Convert function template to function overload set - c++

Assuming this is my library. And it is a very huge library:
template<class usertype> void function_name(usertype aaa)
This is my main
int main()
int x=3;
double y=3.5;
return 0;
I do not know what is going inside the library. What I want is to convert the library to adapt my code. In fact, reducing the template into real code.
I need the library code above be converted into:
void function_name(int aaa)
void function_name(double aaa)
So I can manipulate the library according to my needs instead of manipulating the general code that works for everybody. How can this conversion from template to real code be done (without manual effort, but in automatic way)?
I want to convert the whole file library.hpp into library_2.hpp which contains no template. Instead with two real implemented functions. This is what happens in the middle of the compilation.
I am not looking for reducing the compilation time. I am dealing with a huge library made of 196 files. Among those many functions in the library, I will need a few of them related to my work. I intend to hack and extend this library. Extending the whole library has huge effort cost for me. I just want to extend only what I need. So, it is very important for me to reduce the code and simplify it and remove all templates replacing them with explicit code.
I am not good at C++ and it compiler errors. So, in such a huge library, I prefer to use automatic methods rather than involving manual code manipulation. I am also not good at understanding this library. To understand the library, better to convert its complicated functions into explicit implemented code related to what I really need. Then I can understand someones else code better. I will remove the functions not related to my needs. I also do not care about updates coming to the library. Once I establish new library, its maintenance is my duty. And the new library would be much smaller and easier for maintenance. Comments show that some people looking at my aim from different view. I hope this explanation is clear.
In case of curiosity, the library I am going to manipulate is odeint related to mathematical computations with rarely change or bug inside.

I'm not entirely sure what you want to achieve but from reading the comments, I think that your major concern is that you are trying to reduce compile times and get less template-related error messages. You are not trying to specialize library functions for your own types.
If you only instantiate the templated functions from the library with a handful of types, there is a simple recipe to get templates out of your picture. But it will force you to write two lines of code for each combination of templated function and type you want to use it with.
Create your own header file library_wrapper.hpp. There, you declare non-template versions of the functions you want to use.
#include <vector> // just an example
namespace library_wrapper
another_function(const std::vector<double>&, bool);
And then “implement” them once and for all using your so-little-loved template library.
#include "library_wrapper.hpp"
#include <library.hpp> // the template library
namespace library_wrapper
function_name(const int arg1)
return library::function_name(arg1);
function_name(const double arg1)
return library::function_name(arg1);
another_function(const std::vector<double>& arg1, const bool arg2)
return library::function(arg1, arg2);
You compile library_wrapper.cpp once, fight the templates, and then continue using only your wrapper which provides the non-templated functions.
Be aware that this approach jeopardizes one of the major reasons templates can be so fast: inlining. Your wrapper functions cannot be inlined at compile-time because you are hiding their definitions from the compiler. This is on purpose and, on the other hand, buys you shorter compile times. Link-time inlining might give you some inlining back but you shouldn't take it as granted.
Note that this solution does not work quite as well with types (as opposed to functions). You could try writing some pimpl-wrappers but I don't recommend this. Maybe the best thing would be to become friends with your template library…
Update addressing your updated question
I am dealing with a huge library made of 196 files. Among those many functions in the library, I will need a few of them related to my work.
In case of curiosity, the library I am going to manipulate is odeint related to mathematical computations with rarely change or bug inside.
This seems like the above approach could indeed help.
Extending the whole library has huge effort cost for me. I just want to extend only what I need. So, it is very important for me to reduce the code and simplify it and remove all templates replacing them with explicit code.
I don't think that this is a good approach. Instead, use the library as a black box and build your own on top of it. Concentrate your developer effort on the new features and benefit from updates for the underlying library.
I assume that the library in question is free software (otherwise, what you want to do would be illegal anyway) and free software project should support each other. If you are building an awesome library Y on top of library X, both
projects, X and Y, can benefit. On the other hand, if you rip out only a part of that other library and add other functionality, your two rivalling projects might both end up as something incomplete and incompatible which is frustrating for both, you and your users.
To understand the library, better to convert its complicated functions into explicit implemented code related to what I really need. Then I can understand someones else code better.
I don't think that you can reasonably expect that some machine-generated code will be more readable than the original human-written code of the library. After all, human coders are taught to write code for humans but compilers are optimized for other aspects.
I am not good at C++ and it compiler errors. […] I am also not good at understanding this library.
I intend to hack and extend this library.
I also do not care about updates coming to the library. Once I establish new library, its maintenance is my duty.
I don't want to seem rude but … do you see the problem?

by specialization
void function_name(int aaa)
void function_name(double aaa)
sample code
#include <iostream>
template<class usertype>
void function_name(usertype aaa)
std::cout << "default\n";
void function_name(int aaa)
std::cout << "int value = " << aaa << '\n';
void function_name(double aaa)
std::cout << "double value = " << aaa << '\n';
int main()
int x = 3;
double y = 3.5;
struct Z{} z;
return 0;


How to make functions with conditional implementations for different platforms. without linking the other implementation [duplicate]

I'm having a bit of a go at developing a platform abstraction library for an application I'm writing, and struggling to come up with a neat way of separating my platform independent code from the platform specific code.
As I see it there are two basic approaches possible: platform independent classes with platform specific delegates, or platform independent classes with platform specific derived classes. Are there any inherent advantages/disadvantages to either approach? And in either case, what's the best mechanism to set up the delegation/inheritance relationship such that the process is transparent to a user of the platform independent classes?
I'd be grateful for any suggestions as to a neat architecture to employ, or even just some examples of what people have done in the past and the pros/cons of the given approach.
EDIT: in response to those suggesting Qt and similar, yes I'm purposely looking to "reinvent the wheel" as I'm not just concerned with developing the app, I'm also interested in the intellectual challenge of rolling my own platform abstraction library. Thanks for the suggestion though!
I'm using platform neutral header files, keeping any platform specific code in the source files (using the PIMPL idiom where neccessary). Each platform neutral header has one platform specific source file per platform, with extensions such as *.win32.cpp, *.posix.cpp. The platform specific ones are only compiled on the relevent platforms.
I also use boost libraries (filesystem, threads) to reduce the amount of platform specific code I have to maintain.
It's platform independent classes declarations with platform specific definitions.
Pros: Works fairly well, doesn't rely on the preprocessor - no #ifdef MyPlatform, keeps platform specific code readily identifiable, allows compiler specific features to be used in platform specific source files, doesn't pollute the global namespace by #including platform headers.
Cons: It's difficult to use inheritance with pimpled classes, sometimes the PIMPL structs need their own headers so they can be referenced from other platform specific source files.
Another way is to have platform independent conventions, but substitute platform specific source code at compile time.
That is to say that if you imagine a component, Foo, that has to be platform specific (like sockets or GUI elements), but has these public members:
class Foo {
void write(const char* str);
void close();
Every module that has to use a Foo, obviously has #include "Foo.h", but in a platform specific make file you might have -IWin32, which means that the compiler looks in .\Win32 and finds a Windows specific Foo.h which contains the class, with the same interface, but maybe Windows specific private members etc.
So there is never any file which contains Foo as written above, but only sets of platform specific files which are only used when selected by a platform specific make file.
Have a look at ACE. It has a pretty good abstraction using templates and inheritance.
I might go for a policy-type thing:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails : private Platform {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") + getName();
// For any serious compatibility functions, these would
// of course have to be in different headers, and the implementations
// would call some platform-specific functions to get precise
// version numbers. Using PImpl would be a smart idea for these
// classes if they need any platform-specific members, since as
// Joe Gauterin says, you want to avoid your application code indirectly
// including POSIX or Windows system headers, containing useless definitions.
struct Windows {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef PlatDetails<Windows> PlatformDetails;
typedef PlatDetails<Linux> PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
There's not a whole lot to choose though between doing this, and doing regular simulated dynamic binding with CRTP, so that the generic thing is the base and the specific thing the derived class:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
struct Windows : PlatDetails<Windows> {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux : PlatDetails<Linux> {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef Windows PlatformDetails;
typedef Linux PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
Basically in the latter version, getName must be public (although I think you can use friend) and so must be the inheritance, whereas in the former, the inheritance can be private and/or the interface functions can be protected, if desired. So the adaptor can be a firewall between the interface the platform has to implement, and the interface your application code uses. Furthermore you can have multiple policies in the former (i.e. multiple platform-dependent facets used by the same platform-independent class), but not for the latter.
The advantage of either of them over versions with delegates or non-template-using inheritance, is that you don't need any virtual functions. Arguably this isn't a whole lot of advantage, considering how scary both policy-based design and CRTP are at first contact.
In practice, though, I agree with quamrana that normally you can just have different implementations of the same thing on different platforms:
// Or just set the include path with -I or whatever
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows/platform.h"
#include "linux/platform.h"
struct PlatformDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
// windows/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Windows"; }
// linux/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Linux"; }
If you like to use a full-blown c++ framework available for many platforms and permissive copylefted, use Qt.
So... you don't want to simply use Qt? For real work using C++, I'd very highly recommend it. It's an absolutely excellent cross-platform toolkit. I just wrote a few plugins to get it working on the Kindle, and now the Palm Pre. Qt makes everything easy and fun. Downright rejuvenating, even. Well, until your first encounter with QModelIndex, but they've supposedly realized they over-engineered it and they're replacing it ;)
As an academic exercise though, this is an interesting problem. As a wheel re-inventor myself, I've even done it a few times now. :)
Short answer: I'd go with PIMPL. (Qt sources have examples a-plenty)
I've used base classes and platform specific derived classes in the past, but it usually ends up a bit messier than I had in mind. I've also done part of an implementation using some degree of function pointers for platform specific bits, and I was even less happy with that.
Both times I ended up with a very strong feeling that I was over-architecting and had lost my way.
I found using private implementation classes (PIMPL) with different platforms specific bits in different files easiest to write AND debug. However... don't be too afraid of an #ifdef or two, if it's just a few lines and very clear what's going on. I hate cluttered or nested #ifdef logic, but one or two here and there can really help avoid code duplication.
With PIMPL, you're not constantly refactoring your design as you discover new bits that require different implementations between platforms. That way be dragons.
At the implementation level, hidden from the application... there's nothing wrong with a few platform specific derived classes either. If two platform implementations are fairly well defined and share almost no data members, they'd be a good candidate for that. Just do it after realizing that, not before out of some idea that everything needs to fit your selected pattern.
If anything, the biggest gripe I have about coding today is how easily people seem to get lost in idealism. PIMPL is a pattern, having platform specific derived classes is another pattern. Using function pointers is a pattern. There's nothing that says they're mutually exclusive.
However, as a general guideline... start with PIMPL.
There're also the big boys, such as Qt4 (complete framework + GUI),GTK+ (gui-only afaik), and Boost (framework only, no GUI), all 3 support most platforms, GTK+ is C, Qt4/Boost are C++ and for the most part template based.
You might also want to take a look at poco:
The POCO C++ Libraries (POCO stands for POrtable COmponents) are open source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. The libraries integrate perfectly with the C++ Standard Library and fill many of the functional gaps left open by it. Their modular and efficient design and implementation makes the POCO C++ Libraries extremely well suited for embedded development, an area where the C++ programming language is becoming increasingly popular, due to its suitability for both low-level (device I/O, interrupt handlers, etc.) and high-level object-oriented development. Of course, the POCO C++ Libraries are also ready for enterprise-level challenges.

C++ Calling different functions by string name

I am relatively new to C++ - I leanerd it some 6+ years ago, but have never really used it until some months ago.
What is the scenario:
Considerably large system with a lot of modules.
Desired Output:
Modules (namely X) "expose" certain functions to be called over network and have the result sent back to the caller (namely Y)
The caller Y doesn´t know any info about X, despite what was exposed by the library (function name and parameters).
The calling of function in X from the library will have to happen through a string received from Y - or a set of strings, as there will be parameters as well.
Ideally what I want to have is something as generic as possible with variable return/paramaters types, or some kind of type-erasure - owing to the fact that I don´t know which functions each module will want to expose. I reckon its quite utopic to get something like that running in C++. But hopefully with pre-determined possible return/parameter types, it is feasible. The communication is not a problem for now, what matters is what should be done in the module side.
Would it be possible to accomplish such thing using C++ and Boost ? I would be really greateful if someone could give me some guidelines - literature/tutorials/(pseudo)code examples and so on and so forth. I am ofc not expecting a full solution here.
Possible solution:
I am a little bit lost as to which "functionalities" of the languages I can/should use - mainly due to my restrictions in the project.
I thought about using Variadic Templates and found the question below, which really helps, the only problem is that Variadic Templates are not supported in VS2010.
Generic functor for functions with any argument list
After some extensive research in the Web, the closest answer I got was this:
map of pointers to functions of different return types and signatures
The scenario is pretty much the same. The difference, however, seems to me that the OP already knows beforehand the return/parameters the functions he will be using. Due to my low reputation (I just joined) I unfortunately cannot ask/comment anything there.
TBH I didn´t get that well how to accomplish what the selected answer explains.
Using maps is a way, but I would have to store objects which contains function pointers (as also answered in the question), but as it is possible to see in the provided code by the user, it does have some hard-coded stuff which I wasn´t desiring to have.
Further clarifications:
Yes, I am restricted to use C++ AND VS2010 SP1.
No, despite Boost, I cannot use any other 3rd library - it would be great to be able to use some Reflection libraries such as CPGF (even though I am not 100% sure if thats what I really need)
Minor Edit:
- Scripting language bindings (such as LUA) are indeed a way to go, yet I didn´t want to include it in the project.
I hope someone can shed light on this problem!
Thanking in advance for any input!
Looks like you're needed a little reflection module. For example we have a struct of method info such as:
struct argument_info {
std::string name;
std::string type;
std::string value;
struct method_info {
std::string method_name;
std::string return_type;
std::list<argument_info> arguments;
then compile a dll with all exported functions
extern"C" __declspec(dllexport) void f1(int a, int b){/*...*/}
extern"C" __declspec(dllexport) int f1(std::string a, int b, char* c){ return x; }
in the interpreter's code:
void call_function(method_info mi, argument_info& t_return)
/* let g_mi be a map, where key is a std::string name of the method and the
value is method_info struct */
throw MethodNotFindException
if(g_mi[mi.method_name].arguments.size() != mi.arguments.size())
throw InvalidArgumentsCountException;
for(int i = 0; i < g_mi[mi.method_name].arguments.size(); i++)
if(g_mi[mi.method_name].arguments[i].type != mi.arguments[i].type)
throw InvalidArgumentException;
t_return = module->call(mi.arguments);
I hope it may help you.

replacing all function calls with their definition in a C/C++ code

I wonder if there is some theory/tool available to replace a piece of code that contains function calls, into code where all function call has been replaced by their respective code.
int i;
int j;
int i;
int j;
I know there is a lot to take care of, like local variable names, recursive calls, external function calls etc etc. .. ..
I also know that it may not be at all useful, but still does something like this exist? even in theory?
should I call it advance per-processor unit :)
The compiler can usually tell when it's a good idea to do this, and already automatically does inlining whenever needed. You can also suggest that a function should be inlined using the inline keyword before a function (note that it still doesn't actually force it, and the compiler might decide to avoid the inlining).It's generally not such a good idea to do this manually, as modern compilers tend to figure out the best possible inlinings on their own. This article explains inline functions really well, I found it very helpful
Edit 1:
There are several reasons why one might want to do that inlining you speak of. If you feel like your code is divided into many different functions reducing its clarity and making it overly verbose, you could try a refactoring tool, such as the one provided by the VAssist X Visual Studio plugin. Though this plugin doesn't really do what you suggest (I can't think of a tool that does), it can help move functions/ methods around with ease, allowing you to clean up your code.

Do repetitive calls to member functions hurt?

I have programmed in both Java and C, and now I am trying to get my hands dirty with C++.
Given this code:
class Booth {
private :
int tickets_sold;
public :
int get_tickets_sold();
void set_tickets_sold();
In Java, wherever I needed the value of tickets_sold, I would call the getter repeatedly.
For example:
if (obj.get_tickets_sold() > 50 && obj.get_tickets_sold() < 75){
//do something
In C I would just get the value of the particular variable in the structure:
if( obj_t->tickets_sold > 50 && obj_t->tickets_sold < 75){
//do something
So while using structures in C, I save on the two calls that I would otherwise make in Java, the two getters that is, I am not even sure if those are actual calls or Java somehow inlines those calls.
My point is if I use the same technique that I used in Java in C++ as well, will those two calls to getter member functions cost me, or will the compiler somehow know to inline the code? (thus reducing the overhead of function call altogether?)
Alternatively, am I better off using:
int num_tickets = 0;
if ( (num_tickets = obj.get_ticket_sold()) > 50 && num_tickets < 75){
//do something
I want to write tight code and avoid unnecessary function calls, I would care about this in Java, because, well, we all know why. But, I want my code to be readable and to use the private and public keywords to correctly reflect what is to be done.
Unless your program is too slow, it doesn't really matter. In 99.9999% of code, the overhead of a function call is insignificant. Write the clearest, easiest to maintain, easiest to understand code that you can and only start tweaking for performance after you know where your performance hot spots are, if you have any at all.
That said, modern C++ compilers (and some linkers) can and will inline functions, especially simple functions like this one.
If you're just learning the language, you really shouldn't worry about this. Consider it fast enough until proven otherwise. That said, there are a lot of misleading or incomplete answers here, so for the record I'll flesh out a few of the subtler implications. Consider your class:
class Booth
int get_tickets_sold();
void set_tickets_sold();
int tickets_sold;
The implementation (known as a definition) of the get and set functions is not yet specified. If you'd specified function bodies inside the class declaration then the compiler would consider you to have implicitly requested they be inlined (but may ignore that if they're excessively large). If you specify them later using the inline keyword, that has exactly the safe effect. Summarily...
class Booth
int get_tickets_sold() { return tickets_sold; }
class Booth
int get_tickets_sold();
inline int Booth::get_tickets_sold() { return tickets_sold; }
...are equivalent (at least in terms of what the Standard encourages us to expect, but individual compiler heuristics may vary - inlining is a request that the compiler's free to ignore).
If the function bodies are specified later without the inline keyword, then the compiler is under no obligation to inline them, but may still choose to do so. It's much more likely to do so if they appear in the same translation unit (i.e. in the .cc/.cpp/.c++/etc. "implementation" file you're compiling or some header directly or indirectly included by it). If the implementation is only available at link time then the functions may not be inlined at all, but it depends on the way your particular compiler and linker interact and cooperate. It is not simply a matter of enabling optimisation and expecting magic. To prove this, consider the following code:
// inline.h:
void f();
#include <cstdio>
void f() { printf("f()\n"); }
#include "inline.h"
int main() { f(); }
Building this:
g++ -O4 -c
g++ -O4 -o inline_app inline.o
Investigating the inlining:
$ gdb inline_app
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483f3
(gdb) break f
Breakpoint 2 at 0x8048416
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/delroton/dev/inline_app
Breakpoint 1, 0x080483f3 in main ()
(gdb) next
Single stepping until exit from function main,
which has no line number information.
Breakpoint 2, 0x08048416 in f ()
(gdb) step
Single stepping until exit from function _Z1fv,
which has no line number information.
0x080483fb in main ()
Notice the execution went from 0x080483f3 in main() to 0x08048416 in f() then back to 0x080483fb in main()... clearly not inlined. This illustrates that inlining can't be expected just because a function's implementation is trivial.
Notice that this example is with static linking of object files. Clearly, if you use library files you may actually want to avoid inlining of the functions specifically so that you can update the library without having to recompile the client code. It's even more useful for shared libraries where the linking is done implicitly at load time anyway.
Very often, classes providing trivial functions use the two forms of expected-inlined function definitions (i.e. inside class or with inline keyword) if those functions can be expected to be called inside any performance-critical loops, but the countering consideration is that by inlining a function you force client code to be recompiled (relatively slow, possibly no automated trigger) and relinked (fast, for shared libraries happens on next execution), rather than just relinked, in order to pick up changes to the function implementation.
These kind of considerations are annoying, but deliberate management of these tradeoffs is what allows enterprise use of C and C++ to scale to tens and hundreds of millions of lines and thousands of individual projects, all sharing various libraries over decades.
One other small detail: as a ballpark figure, an out-of-line get/set function is typically about an order of magnitude (10x) slower than the equivalent inlined code. That will obviously vary with CPU, compiler, optimisation level, variable type, cache hits/misses etc..
No, repetitive calls to member functions will not hurt.
If it's just a getter function, it will almost certainly be inlined by the C++ compiler (at least with release/optimized builds) and the Java Virtual Machine may "figure out" that a certain function is being called frequently and optimize for that. So there's pretty much no performance penalty for using functions in general.
You should always code for readability first. Of course, that's not to say that you should completely ignore performance outright, but if performance is unacceptable then you can always profile your code and see where the slowest parts are.
Also, by restricting access to the tickets_sold variable behind getter functions, you can pretty much guarantee that the only code that can modify the tickets_sold variable to member functions of Booth. This allows you to enforce invariants in program behavior.
For example, tickets_sold is obviously not going to be a negative value. That is an invariant of the structure. You can enforce that invariant by making tickets_sold private and making sure your member functions do not violate that invariant. The Booth class makes tickets_sold available as a "read-only data member" via a getter function to everyone else and still preserves the invariant.
Making it a public variable means that anybody can go and trample over the data in tickets_sold, which basically completely destroys your ability to enforce any invariants on tickets_sold. Which makes it possible for someone to write a negative number into tickets_sold, which is of course nonsensical.
The compiler is very likely to inline function calls like this.
class Booth {
int get_tickets_sold() const { return tickets_sold; }
int tickets_sold;
Your compiler should inline get_tickets_sold, I would be very surprised if it didn't. If not, you either need to use a new compiler or turn on optimizations.
Any compiler worth its salt will easily optimize the getters into direct member access. The only times that won't happen are when you have optimization explicitly disabled (e.g. for a debug build) or if you're using a brain-dead compiler (in which case, you should seriously consider ditching it for a real compiler).
The compiler will very likely do the work for you, but in general, for things like this I would approach it more from the C perspective rather than the Java perspective unless you want to make the member access a const reference. However, when dealing with integers, there's usually little value in using a const reference over a copy (at least in 32 bit environments since both are 4 bytes), so your example isn't really a good one here... Perhaps this may illustrate why you would use a getter/setter in C++:
class StringHolder
const std::string& get_string() { return my_string; }
void set_string(const std::string& val) { if(!val.empty()) { my_string = val; } }
std::string my_string;
That prevents modification except through the setter which would then allow you to perform extra logic. However, in a simple class such as this, the value of this model is nil, you've just made the coder who is calling it type more and haven't really added any value. For such a class, I wouldn't have a getter/setter model.

Cross platform C++ code architecture

I'm having a bit of a go at developing a platform abstraction library for an application I'm writing, and struggling to come up with a neat way of separating my platform independent code from the platform specific code.
As I see it there are two basic approaches possible: platform independent classes with platform specific delegates, or platform independent classes with platform specific derived classes. Are there any inherent advantages/disadvantages to either approach? And in either case, what's the best mechanism to set up the delegation/inheritance relationship such that the process is transparent to a user of the platform independent classes?
I'd be grateful for any suggestions as to a neat architecture to employ, or even just some examples of what people have done in the past and the pros/cons of the given approach.
EDIT: in response to those suggesting Qt and similar, yes I'm purposely looking to "reinvent the wheel" as I'm not just concerned with developing the app, I'm also interested in the intellectual challenge of rolling my own platform abstraction library. Thanks for the suggestion though!
I'm using platform neutral header files, keeping any platform specific code in the source files (using the PIMPL idiom where neccessary). Each platform neutral header has one platform specific source file per platform, with extensions such as *.win32.cpp, *.posix.cpp. The platform specific ones are only compiled on the relevent platforms.
I also use boost libraries (filesystem, threads) to reduce the amount of platform specific code I have to maintain.
It's platform independent classes declarations with platform specific definitions.
Pros: Works fairly well, doesn't rely on the preprocessor - no #ifdef MyPlatform, keeps platform specific code readily identifiable, allows compiler specific features to be used in platform specific source files, doesn't pollute the global namespace by #including platform headers.
Cons: It's difficult to use inheritance with pimpled classes, sometimes the PIMPL structs need their own headers so they can be referenced from other platform specific source files.
Another way is to have platform independent conventions, but substitute platform specific source code at compile time.
That is to say that if you imagine a component, Foo, that has to be platform specific (like sockets or GUI elements), but has these public members:
class Foo {
void write(const char* str);
void close();
Every module that has to use a Foo, obviously has #include "Foo.h", but in a platform specific make file you might have -IWin32, which means that the compiler looks in .\Win32 and finds a Windows specific Foo.h which contains the class, with the same interface, but maybe Windows specific private members etc.
So there is never any file which contains Foo as written above, but only sets of platform specific files which are only used when selected by a platform specific make file.
Have a look at ACE. It has a pretty good abstraction using templates and inheritance.
I might go for a policy-type thing:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails : private Platform {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") + getName();
// For any serious compatibility functions, these would
// of course have to be in different headers, and the implementations
// would call some platform-specific functions to get precise
// version numbers. Using PImpl would be a smart idea for these
// classes if they need any platform-specific members, since as
// Joe Gauterin says, you want to avoid your application code indirectly
// including POSIX or Windows system headers, containing useless definitions.
struct Windows {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef PlatDetails<Windows> PlatformDetails;
typedef PlatDetails<Linux> PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
There's not a whole lot to choose though between doing this, and doing regular simulated dynamic binding with CRTP, so that the generic thing is the base and the specific thing the derived class:
template<typename Platform>
struct PlatDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
struct Windows : PlatDetails<Windows> {
std::string getName() const { return "Windows"; }
struct Linux : PlatDetails<Linux> {
std::string getName() const { return "Linux"; }
#ifdef WIN32
typedef Windows PlatformDetails;
typedef Linux PlatformDetails;
int main() {
std::cout << PlatformDetails().getName() << "\n";
Basically in the latter version, getName must be public (although I think you can use friend) and so must be the inheritance, whereas in the former, the inheritance can be private and/or the interface functions can be protected, if desired. So the adaptor can be a firewall between the interface the platform has to implement, and the interface your application code uses. Furthermore you can have multiple policies in the former (i.e. multiple platform-dependent facets used by the same platform-independent class), but not for the latter.
The advantage of either of them over versions with delegates or non-template-using inheritance, is that you don't need any virtual functions. Arguably this isn't a whole lot of advantage, considering how scary both policy-based design and CRTP are at first contact.
In practice, though, I agree with quamrana that normally you can just have different implementations of the same thing on different platforms:
// Or just set the include path with -I or whatever
#ifdef WIN32
#include "windows/platform.h"
#include "linux/platform.h"
struct PlatformDetails {
std::string getDetails() const {
return std::string("MyAbstraction v1.0; ") +
// windows/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Windows"; }
// linux/platform.h
namespace porting {
std::string getName() { return "Linux"; }
If you like to use a full-blown c++ framework available for many platforms and permissive copylefted, use Qt.
So... you don't want to simply use Qt? For real work using C++, I'd very highly recommend it. It's an absolutely excellent cross-platform toolkit. I just wrote a few plugins to get it working on the Kindle, and now the Palm Pre. Qt makes everything easy and fun. Downright rejuvenating, even. Well, until your first encounter with QModelIndex, but they've supposedly realized they over-engineered it and they're replacing it ;)
As an academic exercise though, this is an interesting problem. As a wheel re-inventor myself, I've even done it a few times now. :)
Short answer: I'd go with PIMPL. (Qt sources have examples a-plenty)
I've used base classes and platform specific derived classes in the past, but it usually ends up a bit messier than I had in mind. I've also done part of an implementation using some degree of function pointers for platform specific bits, and I was even less happy with that.
Both times I ended up with a very strong feeling that I was over-architecting and had lost my way.
I found using private implementation classes (PIMPL) with different platforms specific bits in different files easiest to write AND debug. However... don't be too afraid of an #ifdef or two, if it's just a few lines and very clear what's going on. I hate cluttered or nested #ifdef logic, but one or two here and there can really help avoid code duplication.
With PIMPL, you're not constantly refactoring your design as you discover new bits that require different implementations between platforms. That way be dragons.
At the implementation level, hidden from the application... there's nothing wrong with a few platform specific derived classes either. If two platform implementations are fairly well defined and share almost no data members, they'd be a good candidate for that. Just do it after realizing that, not before out of some idea that everything needs to fit your selected pattern.
If anything, the biggest gripe I have about coding today is how easily people seem to get lost in idealism. PIMPL is a pattern, having platform specific derived classes is another pattern. Using function pointers is a pattern. There's nothing that says they're mutually exclusive.
However, as a general guideline... start with PIMPL.
There're also the big boys, such as Qt4 (complete framework + GUI),GTK+ (gui-only afaik), and Boost (framework only, no GUI), all 3 support most platforms, GTK+ is C, Qt4/Boost are C++ and for the most part template based.
You might also want to take a look at poco:
The POCO C++ Libraries (POCO stands for POrtable COmponents) are open source C++ class libraries that simplify and accelerate the development of network-centric, portable applications in C++. The libraries integrate perfectly with the C++ Standard Library and fill many of the functional gaps left open by it. Their modular and efficient design and implementation makes the POCO C++ Libraries extremely well suited for embedded development, an area where the C++ programming language is becoming increasingly popular, due to its suitability for both low-level (device I/O, interrupt handlers, etc.) and high-level object-oriented development. Of course, the POCO C++ Libraries are also ready for enterprise-level challenges.