Removing <br> with REReplace in coldfusion - coldfusion

I have some html line break tags in a text file that i would like to remove or replace with chr(10) using the coldfusion REReplace command. I am trying
<CFSET newtext = REreplace(text, "<BR>", chr(10), "ALL")>
but it doesn't seem to work. What am i doing wrong?

Can you do a plain <cfset newtext = replaceNoCase(text, '<br>', chr(10), 'ALL')> ? Since it doesn't look like you are looking for something that needs a complex matcher, it will probably work better for you.

I would recommend using a regex here in case there are XHTML tags like <br/> or <br />:
<cfset newtext = REReplaceNoCase(text, "<br[^>]*>", chr(10), "all") />


how to output something like <this is my word="word" value="#abcg#"> using cfoutput coldfusion

how to output something like using cfoutput tag.
<this is my word="word" value="#abcg#">
this will gives me nothing when i use single-quote it will print it with single-quote like
<'this is my word="word" value="#abcg#"'>
result is:
<'this is my word="word" value="#abcg#"'>
how can i get just
<this is my word="word" value="#abcg#">
thanks for the help
You can use the following to escape the browser trying to render it as an HTML tag
<this is my word="word" value="#abcg#">

Coldfusion: how to extract a substring using regex

I have a string that has some double quoted substring in it, the " character. In between the double quotes is the data i want.
How can i write a regex to extract "the first data i want" and "the second data i want" from this:
'some string with "the first data i want" and "the second data i want"'
I tried the following code.
<cfset mydata = 'some string with "the first data i want" and "the second data i want"'/>
<cfset arrData = ListToArray(mydata ,'"') />
Presumably you could do something trivial like this:
<cfset matches = REMatch('"([^"]*)"', mydata) />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
Unfortunately this will also include the double quotes in the Match, and ColdFusion's Regular Expression engine is quite old and shoddy, so it doesn't have support for Lookaheads/Lookbehinds.
The double quotes can be easily replaced, but if you really want to use lookaheads and look-behinds you can resort to using Java's own pattern library.
<cfset matches = [] />
<cfset pattern = CreateObject("java","java.util.regex.Pattern").Compile('(?<=")[^"]*(?=")') />
<cfset matcher = pattern.Matcher(mydata) />
<cfloop condition="matcher.Find()">
<cfset ArrayAppend(matches, matcher.Group()) />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example of Java Regex" />

ColdFusion - Regex to match SRC with single quotes

I have a simple regex line to extract the src="" value from an image tag:
<cfset variables.attrSrc = REMatch("(?i)src\s*=\s*""[^""]+", variables.myImageTag) />
<!--- REMatch("(?i)src\s*=\s*""[^""]+" --->
However, while this works great, it doesn't appear to be working with src='' attrubutes that display single quotes instead of double.
Ideally, I'd like it to work with both single quotes and double.
Any thoughts?

Coldfusion RegEx replace html characters like

I currently have code to remove html from a string:
<cfset arguments.textToFormat = REReplaceNoCase(arguments.textToFormat,"<[^>]*>","","ALL") />
However, this does not remove html characters like
What Regex could I use to ReReplace these characters??
For removing and other similar strings :

Coldfusion RegEx to replace characters

I have the following code:
<cfset arguments.textToFormat = Replace(arguments.textToFormat, Chr(10), '<br />', "ALL") />
It replaces all instances of Chr(10) with a <br /> tag.
What I'd like to do however is afterwards, if there are more than two <br /> tags, replace all the extra ones with empty string (i.e. remove them)
I could do this via code, but I'm sure a regex replace would be faster. Unfortunately I haven't a clue how to construct the regex.
Any help would be great - thanks.
There may be a more elegant regex, but this should do it:
rereplace( myText, '(<br />){2,}', '<br />', 'all' )
That should find all instances of 2 or more <br /> tags, and replace the whole set with a single tag.