How to build Qt application using static linking - c++

I am coming for Visual Studio word where you just change the project settings to static or dynamic linking so you application will not need framework dlls to run in on another machine. How do I do that in Qt?
I am following but it is that helpful.
It says:
cd C:\path\to\Qt
configure -static <any other options you need>
But c:\Qt is a root folder (default in my case) and configure command is not recognized. I went to c:\Qt\5.3 and still the same case. Also what am I suppose to fill for < if anything? (I am not not filling it and hope it doesn’t mess up)
Do you really have to go command line to do that the only way? I also read few say I need to add this line to .pro file
CONFIG += static
But this doesn’t do anything as well.
How do I link statically?

first of all make sure your Qt version is static .
then add CONFIG += static to your .pro file .


Using preload-file compiler option for emscripten compiler to load local file in Qt

I am building an Qt Application using WebAssembly. I want to open a local file and read it frin my code which isn't exacty easy with WebAssembly. I tried using the preload-file option (reference) in my .pro file:
CONFIG += preload-file /path/to/file/Settings.ini
However, when compiling my application with WebAssembly, It fails showing my the following error:
Application exit (RuntimeError: Aborted(native code called abort()))
I am currently using Qt 6 with the fitting Emscripten version. My code works when compiling with GCC. Of course, emscripten compiles when removing the file handling stuff from my code. Using a file dialog isn't a suitable option.
I noticed you are using CONFIG += but the emscripten reference says it is a linker flag. Try using instead QMAKE_LFLAGS += --preload-file /path/to/file/Settings.ini.
Personally, I have not tested preload-file option but two other options have been working for me:
The similar embed-file functionality. In the .pro file add QMAKE_LFLAGS += --embed-file ../../cdpcore/Templates/Models#Models to make the folder specified to be available in [working directory]/Models.
Use the Qt Resource system to embed files. Basically add a .qrc file to your project that lists resources to embed into the binary and then into the .pro file add RESOURCES += resources.qrc.

Qt Creator: cannot open shared object file after moving library to subdir

I have a project where the library sources were set up the following way:
This is not ideal, because as the number of FunLibs increases, all of it would be included into a single shared object. With this setup, everything builds and runs just fine. Just to be clear: is a subdirs template, the is an app template, and the FunLibs is a lib template.
The problem stats, when I rearrange the files the following way:
|_ ManyFiles
Here the becomes a subdir tempalte, while the files will be lib templates. All configurations have been updated accordingly and the application builds. The problem is that when I now try to launch the application, the following message pops up: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
I don't really understand why doesn't it work now, when it worked with the previous directory structure. This post for example (as many others) recommends to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH by exporting the dir, but to be honest, I didn't have to do this with the previous setup.
I also have everything set up pretty much as described in the official docs under the "Creating a shared library" part.
Does anybody have an idea what might be the problem? Is there a way to solve this by not exporting the path?
Thanks in advance.
OK, I think I found out what can fix the aforementioned problem. Qt Creator also uses LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for executing compiled programs, but it is somewhat hidden. As it turns out, it is able to use separate sets of env variables for compiling and running applications, and if the env vars for running are not properly defined, the user will get the error message mentioned in the original post, even if the program compiled properly.
To make sure all lib paths are included for running as well, one needs to check out the included paths here:
Projects (mode) --> Run Settings (under Build & Run) --> Run
Environment (expand the Details) --> LD_LIBRARY_PATH (somewhere in the
If that var doesn't include the proper paths, it can be edited after which it is going to get highlighted. After setting this, everything seems to work.

Using External Binary Resource

I'm on a project that used to have Compiled-in Resources.
Now, the user can choose the theme that he wants to work on. No problems until there, in a little research I started to use the External Binary Resource approach.
My resources were build successfully and the QResource::registerResource("/path/to/myresource.rcc"); returns true.
It is not working properly though. Apparently the compiled-in resource is still there, in the executable. I can't see the different icons stored in my external binary resource.
How do I remove this compiled-in resource? Do I need to do that to work properly?
Assuming you are using a .pro file for your project, you need to remove the resource file from the RESOURCES list. If you still want it to be listed in your project, you can use OTHER_FILES.
RESOURCES += file1.qrc file2.qrc
RESOURCES += file2.qrc
OTHER_FILES += file1.qrc
If you want to go a step further you can automate the build of qrc files:
asset_builder.commands = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]/rcc -binary ${QMAKE_FILE_IN} -o ${QMAKE_FILE_OUT} -no-compress
asset_builder.depend_command = $$[QT_HOST_BINS]/rcc -list $$QMAKE_RESOURCE_FLAGS ${QMAKE_FILE_IN}
asset_builder.input = RCC_BINARY_SOURCES
asset_builder.output = $$OUT_PWD/$$DESTDIR/${QMAKE_FILE_IN_BASE}.qrb
asset_builder.CONFIG += no_link target_predeps
QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += asset_builder
You have to change the way the resources are compiled. By default, every resource file (resources.qrc, for example) included in a Qt project is compiled to C++ code (the qrc_resources.cpp you've probably seen after compiling the project). That makes the resource is compiled and linked with your executable (or library). The Qt for Visual Studio plugin does exactly that: adds a custom build step to every QRC file. Open the properties of the QRC file to take a look (right-click on the QRC file, then Properties):
Command line: "$(QTDIR)\bin\rcc.exe" -name "%(Filename)" -no-compress "%(FullPath)" -o .\GeneratedFiles\qrc_%(Filename).cpp
Outputs: .\GeneratedFiles\qrc_%(Filename).cpp
%(Filename) is, as you can figure out, the extension-less name of the file
To avoid this behaviour just remove the QRC file from the project. Of course, the problem is that you'll have to manually build the .rcc file. You can do it using a script as part of your makefile.
On the other hand, if you're using Visual Studio, you can change the command used to compile it, adding the -binary option to the rcc tool so it compiles to an external file. In this way it will be included in your usual compilation workflow:
Command line: "$(QTDIR)\bin\rcc.exe" -name "%(Filename)" "%(FullPath)" -binary -o "%(Outputs)"
Outputs: $(OutDir)\%(Filename).rcc - it is different from screenshot because I took it from an existing project, use the one in the text to place the RCC file in the same dir of your executable.
Important note: be sure you change the build tool for all the configurations.
If you use a makefile or Qt Creator instead, you can use this as a base to create the needed script.
Hope this can help you.

Boost in Netbeans 7.1.1

Trying to run the following:
namespace bfs=boost::filesystem;
int main()
bfs::path p("second.cpp");
I got some errors in cygwin so I decided to try out netbeans, and used the following as a guide. I added all links and the following for filesystem Project -> properties -> Linker ->Libraries -> Add option -> Other -> -lfile_system as noted here. I have run a separate test using #include<boost/any.hpp> so I am not currently doubting that my boost is not installed correclty.
It seems weird to me that it is "file_system", so I also tried "filesystem" but to no avail.
When i hold Ctrl and click on #include<boost/filesystem/operations.hpp> my netbeans brings up my operations.hpp file so it seems okay (linked properly internally that it can "see" what I want it to see).
The solution to installing boost came in the following form:
1 - If you have any path variables that are being used for Visual Studio you should temporarily change the variable during installation. This is a good guide. Once that is done, this is one step completed.
2 - Download and install MinGW. This is a very easy process and you can find the installer files here.
Once you have done these things (if you are in the same situation as me), you will now be able to properly install boost.
Using Boost with cygwin step by step
Create a new Project
It is better to take the names given here in this tutorial exactly. Later ask: It does not work, can then be easier to find.
I do not think I need to mention all T:\ must of course be replaced with your drive.
Project Name : Boost-cyg-Test
Now your Project should look like
Open main.cpp
Overwrite the generated code with the following. We want to that, first of all everything works without error.
Therefore, please do not use your own special code.
It is difficult to find a fault. Then told after several ask, to get:
I have used my own code
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::filesystem;
int main()
path p("second.cpp");
if (exists(p)) { std::cout<<p.leaf()<<std::endl; }
In this section we assume that "boost" is already compiled.
goto Tools -> Options
Your C++ Code Assistance options should look something like this.
If this is not so, we should let Netbeans create that for us.
Add New Tool Collection
After we have completed this dialog with OK, we should find the settings shown above. ( C++ Code Assistance options).
Copy all libs into the right place
Let's create a new folder 'boost'.
With a search tool, search in your compiled Boost folder for *.a
My Boost is compiled with the shared option so we find :
For our short App. we need only 2 files.
But if we're at it to copy two files, we can copy all files.
So mark all found .a files and copy them into the directory just created
T:\cygwin\lib\boost .
Now we do the same with our .dll files.
Mark all .dll files and copy it in your ?:\cygwin\bin directory.
If you only have compiled static librarys, you can skip this point.
Now it's time to modify our project settings.
As you can see i put my source Boost folder into cygwin
As we have already noted above, we need two .a files.
with Add Library navigate to T:\cygwin\lib\boost and select
Now you'll notice that this name was shortened by netbeans to:
This is somewhat confusing. It looks as if a .dll is standing here. But it is really a .a file.
Set a breakpoint in main.cpp. Now we start debug.
I have marked the important part, the two libs, with an arrow.
All libs are found and after make has finished, stops at the breakpoint.
The output:
Build Boost for Cygwin
For all who want to create boost with shared library itself.
Create a folder in your ?:\cygwin directory.
Extract the zip file into that directory.
It should look like:
open a cmd window, cd to boost_1_53_0 directory.
To have a clean build we need a PATH that have only the cygwin home and bin.
In the cmd type.
SET PATH=T:\cygwin;T:\cygwin\bin
and test the path.
.\b2 --build-dir=T:\boost-cyg toolset=gcc variant=debug link=shared runtime-link=shared
After some time the build is finished.
Now you have the same environment that we have used in the tutorial.
If you get a Error : gcc not found
copy (not rename) in ?:\cygwin\bin folder, for example : (names may differ).
i686-pc-cygwin-gcc-4.5.3.exe to gcc.exe
i686-pc-cygwin-g++-4.exe to g++.exe
Hope it helps you.
Could you paste the error you get when compiling ?
I am not used to compile programs in a Windows environment, but I think as Jesse Good suggested in a comment that you have a linker error.
You may solve it by using -lboost_filesystem instead of lfile_system.
To find out how your libs are called, you get the name of your lib (on my unix environment I have, strip the "lib" prefix and the ".so" or ".a" suffix (must be different in a Windows environment).
if your boost installation is correct and you are sure about it then for Unable to resolve identifier try Code Assistance->Reparse Project from context menu of the project. It tries to recover broken code model by reparsing project from scratch. if that didn't workout try closing IDE and removing code model cache.
p.s. do you have compilation errors?

Shortcut to intel compiler directory to use in makefile

I compiled my program with intel C++ compiler for windows (from Intel Composer 2011), and got an error message that libmmdd.lib cannot be found. I googled this problem, and some people said that I have to reinstall my compiler, and I did; however, that didn't resolve the problem, so I started looking in the intel compiler directory, and found that this file (and other required libraries as well) are located at
It doesn't make sense to write in the make file the whole absolute path of the libraries, so I started searching, and I could only find that %mklroot% points to the math kernel directory. And even with a -L%mklroot%/../compiler/lib/ia32 approach for linking I couldn't link to the libraries correctly, so eventually I did a lame move to solve the problem, which is, I copied every file the linker asks for to the source directory, and so was the problem temporarily solved.
Since this way of solving the problem isn't the best one, I wonder if there's a way to link to those libraries without having to copy the files. It's strange because the compiler should find its own libraries alone, but... I don't know...!
Any ideas? is there something like, %compilerroot%, that points to the compiler directory and that I could put in my makefile (or actually my qmake, since I'm using Qt).
Thanks for any efforts :-)
Instead of using %mklroot% try $$(mklroot) or $(mklroot).
You can find the explanation here:
Variables can be used to store the contents of environment variables.
These can be evaluated at the time that qmake is run, or included in
the generated Makefile for evaluation when the project is built.
To obtain the contents of an environment value when qmakeis run, use
the $$(...) operator:
message(The project will be installed in $$DESTDIR)
In the above assignment, the value of the PWD environment variable is
read when the project file is processed.
To obtain the contents of an environment value at the time when the
generated Makefile is processed, use the $(...) operator:
message(The project will be installed in $$DESTDIR)
message(The project will be installed in the value of PWD)
message(when the Makefile is processed.)
In the above assignment, the value of PWD is read immediately when the
project file is processed, but $(PWD) is assigned to DESTDIR in the
generated Makefile. This makes the build process more flexible as long
as the environment variable is set correctly when the Makefile is
It is strange that neither $$(mklroot) nor $(mklroot) gave you the result you would expect. I did a simple test to verify what I wrote above:
Opened a Command Prompt
Created a new environment variable 'mklroot' with a test value: set mklroot=C:\intel_libs
Verified the result of the previos step: echo %mklroot%. I got C:\intel_libs
Placed your 3 qmake functions at the end of my .pro file:
Ran qmake: qmake. The result:
Project WARNING:
Project WARNING: c:\intel_libs
Project WARNING: c:\intel_libs
As you can see the 2nd and the 3rd warning() displayed the string I set to the environment variable.