Duplicate element in array [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
How to find a duplicate element in an array of shuffled consecutive integers?
(19 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
This is kind of related to this question, but a little tweaked .
We are given an array containing integers between 1 and 1000.
Every integer from 1 and 1000 is in the array once, but one is in the array twice. (i.e. I remove a unique element from the list and introduce a duplicate element which is already in the list,remember the size of the array is still 1000)
Determine which integer is in the array twice
Can you do it while iterating through the array only once?
In the link that i have posted it's a different question altogether.
My Solution:
sorting the array and then finding if the two elements are together. (avg case O(nlog(n)))
Create a bit-array with a 1000 bits (won't take much memory). with 0 stored in each of the bit field. Iterate through the array of 1000 elements and flip the bit sign in the bit-array's index with the value of the array .
i.e. (if the 0th position of the array stores the value 548, we flip the 548th bit in the bit-array to 1).
The field with already flipped as 1 will be the repeated element
Solution2 iterates the array only once.
Now, I was reading about the 'Telescoping series', i haven't understood it fully. but is there a concept in there (or in discrete math) where we can just sum something and subtract with something else to get the duplicate number?

Calculate the sum of the array let it be S and let the repeated element be x. The repeated element can be determined by taking the difference between S and the sum of the array without the repeated element: x=S- (1000*(1001))/2.

Let's say, the x was replaced by y. The summation method tells that
y - x = sum_actual - sum_expected
Of course you can't deduce two variables from a single equation; you need another. Calculate the sum of squares:
y^2 - x^2 = sum_squares_actual - sum_squares_expected
Now recall that sum of squares is n*(n+1)*(2*n + 1)/6

The sum of 1...1000 = 1001 * 500, and is therefore zero modulo 1001. Thus, finding the sum of the array modulo 1001 will give you the repeated element.
result = 0
for x in A:
result = (result + x) % 1001

1000 is not that large. In addition to what other people have said, you could use a count array. For each number x you update the count count[x] = count[x] + 1 and check if this number is equal to 2.


Big 0 notation for duplicate function, C++

What is the Big 0 notation for the function description in the screenshot.
It would take O(n) to go through all the numbers but once it finds the numbers and removes them what would that be? Would the removed parts be a constant A? and then would the function have to iterate through the numbers again?
This is what I am thinking for Big O
T(n) = n + a + (n-a) or something involving having to iterate through (n-a) number of steps after the first duplicate is found, then would big O be O(n)?
Big O notation is considering the worst case. Let's say we need to remove all duplicates from the array A=[1..n]. The algorithm will start with the first element and check every remaining element - there are n-1 of them. Since all values happen to be different it won't remove any from the array.
Next, the algorithm selects the second element and checks the remaining n-2 elements in the array. And so on.
When the algorithm arrives at the final element it is done. The total number of comparisions is the sum of (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 2 + 1 + 0. Through the power of maths, this sum becomes (n-1)*n/2 and the dominating term is n^2 so the algorithm is O(n^2).
This algorithm is O(n^2). Because for each element in the array you are iterating over the array and counting the occurrences of that element.
foreach item in array
count = 0
foreach other in array
if item == other
count += 1
if count > 1
remove item
As you see there are two nested loops in this algorithm which results in O(n*n).
Removed items doesn't affect the worst case. Consider an array containing unique elements. No elements is being removed in this array.
Note: A naive implementation of this algorithm could result in O(n^3) complexity.
You started with first element you will go through all elements in the vector thats n-1 you will do that for n time its (n * n-1)/2 for worst case n time is the best case (all elements are 4)

2 player team knowing maximum moves

Given a list of N players who are to play a 2 player game. Each of them are either well versed in making a particular move or they are not. Find out the maximum number of moves a 2-player team can know.
And also find out how many teams can know that maximum number of moves?
Example Let we have 4 players and 5 moves with ith player is versed in jth move if a[i][j] is 1 otherwise it is 0.
Here maximum number of moves a 2-player team can know is 5 and their are two teams that can know that maximum number of moves.
Explanation : (1, 3) and (3, 4) know all the 5 moves. So the maximal moves a 2-player team knows is 5, and only 2 teams can acheive this.
My approach : For each pair of players i check if any of the players is versed in ith move or not and for each player maintain the maximum pairs he can make with other players with his local maximum move combination.
vector<int> pairmemo;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int mymax=INT_MIN;
int countpairs=0;
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
int count=0;
for(int k=0;k<m;k++){
if(arr[i][k]==1 || arr[j][k]==1)
Overall maximum of all N players is answer and count is corresponding sum of the pairs being calculated.
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
int countmaxi=0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
Time complexity : O((N^2)*M)
Code :
How can i improve it?
Constraints : N<= 3000 and M<=1000
If you represent each set of moves by a very large integer, the problem boils down to finding pair of players (I, J) which have maximum number of bits set in MovesI OR MovesJ.
So, you can use bit-packing and compress all the information on moves in Long integer array. It would take 16 unsigned long integers to store according to the constraints. So, for each pair of players you OR the corresponding arrays and count number of ones. This would take O(N^2 * 16) which would run pretty fast given the constraints.
Lets say given matrix is
and you used 4-bit integer for packing it.
It would look like:
that is,
After OR the moves array for 2 player team becomes 13,8, now count the bits which are one. You have to optimize the counting of bits also, for that read the accepted answer here, otherwise the factor M would appear in complexity. Just maintain one count variable and one maxNumberOfBitsSet variable as you process the pairs.
What Ill do is:
1. Do logical OR between all the possible pairs - O(N^2) and store it's SUM in a 2D array with the symmetric diagonal ignored. (thats we save half of the calc - see example)
2. find the max value in the 2D Array (can be done while doing task 1) -> O(1)
3. count how many cells in the 2D array equals to the maximum value in task 2 O(N^2)
sum: 2*O(N^2)+ O(1) => O(N^2)
Example (using the data in the question (with letters indexes):
A[10101] B[11100] C[11010] D[00101]
Task 1:
[A|B] = 11101 = SUM(4)
[A|C] = 11111 = SUM(5)
[A|D] = 10101 = SUM(3)
[B|C] = 11110 = SUM(4)
[B|D] = 11101 = SUM(4)
[C|D] = 11111 = SUM(5)
Task 2 (Done while is done 1):
Max = 5
Task 3:
Count = 2
By the way, O(N^2) is the minimum possible since you HAVE to check all the possible pairs.
Since you have to find all solutions, unless you find a way to find a count without actually finding the solutions themselves, you have to actually look at or eliminate all possible solutions. So the worst case will always be O(N^2*M), which I'll call O(n^3) as long as N and M are both big and similar size.
However, you can hope for much better performance on the average case by pruning.
Don't check every case. Find ways to eliminate combinations without checking them.
I would sum and store the total number of moves known to each player, and sort the array rows by that value. That should provide an easy check for exiting the loop early. Sorting at O(n log n) should be basically free in an O(n^3) algorithm.
Use Priyank's basic idea, except with bitsets, since you obviously can't use a fixed integer type with 3000 bits.
You may benefit from making a second array of bitsets for the columns, and use that as a mask for pruning players.

Sorting an integer array of 100 elements having only 3 elements in it

Suppose I have an array of 100 numbers. The only distinct values in the array are 1, 2 and 3. The values are randomly ordered throughout the array. For instance, the array might be populated as:
int values[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
values[i] = 1 + rand() % 3;
How can I efficiently sort an array like this?
The fastest solution is not to "sort" at all:
Run through the array and count the number of occurrences of 1,2 and 3. These counts should hopefully fit in registers...
Fill the array with the right number of 1s, 2s and 3s, overwriting whatever is there already.
At the end you will have a fully sorted array.
In general, this can be a useful O(n) sorting algorithm when you have a very small range of possible values compared to the size of the array.
Dutch National flag algorithm is the commonly cited algorithm for this and is actually the partition step in one of the variants of quicksort (1 corresponds to less than, 2 to equal to and 3 to greater than). In that variant, you don't need to sort the middle portion.

To find the min and max after addition and subtraction from a range of numbers

I am having a Algorithm question, in which numbers are been given from 1 to N and a number of operations are to be performed and then min/max has to be found among them.
Two operations - Addition and subtraction
and operations are in the form a b c d , where a is the operation to be performed,b is the starting number and c is the ending number and d is the number to be added/subtracted
for example
suppose numbers are 1 to N
N =5
1 2 3 4 5
We perform operations as
1 2 4 5
2 1 3 4
1 4 5 6
By these operations we will have numbers from 1 to N as
1 7 8 9 5
-3 3 4 9 5
-3 3 4 15 11
So the maximum is 15 and min is -3
My Approach:
I have taken the lower limit and upper limit of the numbers in this case it is 1 and 5 only stored in an array and applied the operations, and then had found the minimum and maximum.
Could there be any better approach?
I will assume that all update (addition/subtraction) operations happen before finding max/min. I don't have a good solution for update and min/max operations mixing together.
You can use a plain array, where the value at index i of the array is the difference between the index i and index (i - 1) of the original array. This makes the sum from index 0 to index i of our array to be the value at index i of the original array.
Subtraction is addition with the negated number, so they can be treated similarly. When we need to add k to the original array from index i to index j, we will add k to index i of our array, and subtract k to index (j + 1) of our array. This takes O(1) time per update.
You can find the min/max of the original array by accumulating summing the values and record the max/min values. This takes O(n) time per operation. I assume this is done once for the whole array.
a[N] // Original array
d[N] // Difference array
// Initialization
d[0] = a[0]
for (i = 1 to N-1)
d[i] = a[i] - a[i - 1]
// Addition (subtraction is similar)
add(from_idx, to_idx, amount) {
d[from_idx] += amount
d[to_idx + 1] -= amount
// Find max/min for the WHOLE array after add/subtract
current = max = min = d[0];
for (i = 1 to N - 1) {
current += d[i]; // Sum from d[0] to d[i] is a[i]
max = MAX(max, current);
min = MIN(min, current);
Generally there is no "best way" to find the min/max in the performance point of view because it depends on how this application will be used.
-Finding the max and min in a list needs O(n) Time, so if you want to run many (many in the context of the input) operations, your approach to find the min/max after all the operations took place is fine.
-But if the list will hold many elements and you don’t want to run that many operations, you better check each result of the op if its a new max/min and update if necessary.

Find the element with the longest distance in a given array where each element appears twice?

Given an array of int, each int appears exactly TWICE in the
array. find and return the int such that this pair of int has the max
distance between each other in this array.
e.g. [2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3]
2: d = 5-1 = 4;
1: d = 3-2 = 1;
3: d = 6-4 = 2;
return 2
My ideas:
Use hashmap, key is the a[i], and value is the index. Scan the a[], put each number into hash. If a number is hit twice, use its index minus the old numbers index and use the result to update the element value in hash.
After that, scan hash and return the key with largest element (distance).
it is O(n) in time and space.
How to do it in O(n) time and O(1) space ?
You would like to have the maximal distance, so I assume the number you search a more likely to be at the start and the end. This is why I would loop over the array from start and end at the same time.
[2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 3]
Check if 2 == 3?
Store a map of numbers and position: [2 => 1, 3 => 6]
Check if 1 or 2 is in [2 => 1, 3 => 6] ?
I know, that is not even pseudo code and not complete but just to give out the idea.
Set iLeft index to the first element, iRight index to the second element.
Increment iRight index until you find a copy of the left item or meet the end of the array. In the first case - remember distance.
Increment iLeft. Start searching from new iRight.
Start value of iRight will never be decreased.
Delphi code:
iLeft := 0;
iRight := 1;
while iRight < Len do begin //Len = array size
while (iRight < Len) and (A[iRight] <> A[iLeft]) do
Inc(iRight); //iRight++
if iRight < Len then begin
BestNumber := A[iLeft];
MaxDistance := iRight - iLeft;
Inc(iLeft); //iLeft++
iRight := iLeft + MaxDistance;
This algorithm is O(1) space (with some cheating), O(n) time (average), needs the source array to be non-const and destroys it at the end. Also it limits possible values in the array (three bits of each value should be reserved for the algorithm).
Half of the answer is already in the question. Use hashmap. If a number is hit twice, use index difference, update the best so far result and remove this number from the hashmap to free space . To make it O(1) space, just reuse the source array. Convert the array to hashmap in-place.
Before turning an array element to the hashmap cell, remember its value and position. After this it may be safely overwritten. Then use this value to calculate a new position in the hashmap and overwrite it. Elements are shuffled this way until an empty cell is found. To continue, select any element, that is not already reordered. When everything is reordered, every int pair is definitely hit twice, here we have an empty hashmap and an updated best result value.
One reserved bit is used while converting array elements to the hashmap cells. At the beginning it is cleared. When a value is reordered to the hashmap cell, this bit is set. If this bit is not set for overwritten element, this element is just taken to be processed next. If this bit is set for element to be overwritten, there is a conflict here, pick first unused element (with this bit not set) and overwrite it instead.
2 more reserved bits are used to chain conflicting values. They encode positions where the chain is started/ended/continued. (It may be possible to optimize this algorithm so that only 2 reserved bits are needed...)
A hashmap cell should contain these 3 reserved bits, original value index, and some information to uniquely identify this element. To make this possible, a hash function should be reversible so that part of the value may be restored given its position in the table. In simplest case, hash function is just ceil(log(n)) least significant bits. Value in the table consists of 3 fields:
3 reserved bits
32 - 3 - (ceil(log(n))) high-order bits from the original value
ceil(log(n)) bits for element's position in the original array
Time complexity is O(n) only on average; worst case complexity is O(n^2).
Other variant of this algorithm is to transform the array to hashmap sequentially: on each step m having 2^m first elements of the array converted to hashmap. Some constant-sized array may be interleaved with the hashmap to improve performance when m is low. When m is high, there should be enough int pairs, which are already processed, and do not need space anymore.
There is no way to do this in O(n) time and O(1) space.