std::bad_alloc: determining the buffer size in Eigen - c++

I use Eigen's matrix format to read a previously acquired multi-dimensional data:
Eigen::Matrix<unsigned long long, Eigen::Dynamic, 12> dummyData;
and later on after knowing my data size:
dummyData.resize(PackSize, 12);
PackSize could be in order of 6e08. To avoid integer overflow when computing buffer size, I used unsigend long long to be able to address (PackSize* 12*8) mod (2^32) on win32. Yet, I come up with: Unhandled exception at 0x75362F71 in DataRead.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: std::bad_alloc at memory location 0x004CBCF0. Could someone please help me to handle this problem?

I'm not completely sure you want to have unsigned long long as scalar type of your Matrix; mathematically speaking, Matrices should be defined over fields, and you have to be aware that ring theory won't go easy on you if you try to find the multiplicative inverse to a positive integer (ie. the unsigned integer you have to multiply your unsigned integer with to get 1).
However, this is legal in Eigen, so we'll just stick with it -- maybe you don't want to do operations on the matrix that require these properties from your field.
So, you're saying your using win32 (which is the windows API), but not really whether your operating system is 32- or 64-bitty. If you're running a 32bit windows, no process can have more than 2GB of virtual address space, and allocating more than 2GB/sizeof(long long) unsigned long longs won't work. Now, long long is 64bit=8Byte, so the maximum number of uint64_t's you can have per 2GB is 134217728; now, you want to have them in rows of 12 columns, leaving you with a maximum of 11,184,810 rows (neglecting the fact that your numbers are not the only thing in your process' memory). Now, 11e6 < 6e8, and you have to account for the fact that you don't know which type of allocator Eigen tries to use, which could actually try to allocate more than immediately necessary.
Most likely, though, is that your 12-column format also gets padded to something that is better aligned. The Eigen documentation is not too specific on that, and I think the actual implementation depends on how your Eigen library was compiled, so I can't generally well-advise you. You can try with the DontAlign Option in the Eigen::Matrix template.


Does "size_t" make code portable, or just 'more' portable?

I'm struggling to understand the usefulness of the C++ std::size_t data type. I realize that this data type is platform dependent, and is supposedly meant to make code more portable. However, it seems like it doesn't solve all the problems.
Say for example I'm working on a machine that has 32 bit int. Let's say I decide to write a c style function of this machine that just copies the bytes from one object to another. Inside this function, the memcpy function is used to write the data from object2 to object1. I've chosen an arbitrarily large number.
void writeBytes(obj *pobj1, obj *pobj2)
memcpy(pobj1, pobj2, 1048575);
This code should (hopefully) compile just fine. Because memcpy uses size_t in its declaration, and because size_t on this platform should be 32 bits, the number of 1048575 should work just fine.
But now let's say I decide to port this function over to a machine that 16 bit ints. Now the memcpy function interprets size_t as being of size 16. In this case, 1048575 is exceeds the allowed values for what memcpy was declared for. The code then fails to compile.
So my question: how exactly was size_t useful in this case? How did it make our code more portable?
size_t is able to hold the size of the largest object you can create. It is not required to be your platform's largest native integer type.
Given your example, your code would work regardless of the native integer being 16-bit or 32-bit if your platform allows 1048575 byte objects. Or the inverse -- if 1048575 doesn't fit in a size_t, you never could have created an object that large to memcpy.
size_t is susceptible to the same overflow and underflow rules as any other integral type. It's only typedef of an unsigned integral. Its purpose is not to prevent you from assigning or casting values that are outside of its range. It defines a standard type that will:
"store the maximum size of a theoretically possible object of any type
(including array)."
If you care about that maximum size, use
and make decisions off of that.
I think size_t makes (not only your) code more readable and consistent, not necessarily more portable.
It will help porting it, however.
Imagine functions working with some size use a happy mixture of int, short, long, unsigned, unsigned short, ...
When one such function dealing with a size calls another that needs a size parameter too, it's very helpful when one size_t fits all (or at least most, like for the result of read()).

Why QVector::size returns int?

std::vector::size() returns a size_type which is unsigned and usually the same as size_t, e.g. it is 8 bytes on 64bit platforms.
In constrast, QVector::size() returns an int which is usually 4 bytes even on 64bit platforms, and at that it is signed, which means it can only go half way to 2^32.
Why is that? This seems quite illogical and also technically limiting, and while it is nor very likely that you may ever need more than 2^32 number of elements, the usage of signed int cuts that range in half for no apparent good reason. Perhaps to avoid compiler warnings for people too lazy to declare i as a uint rather than an int who decided that making all containers return a size type that makes no sense is a better solution? The reason could not possibly be that dumb?
This has been discussed several times since Qt 3 at least and the QtCore maintainer expressed that a while ago no change would happen until Qt 7 if it ever does.
When the discussion was going on back then, I thought that someone would bring it up on Stack Overflow sooner or later... and probably on several other forums and Q/A, too. Let us try to demystify the situation.
In general you need to understand that there is no better or worse here as QVector is not a replacement for std::vector. The latter does not do any Copy-On-Write (COW) and that comes with a price. It is meant for a different use case, basically. It is mostly used inside Qt applications and the framework itself, initially for QWidgets in the early times.
size_t has its own issue, too, after all that I will indicate below.
Without me interpreting the maintainer to you, I will just quote Thiago directly to carry the message of the official stance on:
For two reasons:
1) it's signed because we need negative values in several places in the API:
indexOf() returns -1 to indicate a value not found; many of the "from"
parameters can take negative values to indicate counting from the end. So even
if we used 64-bit integers, we'd need the signed version of it. That's the
POSIX ssize_t or the Qt qintptr.
This also avoids sign-change warnings when you implicitly convert unsigneds to
-1 + size_t_variable => warning
size_t_variable - 1 => no warning
2) it's simply "int" to avoid conversion warnings or ugly code related to the
use of integers larger than int.
size_t maxPathName = ::pathconf(nativePath.constData(), _PC_NAME_MAX);
if (maxPathName == size_t(-1))
if (len < 0 || len != qint64(size_t(len))) {
qint64 QIODevice::bytesToWrite() const
return qint64(0);
return readSoFar ? readSoFar : qint64(-1);
That was one email from Thiago and then there is another where you can find some detailed answer:
Even today, software that has a core memory of more than 4 GB (or even 2 GB)
is an exception, rather than the rule. Please be careful when looking at the
memory sizes of some process tools, since they do not represent actual memory
In any case, we're talking here about having one single container addressing
more than 2 GB of memory. Because of the implicitly shared & copy-on-write
nature of the Qt containers, that will probably be highly inefficient. You need
to be very careful when writing such code to avoid triggering COW and thus
doubling or worse your memory usage. Also, the Qt containers do not handle OOM
situations, so if you're anywhere close to your memory limit, Qt containers
are the wrong tool to use.
The largest process I have on my system is qtcreator and it's also the only
one that crosses the 4 GB mark in VSZ (4791 MB). You could argue that it is an
indication that 64-bit containers are required, but you'd be wrong:
Qt Creator does not have any container requiring 64-bit sizes, it simply
needs 64-bit pointers
It is not using 4 GB of memory. That's just VSZ (mapped memory). The total
RAM currently accessible to Creator is merely 348.7 MB.
And it is using more than 4 GB of virtual space because it is a 64-bit
application. The cause-and-effect relationship is the opposite of what you'd
expect. As a proof of this, I checked how much virtual space is consumed by
padding: 800 MB. A 32-bit application would never do that, that's 19.5% of the
addressable space on 4 GB.
(padding is virtual space allocated but not backed by anything; it's only
there so that something else doesn't get mapped to those pages)
Going into this topic even further with Thiago's responses, see this:
Personally, I'm VERY happy that Qt collection sizes are signed. It seems
nuts to me that an integer value potentially used in an expression using
subtraction be unsigned (e.g. size_t).
An integer being unsigned doesn't guarantee that an expression involving
that integer will never be negative. It only guarantees that the result
will be an absolute disaster.
On the other hand, the C and C++ standards define the behaviour of unsigned
overflows and underflows.
Signed integers do not overflow or underflow. I mean, they do because the types
and CPU registers have a limited number of bits, but the standards say they
don't. That means the compiler will always optimise assuming you don't over-
or underflow them.
for (int i = 1; i >= 1; ++i)
This is optimised to an infinite loop because signed integers do not overflow.
If you change it to unsigned, then the compiler knows that it might overflow
and come back to zero.
Some people didn't like that:
unsigned numbers are values mod 2^n for some n.
Signed numbers are bounded integers.
Using unsigned values as approximations for 'positive integers' runs into the problem that common values are near the edge of the domain where unsigned values behave differently than plain integers.
The advantage is that unsigned approximation reaches higher positive integers, and under/overflow are well defined (if random when looked at as a model of Z).
But really, ptrdiff_t would be better than int.

Maximum amount of data that can be sent using MPI::Send

With the syntax for MPI::Isend as
MPI::Request MPI::Comm::Isend(const void *buf, int count,
const MPI::Datatype& datatype,
int dest, int tag) const;
is the amount of data sent limited by
Many other MPI functions have int parameter. Is this a limitation of MPI?
MPI-2.2 defines data length parameters as int. This could be and usually is a problem on most 64-bit Unix systems since int is still 32-bit. Such systems are referred to as LP64, which means that long and pointers are 64-bit long, while int is 32-bit in length. In contrast, Windows x64 is an LLP64 system, which means that both int and long are 32-bit long while long long and pointers are 64-bit long. Linux for 64-bit x86 CPUs is an example of such a Unix-like system which is LP64.
Given all of the above MPI_Send in MPI-2.2 implementations have a message size limit of 2^31-1 elements. One can overcome the limit by constructing a user-defined type (e.g. a contiguous type), which would reduce the amount of data elements. For example, if you register a contiguous type of 2^10 elements of some basic MPI type and then you use MPI_Send to send 2^30 elements of this new type, it would result in a message of 2^40 elements of the basic type. Some MPI implementations may still fail in such cases if they use int to handle elements count internally. Also it breaks MPI_Get_elements and MPI_Get_count as their output count argument is of type int.
MPI-3.0 addresses some of these issues. For example, it provides the MPI_Get_elements_x and MPI_Get_count_x operations which use the MPI_Count typedef for their count argument. MPI_Count is defined so as to be able to hold pointer values, which makes it 64-bit long on most 64-bit systems. There are other extended calls (all end in _x) that take MPI_Count instead of int. The old MPI_Get_elements / MPI_Get_count operations are retained, but now they would return MPI_UNDEFINED if the count is larger than what the int output argument could hold (this clarification is not present in the MPI-2.2 standard and using very large counts in undefined behaviour there).
As pyCthon has already noted, the C++ bindings are deprecated in MPI-2.2 and were removed from MPI-3.0 as no longer supported by the MPI Forum. You should either use the C bindings or resort to 3rd party C++ bindings, e.g. Boost.MPI.
I haven't done MPI, however, int is the usual limiting size of an array, and I would suspect that is where the limitation comes from.
In practice, this is a fairly high limit. Do you have a need to send more than 4 GB of data? (In a single Isend)
For more information, please see Is there a max array length limit in C++?
Do note that link makes references to size_t, rather than int (Which, for all intents, allows almost unlimited data, at least, in 2012) - however, in the past, 'int' was the usual type for such counts, and while size_t should be used, in practice, a lot of code is still using 'int'.
The maximum size of an MPI_Send will be limited by the maximum amount of memory you can allocate
and most MPI implementations supportsizeof(size_t)
This issue and a number of workarounds (with code) are discussed on In particular, this project demonstrates how to send more than INT_MAX elements via user-defined datatypes.

Difference between uint8_t and unspecified int for large matrices

I have a matrix that is over 17,000 x 14,000 that I'm storing in memory in C++. The values will never get over 255 so I'm thinking I should store this matrix as a uint8_t type instead of a regular int type. Will the regular int type will assume the native word size (64 bit so 8 bytes per cell) even with an optimizing compiler? I'm assuming I'll use 8x less memory if I store the array as uint8_t?
If you doubt this, you could have just tried it.
Of course it will be smaller.
However, it wholly depends on your usage patterns which will be faster. Profile! Profile! Profile!
Reasons for unexpected performance considerations:
alignment issues
elements sharing cache lines (could be positive on sequential access; negative in multicore scenarios)
increased need for locking on atomic reads/writes (in case of threading)
reduced applicability of certain optimized MIPS instructions (? - I'm not up-to-date with details here; also a very good optimizing compiler might simply register-allocate temporaries of the right size)
other, unrelated border conditions, originating from the surrounding code
The standard doesn't specify the exact size of int other than it's at least the size of short. On some 64-bit architectures (for example many Linux and Solaris x86 systems I work with) int is 32 bits and long is 64 bits. The exact size of each type will of course vary by compiler/hardware.
The best way to find out is to use sizeof(int) on your system and see how big it is. If you have enough RAM using the native type may in fact be significantly faster than the uint8_t.
Even the best optimizing compiler is not going to do an analysis of the values of the data that you put into your matrix and assume (anthropomorphizing here) "Hmmm. He said int but everything is between 0 and 255. I'm going to make that an array of uint8_t."
The compiler can interpret some keywords such as register and inline as suggestions rather than mandates. Types on the other hand are mandates. You told the compiler to use int so the compiler must use int. So switching to a uint8_t matrix will save you a considerable amount of memory here.

Is there a relation between integer and register sizes?

Recently, I was challenged in a recent interview with a string manipulation problem and asked to optimize for performance. I had to use an iterator to move back and forth between TCHAR characters (with UNICODE support - 2bytes each).
Not really thinking of the array length, I made a curial mistake with not using size_t but an int to iterate through. I understand it is not compliant and not secure.
int i, size = _tcslen(str);
for(i=0; i<size; i++){
// code here
But, the maximum memory we can allocate is limited. And if there is a relation between int and register sizes, it may be safe to use an integer.
E.g.: Without any virtual mapping tools, we can only map 2^register-size bytes. Since TCHAR is 2 bytes long, half of that number. For any system that has int as 32-bits, this is not going to be a problem even if you dont use an unsigned version of int. People with embedded background used to think of int as 16-bits, but memory size will be restricted on such a device. So I wonder if there is a architectural fine-tuning decision between integer and register sizes.
The C++ standard doesn't specify the size of an int. (It says that sizeof(char) == 1, and sizeof(char) <= sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long).
So there doesn't have to be a relation to register size. A fully conforming C++ implementation could give you 256 byte integers on your PC with 32-bit registers. But it'd be inefficient.
So yes, in practice, the size of the int datatype is generally equal to the size of the CPU's general-purpose registers, since that is by far the most efficient option.
If an int was bigger than a register, then simple arithmetic operations would require more than one instruction, which would be costly. If they were smaller than a register, then loading and storing the values of a register would require the program to mask out the unused bits, to avoid overwriting other data. (That is why the int datatype is typically more efficient than short.)
(Some languages simply require an int to be 32-bit, in which case there is obviously no relation to register size --- other than that 32-bit is chosen because it is a common register size)
Going strictly by the standard, there is no guarantee as to how big/small an int is, much less any relation to the register size. Also, some architectures have different sizes of registers (i.e: not all registers on the CPU are the same size) and memory isn't always accessed using just one register (like DOS with its Segment:Offset addressing).
With all that said, however, in most cases int is the same size as the "regular" registers since it's supposed to be the most commonly used basic type and that's what CPUs are optimized to operate on.
AFAIK, there is no direct link between register size and the size of int.
However, since you know for which platform you're compiling the application, you can define your own type alias with the sizes you need:
#ifdef WIN32 // Types for Win32 target
#define Int16 short
#define Int32 int
// .. etc.
#elif defined // for another target
Then, use the declared aliases.
I am not totally aware, if I understand this correct, since some different problems (memory sizes, allocation, register sizes, performance?) are mixed here.
What I could say is (just taking the headline), that on most actual processors for maximum speed you should use integers that match register size. The reason is, that when using smaller integers, you have the advantage of needing less memory, but for example on the x86 architecture, an additional command for conversion is needed. Also on Intel you have the problem, that accesses to unaligned (mostly on register-sized boundaries) memory will give some penality. Off course, on todays processors things are even more complex, since the CPUs are able to process commands in parallel. So you end up fine tuning for some architecture.
So the best guess -- without knowing the architectore -- speeedwise is, to use register sized ints, as long you can afford the memory.
I don't have a copy of the standard, but my old copy of The C Programming Language says (section 2.2) int refers to "an integer, typically reflecting the natural size of integers on the host machine." My copy of The C++ Programming Language says (section 4.6) "the int type is supposed to be chosen to be the most suitable for holding and manipulating integers on a given computer."
You're not the only person to say "I'll admit that this is technically a flaw, but it's not really exploitable."
There are different kinds of registers with different sizes. What's important are the address registers, not the general purpose ones. If the machine is 64-bit, then the address registers (or some combination of them) must be 64-bits, even if the general-purpose registers are 32-bit. In this case, the compiler may have to do some extra work to actually compute 64-bit addresses using multiple general purpose registers.
If you don't think that hardware manufacturers ever make odd design choices for their registers, then you probably never had to deal with the original 8086 "real mode" addressing.