My Input is:
W[10] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 36, 63}
X[10] = {0};
M = 79;
I called the function by:
findSolution(0,0,177); <br>
Note: 177 is sum of all the elements inside W array.
void findSolution(int s, int k, int r) {
cout << "fn(" << s << " , " << k << ", " << r << " )" << endl;
X[k] = 1;
if (s + W[k] == M){
else if (s + W[k] + W[k + 1] <= M) {
return findSolution(s + W[k], k + 1, r - W[k]);
if ((s + r - W[k] >= M) && (s + W[k + 1]) <= M){
X[k] = 0;
return findSolution(s, k + 1, r - W[k]);
fn(0 , 0, 177 )
fn(1 , 1, 176 )
fn(4 , 2, 173 )
fn(9 , 3, 168 )
fn(16 , 4, 161 )
fn(25 , 5, 152 )
fn(37 , 6, 140 )
fn(56 , 7, 121 )
The output given above is to track the function calls. The output ends here and doesn't go forward. What is wrong with my code. I am trying to print a subset which gives a desired sum = 79. The recursive call doesn't return back.
The problem with your solution is that it uses a greedy strategy (i.e. it does not "backtrack" after finding a suitable candidate).
Your algorithm checks for three conditions:
You found a solution,
A solution is possible if you add k-th element to the subset, or
A solution is possible if you replace k-1-st element with k-th.
This strategy does not exhaust all possibilities: for instance, it may not be possible to replace k-th element with k+1-st, but it may be possible to replace several elements ahead of k-th with k+1-st and obtain a solution. Your strategy is greedy, because when it discovers that an element could be added to a set (i.e. s + W[k] + W[k + 1] <= M) it takes that path, and never looks back (i.e. returns from that branch).
You can fix this by restructuring your code as follows:
Make your function return true when a solution is found, and false otherwise.
Keep your base case if (s + W[k] == M), and add a return true when a solution is found.
Check if it is possible to add k-th element to the set. If it is possible, add it, and try for the partial sum of s + W[k]
Check the return of the recursive invocation. If it is true, return true.
Otherwise, remove k-th element from the set, and make a second recursive invocation without the k-th element in the mix. Use the same partial sum of s.
Return the value of the last recursive invocation to the caller.
Now your algorithm is exhaustive, because for each element the algorithm tries to find a partial sum both when the element is part of the solution, and when the element is not part of the solution (i.e. O(2n) checks in all).
The recursive call is returning back; it is just doing so before you found a solution. This can happen if the last if is reached but fails. (Note that what looks like your base case, when you call printArr, does not necessarily stop the recursion.)
//code in c++ for return subset sum to k using recursion
int subsetSumToK(int input[], int n, int output[][50], int k) {
//as we are decreasing the value of k in int count1 recursive call, at a time value of k will be zero ,positive value and negative value also, so we will return only those subsets where the value of k is zero when the size of input array will become zero else we just return 0. In recursive calls we use two recursive calls, in first we are including the element, so as we including the element so now we have to find the value k - input[0](that included element) and store that element in o1 output array and in second recursive call as we are not including the element so just directily pass the call by input+1 and size-1 with o2 output array and the same value k.
if(n == 0){ //base case
output[0][0] = 0;
return 1;
return 0;
int o1[1000][50]; //to store the output individually of two recusive calls
int o2[1000][50];
int count1 = subsetSumToK(input+1,n-1,o1,k-input[0]); //recursive calls
int count2 = subsetSumToK(input+1,n-1,o2,k);
for(int i=0;i<count1;i++){ //small calulations
for(int j=1;j<=o1[i][0];j++){
output[i][j+1] = o1[i][j];
output[i][0] = o1[i][0] +1;
output[i][1] = input[0];
for(int i=0 ; i<count2 ; i++){
for(int j=0 ; j<=o2[i][0] ; j++){
output[i + count1][j] = o2[i][j];
return count1 + count2;
My function works for the first 4 elements, but returns -1 for 12 and 14..even though there in the array.
I've tried changing some of the if statements and using .compare but haven't had any luck.
Any ideas?
/** Searches the array anArray[first] through anArray[last]
for a given value by using a binary search.
#pre 0 <= first, last <= SIZE - 1, where SIZE is the
maximum size of the array, and anArray[first] <=
anArray[first + 1] <= ... <= anArray[last].
#post anArray is unchanged and either anArray[index] contains
the given value or index == -1.
#param anArray The array to search.
#param first The low index to start searching from.
#param last The high index to stop searching at.
#param target The search key.
#return Either index, such that anArray[index] == target, or -1.
int binarySearch(const string anArray[], int first, int last, string target)
int index;
if (first > last)
index = -1; // target not in original array
else {
// If target is in anArray,
// anArray[first] <= target <= anArray[last]
int mid = first + (last - first) / 2;
if (anArray[mid] == target)
index = mid; // target found at anArray[mid]
else if (anArray[mid] > target)
// Point X
index = binarySearch(anArray, first, mid - 1, target);
// Point Y
index = binarySearch(anArray, mid + 1, last, target);
} // end if
return index;
int main()
const string v[6] = {"1","5","6","9","12","14"};
int index;
string searchItem = "12";
cout << "Searching For: " << searchItem << endl;
index = binarySearch(v, 0, 6, searchItem);
cout << "Element found at index " << index << endl;
return 0;
Problem is the fact that for binary search to work your array has to be sorted with the same criteria you use with your binary search. Array you provided is not sorted. You sorted numbers, but you have strings and they compare differently - lexicographically. Which means that "12" comes before "5" and so on. So you either need to convert strings to numbers before you compare, use proper data type (probably int) or change order of elements in your array accordingly.
Note: your function "works" for the first four elements because for single digit numbers lexicographical and numerical compare is the same.
Note2: you also seem to pass wrong number as last, your doc clearly says "SIZE - 1", which is equal to 5. (your array has indexes from 0 to 5, not to 6)
Problem is that you can't compare full strings like you compare numbers (although you can do that with chars according to ascii value). You have two options, the first and simpler one is defining a function to compare strings, something like:
int compareStrings (string a, string b) { // -1: a>b, 0: a=b, 1: a<b
if (a.length() == b.length()) {
if (a == b) return 0;
else for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++)
if (a[i] < b[i]) return 1;
else if (a[i] > b[i]) return -1;
else return (a.length() < b.length()? 1 : -1);
and then when you need to retrieve what string is bigger you could do:
int compResult = compareStrings (anArray[mid], target);
switch (compResult) {
case -1:
index = binarySearch(anArray, first, mid - 1, target); break;
case 1:
index = binarySearch(anArray, mid + 1, last, target); break;
The other one is creating a custom "wrapper" class for the strings such that you can override a comparing operator within it, but is a little bit more complicated, and the body of the functions would be pretty much the same, so I would suggest the former solution. But if you want to see how you could accomplish the latter of the solutions, here's a source:
Hope it helps man
I am currently struggling with a homework problem for my Algorithms Class. A summary of the instruction:
The user enters an integer 'n' to determine the number of test cases.
The user individually enters another integer 'num' to determine the # of elements in each test case.
The user enters the elements of the individual array.
The algorithm has to process the array and determine whether it can be partitioned into two subsequences, each of which is in strictly increasing order. If the result is positive, the program prints "Yes", otherwise it prints "No".
I have 24 hours to complete this assignment but am struggling with the primary problem - I cannot properly process the user input. (come up with an algorithm to split the two subsequences)
update: I got to this solution. It passes 4/5 tests but fails the time constraint in the last test.
using namespace std;
bool run(){
int numbers;
int *arr;
cin >> numbers;
arr = new int[numbers];
for (int i = 0; i < numbers; i++)
cin >> arr[i];
long long int MAX = 0;
long long int MAX2 = 0;
string stra = "";
string strb = "";
string result = "";
string total = "";
long long int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers; i++){
if (arr[i] >= MAX && arr[i] != arr[i - 1]){
stra += to_string(arr[i]);
MAX = arr[i];
if (arr[i] >= MAX2 && MAX2 != MAX){
strb += to_string(arr[i]);
MAX2 = arr[i];
for (int i = 0; i < numbers; i++){
result = to_string(arr[i]);
total += result;
long long int len1 = stra.length();
long long int len2 = strb.length();
sum += len1 + len2;
delete[] arr;
if (sum != total.length())
return false;
return true;
int main()
int test;
cin >> test;
while (test > 0)
if (run())
cout << "Yes\n";
cout << "No\n";
Example input:
3 1 5 2 4
4 8 1 5 3
Example output:
Explanation: For the array 3 1 5 2 4, the two strictly increasing subsequences are: 3 5 and 1 2 4.
It seems that the existence of any equal or decreasing subsequence of at least three elements means the array cannot be partitioned into two subsequences, each with strictly increasing order, since once we've placed the first element in one part and the second element in the other part, we have no place to place the third.
This seems to indicate that finding the longest decreasing or equal subsequence is a sure solution. Since we only need one of length 3, we can record in O(n) for each element if it has a greater or equal element to the left. Then perform the reverse. If any element has both a greater or equal partner on the left and a smaller or equal partner on the right, the answer is "no."
We can visualise the O(n) time, O(1) space method by plotting along value and position:
A choosing list B here
A x would be wrong
value B z
^ B x
| x
| A
| x
| B
| x
- - - - - - - -> position
We notice that as soon as a second list is established (with the first decrease), any element higher than the absolute max so far must be assigned to the list that contains it, and any element lower than it can, in any case, only be placed in the second list if at all.
If we were to assign an element higher than the absolute max so far to the second list (that does not contain it), we could arbitrarily construct a false negative by making the next element lower than both the element we just inserted into the second list and the previous absolute max, but greater than the previous max of the second list (z in the diagram). If we had correctly inserted the element higher than the previous absolute max into that first list, we'd still have room to insert the new, arbitrary element into the second list.
(The JavaScript code below technically uses O(n) space in order to show the partition but notice that we only rely on the last element of each part.)
function f(A){
let partA = [A[0]];
let partB = [];
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++){
if (A[i] > partA[partA.length-1])
else if (partB.length && A[i] <= partB[partB.length-1])
return false;
return [partA, partB];
let str = '';
let examples = [
[30, 10, 50, 25, 26],
[3, 1, 5, 2, 4],
[4, 8, 1, 5, 3],
[3, 1, 1, 2, 4],
[3, 4, 5, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 1],
[4, 1, 2, 7, 3]
for (e of examples)
str += JSON.stringify(e) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(f(e)) + '\n\n';
I would go over the entire array once and check two maximal values. If the actual array value is smaller than both maxima, it is not possible, otherwise the proper maximum is increased.
The algorithm does not have to traverse the whole array, if the split condition is violated before.
Here is my code
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
bool isAddable(const int item, int &max1, int &max2) {
if (max2 > item) {
return false;
else {
if (max1 > item) {
max2 = item;
else {
max1 = item;
return true;
void setStartValue(int &max1, int &max2, const std::vector<int> &vec) {
max1 = *std::min_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 3);
max2 = *std::max_element(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + 3);
bool isDiviableIntoTwoIncreasingArrays(const std::vector<int> &vec) {
if (vec.size() < 3) {
return true;
int max1, max2;
setStartValue(max1, max2, vec);
for (int i = 2; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
if (max1 > max2) {
if (!isAddable(vec[i], max1, max2)) {
return false;
else {
if (!isAddable(vec[i], max2, max1)) {
return false;
return true;
int main() {
std::vector<int> userVec;
int tmp1;
while (std::cin >> tmp1) {
const std::vector<int> v1{3, 1, 5, 2, 4};
const std::vector<int> v2{4, 8, 1, 5, 3};
const std::vector<int> v3{3, 4, 1};
for (const std::vector<int> &vec : {userVec, v1, v2, v3}) {
if (isDiviableIntoTwoIncreasingArrays(vec)) {
std::cout << "Yes\n";
else {
std::cout << "No\n";
I think you could resort to using a brute force solution. Notice here I use vectors(I think you should as well) to store the data and I use recursion to exhaust out all possible combinations. Keep the problem in mind, solve it and then focus on trivial tasks like parsing the input and matching the way your coursework expects you to enter data. I have added inline comments to make this understandable.
bool canPartition(vector<int>& nums) {
if(nums.empty()) return false;
vector<int> part1 = {}, part2 = {}; // two partitions
auto ans = canPart(nums, part1, part2, 0); // pass this to our recursive function
return ans;
bool canPart(vector<int>& nums, vector<int>& part1, vector<int>& part2, int i)
if(i >= nums.size()) // we are at the end of the array is this a solution?
if(!part1.empty() && !part2.empty()) // only if the partitions are not empty
//if you want you could print part1 and part2 here
//to see what the partition looks like
return true;
return false;
bool resp1empty = false, resp2empty = false, resp1 = false, resp2 = false;
if(part1.empty()) // first partition is empty? lets add something
resp1empty = canPart(nums, part1, part2, i + 1);
part1.pop_back(); // well we need to remove this element and try another one
else if(nums[i] > part1.back()) // first partition is not empty lets check if the sequence is increasing
resp1 = canPart(nums, part1, part2, i + 1);
if(part2.empty()) // is partition two empty? lets add something
resp2empty = canPart(nums, part1, part2, i + 1);
else if(nums[i] > part2.back()) // check if sequence is increasing
resp2 = canPart(nums, part1, part2, i + 1);
//if any of the recursive paths returns a true we have an answer
return resp1empty || resp2empty || resp1 || resp2;
You can now try this out with a main function:
vector<int> v = {3,1,5,2,4};
cout << canPartition(v);
The key take away is make a small test case, add a few more non trivial test cases, solve the problem and then look into parsing inputs for other test cases
I think this comes down to whether you have an option for a number to appear in the first list or second list or not.
So, we will keep adding numbers to list 1 and if we can't add any element, we will make it as the start of the new list.
Let's say, we have both the lists going. If we come across an element to whom we can't add to any of the lists, we return false.
There does arise a situation where we could add an element to any of the 2 lists. In this scenario, we adopt a greedy approach as to add to which list.
We prepare an array of minimum values from the right. For example, for [30,10,50,25,26], we will have an array of minimums as [10,25,25,26,(empty here since last)].
Now, let's trace how we could divide them into 2 lists properly.
30 => List A.
10 => List B. (since you can't add it first list, so make a new one from here)
50 => List A.
Here, 50 applies to come after either 30 or 10. If we choose 10, then we won't be able to accommodate the next 25 in either of the 2 lists and our program would fail here itself, since our lists would look like [30] and [10,50]. However, we could continue further if we add 50 to 30 by checking for the minimum stored for it in our minimums array, which is 25.
25 => List B.
26 => List B.
So, our final lists are [30,50] and [10,25,26].
Time complexity: O(n), Space complexity: O(n) and you can print the 2 lists as well.
If we come across a sorted array which is strictly increasing, we return true for them anyway.
I was trying to solve this problem.
An integer M and a non-empty zero-indexed array A consisting of N
non-negative integers are given. All integers in array A are less than
or equal to M.
A pair of integers (P, Q), such that 0 ≤ P ≤ Q < N, is called a slice
of array A. The slice consists of the elements A[P], A[P + 1], ...,
A[Q]. A distinct slice is a slice consisting of only unique numbers.
That is, no individual number occurs more than once in the slice.
For example, consider integer M = 6 and array A such that:
A[0] = 3
A[1] = 4
A[2] = 5
A[3] = 5
A[4] = 2
There are exactly nine distinct slices: (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1,
1), (1,2), (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4) and (4, 4).
The goal is to calculate the number of distinct slices.
Thanks in advance.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#define MAX 100002
// you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g.
// cout << "this is a debug message" << endl;
using namespace std;
bool check[MAX];
int solution(int M, vector<int> &A) {
memset(check, false, sizeof(check));
int base = 0;
int fibot = 0;
int sum = 0;
while(fibot < A.size()){
base = fibot;
check[A[fibot]] = true;
sum += fibot - base + 1;
fibot += 1;
return min(sum, 1000000000);
The solution is not correct because your algorithm is wrong.
First of all, let me show you a counter example. Let A = {2, 1, 2}. The first iteration: base = 0, fibot = 0, sum += 1. That's right. The second one: base = 0, fibot = 1, sum += 2. That's correct, too. The last step: fibot = 2, check[A[fibot]] is true, thus, base = 2. But it should be 1. So your code returns1 + 2 + 1 = 4 while the right answer 1 + 2 + 2 = 5.
The right way to do it could be like this: start with L = 0. For each R from 0 to n - 1, keep moving the L to the right until the subarray contais only distinct values (you can maintain the number of occurrences of each value in an array and use the fact that A[R] is the only element that can occur more than once).
There is one more issue with your code: the sum variable may overflow if int is 32-bit type on the testing platform (for instance, if all elements of A are distinct).
As for the question WHY your algorithm is incorrect, I have no idea why it should be correct in the first place. Can you prove it? The base = fibot assignment looks quite arbitrary to me.
I would like to share the explanation of the algorithm that I have implemented in C++ followed by the actual implementation.
Notice that the minimum amount of distinct slices is N because each element is a distinct one-item slice.
Start the back index from the first element.
Start the front index from the first element.
Advance the front until we find a duplicate in the sequence.
In each iteration, increment the counter with the necessary amount, this is the difference between front and back.
If we reach the maximum counts at any iteration, just return immediately for slight optimisation.
In each iteration of the sequence, record the elements that have occurred.
Once we have found a duplicate, advance the back index one ahead of the duplicate.
While we advance the back index, clear all the occurred elements since we start a new slice beyond those elements.
The runtime complexity of this solution is O(N) since we go through each
The space complexity of this solution is O(M) because we have a hash to store
the occurred elements in the sequences. The maximum element of this hash is M.
int solution(int M, vector<int> &A)
int N = A.size();
int distinct_slices = N;
vector<bool> seq_hash(M + 1, false);
for (int back = 0, front = 0; front < N; ++back) {
while (front < N and !seq_hash[A[front]]) { distinct_slices += front - back; if (distinct_slices > 1000000000) return 1000000000; seq_hash[A[front++]] = true; }
while (front < N and back < N and A[back] != A[front]) seq_hash[A[back++]] = false;
seq_hash[A[back]] = false;
return distinct_slices;
100% python solution that helped me, thanks to
def solution(M, A):
the_sum = 0
front = back = 0
seen = [False] * (M+1)
while (front < len(A) and back < len(A)):
while (front < len(A) and seen[A[front]] != True):
the_sum += (front-back+1)
seen[A[front]] = True
front += 1
while front < len(A) and back < len(A) and A[back] != A[front]:
seen[A[back]] = False
back += 1
seen[A[back]] = False
back += 1
return min(the_sum, 1000000000)
Solution with 100% using Ruby
LIMIT = 1_000_000_000
def solution(_m, a)
a.each_with_index.inject([0, {}]) do |(result, slice), (back, i)|
return LIMIT if result >= LIMIT
slice[back] = true
a[(i + slice.size)..-1].each do |front|
break if slice[front]
slice[front] = true
slice.delete back
[result + slice.size, slice]
end.first + a.size
Using Caterpillar algorithm and the formula that S(n+1) = S(n) + n + 1 where S(n) is count of slices for n-element array java solution could be:
public int solution(int top, int[] numbers) {
int len = numbers.length;
long count = 0;
if (len == 1) return 1;
int front = 0;
int[] counter = new int[top + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
while(front < len && counter[numbers[front]] == 0 ) {
count += front - i + 1;
counter[numbers[front++]] = 1;
while(front < len && numbers[i] != numbers[front] && i < front) {
counter[numbers[i++]] = 0;
counter[numbers[i]] = 0;
if (count > 1_000_000_000) {
return 1_000_000_000;
return count;
In the following algorithm for merge-sort, within the 3rd definition, first while loop there is:
a[k++] = (a[j] < b[i]) ? a[j++] : b[i++].
I understand that the RHS is a conditional statement stating that if the first operand is satisfied, then we should perform the second operand, and if it is not satisfied, we should perform the third operand.
What element does a[k++], a[j++] and b[i++] correspond to?
From my understanding, it should mean in each successive while loop, the element is incremented.
ie. beginning with the initialised values (i=1, j=m+1, k=1) for the first while loop, the next while loop will consist of (i=2, j=m+2, k=2), and so on.
Here is the entire algorithm:
# split in half
m = n / 2
# recursive sorts
sort a[1..m]
sort a[m+1..n]
# merge sorted sub-arrays using temp array
b = copy of a[1..m]
i = 1, j = m+1, k = 1
while i <= m and j <= n,
a[k++] = (a[j] < b[i]) ? a[j++] : b[i++]
→ invariant: a[1..k] in final position
while i <= m,
a[k++] = b[i++]
→ invariant: a[1..k] in final position
a[k] takes the kth element of the array a.
k++ increases the value of k, but returns the previous value.
Thus, a[k++] returns a[k] with the side-effect of increasing k after returning the value of a[k]. a[k++] = 4 is equivalent to:
a[k] = 4
k = k + 1
On the other hand, ++k would increase k before returning it, so a[++k] = 4 would be
k = k + 1
a[k] = 4
The increment and decrement operators work the same in array subscripts as they do in other locations. The postfix version increments the variable and returns its original value, and the prefix version increments the variable and returns its new value.
int i = 0;
do {
if (i++) { std::cout << "i > 0" << std::endl; }
} while (i < 10);
// Checks "i"'s original value.
// First check fails, because i was 0 before incrementing.
// Outputs line 9 times.
// -----
int i = 0;
do {
if (++i) { std::cout << "i > 0" << std::endl; }
} while (i < 10);
// Checks "i"'s incremented value.
// First check succeeds, because i is incremented before being read.
// Outputs line 10 times.
Similarly, if we have this:
int arr[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int i = 0;
do {
std::cout << arr[i++] << std::endl;
} while (i < 5);
The variable's original value will be used as the index, and the output will be:
However, if we have this:
int arr[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int i = 0;
do {
std::cout << arr[++i] << std::endl;
} while (i < 5);
The variable's incremented value is used as the index, and the output will be:
Considering this, we can take your example line, a[k++] = (a[j] < b[i]) ? a[j++] : b[i++], and read it as meaning this:
Assign value to a[k], then increment k.
Value is conditionally determined based on:
(a[j] < b[i])
If true, value is:
Read a[j], then increment j.
If false, value is:
Read b[i], then increment i.
It can be a useful time-saver if you know how to use it properly, but it can also make things harder to parse if used improperly.
I have a sorted std::vector<int> and I would like to find the longest 'streak of consecutive numbers' in this vector and then return both the length of it and the smallest number in the streak.
To visualize it for you :
suppose we have :
1 3 4 5 6 8 9
I would like it to return: maxStreakLength = 4 and streakBase = 3
There might be occasion where there will be 2 streaks and we have to choose which one is longer.
What is the best (fastest) way to do this ? I have tried to implement this but I have problems with coping with more than one streak in the vector. Should I use temporary vectors and then compare their lengths?
No you can do this in one pass through the vector and only storing the longest start point and length found so far. You also need much fewer than 'N' comparisons. *
hint: If you already have say a 4 long match ending at the 5th position (=6) and which position do you have to check next?
[*] left as exercise to the reader to work out what's the likely O( ) complexity ;-)
It would be interesting to see if the fact that the array is sorted can be exploited somehow to improve the algorithm. The first thing that comes to mind is this: if you know that all numbers in the input array are unique, then for a range of elements [i, j] in the array, you can immediately tell whether elements in that range are consecutive or not, without actually looking through the range. If this relation holds
array[j] - array[i] == j - i
then you can immediately say that elements in that range are consecutive. This criterion, obviously, uses the fact that the array is sorted and that the numbers don't repeat.
Now, we just need to develop an algorithm which will take advantage of that criterion. Here's one possible recursive approach:
Input of recursive step is the range of elements [i, j]. Initially it is [0, n-1] - the whole array.
Apply the above criterion to range [i, j]. If the range turns out to be consecutive, there's no need to subdivide it further. Send the range to output (see below for further details).
Otherwise (if the range is not consecutive), divide it into two equal parts [i, m] and [m+1, j].
Recursively invoke the algorithm on the lower part ([i, m]) and then on the upper part ([m+1, j]).
The above algorithm will perform binary partition of the array and recursive descent of the partition tree using the left-first approach. This means that this algorithm will find adjacent subranges with consecutive elements in left-to-right order. All you need to do is to join the adjacent subranges together. When you receive a subrange [i, j] that was "sent to output" at step 2, you have to concatenate it with previously received subranges, if they are indeed consecutive. Or you have to start a new range, if they are not consecutive. All the while you have keep track of the "longest consecutive range" found so far.
That's it.
The benefit of this algorithm is that it detects subranges of consecutive elements "early", without looking inside these subranges. Obviously, it's worst case performance (if ther are no consecutive subranges at all) is still O(n). In the best case, when the entire input array is consecutive, this algorithm will detect it instantly. (I'm still working on a meaningful O estimation for this algorithm.)
The usability of this algorithm is, again, undermined by the uniqueness requirement. I don't know whether it is something that is "given" in your case.
Anyway, here's a possible C++ implementation
typedef std::vector<int> vint;
typedef std::pair<vint::size_type, vint::size_type> range;
class longest_sequence
const range& operator ()(const vint &v)
current = max = range(0, 0);
process_subrange(v, 0, v.size() - 1);
return max;
range current, max;
void process_subrange(const vint &v, vint::size_type i, vint::size_type j);
void check_record();
void longest_sequence::process_subrange(const vint &v,
vint::size_type i, vint::size_type j)
assert(i <= j && v[i] <= v[j]);
assert(i == 0 || i == current.second + 1);
if (v[j] - v[i] == j - i)
{ // Consecutive subrange found
assert(v[current.second] <= v[i]);
if (i == 0 || v[i] == v[current.second] + 1)
// Append to the current range
current.second = j;
{ // Range finished
// Check against the record
// Start a new range
current = range(i, j);
{ // Subdivision and recursive calls
assert(i < j);
vint::size_type m = (i + j) / 2;
process_subrange(v, i, m);
process_subrange(v, m + 1, j);
void longest_sequence::check_record()
assert(current.second >= current.first);
if (current.second - current.first > max.second - max.first)
// We have a new record
max = current;
int main()
int a[] = { 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 };
std::vector<int> v(a, a + sizeof a / sizeof *a);
range r = longest_sequence()(v);
return 0;
I believe that this should do it?
size_t beginStreak = 0;
size_t streakLen = 1;
size_t longest = 0;
size_t longestStart = 0;
for (size_t i=1; i < len.size(); i++) {
if (vec[i] == vec[i-1] + 1) {
else {
if (streakLen > longest) {
longest = streakLen;
longestStart = beginStreak;
beginStreak = i;
streakLen = 1;
if (streakLen > longest) {
longest = streakLen;
longestStart = beginStreak;
You can't solve this problem in less than O(N) time. Imagine your list is the first N-1 even numbers, plus a single odd number (chosen from among the first N-1 odd numbers). Then there is a single streak of length 3 somewhere in the list, but worst case you need to scan the entire list to find it. Even on average you'll need to examine at least half of the list to find it.
Similar to Rodrigo's solutions but solving your example as well:
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#define len(x) sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])
using namespace std;
int nums[] = {1,3,4,5,6,8,9};
int streakBase = nums[0];
int maxStreakLength = 1;
void updateStreak(int currentStreakLength, int currentStreakBase) {
if (currentStreakLength > maxStreakLength) {
maxStreakLength = currentStreakLength;
streakBase = currentStreakBase;
int main(void) {
vector<int> v;
for(size_t i=0; i < len(nums); ++i)
int lastBase = v[0], currentStreakBase = v[0], currentStreakLength = 1;
for(size_t i=1; i < v.size(); ++i) {
if (v[i] == lastBase + 1) {
lastBase = v[i];
} else {
updateStreak(currentStreakLength, currentStreakBase);
currentStreakBase = v[i];
lastBase = v[i];
currentStreakLength = 1;
updateStreak(currentStreakLength, currentStreakBase);
printf("maxStreakLength = %d and streakBase = %d\n", maxStreakLength, streakBase);
return 0;