Django session countdown timer - django

I have it in my login screen:
SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 1200 # 20 minutes
And I want to show the remaining time in my template
Does anyone know a good or middleware package for django to add a timer remaining to end the login session. I did not think anything built with Django, just javascript solutions. Thank U.

First you need to get the session key from the request. Then, it's easy to get the session object and query its age:
from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session
session_key = request.COOKIES["sessionid"]
session = Session.objects.get(session_key=session_key)
remaining_seconds = session.get_expiry_age()
Then you must add remaining_seconds variable to your template context or maybe better write a context processor so this variable is available at every template.


How do I check if a user has entered the URL from another website in Django?

I want an effect to be applied when a user is entering my website. So therefore I want to check for when a user is coming from outside my website so the effect isnt getting applied when the user is surfing through different urls inside the website, but only when the user is coming from outside my website
You can't really check for where a user has come from specifically. You can check if the user has just arrived on your site by setting a session variable when they load one of your pages. You can check for it before you set it, and if they don't have it, then they have just arrived and you can apply your effect. There's some good examples of how sessions work here:
There's a couple of ways to handle this. If you are using function based views, you can just create a separate util function and include it at the top of every page, eg,
def first_visit(request):
"""returns the answer to the question 'first visit for session?'
make sure SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE set to False in settings for persistance"""
if request.session['first_visit']:
#this is not the first session because the session variable is used.
return False
#This is the first visit
...#do something
#set the session variable so you only do the above once
request.session[first_visit'] = True
return True
from import first_visit
def show_page(request):
first_visit = first_visit(request)
This approach gives you some control. For example, you may not want to run it on pages that require login, because you will already have run it on the login page.
Otherwise, the best approach depends on what will happen on the first visit. If you want just to update a template (eg, perhaps to show a message or run a script on th epage) you can use a context processor which gives you extra context for your templates. If you want to interrupt the request, perhaps to redirect it to a separate page, you can create a simple piece of middleware.
docs for middleware
docs for context processors
You may also be able to handle this entirely by javascript. This uses localStorage to store whether or not this is the user's first visit to the site and displays the loading area for 5 seconds if there is nothing in localStorage. You can include this in your base template so it runs on every page.
function showMain() {
document.getElementByID("loading").style.display = "none";
document.getElementByID("main").style.display = "block";
const secondVisit = localStorage.getItem("secondVisit");
if (!secondVisit) {
//show loading screen
document.getElementByID("loading").style.display = "block";
document.getElementByID("main").style.display = "none";
setTimeout(5000, showMain)
localStorage.setItem("secondVisit", "true" );
} else {

Storing in Django Sessions

I have a ReactJS component inside a Django template, where a user clicks on a checkout button, posts the item_code and gets redirected to checkout:
onCheckout = () => {
fetch("/onCheckout/", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({'item': this.props.item_info.code})
A Django view receives the request and stores it in a session.
def onCheckout(request):
if request.method == "POST":
items = request.session.get('items', [])
new_item = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))['item']
request.session['items'] = items
I am having a issue with storing data in the session. After the first item gets stored correctly in the array, and I then checkout on a second item, the items array starts acting up:
(Pdb) items
(Pdb) new_item
(Pdb) items
(Pdb) items
If I try to access request.session['item'] from any other view function, I get a KeyError.
I am fairly new to Django, any help would be appreciated. Also, I would like to know if there are better alternatives to accomplish the above.
Sessions Config
settings.SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.db'
settings.SESSION_CACHE_ALIAS = 'default'
settings.CACHES = {'default': {'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache'}}
Some reading on change detection for Django sessions:
Based on your code, it appears to me that the change detection should happen. However, let's try to brute force this, can you add the following line as the last line of your code: request.session.modified = True - see if this fixes your issue?
Update: some basic checks
Can you verify the following
Check if your db backend is configured priestly
If you want to use a database-backed session, you need to add 'django.contrib.sessions' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting. Once you have configured your installation, run migrate to install the single database table that stores session data.
Check if your session Middleware is enabled
Sessions are implemented via a piece of middleware. The default created by django-admin startproject has SessionMiddleware activated. To enable session functionality, edit the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting and make sure it contains 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'.
Update 2: Test the session
Maybe modify a style existing endpoint as follows and see if you are able to store values and persist them in session :
test_keys = request.session.get('test_keys', [])
request.session['test_keys'] = test_keys
return Response(request.session.get('test_keys', []))
You should see that each time you hit the api, you get a list with one new integer in it in addition to all past values. Lmk how this goes.

flask how to keep database queries references up to date

I am creating a flask app with two panels one for the admin and the other is for users. In the app scheme I have a utilities file where I keep most of the redundant variables besides other functions, (by redundant i mean i use it in many different parts of the application)
# ...
opening_hour = db_session.query(Table.column).one()[0] # 10:00 AM
# ...
The Table.column or let's say the opening_hour variable's value above is entered to the database by the admin though his/her web panel. This value limits the users from accessing certain functionalities of the application before the specified hour.
The problem is:
If the admin changes that value through his/her web panel, let's say to 11:00 AM. the changes is not being shown directly in the users panel."even though it was entered to the database!".
If I want the new opening_hour's value to take control. I have to manually shutdown the app and restart it "sometimes even this doesn't work"
I have tried adding gc.collect()...did nothing. There must be a way around this other than shutting and restarting the app manually. first, I doubt the admin will be able to do that. second, even if he/she can, that would be really frustrating.
If someone can relate to this please explain why is this occurring and how to get around it. Thanks in advance :)
You are trying to add advanced logic to a simple variable: You want to query the DB only once, and periodically force the variable to update by re-loading the module. That's not how modules and the import mechanism is supposed to be used.
If you want to access a possibly changing value from the database, you have to read it over and over again.
The solution is to, instead of a variable, define a function opening_hours that executes the DB query every time you check the value
def opening_hours():
return (
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[0], # 10:00 AM
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[1] # 5:00 PM
Now you may not want to have to query the Database every time you check the value, but maybe cache it for a few minutes. The easiest would be to use cachetools for that:
import cachetools
cache = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=10, ttl=60) # Cache for 60 seconds
def opening_hours():
return (
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[0], # 10:00 AM
db_session.query(Table.column).one()[1] # 5:00 PM
Also, since you are using Flask, you can create a route decorator that controls access to your views depending on the view of the day
from datetime import datetime, time
from functools import wraps
from flask import g, request, render_template
def only_within_office_hours(f):
def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):
start_time, stop_time = opening_hour()
if start_time <= <= stop_time:
return render_template('office_hours_error.html')
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated_function
that you can use like
def secret_page():

Django File-based session doesn't expire

I just realized that my session doesn't expire when I use file-based session engine. Looking at Django code for file-based session, Django doesn't store any expiration information for a session, thus it's never expire unless the session file gets deleted manually.
This looks like a bug to me, as the database-backed session works fine, and I believe regardless of what session back-end developer chooses, they all should behave similarly.
Switching to database-backed session is not an option for me, as I need to store user's session in files.
Can anyone shed some lights?
Is this really a bug?
If yes, how do you suggest me to work around it?
So it looks like you're right. At least in django 1.4, using django.contrib.sessions.backends.file totally ignores SESSION_COOKIE_AGE. I'm not sure whether that's really a bug, or just undocumented.
If you really need this functionality, you can create your own session engine based on the file backend in contrib, but extend it with expiry functionality.
Open django/contrib/sessions/backends/ and add the following imports:
import datetime
from django.utils import timezone
Then, add two lines to the load method, so that it appears as below:
def load(self):
session_data = {}
session_file = open(self._key_to_file(), "rb")
if ( - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self._key_to_file()))).total_seconds() > settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE:
raise IOError
file_data =
# Don't fail if there is no data in the session file.
This will actually compare the last modified date on the session file to expire it.
Save this file in your project somewhere and use it as your SESSION_ENGINE instead of 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.file'
You'll also need to enable SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST in your settings if you want the session to timeout based on inactivity.
An option would be to use tmpwatch in the directory where you store the sessions
I hit similar issue on Django 3.1. In my case, my program calls the function set_expiry(value) with an integer argument (int data type) before checking session expiry.
Accoring to Django documentation, the data type of argument value to set_expiry() can be int , datetime or timedelta. However for file-based session, expiry check inside load() doesn't work properly only if int argument is passed to set_expiry() beforehand, and such problem doesn't happen to datetime and timedelta argument of set_expiry().
The simple solution (workaround?) is to avoid int argument to set_expiry(value), you can do so by subclassing django.contrib.sessions.backends.file.SessionStore and overriding set_expiry(value) (code sample below), and change parameter SESSION_ENGINE accordingly in
from datetime import timedelta
from django.contrib.sessions.backends.file import SessionStore as FileSessionStore
class SessionStore(FileSessionStore):
def set_expiry(self, value):
""" force to convert to timedelta format """
if value and isinstance(value, int):
value = timedelta(seconds=value)
It's also OK to pass timedelta or datetime to set_expiry(value) , but you will need to handle serialization issue on datetime object.

How do I delete a session key in Django after it is used once?

I have two views.
view1 passes an error message to view2 through a session key.
How do I delete the key after view2 is rendered? I only need it for once: redirect from view1 to view2. I dont need that message to show up after refreshing my webpage. I don't think python will continue to execute once it reaches return
I was thinking about setting an expiration timestamp but I need to ensure that it exists for at least 10-20 seconds, if the application really does that long to load (we do some server stuff with Django)? So time is not that promising.
You can delete the key from the session like any other dictionary.
del request.session['your key']
You may need to mark the session as modified for it to save, depending on some of your settings.
request.session.modified = True
You could also pop the key from the session. You could set the key to a variable and get rid of it at the same time:
key_variable = request.session.pop('your key')
if "uid" in self.request.session.keys():
del self.request.session["uid"]