I have a ear deployment which contain several war. A common library is needed by these wars so a custom module is created. This library would somehow load the classes in the war (using class.forName() may be)).
However, it seems that the module is not able to get access to the classes in the war and keep throwing ClassNotFoundException upon deployment.
Is there any configuration needed to expose the classes to be accessed by the module? I tried with those export=true settings on the module but get no luck with it.
The library I needed is DWR with spring FYI.
I started app development with drop-wizard recently and a bit confusing how the whole thing works.
Where is the web app directory?
Is it possible to edit static files (JS, CSS) without needing to have a redeployment?
I have looked into this a bit more and will attempt to answer your questions:
Where is the web app directory
DW applications are not (meant as) web applications. They are deployed as an embedded system running a jetty embedded server and listening on some port(s). Having said that, there are certainly ways of packaging the application as a web application. (see link in comment)
Is it possible to edit static files (JS, CSS) without needing to have a redeployment? - Yes(ish)
This depends on you, really. There is a thing called an AssetBundle. These can be used to server static resources (from the classpath usually). This however is a mechanism you could use to implement your own AssetBundle that instead of serving files off the classpath, will serve files off the regular path.
Or, you could add your regular path to the classpath on startup so that the AssetBundle works.
Or, you could implement a ServletFilter for the AssetBundle (assets are not part of the jersey ecosystem) and implement your dynamic changes in the Filter.
Most of these will require restart for a reason or another. E.g.a custom implementation of a Filter obviously requires a redeploy. The Servlet returning assets also (I believe) employs a caching strategy that might require a restart (subject to your implementation).
For your UI: There is also a DW-views project that adds the ability to create views (with by default mustache templates) that can be powered from your application and served by the same REST endpoints.
Hope that helps,
After some more checking:
You can serve static resources from the file system and modify them as you go. They will be served correctly. How to do this:
Add an asset bundle with the resource path:
bootstrap.addBundle(new AssetsBundle("/assets2/", "/assets"));
This adds the root classpath resource assets2 and has it served statically from the endpoint assets.
The trick is that you have to add your file system location as a classpath resource. This can be done via arguments (or the classpath tab in the eclipse run configuration). You can google that relatively easy. However, you will have to remember that classpath resources behave differently from file system resources:
In my case I added to the classpath:
However, my Asset bundle serves from "assets2". Let's have a look at the file system:
artur#pandaadb:~/tmp/assets$ pwd
artur#pandaadb:~/tmp/assets$ find .
So, in my file system location has been added as root, but assets are only served from the subfolder assets2
Now, all the resources that are located in assets2 can be modified at runtime and will be served by DW as a static resource.
Have fun playing around,
I have a private API and I am using GuzzleHttp bundle to make calls to it. Now I'm just creating a sub-folder in the src/MyCompany/ApiBundle/.. and I register it in the AppKernel.php and use it without errors.
Now I need to make this a separate bundle (in its own private repository) so I can use it inside different projects.. I followed many tutorials but always face problems as they are for Symfony 2.
Symfony has a tutorial (Generating a New Bundle Skeleton) on the docs but it doesn't talk about external bundles like in my case.
So how to create such bundle? be able to test it and make it in its own repository to be later integrated inside other projects using composer?
Your bundle should be separate project. Check some fos bundles
Also check Best Practices for Reusable Bundles
You may also like to check
Using private repositories with composer
Handling private packages with Satis or Toran Proxy
For a normal JSP web-app that provides web-services, where should the JAX-WS library jar files be placed?
and why?
In general, when are library files considered part of the container infrastructure or part of the web application?
I have implemented various JAX-WS web services following, among others, these guides:
Whilst the above guides were useful, there are differences in terms of both the required JAX-WS library jar files and where the JAX-WS library jar files should reside.
By trial and error, for JDK 1.8, Tomcat 8.0.30 & JAS-WS 2.2.10, this is the list of JAX-WS library jars that seem to be required:
I am aware that the JDK contains some of the JAX-WS classes but these seem to be meant for standalone Java apps
ie all of the above jar files seem to be needed to avoid a ClassNotFoundException etc.
I have read the Tomcat 8 class-loader how-to
and appreciate that there is a parent-tree, hierarchal class loader and that jar files in:
are only available to that web app ie are hidden from other web apps
causes the app war file(s) to be bloated as each web app has it’s own copy
and that jar files in:
are available to and shared by all web apps
forces all web apps to use the same version of the library
libraries must be inter web-app shareable ie no statics, thread-safe etc
enables lookup via a JNDI Resource Factory eg JDBC, mail etc
suppresses memory leaks for DriverManager eg JDBC
The web services seem to work when the JAX-WS library jar files are in either location.
Looking at the Metro JAX-WS project,
where the JAX-WS library jars must be downloaded from, for now, I have put these into <tomcat-home>/lib as that is consistent with the ‘install’ option in the ant file.
As a general rule, I try not to pollute the web-container / app-server with unnecessary library jar files where possible as this can lead to conflicts for other web-apps that have to use a specific version of a required library.
Thanks for reading.
Had the same issue trying to deploy a web service to my local tomcat installation. I went the route of adding the jars you listed to get it going, but see the instructions of what's needed from Apache:
...which I think will go a long way to minimizing the amount of jars that end up in your Tomcat's lib folder.
I am migrating to Wildfly 8.2 from JBoss 5.1, I am deploying a Web Service using the resteasy and some EAR which has the code to get the requested data from the DB. Both the EAR which has multiple (6) JARs, but when I call the Web Service, it is not able to find the EAR and refer it's JARs
14:57:48,183 INFO [stdout] (default task-4) InitialContextFactory not defined - using default: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
14:57:48,184 ERROR [stderr] (default task-4) javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: bpc/AccountManagementService -- service jboss.naming.context.java.bpc.AccountManagementService
I have 2 separate deployment of EAR and WAR and both of them are deployed simultaneously and they both get deployed without any hassle.
Why are then not able to integrate is my issue right now.
If you migrated from jboss 5 to wildfly, you have to adjust your jndi lookups.. You are getting a NameNotFoundException, so probably you are performing a lookup using the old jndi syntax..
When you startup your server, the log will show you different jndi names for your ejbs..
If you are looking for an ejb from a war, and both of them are not bundled in the same ear, then you have to use the java:global naming type..
For example, assuming that AccountManagementService is an interface, annotate it with #Remote, and search it from your war using the following jndi syntax
See if this document helps (Modify JNDI lookup code section) https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Order+Application+Migration+from+EAP5.1+to+AS7
I resolved this issue by adding jboss-deployment-structure.xml in my WAR file under the web-inf folder
by adding dependency like
<module name="deployment.MY_EAR.ear.MY_EJB_JAR.jar"/>
I have similar issue.
I am migrating from weblogic to wildfly.
One JAR which has only one property file and one EAR, both are deployed simultaneously without any issue.
From EAR application, need to access the property file from the JAR.
This is working fine in weblogic but wildfly not identifying the property file.
I try to embed (use) Jetty into my JavaFX 2.2 applet (which runs in a browser).
My problem is that, to host servlets I need to include the servlet-api-3.0.jar also (for javax.servlet namespaces) besides jetty-server.jar, jetty-servlet.jar and jetty-util.jar.
If I include the servlet-api.jar, my project compiles, but when I run it inside the browser, the deployment fails with the "JavaFX application could not launch due to system configuration (show error details). See java.com/javafx for troubleshooting information." error message.
If I remove the servlet-api.jar (and remove the relevant source) it deploys again.
For the JavaFX project the Java Platform is set to "Default JavaFX Platform", and it would be good to keep it this way to reduce the minimum footprint required.
I'm not a java(fx) expert (I come from .NET world), so I'd appreciate any help!
You have an issue with signing the JARs. I'm not very familiar with signing JARs for JavaFX but here is the documentation:
servlet-api-3.0.jar is what's known as a provided dependency.
It is not needed to be included in your war file, as the web app container (in this case Jetty) provides it for you. In your build tool, just exclude the servlet-api.jar from being bundled in your war file.
Note: jetty-server-9.0.0.M5.jar is also a provided dependency and has the same rules.