_sfarsit = clock();
cout<<"Sort time (s): "<<double(t_sfarsit - t_inceput)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<endl;
delete [] v;
Output (on 1 million values):
Sort time (s): 1.294
Output with direct calling of merge_sort, no threads:
Sort time (s): 1.388
Output (on 10 million values):
Sort time (s): 12.75
Output with direct calling of merge_sort, no threads:
Sort time (s): 13.838
I'd like to thank WhozCraig and Adam too as they've hinted to this from the beginning.
I've used the inplace_merge(..) function instead of my own and the program run times are as they should now.
Here's my initial merge function (not really sure if the initial, i've probably modified it a few times since, also array indices might be wrong right now, i went back and forth between [a,b] and [a,b), this was just the last commented-out version):
void merge (int *v, int a, int m, int c) { //sorts v[a,m] - v[m+1,c] in v[a,c]
//create the 2 new arrays
int *st = new int[m-a+1];
int *dr = new int[c-m+1];
//copy the values
for (int i1 = 0; i1 <= m-a; i1++)
st[i1] = v[a+i1];
for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= c-(m+1); i2++)
dr[i2] = v[m+1+i2];
//merge them back together in sorted order
int is=0, id=0;
for (int i=0; i<=c-a; i++) {
if (id+m+1 > c || (a+is <= m && st[is] <= dr[id])) {
v[a+i] = st[is];
else {
v[a+i] = dr[id];
delete st, dr;
all this was replaced with:
inplace_merge(v+a, v+m, v+c);
Edit, some times on my 3ghz dual core cpu:
1 million values:
1 thread : 7.236 s
2 threads: 4.622 s
4 threads: 4.692 s
10 million values:
1 thread : 82.034 s
2 threads: 46.189 s
4 threads: 47.36 s
There's one thing that struck me: "dynamically creates 2 new arrays[...]". Since both threads will need memory from the system, they need to acquire a lock for that, which could well be your bottleneck. In particular the idea of doing microscopic array allocations sounds horribly inefficient. Someone suggested an in-place sort that doesn't need any additional storage, which is much better for performance.
Another thing is the often-forgotten starting half-sentence for any big-O complexity measurements: "There is an n0 so that for all n>n0...". In other words, maybe you haven't reached n0 yet? I recently saw a video (hopefully someone else will remember it) where some people tried to determine this limit for some algorithms, and their results were that these limits are surprisingly high.
Note: since OP uses Windows, my answer below (which incorrectly assumed Linux) might not apply. I left it for sake of those who might find the information useful.
clock() is a wrong interface for measuring time on Linux: it measures CPU time used by the program (see, which in case of multiple threads is the sum of CPU time for all threads. You need to measure elapsed, or wallclock, time. See more details in this SO question: C: using clock() to measure time in multi-threaded programs, which also tells what API can be used instead of clock().
In the MPI-based implementation that you try to compare with, two different processes are used (that's how MPI typically enables concurrency), and the CPU time of the second process is not included - so the CPU time is close to wallclock time. Nevertheless, it's still wrong to use CPU time (and so clock()) for performance measurement, even in serial programs; for one reason, if a program waits for e.g. a network event or a message from another MPI process, it still spends time - but not CPU time.
Update: In Microsoft's implementation of C run-time library, clock() returns wall-clock time, so is OK to use for your purpose. It's unclear though if you use Microsoft's toolchain or something else, like Cygwin or MinGW.

Using pthreads to process sections of an array/vector

Assume we have an array or vector of length 256(can be more or less) and the number of pthreads to generate to be 4(can be more or less).
I need to figure out how to assign each pthread to a process a section of the vector.
So the following code dispatches the multiple threads.
for(int i = 0; i < thread_count; i++)
int *arg = (int *) malloc(sizeof(*arg));
*arg = i;
thread_err = pthread_create(&(threads[i]), NULL, &multiThread_Handler, arg);
if (thread_err != 0)
printf("\nCan't create thread :[%s]", strerror(thread_err));
As you can tell from the above code, each thread passes an argument value to the starting function. Where in the case of the four threads, the argument values range from 0 to 3, 5 threads = 0 to 4, and so forth.
Now the starting function does the following:
void* multiThread_Handler(void *arg)
int thread_index = *((int *)arg);
unsigned int start_index = (thread_index*(list_size/thread_count));
unsigned int end_index = ((thread_index+1)*(list_size/thread_count));
std::cout << "Start Index: " << start_index << std::endl;
std::cout << "End Index: " << end_index << std::endl;
std::cout << "i: " << thread_index << std::endl;
for(int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++)
std::cout <<"Processing array element at: " << i << std::endl;
So in the above code, the thread whose argument is 0 should process the section 0 - 63(in the case of an array size of 256 and a thread count of 4), the thread whose argument is 1 should process the section 64 - 127, and so forth. The last thread processing 192 - 256.
Each of these four sections should processed in parallel.
Also, the pthread_join() functions are present in the original main code to make sure each thread finishes before the main thread terminates.
The problem is, that the value i in the above for-loop is taking on suspiciously large values. I'm not sure why this would occur since I am fairly new to pthreads.
It seems like sometimes it works perfectly fine and other times and other times, the value of i becomes so large that it causes the program to either abort or presents a segmentation fault.
The problem is indeed a data race caused by lack of synchronization. And the shared variable being used (and modified) by multiple threads is std::cout.
When using streams such as std::cout concurrently, you need to synchronize all operations with a stream by a mutex. Otherwise, depending on the platform and your luck, you might get output from multiple threads messed together (which might sometimes look like printed values being larger than you expect), or you might get the program crashed, or have other sorts of undefined behavior.
// Incorrect Code
unsigned int start_index = (thread_index*(list_size/thread_count));
unsigned int end_index = ((thread_index+1)*(list_size/thread_count));
The above code is critical region is wrong in your above program. as there is no synchronization mechanism has been used so there is data race.This leads to the wrong calculation of start_index and end_index counters and hence we may get wrong(random garbage values) and hence the for loop variable "i" goes on the toss. So you should use the following code to synchronize the critical region of your program.
// Correct Code
s=thread_mutex_lock (&mutexhandle);
start_index = (thread_index*(list_size/thread_count));
end_index = ((thread_index+1)*(list_size/thread_count));
s=thread_mutex_unlock (&mutexhandle);

Inconsistent timings when passing data between two threads

I have a piece of code that I use to test various containers (e.g. deque and a circular buffer) when passing data from a producer (thread 1) to a consumer (thread 2). A data is represented by a struct with a pair of timestamps. First timestamp is taken before push in the producer, and the second one is taken when data is popped by the consumer.
The container is protected with a pthread spinlock.
The machine runs redhat 5.5 with 2.6.18 kernel (old!), it is a 4-core system with hyperthreading disabled. gcc 4.7 with -std=c++11 flag was used in all tests.
Producer acquires the lock, timestamps the data and pushes it into the queue, unlocks and sleeps in a busy loop for 2 microseconds (the only reliable way I found to sleep for precisely 2 micros on that system).
Consumer locks, pops the data, timestamps it and generates some statistics (running mean delay and standard deviation). The stats is printed every 5 seconds (M is the mean, M2 is the std dev) and reset. I used gettimeofday() to obtain the timestamps, which means that the mean delay number can be thought of as the percentage of delays that exceed 1 microsecond.
Most of the time the output looks like this:
CNT=2500000 M=0.00935 M2=0.910238
CNT=2500000 M=0.0204112 M2=1.57601
CNT=2500000 M=0.0045016 M2=0.372065
but sometimes (probably 1 trial out of 20) like this:
CNT=2500000 M=0.523413 M2=4.83898
CNT=2500000 M=0.558525 M2=4.98872
CNT=2500000 M=0.581157 M2=5.05889
(note the mean number is much worse than in the first case, and it never recovers as the program runs).
I would appreciate thoughts on why this could happen. Thanks.
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <deque>
#include <thread>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cmath>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <xmmintrin.h> // _mm_pause()
int64_t timestamp() {
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
return 1000000L * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;
//running mean and a second moment
struct StatsM2 {
StatsM2() {}
double m = 0;
double m2 = 0;
long count = 0;
inline void update(long x, long c) {
count = c;
double delta = x - m;
m += delta / count;
m2 += delta * (x - m);
inline void reset() {
m = m2 = 0;
count = 0;
inline double getM2() { // running second moment
return (count > 1) ? m2 / (count - 1) : 0.;
inline double getDeviation() {
return std::sqrt(getM2() );
inline double getM() { // running mean
return m;
// pause for usec microseconds using busy loop
int64_t busyloop_microsec_sleep(unsigned long usec) {
int64_t t, tend;
tend = t = timestamp();
tend += usec;
while (t < tend) {
t = timestamp();
return t;
struct Data {
Data() : time_produced(timestamp() ) {}
int64_t time_produced;
int64_t time_consumed;
int64_t sleep_interval = 2;
StatsM2 statsm2;
std::deque<Data> queue;
bool producer_running = true;
bool consumer_running = true;
pthread_spinlock_t spin;
void producer() {
producer_running = true;
while(producer_running) {
queue.push_back(Data() );
void consumer() {
int64_t count = 0;
int64_t print_at = 1000000/sleep_interval * 5;
Data data;
consumer_running = true;
while (consumer_running) {
if (queue.empty() ) {
// _mm_pause();
data = queue.front();
data.time_consumed = timestamp();
statsm2.update(data.time_consumed - data.time_produced, count);
if (count >= print_at) {
std::cerr << "CNT=" << count << " M=" << statsm2.getM() << " M2=" << statsm2.getDeviation() << "\n";
count = 0;
int main(void) {
if (pthread_spin_init(&spin, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE) < 0)
std::thread consumer_thread(consumer);
std::thread producer_thread(producer);
consumer_running = false;
producer_running = false;
return 0;
I believe that 5 below is the only thing that can explain 1/2 second latency. When on the same core, each would run for a long time and only then switch to the other.
The rest of the things on the list are too small to cause a 1/2 second delay.
You can use pthread_setaffinity_np to pin your threads to specific cores. You can try different combinations and see how performance changes.
EDIT #2:
More things you should take care of: (who said testing was simple...)
1. Make sure the consumer is already running when the producer starts producing. Not too important in your case as the producer is not really producing in a tight loop.
2. This is very important: you divide by count every time, which is not the right thing to do for your stats. This means that the first measurement in every stats window weight a lot more than the last. To measure the median you have to collect all the values. Measuring the average and min/max, without collecting all numbers, should give you a good enough picture of the latency.
It's not surprising, really.
1. The time is taken in Data(), but then the container spends time calling malloc.
2. Are you running 64 bit or 32? In 32 bit gettimeofday is a system call while in 64 bit it's a VDSO that doesn't get into the kernel... you may want to time gettimeofday itself and record the variance. Or enroll your own using rdtsc.
The best would be to use cycles instead of micros because micros are really too big for this scenario... only the rounding to micros gets you very much skewed when dealing with such a small scale of things
3. Are you guaranteed to not get preempted between producer and consumer? I guess that not. But this should not happen very frequently on a box dedicated to testing...
4. Is it 4 cores on a single socket or 2? if it's a 2 socket box, you want to have the 2 threads on the same socket, or you pay (at least) double for data transfer.
5. Make sure the threads are not running on the same core.
6. If the Data you transfer and the additional data (container node) are sharing cache lines (kind of likely) with other Data+node, the producer would be delayed by the consumer when it writes to the consumed timestamp. This is called false sharing. You can eliminate this by padding/aligning to 64 bytes and using an intrusive container.
gettimeofday is not a good way to profile computation overhead. It is the wall clock and your computer is multiprocessing. Even you think you are not running anything else, the OS scheduler always has some other activities to keep the system running. To profile your process overhead, you have to at least raise the priority of the process you are profiling. Also use high resolution timer or cpu ticks to do the timing measure.

How to limit the number of threads which perform an action in C++ AMP

I am performing a series of calculations on a large number of threads using C++ AMP. The last step of the calculation though is to prune the result but only for a limited number of threads. For example, if the result of the calculation is below a threshold, then set the result to 0 BUT only do this for a maximum of X threads. Essentially this is a shared counter but also a shared conditional check.
Any help is appreciated!
My understanding of your question is the following pseudo-code performed by each thread:
auto result = ...
if(result < global_threshold) // if the result of the calculation is below a threshold
if(global_counter++ < global_max) // for a maximum of X threads
result = 0; // then set the result to 0
I then further assume that both global_threshold and global_max does not change during the computation (i.e. between parallel_for_each start and finish) - so the most elegant way to pass them is through lambda capture.
On the other hand, global_counter clearly changes value, so it must be located in modifiable memory shared across all threads, effectively being array<T,N> or array_view<T,N>. Since the threads incrementing this object are not synchronized, the operation would need to be performed using atomic operation.
The above translates to the following C++ AMP code (I'm using Visual Studio 2013 syntax, but it is easily back-portable to Visual Studio 2012):
std::vector<int> result_storage(1024);
array_view<int> av_result{ result_storage };
int global_counter_storage[1] = { 0 };
array_view<int> global_counter{ global_counter_storage };
int global_threshold = 42;
int global_max = 3;
parallel_for_each(av_result.extent, [=](index<1> idx) restrict(amp)
int result = (idx[0] % 50) + 1; // 1 .. 50
if(result < global_threshold)
// assuming less than INT_MAX threads will enter here
if(atomic_fetch_inc(&global_counter[0]) < global_max)
result = 0;
av_result[idx] = result;
auto zeros = count(begin(result_storage), end(result_storage), 0);
std::cout << "Total number of zeros in results: " << zeros << std::endl
<< "Total number of threads lower than threshold: " << global_counter[0]
<< std::endl;

C++ Low-Latency Threaded Asynchronous Buffered Stream (intended for logging) – Boost

3 while loops below contain code that has been commented out. I search for ("TAG1", "TAG2", and "TAG3") for easy identification. I simply want the while loops to wait on the condition tested to become true before proceeding while minimizing CPU resources as much as possible. I first tried using Boost condition variables, but there's a race condition. Putting the thread to sleep for 'x' microseconds is inefficient because there is no way to precisely time the wakeup. Finally, boost::this_thread::yield() does not seem to do anything. Probably because I only have 2 active threads on a dual-core system. Specifically, how can I make the three tagged areas below run more efficiently while introducing as little unnecessary blocking as possible.
I have an application that logs a lot of data. After profiling, I found that much time is consumed on the logging operations (logging text or binary to a file on the local hard disk). My objective is to reduce the latency on logData calls by replacing non-threaded direct write calls with calls to a threaded buffered stream logger.
Options Explored:
Upgrade 2005-era slow hard disk to SSD...possible. Cost is not prohibitive...but involves a lot of work... more than 200 computers would have to be upgraded...
Boost ASIO...I don't need all the proactor / networking overhead, looking for something simpler and more light-weight.
Producer and consumer thread pattern, the application writes data into a buffer and a background thread then writes it to disk sometime later. So the ultimate goal is to have the writeMessage function called by the application layer return as fast as possible while data is correctly / completely logged to the log file in a FIFO order sometime later.
Only one application thread, only one writer thread.
Based on ring buffer. The reason for this decision is to use as few locks as possible and ideally...and please correct me if I'm wrong...I don't think I need any.
Buffer is a statically-allocated character array, but could move it to the heap if needed / desired for performance reasons.
Buffer has a start pointer that points to the next character that should be written to the file. Buffer has an end pointer that points to the array index after the last character to be written to the file. The end pointer NEVER passes the start pointer. If a message comes in that is larger than the buffer, then the writer waits until the buffer is emptied and writes the new message to the file directly without putting the over-sized message in the buffer (once the buffer is emptied, the worker thread won't be writing anything so no contention).
The writer (worker thread) only updates the ring buffer's start pointer.
The main (application thread) only updates the ring buffer's end pointer, and again, it only inserts new data into the buffer when there is available space...otherwise it either waits for space in the buffer to become available or writes directly as described above.
The worker thread continuously checks to see if there is data to be written (indicated by the case when the buffer start pointer != buffer end pointer). If there is no data to be written, the worker thread should ideally go to sleep and wake up once the application thread has inserted something into the buffer (and changed the buffer's end pointer such that it no longer points to the same index as the start pointer). What I have below involves while loops continuously checking that condition. It is a very bad / inefficient way of waiting on the buffer.
On my 2009-era dual-core laptop with SSD, I see that the total write time of the threaded / buffered benchmark vs. direct write is about 1 : 6 (0.609 sec vs. 0.095 sec), but highly variable. Often the buffered write benchmark is actually slower than direct write. I believe that the variability is due to the poor implementation of waiting for space to free up in the buffer, waiting for the buffer to empty, and having the worker-thread wait for work to become available. I have measured that some of the while loops consume over 10000 cycles and I suspect that those cycles are actually competing for hardware resources that the other thread (worker or application) requires to finish the computation being waited on.
Output seems to check out. With TEST mode enabled and a small buffer size of 10 as a stress test, I diffed hundreds of MBs of output and found it to equal the input.
Compiles with current version of Boost (1.55)
#ifndef BufferedLogStream_h
#define BufferedLogStream_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "boost\chrono\chrono.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\thread.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\locks.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\mutex.hpp"
#include "boost\thread\condition_variable.hpp"
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
#define TEST 0
#define BENCHMARK 1
#define BUFFER_SIZE 10
#define BUFFER_SIZE 33554432 //4 MB
class BufferedLogStream {
void openFile(char* filename);
void flush();
void close();
inline void writeMessage(const char* message, unsigned int length);
void writeMessage(string message);
bool operator() () { return start != end; }
void threadedWriter();
inline bool hasSomethingToWrite();
inline unsigned int getFreeSpaceInBuffer();
void appendStringToBuffer(const char* message, unsigned int length);
FILE* fp;
char* start;
char* end;
char* endofringbuffer;
char ringbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
bool workerthreadkeepalive;
boost::mutex mtx;
boost::condition_variable waitforempty;
boost::mutex workmtx;
boost::condition_variable waitforwork;
struct testbuffer {
int length;
char message[BUFFER_SIZE * 2];
void test();
void getNextRandomTest(testbuffer &tb);
FILE* datatowrite;
void runBenchmark();
void initBenchmarkString();
void runDirectWriteBaseline();
void runBufferedWriteBenchmark();
char benchmarkstr[BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE];
int main() {
BufferedLogStream* bl = new BufferedLogStream();
cout << "Done" << endl;
return 0;
int main() {
BufferedLogStream* bl = new BufferedLogStream();
cout << "Done" << endl;
return 0;
#endif //for benchmark
#include "BufferedLogStream.h"
BufferedLogStream::BufferedLogStream() {
fp = NULL;
start = ringbuffer;
end = ringbuffer;
endofringbuffer = ringbuffer + BUFFER_SIZE;
workerthreadkeepalive = true;
void BufferedLogStream::openFile(char* filename) {
if(fp) close();
workerthreadkeepalive = true;
boost::thread t2(&BufferedLogStream::threadedWriter, this);
fp = fopen(filename, "w+b");
void BufferedLogStream::flush() {
void BufferedLogStream::close() {
workerthreadkeepalive = false;
if(!fp) return;
while(hasSomethingToWrite()) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(mtx);
waitforempty.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(MAIN_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
fp = NULL;
void BufferedLogStream::threadedWriter() {
while(true) {
if(start != end) {
char* currentend = end;
if(start < currentend) {
fwrite(start, 1, currentend - start, fp);
else if(start > currentend) {
if(start != endofringbuffer) fwrite(start, 1, endofringbuffer - start, fp);
fwrite(ringbuffer, 1, currentend - ringbuffer, fp);
start = currentend;
else { //start == work to do
if(!workerthreadkeepalive) return;
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(workmtx);
waitforwork.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(WORKER_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
bool BufferedLogStream::hasSomethingToWrite() {
return start != end;
void BufferedLogStream::writeMessage(string message) {
writeMessage(message.c_str(), message.length());
unsigned int BufferedLogStream::getFreeSpaceInBuffer() {
if(end > start) return (start - ringbuffer) + (endofringbuffer - end) - 1;
if(end == start) return BUFFER_SIZE-1;
return start - end - 1; //case where start > end
void BufferedLogStream::appendStringToBuffer(const char* message, unsigned int length) {
if(end + length <= endofringbuffer) { //most common case for appropriately-sized buffer
memcpy(end, message, length);
end += length;
else {
int lengthtoendofbuffer = endofringbuffer - end;
if(lengthtoendofbuffer > 0) memcpy(end, message, lengthtoendofbuffer);
int remainderlength = length - lengthtoendofbuffer;
memcpy(ringbuffer, message + lengthtoendofbuffer, remainderlength);
end = ringbuffer + remainderlength;
void BufferedLogStream::writeMessage(const char* message, unsigned int length) {
if(length > BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { //if string is too large for buffer, wait for buffer to empty and bypass buffer, write directly to file
while(hasSomethingToWrite()); {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(mtx);
waitforempty.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(MAIN_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
fwrite(message, 1, length, fp);
else {
//wait until there is enough free space to insert new string
while(getFreeSpaceInBuffer() < length) {
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> u(mtx);
waitforempty.wait_for(u, boost::chrono::microseconds(MAIN_LOOP_WAIT_MICROSEC));
appendStringToBuffer(message, length);
void BufferedLogStream::getNextRandomTest(testbuffer &tb) {
tb.length = 1 + (rand() % (int)(BUFFER_SIZE * 1.05));
for(int i = 0; i < tb.length; i++) {
tb.message[i] = rand() % 26 + 65;
tb.message[tb.length] = '\n';
tb.message[tb.length] = '\0';
void BufferedLogStream::test() {
cout << "Buffer size is: " << BUFFER_SIZE << endl;
testbuffer tb;
datatowrite = fopen("orig.txt", "w+b");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 7000000; i++) {
if(i % 1000000 == 0) cout << i << endl;
writeMessage(tb.message, tb.length);
fwrite(tb.message, 1, tb.length, datatowrite);
void BufferedLogStream::initBenchmarkString() {
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE - 1; i++) {
benchmarkstr[i] = rand() % 26 + 65;
benchmarkstr[BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE - 1] = '\n';
void BufferedLogStream::runDirectWriteBaseline() {
clock_t starttime = clock();
fp = fopen("BenchMarkBaseline.txt", "w+b");
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_BENCHMARK_WRITES; i++) {
fwrite(benchmarkstr, 1, BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE, fp);
clock_t elapsedtime = clock() - starttime;
cout << "Direct write baseline took " << ((double) elapsedtime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << endl;
void BufferedLogStream::runBufferedWriteBenchmark() {
clock_t starttime = clock();
cout << "Opend file" << endl;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_BENCHMARK_WRITES; i++) {
writeMessage(benchmarkstr, BENCHMARK_STR_SIZE);
cout << "Wrote" << endl;
cout << "Close" << endl;
clock_t elapsedtime = clock() - starttime;
cout << "Buffered write took " << ((double) elapsedtime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds." << endl;
void BufferedLogStream::runBenchmark() {
cout << "Buffer size is: " << BUFFER_SIZE << endl;
Update: November 25, 2013
I updated the code below use boost::condition_variables, specifically the wait_for() method as recommended by Evgeny Panasyuk. This avoids unnecessarily checking the same condition over and over again. I am currently seeing the buffered version run in about 1/6th the time as the unbuffered / direct-write version. This is not the ideal case because both cases are limited by the hard disk (in my case a 2010 era SSD). I plan to use the code below in an environment where the hard disk will not be the bottleneck and most if not all the time, the buffer should have space available to accommodate the writeMessage requests. That brings me to my next question. How big should I make the buffer? I don't mind allocating 32 MBs or 64 MB to ensure that it never fills up. The code will be running on systems that can spare that. Intuitively, I feel that it's a bad idea to statically allocate a 32 MB character array. Is it? Anyhow, I expect that when I run the code below for my intended application, the latency of logData() calls will be greatly reduced which will yield a significant reduction in overall processing time.
If anyone sees any way to make the code below better (faster, more robust, leaner, etc), please let me know. I appreciate the feedback. Lazin, how would your approach be faster or more efficient than what I have posted below? I kinda like the idea of just having one buffer and making it large enough so that it practically never fills up. Then I don't have to worry about reading from different buffers. Evgeny Panasyuk, I like the approach of using existing code whenever possible, especially if it's an existing boost library. However, I also don't see how the spcs_queue is more efficient than what I have below. I'd rather deal with one large buffer than many smaller ones and have to worry about splitting splitting my input stream on the input and splicing it back together on the output. Your approach would allow me to offload the formatting from the main thread onto the worker thread. That is a cleaver approach. But I'm not sure yet whether it will save a lot of time and to realize the full benefit, I would have to modify code that I do not own.
//End Update
General solution.
I think you must look at the Naggle algorithm. For one producer and one consumer this would look like this:
At the beginning buffer is empty, worker thread is idle and waiting for the events.
Producer writes data to the buffer and notifies worker thread.
Worker thread woke up and start the write operation.
Producer tries to write another message, but buffer is used by worker, so producer allocates another buffer and writes message to it.
Producer tries to write another message, I/O still in progress so producer writes message to previously allocated buffer.
Worker thread done writing buffer to file and sees that there is another buffer with data so it grabs it and starts to write.
The very first buffer is used by producer to write all consecutive messages, until second write operation in progress.
This schema will help achieve low latency requirement, single message will be written to disc instantaneously, but large amount of events will be written by large batches for greather throughput.
If your log messages have levels - you can improve this schema a little bit. All error messages have high priority(level) and must be saved on disc immediately (because they are rare but very valuable) but debug and trace messages have low priority and can be buffered to save bandwidth (because they are very frequent but not as valuable as error and info messages). So when you write error message, you must wait until worker thread is done writing your message (and all messages that are in the same buffer) and then continue, but debug and trace messages can be just written to buffer.
Spawning worker thread for each application thread is to costly. You must use single writer thread for each log file. Write buffers must be shared between threads. Each buffer must have two pointers - commit_pointer and prepare_pointer. All buffer space between beginning of the buffer and commit_pointer are available for worker thread. Buffer space between commit_pointer and prepare_pointer are currently updated by application threads. Invariant: commit_pointer <= prepare_pointer.
Write operations can be performed in two steps.
Prepare write. This operation reserves space in a buffer.
Producer calculates len(message) and atomically updates prepare_pointer;
Old prepare_pointer value and len is saved by consumer;
Commit write.
Producer writes message at the beginning of the reserved buffer space (old prepare_pointer value).
Producer busy-waits until commit_pointer is equal to old prepare_pointer value that its save in local variable.
Producer commit write operation by doing commit_pointer = commit_pointer + len atomically.
To prevent false sharing, len(message) can be rounded to cache line size and all extra space can be filled with spaces.
// pseudocode
void write(const char* message) {
int len = strlen(message); // TODO: round to cache line size
const char* old_prepare_ptr;
// Prepare step
old_prepare_ptr = prepare_ptr;
if (
prepare_ptr + len) == old_prepare_ptr
// retry if another thread perform prepare op.
// Write message
memcpy((void*)old_prepare_ptr, (void*)message, len);
// Commit step
const char* old_commit_ptr = commit_ptr;
if (
old_commit_ptr + len) == old_commit_ptr
// retry if another thread commits
concurrent_queue<T, Size>
The question that I have is how to make the worker thread go to work as soon as there is work to do and sleep when there is no work.
There is boost::lockfree::spsc_queue - wait-free single-producer single-consumer queue. It can be configured to have compile-time capacity (the size of the internal ringbuffer).
From what I understand, you want something similar to following configuration:
template<typename T, size_t N>
class concurrent_queue
// T can be wrapped into struct with padding in order to avoid false sharing
mutable boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<T, boost::lockfree::capacity<N>> q;
mutable mutex m;
mutable condition_variable c;
void wait() const
unique_lock<mutex> u(m);
c.wait_for(u, chrono::microseconds(1)); // Or whatever period you need.
// Timeout is required, because modification happens not under mutex
// and notification can be lost.
// Another option is just to use sleep/yield, without notifications.
void notify() const
void push(const T &t)
void pop(T &result)
When there are elements in queue - pop does not block. And when there is enough space in internal buffer - push does not block.
I want to reduce both formatting and write times as much as possible so I plan to reduce both.
Check out Herb Sutter talk at C++ and Beyond 2012: C++ Concurrency. At page 14 he shows example of concurrent<T>. Basically it is wrapper around object of type T which starts separate thread for performing all operations on that object. Usage is:
concurrent<ostream*> x(&cout); // starts thread internally
// ...
// x acts as function object.
// It's function call operator accepts action
// which is performed on wrapped object in separate thread.
int i = 42;
x([i](ostream *out){ *out << "i=" << i; }); // passing lambda as action
You can use similar pattern in order to offload all formatting work to consumer thread.
Small Object Optimization
Otherwise, new buffers are allocated and I want to avoid memory allocation after the buffer stream is constructed.
Above concurrent_queue<T, Size> example uses fixed-size buffer which is fully contained within queue, and does not imply additional allocations.
However, Herb's concurrent<T> example uses std::function to pass action into worker thread. That may incur costly allocation.
std::function implementations may use Small Object Optimization (and most implementations do) - small function objects are in-place copy-constructed in internal buffer, but there is no guarantee, and for function objects bigger than threshold - heap allocation would happen.
There are several options to avoid this allocation:
Implement std::function analog with internal buffer large enough to hold target function objects (for example, you can try to modify boost::function or this version).
Use your own function object which would represent all type of log messages. Basically it would contain just values required to format message. As potentially there are different types of messages, consider to use boost::variant (which is literary union coupled with type tag) to represent them.
Putting it all together, here is proof-of-concept (using second option):
#include <boost/lockfree/spsc_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
template<typename T, size_t N>
class concurrent_queue
mutable boost::lockfree::spsc_queue<T, boost::lockfree::capacity<N>> q;
mutable mutex m;
mutable condition_variable c;
void wait() const
unique_lock<mutex> u(m);
c.wait_for(u, chrono::microseconds(1));
void notify() const
void push(const T &t)
void pop(T &result)
template<typename T, typename F>
class concurrent
typedef boost::optional<F> Job;
mutable concurrent_queue<Job, 16> q; // use custom size
mutable T x;
thread worker;
concurrent(T x)
: x{x}, worker{[this]
Job j;
if(!j) break;
(*j)(this->x); // you may need to handle exceptions in some way
void operator()(const F &f)
struct LogEntry
struct Formatter
typedef void result_type;
ostream *out;
void operator()(double x) const
*out << "floating point: " << x << endl;
void operator()(int x) const
*out << "integer: " << x << endl;
boost::variant<int, double> data;
void operator()(ostream *out)
boost::apply_visitor(Formatter{out}, data);
int main()
concurrent<ostream*, LogEntry> log{&cout};
for(int i=0; i!=1024; ++i)